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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jun 1953, p. 2

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THE McHlSBY DELIGHTFtJL AS f>A§ IN JUNE 18 BANANA " i:rf .= $ >* <'• if £ r * ( , . •*> J * ' \ •. *. V Mtfiis 1 ' ' •' •'"' ' --i-:v;t>iitiiift i?.8N - r AP RICOT DESSERT S8, •*.' Y^MVMfvNft IW Roseau Meeting :«^ry county Home Buthirty- fifth annual meet tf be held July 15 in WestflthaoW Woodstock. *Po make plans for the event, committees have been by the executive board. Include: nominating, Mrs. Stewart, Hebron; Mrs. Ruhff, Harvard; Mrs. i?s Johnson, McHenry; Mrs. tt Johnstone. Marengo; Mrs. Ralph Ostrander, Woodstock; and :t; • • Mrs. Walter Male. Cryptal Lake. Budget: Mrs. Helmuth Thurow, Runtley; Mrs. Evelyn Rosulek, Woodstock; and Mrs. Owen Richardson, Richmond. :S, r Program; Mrs. Jtfin Strohm, Woodstock, and Mrs. \%tor Rappaport. Crystal Lake. ' Meeting Place: Mrs. A. B. Mc Connell, Mrs. Arthur Ruppert and Mrs. Orval Granger, Woodstock. Drawutntioa School Fer Home Economics Clubs , A demonstration scnool for members of McHenry county's home economics olub^ will be held June 18 at 2 p.m. in Westwood school, Woodstock The school is held to show 4-H leaders and girls how to give a good demonstration at local club meetings or at county events, .at least one demonstratalk i$ one of the require; 4-H member, 'elschmeyer, disist of the In- ; teraational Harvester company, 1' ' will show the points of a good demongtratloiL . •All g^lfofcdys enrolled in n^oafiics clubs and their are urged U? attend the Buty- flfth annual meetbe held July 15 at West lool. near Woodstock. i^ent for the or- ^emberg will past year's of officers to in the coming LA Poudre high school at La- Porte, Colo., and is now employed at the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph company at Ft. Collins, Colo. JUVENILE FORESTER - GIRLS PLAft PICNIC Juvenile Forester girls are planning a picnic on Wednesday, June 24. Members will meet ih front of St. Mary's school at 10:30 o'clocjt, from where they will leave for Wilmot, Wis. Each motner is asked to bring a dish tQ pass and her own ai*-» verware.. ' • " " V Instrumental la organising the recently formed Lecture Luncheon club were these women, from left to right: Mrs. Revert Orthwein, Mrs. Emil Hinspater, Mrs. John Varese, Mrs. Fred Lieberaon and Mrs. A. C. Thornton. What is so rare as a day (n June, and a light as air dessert to match the day? Fine cooks have a feeling for the appropriatehe£ s of food tt> the season and the weather. Really well suited to summer, cookery is b u o y a n t , d e l i c a t e f a m i l y o f f t that includes fruit whips chiffon pies. They look refreshing, and so light ture, that they are welcome after a main meal. WCIi 4 LUCILLE EDWARDS SATURDAY BRIDE OF HARRY UNTI Banana desserts are fm , jt+, finger tip V^il attached to a h|me county RINGWOOD CHURCH > TO SERVE DINNER The W.S.C.S. of the Ringwood church will serve a roast beef dinner on Thursday, June 25, in the church basement starting at 5:30 o'clock. It will be served cafeteria style. •I• 41 'I1 •• • <• < I1 4 • • • '!"(•044• PERSONALS i t H i I I'M r< I I m-' if'1 re ye*r. The program will include special mertbeiJl,.. at* « style, show of women'9 and children's garments made from cotton bags, jjfxfela for the style show will b| Iron* Bureau members from tipe twenty-five units in the county. kTTON fCEB R-8TRA OUNl [r. and Mrs. Norman Bru- :er of, Bellvue, Colo., have anced the engagement of their hter, Jo Anne, to Cpl. E. Stratton, son of Mrs. 1 Stratton, of McHenry. Cpl. tan, is stationed at present ^Francis E. Warren air The Edward Buss family is spending the summer months at their home at Bohner's Lake, Wis. Mrs. Celia ' Knox of Crystal Lake visited her parents, the Martin Conways, last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holly spent a few days with friends at Minocqua, Wis., last week. New employees of the McHenry bank are Barbara Schmitt of Spring Grove and Kathryn Freund of Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frett of Kenosha, Wis., visited McHenry relatives last week Wednesday and in the evening attended the celebration for Msgr. Nix. Miss Edna Johnson and Art Nelson of Boyceville, Wis., visited in the Eldred Johnson home for a few days last week. Mrs. Ed. Skoney and son, Jim, of Elmhurst returned home Sunday after spending the week in the home of her parents, the Frank Weingarts. Jack Weber has returned home from Quincy college to spend the summer with his parents, the Robert Webers. