H .Thttuhy. Mr S£lSS9 umi Wonder Lake $ews By Vanesse Sells * #,°n,e °» Lww»\ nlU-'•; Laura Wenkel, wftb 11* a Recruiting officer at Memphis, JTenn.t for the Women's Army Oorp^ has been home oa leave wtth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Wenkel, of Woncjer Woods. She spent two weeks at home. Sgt Laura will complete thr^e years of army service In August and gaya she will en lint for l^oytier three yem.- j Polio Vie tin < T ' Afltte{ Marks, the 12-yeur-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. AI Marks of Deep Spring Woods, was stricken with polio lugt week and was taken to Sherman hospital in Elgin, where tho» diagnosis was made last Tuesday Ade^e is a member of the Busy Bumble Dees 4-H club. 'The »|arksf family mrUtes in Chicago r but * has s»wnt tnnny > Boy Scouts Qunpr , 2fc. group of Wonder Lake Boy Scouts and their leader, Larry Silva, returned Saturday from Camp Lowden, where they camped for a week. Among the cairtpers were Dan and Dick Lundborg, Kaut Weisenberger, Gary Vogt, Richard Hoffman, Roland Hoffirtan, Tom Roti, Richard Johnson, Charles Johnson, Bill and Lee Spuehr, Tom Miller, Larry Pierce and Donald Zirwas. . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lundborg drove to the camp on Thursday of last week to s6e a ceremony during a councg^J^ Hospital Auxiliary Within the past few weeks, five new memhers have joined the Wonder Lake unit of tH Auxiliary of Memorial hbspitai for McHenry county. The five yfears in Wonder Lak-v at their' include M:s. Nora Wright, Mrs. summer' cottage, named "Adele"'! Grace Sellek, and Mrs. Lotte for the little girl. , Hallstrom of Wonder Center, Mrs Gertrude White of Indian A flrl bora two months after: Ridge and Mrs. L. C. Fuhrc of Deep Spring Woods. There are thi-ee chairmen in Wonder Lake, Mrs. Dorothy Mc- Eachren, Mrs. Lillian Plotner and Mrs. Anton GriiL. jj. , fcer father died in Korea was christened Sunday in a RnrrJng ton church with a name he chose for her. The baby is Kathleen Lee Martin, six weeks' old daughter of Mrs. Lois Martin and th« late Sergeant Charles Martin of • Family Reunion Crystal Lake. j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Armamen- The 24-year-old Marine ser- tis and their son, Pvt. Robert geant died in action March 23. Armamentis, were weekend Kathleen was born last month. I guests at the home of Mr. am' Fire Cafl The Wonder Lake fire department turned out Monday night to extinguish a fire in a sun** mer home on the blacktop in Deep Spring Woods. The name of the home owner was hot kr vailable. "Firemen said fire apparently broke out in the refrigerator. The interior of the house was badly damaged. Gospel Church Www The vacation Bible school la now in progress. Sessions are held every morning, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., Tuesday through Fri» day till July 31. Children 4 through 14 may still enroll. Closing exercises will „ be held on Friday evening, July 31, at 7:45. Four of our Sunday School girls have enjoyed a week at the Williams Bay Bible camp oil Lake Geneva, Wis. This camp, wjth excellent facilities, is only. 27 miles from Wonder Lake and offers the very best and wholessome things to youngsters duip* ing the summer season. Rates 3 re reasonable. For further- in* fo:mation. consult the pastor a|r the Gospel church. ' We were pleased to have an unusually large number of visitors with us in the Sunday Bible school and at the morning 'service last Sunday, July 19. We cordially invite one and' all to worship with us on The Lord's Day at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday Bible school at 10 a.m. • v By a strange quirk of fate, tho body of Kathleen's father arriv ed when Mrs. Martin was due to go to the hospital and had to be held over fc burial until after the baby was born .The child was christened iij the St. Paul Evangelical Reformed church at Barrington by the Rev. Edwin Rilke. Maternal grandparents of the. baby are Mr. and Mr<». Jchn Wirth jof Fox River Grove and the • paternal . grandparents are Mr. amd Mrs. Charles Martin of Crystal Lake. Kathleen has a sister, Christine, Who is iust past 3. Mrs. Dorothy McEachrea of Wonder Lake was a guest at the christening. She, was formerly <i neighbor of the senior Martins and .knew the late sergeant from his -childhood. - -- League Status Members of the Highland Park League of Women Voters were present at the home of President Ruth Kolar of the Wonder Lake League last Wednesday to di.idliss the reasons why the Wonder Lakers are still in thv« provisional league category instead of having rcacbed full league status. State Director Mrs. Clarcm-e I Qoelzer was one of the Highland Parkers; the other was Mr? i William Aaron. The meeting was ( conducted at the Wonder Woods home of Mrs. Kolar. ^ [ All leagues are required to [ study their own local goverp- , ment, but the Wonder Lake 1 League is unique in the state in that it actually has no local 1 government of its own to study. ' Since a league must have at ' least fifteen members, most 1 Leagues are in villages, cities, townships or counties. The Won- 3 der Lake League has thirty-five ' paid-up members and has been 3 studying the government ovail- ' able in their area and searching tdr facts about any futuve gov- \ ernment that might 'be c msidert ed in ythe area. " Present at the meeting, other than the women mentioned, were •: Past , President Jane SetZler. j Treasurer Uldina Haught and \ Van «ells. I • • m * : Mrs. James Selsdorf in Indian Ridge. ' Also at the Selsdorf home was her mother, Mrs. George Armamentis, and the Selsdorfs' oldest daughter, Peggy, a student fit Northwestern who works in the graduate department. The Armamentis family- formerly had a summer home in Indian Ridge. Pvt. Bob was a graduate student at Loyola University prior to his induction into the service. He is now. tiorted in New Jersey. •: >*" Exciting Week It was an exciting week for the Richard Justens of McHenry. Their third child, a second son, was born and there was < robbery at the Justen gas station. Mrs. Justen is the former Elaine Fredrickson and seven and one-half pound Guy Steven Justen is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Fredrickson of Wonder Lake. The other Justen children are Richard. 