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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jun 1953, p. 2

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f. lore Lea will be ^ _ (er before the Mcn's club at its next oA Friday, June 12, at At the American Legion Mrs. Lea is a volunteer Joined the Travelers Aid K)0>ty staff about four years fcftft And since that time has V** extreme^ active la their ptogmm. A girl Scout court ofhonoi Will also be' conducted during the afternoon. ' -- ;--1 1 Jr«9r <Mvtoen or , . ;•* Cjit of A. Installed " ewly ejected officers . of the of A, were installed In a icyit ceremony which followed pot-luck dupper. Guests prewere from Belvidere and including Mrs. Estelle MCVflt& te monitor, and Ethel district clgputy, the lating It* iMRalling officer. Miller acted as installing iaf£e of jjhe supper were : SchsflMe*1, Nettie Fleming, ince May and Bertha Jen- *n. Officers are Bertilla Freund, yrand regent; Ethel McGee, viceregent; Mary Agnes Boetsch, prophetess; Laura Weber, fin- Atclal secretary; Theresa Stef- Hn* historian; Pauline Nims- £ern, treasurer; Vandaline Diedrtch, monitor; Eleanor Strache, •enttoel; Margaret Foley, lect- »«ri Olga Freund, organist; and Cbtdfta Adams and Dorothy Miller^ fentstees. v - of Mr. and r, who reside as Christened baptismal sery morning Rt. Rev. officiating, were Eugene Perry and served at the foftxvttg the »et*- the .sponsors bmA their lance. to of Miss BmAle of Wonder Lake and Mm, an employee of "Oftek farms. The nupwet* solemnized at the in DeKalb last le 6, at 7 p.m. i sister, Miss Baracted as maid of the groom's brother &# Wbest man. for the immediate followed tfte qpremony. St. Mary's P.TA Sleets Officers St. Mary's Parent-Teacher association held its last meeting of the season on Wednesday of last week. At that time new officers were elected as follows: Mrs. Jack Buckie, president; Mrs. Jack Phelan, vice-president; Mrs. Charles Jurak, secretary; and W.SAS. Install* , • Officers Jane 18 With the installation of new officers and a pot-lock luncheon, the W.S.C.S. of the Community Methodist church will canclud* the monthly meetings for the season on Thursday, June 18, at 1 p.m. New leaders for 1 §58-54 will be Mrs. Earl Krukow, president; Mrs. Joseph Waynne, vicepresident; Mrs. E. M. Letche#, recording secretary; Mrs. Norman Eggert, promotion Uiry; and Mrs. Lon H. J, treasurer. .."V >-Y, ws JOHNSON, SSLDE SCHILLING ID ON SATURDAY secre- Smlth, I"f f1M Garners Ouesll At Dinner Dance Dr. and Mrs. Harry H. Gamer. Pistakee Bay road, will be gueets of honor at the annual dinner dance of the senior class of the Mrs. James Thompson, treasurer. ,•0hjcago Medical school, to be If* Mrs. Charles Vycital, who served as president, for the past year, was presented with a gift in gratefulness for her Untiring efforts in behalf of the organisation. Guest speaker was Rev. Fr. James A. Vanderpool, pastor of Chiist the King Church, Wonder Lake. He spoke at length on problems of young people today, his talk reaching a large and interested audience. It was announced that a style revue would be held at the V.F. W. clubhouse in August, with Mrs. Jack Buckie and Mrs. Charles Brda acting as co-chairmen. Mrs. Richard Jager acted as chairman of the social hove, assisted by mothers of fifth grade pupils. Re!luuwperger Infant • duistened (Ml MuiMtaf The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. t Herb Reihansperger was christened Susan Jane at a baptismal service which took place last Sunday at St. Patrick's