Johnsburg News By Hn, Betty Hettermann ^ -- •fjttl. Kicky Wakltsch. who Wis 3 on July 12, celebrated by having, an outdoor supper and ,'party on the lawn. Those who •helped Ricky ctlebrate were his '.parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry .WakitscH, his sisters and brother, Mary, Janice and Tommy, ..his uncle, M. Wakitsch, Dolores Michels and the James Hetter- ;Htann family. • v " Mr. and ' Mrs. AJ of • Chicago spent the Week here They occupied Steve Telow's home In Sunnyside Estates. The - Cowans will return to the city ' with a beautiful coat of tan. It seems Harvey Murray is going around with his chest out .Shis week. Harvey claims his tomatoes are largest In the com- 'iminity. could be!? ' So sorry to lose UH Riy Boyle • farr^ The Boyles have sold 'their^nome and moved to Mc- .Henrv, Mr. Boyle's work keeps htm on the road most of the time. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dehm 1 and family spent the weekend in Chicago visiting his parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. John Dehn. Correction please! Last week I stated Nancy Friend wm accompanying Mrs. Tina Lay on their vacation up north. It is Phyllis Smith who has the Measure of Mrs. Lay's company. .Received word from Mrs. Mamie King this last week. She has been having one* fine time for herself. Phyllis and Tina took the train to join Mamie •and the rest. Mr. and Mrs. Williaifi Tamasy and Billy of Fort Lauderdale. ••fTa., are up here visiting the James Smiths. Bill Ricks reports he hasn't seen the John Ripley family this w«ek and takes for granted they aTe off on vacation. Mr. Ricks is very patiently waiting for Bill Mclnnes to get his new cruiser. He hopes to get a ride In it before the snow »fiys because he is afraid it night not be winterized. The Art Kunkels drove here to spend a beautiful weekend. While Mrs. Kunkel was here she landed a beautiful northern pike. It seems she is quite a fisherman at heart. More power to her. From all reports coming in, the "Big 7" club of Sunnyside Estates and Sunnyside Beach will now become the "Big 11" club. Four new members have sent in their names. Sorry to hear , that , Adolph Breitenbach has been on the sick list this week. The heat has gotten him down. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Suhi bier spent the weekend at their sujnmer home in Sunnyside Estates. Mr. and Mrs- George Lasser and' children were visitors here Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Lasser. The George Lassers are of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs! Willard Klapperich were very happy to have four of Mr. Klapperich's relatives here /from Iowa. While they were hefe they were guests at the Alfred Oeffling and the Bill May homes, as well as the Klapperich home. Little Jimmy Ludford of Northbrook was quite happy that he was able to spend some time here these past few weeks visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt, of Jak- Ana Heights. Miss Dolores Michels and Mrs. James Hettermann and daughters were visitors at the Howard Simpson home in Wonder Lake on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Martinec entertained a large group of friends and relatives on their lawn on Sunday. They all assisted in getting a delicious outdoor dinner together. The Christian Mother - Blessed Virgin sodality of St. John's church will start soliciting very soon for food donations toward the dinner on Sunday, August 10, St. John's church is having their carnival on August 8, 9 and 10. We are urged to donate as much as possible in order to make this carnival a bigger success than any ever held here before. Proceeds are for the new school fund. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Garnett and family of Massachusetts were guests at the George Hiller home during last week, as was the Elmer Freund family and "the Harvey Freund family. Miss Violet Crowley, who Is spending the month of July at her home on the river, entertained guests this week. Mrs. Hazel Conney, Miss Helen O'Leary and Mrs. Catherine Cross spent an enjoyable day there Saturday. On Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simmons of Evanston were Miss Crowley's luncheon guests. Mrs. Olivia Hiller drove her daughter, Dorothy, and a group of her girl friends into Chicago on Wednesday. The girls enjoyed the thr<lls and chills of Riverview. Needles® to say, a good time was had by all. Jerry Smith will spend his summer vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Smith, of Niesen's Subdivision. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Halas of the famous football family spent Sunday afternoon at the Rollo Smith home. . Mr. and Mrs. A. L. SpngstOck spent the weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Sfcgwolt, and Gwendolyn. ROAD SAVINGS During the first six months of Governor .Stratton's administration, rejection of excessive bids on road construction projects has saved the state $204,- 268. Edwin A. Rosenstone, director of the Department of Public Works and Buildings, said the savings was accrued on 24 projects in 23 Illinois counties. An indication of keener competition among contractors was evidenced in the five lettings this year, Rosenstone said. Bids averaged 3.61 per project as against 2,89 for 1952. Panleukopenla probably causes more cat deaths than any other disease. At any age, it attacks cats which have not been immunized or acquired immunity. The disease strikes suddenly; often resembles poisoning. Health Talks Safe Swimming Swimming is one of the moat relaxing and pleasant of all sports, yet more' tragedies are associated with this activity during the summer months when public pools, beachea. and lakes attract thousands of men, women and children, the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical society points out in Health Talk. Apart from its relaxing effect, swimming la an excellent bodybuilder. It not only provides mental relaxation and muscular strength and resiliency than really exists. For this reason, swimming and exercise in supervised pools have proved of great therapeutic value in rehabilitation, particularly in such conditions as poliomyelitis and arthritis. Swimming, oij thfe other hand, n be dangerous. Not all eaths and accidents attributed to this sport are in non-swimmers. Excellent swimmers have developed leg cramps which incapacitat^^ fcem, frequently resulting in death by drowning. Proficient swimmers, too, have lost their lives when a practical joker has thrust them, still clothed, into the water. A practical Joker Is a social nuisance at all times, but particularly so when his victim is at a disadvantage. A dangerous practical joke is pushing or ducking others into the water. In a young child this can inspire a . fear of water which, frequently, cannot be overcome. And tragic results can stem from being held forcibly under the water too long. Everyone should learn to s&im. The knowledge is also a safety device and a life-saving measure if a person is involved in a water accident of some kind, such as an up-turned canoe or '8 Central Garage FRED J. SMITH Complete Motor Overhauling Welding SALES D JOHNSBTOG, ILL. 5eS9 McHENRY 200-J g CLARENCE S SHOP row beat. The ability to keep afloat until a rescue has been achieved has saved numerouf lives. Children should be taught to swim early in life. They should not be permitted to play in the water or swim alone, but should bl under constant supervision by an adult who knows how to swim. Neither should children be allowed to stray off to lsikes, beaches or pools by themselves. Accidental falls into even shallow water have taken lives of tiny tot». Swimming can be fun, but there are some conditions that can develop if proper precautions are not taken. For example, children and older people who are subject to ear difficulties should swim only with their physician's permission. No one with a discharging ear or a perforated eardrum should attempt to swim. Violent nose blowing to remove water should be avoided. These precautions may prevent a permanent hearing toss. Swim in safe .places. Be sure the Water is free of contamination and pollution. Don't leave yourself open to infectioh. From a standpoint of health, water in which one bathes should be just as free from disease germs as the water one drinks. Don't dive into unknown waters. Hidden stumps and rocks have resulted in broken necks. Don't overdo. Don't try for the shore across the lake the first time out. Take it easy. As in everything else, use moderation and good sense. Avoid swimming when chilled, overheated or exhausted. Learn to swim. Teach your child to swim. Then be careful. Let the sport give you the enjoyment it affords, as well as exercise and relaxation. Don't be an accident statistic. Swim safely so that you can return again and again to one of the favorite of all outdoor aports. Cloth-Covered Brick ^ Big Help In Sewing "Once you've used a ?