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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jul 1953, p. 12

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iff" 5 "*-* t «^S [> ' ~ * 4- % * i ", * #* A' ' *"< Shepard * ',*?*? £*|p ^ Hp !^9"m"^H!Tf ire ,'; . *••»;; :.S<: '"•^j MCJS. was entertained home of Mn, Kenneth Thursday. ' l l # ' ' 1"W.8.C.8. ' will serve a *m:^; rout beef cafeteria supper in iv" 1 UM church hall Thursday even- 1%, My so. ."**> Mrs. Susie Evanoff of the ' - «*> JfUHf Rest Home spent Thurst *4 W7, Friday and Saturday in the ' C* ^ home of her brother, Dr. William ^••^ Hepburn. Mrs. Decker, . Mrs. Robert i,*Ad Smith, Mrs. Gordon Fossum, " H Mrs. Listo, Mrs. Frank Harrison c*v<t aad Mrs. Nelson Cristy attended l. the district officers' workshop , i Sg at the Wilmette Methodist t * **^5 dhurch Wednesday evening. Mrs. ' t U* B. T. Butl|r, Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and Mrs. Clinton Martin V*va attended in the afternoon. %"'*.47 Mrs. James Conway arid 'STfi Wayne Poss were guests in the Mi'dred Munshaw hnine at Elgin Tue*««y. Mrs. Flora Ha? i :soi:, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MoCraig of Dundee, attended the • golden wedding celebration of -4-™ xtty. and Mrs. R. W. Churchill * * > at Grayslake Thursday, July 9. ^ J Miss Marian Peet returned to ' her work in Elgin &fter a two weeks vacation at her home , here. Mrs. Lena Peet and daughters, i Alice and Marian, spent Wednesday evening in Elgin. TT Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seige t ^ of McHenry and Mrs. Joan Mar- 1 eld and daughter, Karen, of Chi- ' cago spent Tuesday evening in " the George Shepard home. I William Payne ?pent Wednesday in Chicago. Mrs. Catherine Weber of Mc- I Henry and Mr. Wegner ,of He- * broa called on Mrs. James Cons way Tuesday evening. | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray, - V- Sr., and Mrs. Jack Murray, Jr., i and children, Leslie and Nancy, of Chieigc. spent Friday In the A Wolf Shadle home. I Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard X and Mr. and Mrs. William Heine 2?: '•} of Chicago attended a picnic 'l, ? party at Fontana Sunday. .1 Mr. and Mrs. Webster Blackman and children of Chicago are spending a two week's vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. Mueller and Mr. and Mrs. Rex of De3 Plaines spent Monday evening with Dr and Mrs. William Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Harriapn spent Sunday 'with their SaughUfca andf amines at~Hwat~ toy. Mr. and Mm. Leo Newlin and Mrs. Agnes Jencks are on fishing trip in Wisconsin. Pearson, Bqb Brennan {tatchle Lenard attended the game at Elgin Saturday 1 Mrs. Louis Hawlpy spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs W. A. Collins of Beloit were callers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Granyille Carl won and daughter of Hil'side spent Sunday in the Clayton Bruce home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell went to Menominee, Mich., and brought their children, who have been visiting there, home with them. Miss Virginia Pepson of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. x Mrs. C- U lIa;;i.3on and Mr?. John Hogan attended the annual meeting of the Horns Bureau at the Westwood school at Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington attended the supper at Greenwood Thursday evening. Charles Carr of Hin^s hospital spent the weekend wi*h his parents, Mr. and Mrs Lester Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hqwe and Mvss Cora Walters of ^Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwald, Jr., of McHepry spent Tnursday evening in the Louis Hawley home. • ' . MBS. EGAN DIES Maria Egan, 95, of ?elvidere, mother of two Roman Catholic priests, died last wteek in the . heme of one of her sons, the Rev. John Egan, pastor of St. James Catholic church, Belvidere. Mrs. Egan is also 'the motjttr of the Rev. Joseph Egan, past<^ of St. Mary's church, Woodstock, and. Mrs". M*rie Reynolds, Dixon. She was bom Nov. 1, 1858, in Laragon, County Mayo, Ireland, and came to the United States in 1887. She 'resided much of her lifetime