church, Rev. Fr. John Mc- Gowan officiating. Sponsors were Mrs. Gerald Larkin and Henry Tonyan. Susan Jane was christened in the same dress which her greatgrandmother, the late Mrs. Simon Stoffel, wore ninety-one years ago, It has been wo.n by all of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren at their christenings. given in the Walnut room of the Bismark hotel Saturday evening, June 13. Dr. Garner is professor and chairman of the department of neurology and psychiatry of the Chicago Medical 9Chool. Over 400 invitations have been sent out to students, faculty members and alwnni. The 7- piece Medical center orchestra will furnish the music and a play will be put on by the senior class as part c»" the entertainment. ~ i- M': Party Honors - Dee Ann Heater A party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes last Sunday, honoring their granddaughter, Dee Ann Hester, who graduated that morning from St. Mary's achjM). Among the large group of friends and relatives who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schroeder and daughters, Marcia and Annette, of Palatine and Mr. and Mrti. Edward Mathews of Chicago. 11 - 1 ' " " (ft f_- . THANK WIT! We would like to take ttiis opportunity to thank the Plaindealer staff for the fine account of our golden wedding anniversary which appeared in the June issue jot the paper; also for picture. * MR. AND MRS. ADOLPH •5 ERBAN Two Gradnatd^rr^ Are Honored The Joseph May home • on John street was the gcenc of a double graduation party last Sunday, the family gathering honoring Joann May on her graduation from St. Mary's school in McHenry and her cou sin, Janice Bungard's graduation from Immaculate Conception grade school in Elmhurst. Present for a noon luncheon and dinner In the evening were Mrs. Rose Staines and Mr3. Irene Guffey of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heniken of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smallfeldt and daughters of Kenosha, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard and two girls from Elmhurst. James Higgins, Marengo, . Ruth Feriwick, Huntley, MfcHenry county's dele- Citizenship and Organ!- OJfcference, Peoria, June difference is held annually ithe Illinois Home Bureau ition. Each Of the ninetyi Home Bureau organizations State send two delegates spend the four days discus- Bead The Want Md A pretty cummer wedding was »lemnlzed at St. Mary's C»tbochurch, McHenry, but flitlay, June 6, when libs jrothy Johngon, daughter of f » • • * . > .f, ^ .fe,, the service, break fasf served t» IW imsMih late families and bridal party at ithe Eldred Johnsons of ljt. 4, frit- Htw Trim f-hrtr tiater m giiristo 4*me the bride of Mr. Leslie gathered at the Legion Home for a reception. Both the bride and grown are uates of the HcOfearr Mil 1 with the elm* of 19ftt. Schilling is Utoplofia It Admiral plant In McHehiy the groom at all electronic* ; in Chicago. wing a wedding- trip West, the couple will reside at Pistakee Bay. Schilling of lev. Ma|*. C. ftNk These attractive sisters. Lou Molinaro, left, and Molinaro, right, both of mopd, were brides ih a do<uble wedding ceremony solemnized in St. Joseph's church, Richmond, on Saturday, May 23. Mary Lou became tftc brl Eugene May, who staMs her, and Joanne was Ule of Earl Sutton of Richroood, « grand-nephew of Mrs. Qeotga Lindsay of McHenry. Residence Ooofet Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooley are now at home in' their new residence on Main tfreet, hawing moved from "n apartment in the Freund buiiuing on the SMM