«ewtflg brick, you'll never want to sew without one," promise students in clothing construction laboratories at the University of Illinois home economics department. The bricks used In the classes are building bricks that have been covered with material. Heavy, firmly woven material is best. The material is shaped to the brick like a neat package and then tacked. Students pin their fabric to the cloth covering to anchor the work and keep it firm while they pin hems or other construction lines. Not having to "fight" their material makes sewing a pleasure instead of a strain. Students are encouraged to sit up straight and to keep their work flat on the table, not in their laps. This prevents seams from stretching and grainlines from pulling out of place. It also saves Aerves and helps to prevent tired, aching; backs. REMEMBER TO ^ PACK REPELLENT f ^ FOR VACATIONS When you're packing for your vacation trip or getting Junior ready for a few weeks at summer camp, remember the insect repellent. Insect bites not only! can be unpleasant and irritating, but also' can lead to serious infections. Most repellents work best when they are applied directly to the skin. They are safe to use Ihmsdiy. July II, ItSS unless you have an abraslett %» broken spot on your akin or » less your akin ii particulaAy tender. J Be careful to keep repellents away from, your eyes and mouth because they may cause tntfat, but rather severe, stinging. * The chemicals in some repellents are likely to spot or stain synthetic fibers, such aa rayon, nylon or orlon. And keep them < away from plastics -- eyeglass frames, pocketbook handles and combs. Many repellenta contain a chemical that dissolves plastics. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) ' » ETES FXAMWID - GLASSES FITTEIJ VISUAL TRAINING - VISUAL REHABILITATION CeMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS •OURS DAILY : 9 to IS A. M. and 1 to i P. •, fSIDAY EVENINGS: t:00 to 8:Sft P. •» EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 I WE MESS YOUR FLOORS S WINDOWS • See Our Complete Line • | * LINOLEUM - TILE - CARPETING f ^ # DRAPES - CURTAINS • RODDING • :i ; f VENETIAN and VERTICAL BLINDB 4 * ^ - . ' v V I - PHONE 917 for Free Estimate J TONYAN'S HOME FURNISHINGS I 208 E. ELM STREET ' McHENRY, TT.i, j ICE CREAM -'There's A Difference" Today! FLAVORS BOY IT AT. BOUER'S GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL, Bird Houses - Lawn Chairs - Lawn and Porch flwtags Picnic and Umbrella Tables - Pier and Park Benches : Juvenile Chairs, Swings and Sand Boxes - Window Boxes Flewer Wheelbarrows - Rose Arbors, Trellis - Picket Fences, eto Cabinets, Chest of Drawers, Cornices, etc. Cement Qrimney Caps and Cesspool Rings and Coren MADE TO ORDER CLARENCE J. SMITH PRONE MS-J-l JOHNSBUBO. ILLINOIS Don't Risk Tire Trouble! SPARE TIRES TRACTORS SPECIAL ON 10-38 Open Centers *oU fr o Nifllit Cooling Fan m yew wm hew for five doys.. . CoH NOW ... Or come to our neorest store* Hove our representative deliver either one to your Home ... without dtoege or obligation! Speeds werk-saves meney-helps builders deliver quality work • Past, prompt Mtvery, aaf Ant, asy place* • No asess to clean apt faeped exactly where wanted. accurately preferitemed CM your job. #PnU strength, reliability and uniformity in every lead. '* •Low price delivered--ae gamble ee cost. Ymtmd year builder will both benefit by using ew lndf-MM CeecMia. Phoae as before joe build McHenry Sand & Gravel PHONE McHENRY 920 WTBONT STREET MCHENRY. ILL, ALSO COMPUTE SELECTION OF NEW AND RETREADED TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRlS AT LOW TRADE-IN PRICES McHenry Tire Marl WALT FREUND and BOB THURLWELL. Props. Main Street Phone 294 or 295-J West McHenry Ppea Dally; 8 A. M. 'tti 8 P, M. -- Sondap: Til Ig Mem V Seehew | Stop moisture domoge any place in your home with all Electric EtohumidiAer. Ydu'N have no worries about rvst mold or mildew... no more crumbling plaster, dripping pipes or musty odors. Take od vantage of thie free home trial offer today •.. see how wasted* doff rtreopo spoce can become dry wrtlft this e6ty-!oH«e H|iy Ceeler SUspl'l TMe Summer--Feel the kravry of restful iliip o« the night cooling fon exhaust* hot, «MFy oir ond draws in cool, night air... then circulates it gently through yowr home or opartment. Sleep in relaxed comfort as soothing, cooling breezes quickly lowfr room temperature. Easily-portoble night cooling font fit aimosf ony win<fow. Try one now ... tee how yew can enjoy lew-cost ssmmer comfort m yowr own home. PUBLIC COMPANY