in the Sterling-Fulton area. JUNIOR OLYMPICS Governor William G. Stratton will serve 'as honorary referee for a junior Olympics track and field meet on the opening day, Aug. 14, of the 1953 Illinois state fair. The field meet is officially sanctioned by the Central Association of the Amateur Athletic Union. Welfare Group Holds Conference Hie mid-summer bonferenoe of the Fox Valley District H of the Illinois Welfare association will be held July 23 at the Lake County Tuberculosis sanatorium, 2400 Belvidere street. Waukegan. District II comprises Kane. Will, DuPage, Kendall, McHenry and Lake counties. This will be an all-day meeting starting in the morning. Dr. Charles K. Petter, superintendent of the sanatorium, is speaker of the morning session at 9:45. Dr. Petter is a nationally acknowledged authority on the modern treatment of tuberculosis. His subject will be "The Changing Picture of Tuberculosis and Its Controls." A toUr of the sanatorium will be made under the auspices of Dr. Petter. Lake county takes pride in its fine sanatorium, one of the most modecv in appointments and treatment facilities. It has been used as a model throughout the nation, and has been written up in many national publications. Luncheon will be served at the Swedish Glee club, 621 Belvidere street, Waukegan, dnd the remainder of the day's session will be held there in the air conditioned music room of the club. Directly after lunch, there will be a short business session. J. Stratton Hall, Aurora, is chairman of District It; Clarence E. Adams of Libert yviUe^ vice-chairman, and Mrs. Mary E. Fay, Wheaton, secretarytreasurer. The main speaker of the afternoon will be Dr. Otto L. Bettag, director of the sta^e Department of Welfare, and an outstanding person of wide experience in tuberculosis prevention and control. This meeting carries on the theme established by District II at the beginning of the year of "Public Health" and promises to "r * •wl • ' ' - • - * - * • < ~ v > . . f - . A :s\A :, » / SB * . Vt : . . • • i !, • . * I t i u z i d aT. J n l v 2 3 - i lK fflltWIIHHIUIIHIHWWUHmHIIHIIUIIWHHtMtHIIIW' Subscribe "to The Tt^ndealer Frank S. May BLACK DIRT SwmJ-G'"*1 - ^xcavalinf , Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Harri-| -Route 5. McHenry Wn -of McHenry spent Wednes- ' l>amym >e vening in the J. C. parson phone: McHenry* 580-M-I some. AND _ RADIO, SELF-SERVICE TUBE TESTER !fow you can gfregk youf own tubes FREE! Come in and we will show you how. ' RADIONIC SALES & SEHVICK 512 Main St. McHenry Near the Bank Surging Powerwith a Single Purpose you call on thesvergmg raaerve of acceleration that aet new official AAA performanee racordb for the Red Ram V-8. f ; SAFETY* mm m m be a m«|t uimaWal and tive «k>ng the#* inter eating Knee. <ach m«Ri^r is urged to attend and bring any guest who may be intsredted in •Objects so vital to the hefclth of the community. Anyone interested may join the Illinois Welfare association. It is a statewide organization divided into districts, and holding meetings pertinent to welfare and welfare problems throughout tfie year. A state convention is held eaoh fall, with all members welcome to attend. The membership ia composed of 'both lay and professional people, and membership makes each one a vital part of the welfare programs and problems as they exist in the state of Illinois, and challenges their ability to contribute to a sound solution of these problems. lightnhtG FATAL BIKE ACCIDENT Bernard Lemke, 12, of DeOi Plaines, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lemke, was killed Thursday by a Chicago A North Western train at the DesPlaines avenue crossing in DesPlaines. Bernard and his brother, Arthur, 9, were riding their bicycles and stopped at the crossing to permit a westbound train to pass. They then started across the tracks, failing to see an eastbound train approaching on another track. The locomotive hit the rear of Bernard's bicycle, throwing him 90 feet. He was dead when police Coached the scene. The Want Ada! Ninety percent of the damage done by lightning every year occurs in rural areas. Lightning accounts for nearly 400 deaths and 1,000 