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bonslett of Evans ton were callers in the Simon Stoffel home on Sunday. Mrs. Curtis Westfall of Chi cago spent a few days this past week in the home of her sisters, the Misses Clara and Lena Stoffel Mr. and Mrs. Cofnelius Quinlan returned Tuesday afternoon from Florida, where they have been vacationing for the past month. They were accompanied by her sister and brother-in-law, of Chicago, and her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Randall and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Randall LECTURE LUNCHEON CLUB FORMED FOR LADIES OF AREA An organization meeting warf held at the Wing and Fin club recently when the Lecture Luncheon club was formed. Mrs. John Varese, organizer and director of the club, was assisted by Mrs. A, C. Thornton, Mrs. Fred Lieberson, Mrs. Robert Orthwein and Mrs. Emil Hinspater in contacting women interested in such a club, which is to be an educatonal organization. Professional l^ctujes and book reviews by ifrsf. Harry S linespring;, Jr.» and Mrs. John Varese will constitute the program for the first year. Dr. Oleo Dawson, noted woman psychologist and author, will be the featured speaker for the first meeting in September. The remainder of the speakers are still to be selected. Mrs. Varese, as director, will Miss Lucille Edwards, ter of MV. and Mrs. Jdhn wards of Chicago, became the bride of Harry Unti, son of Kir. and Mrs. John Urtti of McHenry, in a wedding ceremony taklrtg place last Saturday, June 13. The double ring service was .performed by Rev. E. Long in Ma|efnity B.V.M. church. Given in marriage ty her father, the attractive bride chose a gown of satin and lace, with P®$* with make. and fun to eat,' cal banana has won the both young and old, so dessert made with it is When sweet and mellow, ripe banana is combined Other fruits, interesting new flavors result, such as the feaatftiia and apricot combination tfctft makes the dessert whip included with this article. The serious side of banana's personality is that the fruit is very nourishing with its abundant supply of vitamins; essential minerals, and its high food energy. Banana Aprioot WfejB cup apricot puree % cup sugar Dash of salt 1 cup thinly sliced ripe bananas* (1 to 2 bananas) . 1 tablespoon lemon juice % 2 egg whites > • Use v fully ripe yellow < peel ^ fl brown. Mix together apricot puree, sugar and salt. Cool^ over lotir heat, stirring constantly, until sugar is dissolved. Cool. Add j Chicago Molded. Products with bananas and lemon juice to apricot mixture and mix well. Beat perform all duties of the club J egg whites until foamy throughand members will be free of out. Add apricot-banana mixture, committee meetings. The club will meet the fourth Tuesday of the months of September, October, January, March and April at 12:30 at the Wing and Fin club. Club membership is limited to sixty women. They have been given .until the end of June to o pay club dues and after that apricots thoroughly. Rub date members will be taken with a spoon, through a col from a waiting list. Anyone in-1 or coarse mesh sieve, terested in joining is asked to a little at a time, beating constantly until mixture is smooth, thick and fluffy. Pile lightly into individual dessert dishes. C8IH. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Important: To prepare apricot puree, drain canned apricots or slightly sweetened crown. She carried a bo< stephanotls and Amaio^ The maid of honor trice McClement and were Lillian Cairns, slgter M lhe groom., and Marian Guntiel All were attired in matching gowna of pink nylon tulle over taffeta. The pretty little flower girl was Janet Gundel, who wore white nylon over pink and a halo headpiece. Her bouquet consisted of purple delphinium and pink roses. Eugene Uhti served as best map and groomsmen were Louis Gundel and Robert Justen. Little Alien Schretter was ring, bear er. Mrs. Edward's gown mauve crepe, with which wore a corsage of pink Mrs. Unti was attired in a dusty rose dress and had a corsage ;«f white Amafon lilies. Dinner and a reception followed the ceremony at Davis hall, after which the couple left cm a month's honeymoon trip to California. The bride is secretary for the corporation. The bridegroom Is part owner of Independent Television Service in Chicago. Upon their return, the couple will reside at 1731 N. Tripp avenue. , T rodfes. samALCOuPtE * GEORGE LARKIN ELECTED GRA^'Nr SI KNIGHT, K. of C. hoto by Worwick THE LBSLH SOflLLINGS In a pretty Wedding solemnized at St. Mary's church on Saturday, June 6, Miss Dorothy Johnson became the bride of Mr. Leslie Schilling of Pistakee Bay. They are now on a wedding trip through the West. 1 CHURCH PICNIC annual family picnic of the Community Methodist church Will be held this Sunday, June 21, at noon at the Harry Hans homfe, first residence east of the driv^-in theatre. The picnic wili follow the. morning church service. ' ,, At the tmtaikl elftfeUMi ef Afficers held last Thursday evening, Georgfe Larkin was elected Grand Knight of McHenry council, KnightB of Columbus. Other otiicers elected are as follows. Deputy Qraatd Harold Sterrah; chtflilillor, ward J. Frett; redbMef, Geo' Kalsch; treasurer, Earl Wi advocate, LeRoy Welter; warden, William Boetsch; inside guard, Paul Weber; outside guard, Anton H. Freund; trustees, Clarence Anglese, Paul Yanda, and S. H. Freund; delegate" to state convention, William Foley; alternate to delegate, Harold Steffan; alternate to Grand Knight, A. P. Freund. Appointive officers include the lecturer, Leroy Conwav; financial secretary, Jos. J. Miller. • • v , . ^ V % ; • I„».n , drt I.n 'tl-n Vr' . IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of bur dear mother, Anna Wagner, of Volo, 111., who passed away June 21, 1951. Deep in our hearts a memory is kept. ~ Of one we loved and will never - - . -forget. v ' '• cHniDRsfcir OF AWftii. * * *wagnbr .7 »e Acontact Mrs. Varese. jgryiniH • Subscribe To The PlalndealeS ICE-CREAM 'There's A Difference" Try It %odayl at Cheyenne, Wyo. Before in the Air Force he! of Corapolis, Pa., were weekend l*d |he AicHenrv schools. guests in the Walter Aeverman ft is a graduate of Cache I home. t; FOR PARTIES $ GIFTS B O L G EG' S I* 8. GREEN STREET PHONE 40 DIAMONDS FOR DAD WHY NOT? Mother has them. Be Wi, gei moiid Ring. It's a gift hell lov«. foryMtttocome. "toy Styto «ad Setting Ydn Wish,' If DAD already hm a Ring, whal sl|i > in A " • ' m m m m FLAVORS BUY IT AT . . . BOLGER'S DRUGSTORE Ml S. GREEN ST. PHONE 40 Thesa Million iPeopli Can't Be Wrong . . . Well over a million Americans have Invested savings in Mutual Fund Shares, the modern, con. venient method of investment not just in one company but in many companies in many industries. Tou get dl verification through Mutual Fund shares and you also get skilled investment specialists constantly watching your investments -- something the average man has neither the time nor the experience for. Why not investigate Mutual Fund Shares for your savings? Mail eoupdft for our Kxttltfc obligation whatever. IN EVERYDAY LANGUAGE Tlffe is tbe description we give to thrift deposits Which are set aside t>nce a week, once a month, in line with the depositor's payday, or on any other 7*®^- HERrS WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU Making systematic deposits in a bank account is the logical way to build a substantial cash reserve *^*ithiRg rettsoaabtepwfedolti^K ^ -4 David A. Noyrt 8c Co« • tUMl i liT "tfttteg