street. Mr. and Mrs. JosepB Simon are occupying the apartment the Cooleys vacated and Mrs. Helen Heuser will make her home 4n the upper apartment. PRES«NT»OROAN MfffitO A program of organ music was given at the Lyon & Healy recital hall in Oak Park recently by Mrs. Joseph Koberstlne of 8prtnf Grove and Arsene Siegal of CSlicago. The organ music provided entertainment for the and Elmhurst chapters Hammond organ society Oak Park and River Forfeit grovps. arorided of m by tha FREE! . ^ Bandy ATOMIZER^'I * - - -- • v». Anthony M. Freands Wed Twenty-Five Years Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Freund of Johnsburg will observe their silver wedding anniversary next Sunday, June 14, with a celbration at the Johnsburg Community Club hall. Open house will be held after 7 o'clock in the evening. . The Freunds, who were map-* ried June 6, 1928, at St. John's church, have four children, Robert, Mrs. Walter (Elaine) Miller, Marlene and Theodore. The observance of the anniversary was postponed hoping that Robert would l>e home from service. Now stationed in Mistheir county-state program I souri since returning from overlistening to outstanding I seas, he hopes to be released ers and entertainment. from service this week. Yours with Schilling, son of Mr. John Rt. Rev. lated at the 10 o'clock The altar was attractively rated with bouquets of peotfles and snapdragons and at the end of the pews were bouquets of white rosea and stock. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was charming in a gown of white net and lace, with fingertip veil held in place by a crown trimmed in seed pearls. She carried stephanotts end Amazon lilies placed on a white prayer book. The flowers were tied with the same ribbon used on her mother's bridal bouquet 23 years ago. Nancy Weber of Antiochi a cousin, acted as maid of honor and bridesmaids were Joan O'Brien and Andrea Pokette, friends. Serving as junior bridesmaid was Jane Schilling, sister of the bridegroom. The pretty little flcWer girl was Boetsch of Antioch. The maid of honor and maids carried ^otonial of yellpw and blue ca>rnati while the flower girl had a fail* basket of mixed flowers. William Pierce of Pistakee Bay served as best man arid groomsmen were James Johnson 'brother of the bride, and Don Wittenberg of Chicago. Joseph Johnson, another brother of the bride, was junior gtoontsman. Ushers W«rfe Jack Schafefer of Fox Lake, the * brldfe's fcousin, and David Krentzer, her brotherin- law. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Johnson was attired in ucut m wvth msm e a |^e<m coraafre BIRTHS The new daughter of Mr and Mrs/' John D; Meyer of Srmriae View, Jo^nsJjurg, born May ?3 •t the Woodstock hospital, has been named' Deborah Lee. The little lady weighed A lb. 10 oz. at birth. - 1 Dr. and Mrs. William A. Nye are the parents of a son, born at the Woodstock hospital June 7. Besides his parents, the little fellow has flVe sisters to welcome his arrival. He has keen named William Albert. .A.ton was bora June 4 at the 1ftacj£ktock hospital to Service- 2<an |4d Mrs. Thomas Bower of WcJtaWfed. Mrs. Bower is the tbtthtrr Miss Owen Bteschke of yol0 and* an employee of McHenry hank, CARD OF tHANXi We wish in this way to express gratitude to our neighbors and friends for their sympathy and kindness extended in our recent bereavement. MRS. RAYMOND S- HOWARD AND FAJffiO/Y 1*5 GILBERT HOWARD ' i n -^ lpyfcivfc. m|i _ r 1 1 a«aqC5SaBq[On9BgSaaiO| Worwkk's McHenry Camera Center * Cmm* Bought. Sold uid. Excb^agii ^ PHOTO SU[P*tfES ; y** ***» K*jp*rt Servloe Doee NotStop WMh A Sale. \ * ' us bsfoM ywL' buy.' ^ worwick's sty mo-7 in N. RIVta^DB DRIVE " t \ rHOIIB SIS YOUNG PUPILS IN PROGRAM Families and friendi gather: at the Mciluiiat <9»ircH hall ll Saturday a^rmwn to hear fc program preMnled by mauidi'i of the School of Expression and Draisfttte* of MM. J6hn R. Varese. It was thoroughly enjoyfed by those present and included the following numbers: Readings, "My Pa" by Kip Moifbnr "Grown Up" and "A little Helper" by Wane Rosenberg; "The Dancing Lesson" and "Too Young T6 Know" by Linda Leiberson; "T^fe Last Doll" and "Grtrhdpa's Appetite^ by Arlene Kleinhuizen; "Qramma ?ays the Bills" and "Which One" by Betty Rosenberg; *1 Lovf My Daddy" and "Her Reply" bf Leora Lou Vtrese. rtTdun|r Sclfodl teacher's SOUiw: rW-jw*i, * Kathy skit, was preMBtedl MemSlls of tlM 'ikt inetadM Art Thornton, coach; Kadty Anderson, ShMay Thornton, Nancy Thornton, Vicki iOeinhuiaen. tldniton. Uftda Lefberson, Betty BOsenbergnar and Diane Boaedkaa^.' JohnKf- Engagmmt ^Attsouaetd From West Shore Culk>m Lake, A. W« sends word of the of His daughtefe, Hofenberge^1, jr., son ior He'renhergers of ley. "'*• Miss Johnson Is employed the Ulgln, Jqttet ' and Mailwax company in CMcag^ Mr. Horenberger is employed oil Ms father's farm. 5 ^ \ Both are graduates Of the M^*:: penry.high school. IN EVERYDAY UN6M8E We laid cash, dn Un economical, monthly-repayment basis, to help meet the cost of painting, xotftag, plumbing and ekfctrical worit,aiidalmofit every other kind of hCMO^ renoVatidnanrf repair. PHONE 1040 Discover the "lift" of fragranoa that's sprayed%on! Do it mom, while Coty brings you Both only Is5 • pfcrt Ma this GIFT atomizer--without. extra charge--when you purchase any one of these great firagiances! t^lGAN . VkBkKvk^^ktS' ' EMERAUDfi . METEOR Offer Good Only While Limited Supply lasts, BOLGER'S STORE HOrsffMYlT MEMS TO YOU With a low-cost loan from us, you can lindertake needed repair jobs at once, before they develop into more expensive ones. PrtfwtyoiriwestiMafciN is Aott flniRcini ywr hone repair mit McHENRY STATE BANK iiSMBBR FfllDBRAli IWJSERVE BITER9DST^ PAtD ON SAVINOfl 10S 6. Green Stmt PHONE 40 MoHenry, DL PROVED Tour One Best Economy Buy! 1. TOPS ALL 8's IN ECONOHHY RUN / Here's official proof of Dodge savings: Dodge outperformed all 8's in famous 1206-mile S ^ . " Mobilgas Economy Run. 2. COSTS YOU LESS TO OWN A DODGE Recently-announced lower prices save you up to $201.80. Dodge prices start below many dbpkndabli DODGE Jowest priced" field. M , S1I TiUR SEPENBABII BSD6E-PLTM0UTS BEAIII - . A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES Inc. 0$*, IPor betltr roads and, salwr rldf import PAR-- Project ***$* WOULDYOU TAKE YOUR CAR TO A DENTIST IF IT NEEDE D R E P A I R S ? c • 7 ; p p PUT WATER IN THE CRANKCASE INSTEAD OF OIL? take TO BE STUFFED? i ' . . . DRIVE YOUR NEW CAR INTO A BRICK WAEK ,150 S5E If SAFETY WINDSHIELD, REAUY DOES POP-OUT? EMPHATICALLY NO! LOCAL CLEANERS IMPORTED A NAME OF BOB LeVAULT, TO McHENRY. HE IS A SPECIALIST IN THE DRY CLEANING AND SPOTTING TRADE, WITH OVER 20 YEARS TO HIS CREDIT. IF YOU HAVE "ANYTHING" WITH SPOTS IN IT THAT OTHER CLEANERS CAN'T OR HAVEN'T TAKEN QUfo: LET W TRY.. ^ • 1ALL OUR WORK IS 'GUARANTEED' TO YOUR SATISFACTION", ImiMm IPCAL CLEANERS IS AS CLOSE TQ YOU AS YOUR,r - If You HEV# Arty Ckiaing |)raU«ni> QkQ to BOB! ^ k'&kl fc: : - •• • • 206 So. Mk • •> 9, -..vTirc-. ;* .if I't-Sif. -"-Mi Sir • ; * * '? » . •• • • ( • • . i ' •

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