injuries each year, says John W. Matthews, executive secretary of the Illinois Rural Safety Council. , % This threat from the. skies also accounts for about 5 per* cent of the nation's fires and an annual property loss of $20,- 000,000. Matthews says that in most cases you can prevent ftgfftning damage, to your buildings and their contents by a system of air terminals and grounded conductors. Proper grounding is often neglected, since it is hidden and most easily overlooked. Every fastener or connector is important in the system because the performance of the entire circuit is determined by its weakest link. Be sure that your system is properly installed and maintained. Seek protection in buildings protected with, lightning rods wenever you can during electrical -storms, Matthews suggests. Stay away from open windows or doors and fireplaces, stoves, pipes and other metal objects. If you have *to stay outdoors, keep away from small sheds or shelters in exposed locations, isolated trees, wire fenced, farm DB. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Ai 136 S. Green Street McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) 0 EYES EJAXINE9 - GLASSES F^TTE» YlStfAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATE* CeVPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS ^OURS DAILY s 9 te 18 A. M. and 1 to 6 P. * " FBI9AY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:80 P. •. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 machinery or hilltops j itt open ireae. ' Best protection in file open when you have no other alternative is to lie on the ground away from objects that tend to attract* lightning. Bolts of lightning always head for the highest point in the area in which it strikes, whether it is a barn, a tree or a man walking In a f i t t f ' BEAUTY WINNER Miqs Edith Krumme of Seymour, Lid., a cousin of Leo Krumme of Crystal Lake, won the/ title of "Miss Indiana" and then was sent to Long Beach, Cal., last week to compete in the "Miss Universe" contest. Miss Krumme is a student at the University of Indiana, where she won a talent and beauty contest before going on to take state honors in" competition at Indianapolis. Miss Krumme is a most beautiful young woman. Promoters who complarn that television lowers attendance at sports events seldom mention the television rights fee. ftesi% Ha44*«» ty remits Careful selection of popcorn seed since 1939 has enabled University of Illinois horticulturists to improve the ^popping quality, of corn almost 75 percent. Pepping quality is determined by increase in volume when the corn is popped. B. L. Weaver, who has been in charge of the work, reports that average popping volume was 'twenty-two in 1939. Last year it was thirty-eight. In 1939 only five ears increased in volume as much as. thirty times when popped. In last year's tests only three ears had a popping volwfte of less than thirty. ; Last year two ear# in the test popped at forty-four times the unpopped volume. Twenty years ago, according to Weaver, a variety of popcorn was considered good if it increased its volume twenty times when popped. x All com tested over the four- ICE CREAM There's A Difference" Try II FLAVORS BUY IT AT . . . BOLGER'S GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. nWNI M • it Hvrr* _ from Wving aeedi jlrom the best ear* each yea^ > Weaver says they haV|r noticed no other change in the .corn caused by saving ears aedflfsding to popping quality. Want Ads, like everybody's business. A. F. & A. H. 107 N. Court $t. Meeting l-3rd Tutea. Visitors Welcome : Phillip Ricker, Secy. 1 'i Phone McHenry 417 ^ ' O. E. S. 107 N. Court St. Meetings 2nd A 4th TU{^. Visitors Welcome Myrtle Harrison, Secy Tel Won. Lk 3641 1 ¥ PROFE >> iOrSRi •DIRECTORS' m ,imr' OS. C. R. 8 W ANSON I Dentist Iv 120 S. Green Street Office Hours: Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:80 to 5:30s Men., Wed. and Fri. Eveni|pf By Appointment Only,# • Telephone McHenry 1M •W VERNON KNOX Attorney At Law sr Cor. Green and Elm StMete McHenry, III. Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days by Appointment Phone McHenry It WILLIAM M. CARROLL, *r. Attorney At Law ^ llO'/i Benton Street •'v Phone Woodstock 1834** = Woodstock, Illinois ' ' •^, JOSEPH X. WAYNNlB0 Attorney At Law 809 Waukegan Road (RFD Box) Phone McHenry 402 West McHenry, UL rMSH • (iravel Hi./ ' : i rf^hen you choose a car for your family, you call on your good judgment to obtain every measure of Bafety. One safety factor you Should certainly consider is the magnificent reserfgf' of power that Dodge provides in till 140-h.p. Red Ram V-8 engine. , power is there when you need itt For passing, for turning into higKway . traffic, for crossing intersections... *Tbe cost of safety is very low: Dodge prices start below many models in the 'lowest-priced" field. '/ ///\W tIi Hi • Track on the highway, a touch of your toe brings instant, mht response. Dodge power reserve is a great safety factor. PewerM brakes; capable of developing more than 700- h.p. in stopping power, team iu» with the Red Ram VEight engine to bring vou new neater y of every driving situation. mm •xmz ^OMKamcTv«aiTMonMaur DODGE V-II9HT er SIX Yov'v Got to Driv It to Mfav It aaa impntmt nhjtel to tkan§» without neHet. A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. ^ 301 E. PEARL STREET PHONE McHENRY 156 ^ - 30/000 MULE GUARANTEE -- £ i JOHN F. fcOPT Rt I, Box 821 tffeoae 574-M-2 McHenry, Illinois . MASON CONTRACTOR „ Insured Workmen Free Fillnwli i, . 9W'f rzrrt" FRANK S. laAY BLACK P1BT • Gravel - Mrtwal Excavatlm { .Route 5,.M<^bMnr, III. | ib^e: Mcae«| ARM .. . . a : Limestone! HERN TIOELEN • Maek Dirt] Excavating 'Tel. Mcffenry 588-B1 or f88-W.i| Box 218, Bt 1, McBenxy, m. sit mmis FROM JUST OHI PRACTICAL-SIZE nm MOOSE Ml AUTOMATIC GASWATlRHEATBfcial Plenty of hot water for shaves, showers, baths, dishes, laundry, cleaning--yes, ev&y thing--is yours with an Automatic Gas Water ^eater. You're always sure of enough, even for the extra demands of today's automatic washing machine^ and dishwashers. That's because new Gas Water Heaters are faster--their "quick recove^* gets you more hot water in a hurry to replace what you've drawn off. There's no need to have a bulky, space-taking tank, either... not when Gas gives you more efficiency with a practical size unit. You'll also like Gas economy .. . just a few pennies a day brings yon •• abundant hot water. Low installation cost saves you money, too. Start now to enjoy unlimited, low-cost hot water -- . Automatic Gas Water Heater. ^ ; , . * i T ih£t. / 1: a- D v v His »iu< OQVif w Today s AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATERS are built to save fuel ahd give lasting service. They're solidly constructed and projected against corrosion ... a heavy jacket of icvsulatipp all around keeps heat IN, cold OUT. Thermostat • automatically keeps water at the temperature you s«t. -See the newest Automatic GM Water Heaters at our nearest store or your dealer's. fU&LIC COMPANY f.: v - •' I 'till HHNNT'" _ ' |L. f. FREUND M BO|i| Excavattag Contractor* ^Trucking, Hydraulic a^d Crane Service ~ ROAP BUILplNG -- I Tel. - kcHeury, IU.I INSURANCE! y fcARL R. WALSIf fire, Auto, Farm to Llfo Inauranc Repreaesclaf R^.iAr.tT: COMPANIES '* WIko Fou Need Insurance of Any Kind pHQNK 48 or 958 Oveen 41 Elm McHenry, COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ; 'tor the small business mai Reasonable Rates Income Tax Returns MoHENRY BOOKKEEPING TAX SERVICE Professional Bldg. ^10 So. Green Street ' / Phone 788 or 265-M STOFF^L 4 RJSDHANSPERGEI Insurance agents for all classes oi property in the best companies.] West McHenry, Illinois - Telephone 800 ffl Bteif Street McHenry, SCHROBDER IRON WORKS Cfcmamcntal 4k structural Steel | . Visit Our Stiowrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 81 * Phone 950 * " 7 1. _ ' » B I N Q ' S PLUMBING and HEATING • " BOB FRISBT, ill. Quality. Fixtures-Radiant llratia Gas and Electric Water Heaters YVa^er Systems - Water Softener Repairs - Free Estimates - Phone McHenry J89-M ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Eleanor Matteoni Schlottana| Private Lessons In Piano and Piano Accordion For iQfoitnatloa TeL MeMenry «0 M 1 . . . . . . i f '

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