SOUHttol mA flHow It--«t twfc--lL Members Nww York StocJt ^ Exchange v U S. Spring St., Elgin ^ Telephone 7S80 DAVID L. HEATH, Manager McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPO*rr<5- . IllONE 1040 ONLY 4 DAYS TILL FATHER'S DAY! CARD or THANKS neigMtors for spiritual bouquets, floral offerings, donations of cars and the many oUuw kindnesses extended in pva bereavement. We are also grateful for the services of FT. DaleidUL "" .TO AlrfoN ilAT AJ»t> PA1<B,T A. F. it A. iL 10T N. Court St. Meeting l-3rd Tuea. Visitors Welcome • Phillip Ricker, Secy. |,Phone McHenry 417 - o. E. s. 107 N. Court 3t Meetings 2nd A 4th Tues. Vfaritors Welcome Myrtle Harrison, Seey. Tel. Won. Lk. 3041 * PROrE55IOIlRL D'IRICTQRV C. R SWANSON ^ ' Dentist ^ ' ISO S. Green Street Aally llBxce^t Thursday i*.. fto 1* -- $:90 to Br*6 MOUif Well. and Fri. Eveningi ient Only 100 " VERNON KNOX : Attonwy At ' OA. Green and Elm fetreelf McHenry, 111. Tuesday and Friday Afteraoeas Other Days by Appolntmw# Phene McHenry 43 WILLIAM M. CARROLL, l» Attorney At Law 110 Yj Benton Street one Woodstock 1334 Woodstock, IHbMls JOSEPH X. WAYNNE AjKoriaey At Law ££} #aitf»gan Road (RFD Phone McHenry 493 West McHenry, HL ^OHN F. LOFF Rt. 1, Box 321 Phone 674-M-S . McHenry, mipMlf MASON OONTB^OroR; Insured Worlisen mmh Free FRANK S. MAI BLACK C»FRT - Gravel * BicavaWt; Route ft, Mulsmy, OL tlione: McHenry J80-M-1 V*RN THBLEN Tracktt^ new Wrist Watch. Sia^aHri FRANK E. LOW, AUtiale Agent for McHenry County He is a full-time auto insurance specialist of Allstate, the insurance company founded by Sean, Roebuck and Co., to provide the utmost in protection for your auto insurance dollar. Before you buy or renew auto insurance, get the facte trom him about Allstat^a e New ea«ler-to-ui»de»laiki policy .r e 14 added feehires art no extra coat " e Special Low Rates for Farmers e Over 1,000,000 Policyholder eFact, fair claim Mlttements %.• : * I«t your own comparison prove the greater value of Allstate protection and service. Fill out and mail the coi now for full information. At no obligation. [" FRANK E7 LOW]"Agent*""""""! | 208 A**?., McH-rtry - 1^; WMtovt obllflaHon, plaott ««n<| m« rotw end Ml dafoils on Albtat* Auto Insurant*. Dad Needs a set of Cuff Links, with a matching Tie Clasp, for that welldressed look. If Dad Is A GOLFER, You can't miss with a pair of the famous Hobby Jeans from $4*9S and * $l.&0to$10 i "4 If Pop has a Sport Coat, then he certainly should have slacks, . to go with it. You'l^iiw find just the right color he favors. *. - j.**""- i. Every Dad Loves a Sport Shirt and we have them in long and short sleeves, all sizes, colors and patterns. $3.10 t £Xjamas $3.95 to $7.95 WALLETS $3.59 to $19 SOX 38* to $1.90 TIES Afl«iw, CJty.... til «U«M>$2.P9 v I N f U R A N C I C O M P A N Y teended by Saars, Ro«biKk and Excavating TeL McHenry 588-Rt or 888-WJ Box 218, Rt 1, McHwury^DL 'k. P. FREUND t SONfi Excavating Contractor* 1 Trucking, Hydraulic , Crane Service «*. ROAD BUILDING -- TaL 204M McHenry. IB. INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH RH, Antb, Farm * Life tasOiOM* Repreeentlag yptiAW.l! COMPANIES Wliii Tea Need Insurance ef Any Kind PHONE 43 or 903 Green it Etar • McHenry, IE OOMPLfcTE BOORKlHCPESrG SERVICE ^1- die small bortness mal. "T Reasonable Raftes Income Tax Returns MCHENRY BOOKKEEPING and TAX SERVICE . - Professional Bldg. 210 So. Green Street Phone 188 or 205-M • • - 8TOFFEL A REIHANSPERGER Insurance agents for all elassea tit property In the best West UdMnr] Telephone 807 Mate Street McHenry, m. SGHROEDER IRON WORKS 0*P#mantai * Structural Stefi N ? I Visit Our Showroom* <j£ Miles South on Rt. 31 ~ 050 , f . " R I N G ' S HUMBING and HEATKNO BOB FIUSBY, JR. Quality Fixtures-Radiant Heating Oaa and Electric Water Heaters Wiyui' Systems - Water Softeners Repairs - Free Estimates Phone MoHenry 2aO-M ANNOUNCEMENT Mm. Ele4nor Mattecnl SdriAMman PHvate Lessens In Man and Plane Acoordfen j • •• • • ' J • •

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