7, and Sharon, 4. The robbery occurred Friday when a Richmond youtn, Gorman Wipper, stopped at the Justen station, located at Rts. 31 and 120, and, while his car was being serviced, he picked up a canvas bag containing $225 in cash. The efficient police of McHei^ county had the young man in custody twenty-five irijnutes later. Legion Amfltary Mrs. Marie Bendl will be installed as president of the American Legion auxiliary the latter part of this month, the date still to be determined. Elected to serve with Mrs. Bendl are Jay Hansen, treasurer; Marion Cannon, secretary; Alice Murdock, ~ first vice-president; Lorraine St3hl, second vice-president; Mary Lowrey, historian, and Jerre Elbersen, serjeant-at-arms. Mrs. Elbersen Is ths out-going president of the unit NEWLAW REGULATES SALE OF SECURITIES .. JANUARY 1. 1954 Trip To South Mr. and Mrs. Bairiev Donash Illinois will have a new"blue sky law" regulating the sale at securities on Jan. 1, 1954, Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier, who will administer the law, said this week. Legislation setting up the "hew controls, passed by the recent session of the General Assembly, was signed on Monday, July 13, by Governor William G. St ratton. It does not become "effective, however, until the first of the year. • The netv law, which repeals the original "blue sky law" of 1917, is designed to prevent fraud and inequitable transactions in the sale of securities by providing for the registration of securities and the regulation of the sale of securities, Secretary Carpentier said. It also provides for the registration of dealer* and salesmen in securicies. Secretary Carpentier, who arranged for the introduction of the measure into the General Assembly, said the new law increases the penalty - for fraudulent sale of securities from a maximum of one year to a maximum of five years, and it provides the Secretary of State with investigatory powers and the power of subpoena. A type of "private" sale without the usual registration is provided so that corporations msy legitimately issue and sell securities to managers and otner employees of closely held - corporations, ^Secretary Carpentier said. Another feature of the new law is the simplification and elimination, 1. to the extent possible, of duplication in requirements for registration of securities with the Secretary of State of the State of Illinois and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. The new law places statutory limitations on commissions which may be charged by dealers in securities for selling securities. It allows the use of a short "Identifying statement" in connection with the sale of securities similar to the identifying statement allowed in connection imw • ijsyj-K* law sh'.ir*' •VI 11 House For top-grade quality that gives you more of iVerything you like in meat... for pre-trimmed cuts that give you more good meat for your money--these special values are your best meal buys of the week. Yes--our meat values are really something special--choice cuts of tender . •. juicy ... flavorful meats that make your meals something special too. Quality-wise and thrifty-wise--they're your best meat buys. Our Own (Tore--Kosher Style Corned Beef 59 Young Steer Beef Liver 59 C lb. Our Own Certified Frying * Pan I MILN0T I3 I CALIFORNIA SUNKIST I tall tins 29C ^ ORANGES 59 c ' :*r. • tANCY ELBERTA - FREESTONE p t-KVtlfii, Chickens ^ I SWIFT NING f ' 87* I | PEACHES 2 *>29 "HEW TEXAS 3 ib. MILK FED HAM Bologna Lb. 49* § WESSON OIL i I I f! ONIONS 31. 23' The -- Plan Picnle " Indian Ridge Improvement association is planning a picnic July 25 and 26. to be held on the south playground owned by the subdivision and located on Oak street, east o? the county road. The proceed? from this particular picnic wi'! be used to purchase play yard equipment for the playground. There will be games, dancing, refreshments and horseback riding. Free candy and cracker-jack will be given to the children on Sunday afternoon. of Hickory Falls and their two: with the sale of securities bv \ j +& k 4-H Program V- • W*e Wonder Lake Bnay Buwble Bees 4-H club will be among , the clubs to show the garments f they have made when the style show for the county is held at | 1:30 p.m. in the Woodstock high school auditorium Friday after- ; noon. daughters, Jackie and Mrs. Jerre Elbersen, have just returned from a six-day trip that took them to the Great Smoky 'Mountains National Park. Barney, a Chicago policeman^ is still in a cast from an accident last fall. But that didn't keep him from enjoying the trip, according to his daughters Now In Japan Pfc. Tom Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Martin of Wonder Center, is now stationed with the army in Japan. "Tommy" writes his brother, Les Klintftrorth, that he is stationed seven miles out of Tokyo and is collecting supply part s for radar. He says it requires two hours to make the sevenmile trip to the big city because of the bad transportation, the people walking the roads, and the vehicles using both lanes of traffic. ' the tJnited States Securities and Exchange Commission. The law eliminates the former statutory prescribed grading of Securities into classes A, B, C D. HARNESS RACING Tlie world's finest trotters and pacers will compete for purses expected to exceed $400,000 in six days of harness racing at the 1953 Illinois state fair, Aug. 14-23, at Springfield. Outstanding events have been scheduled for every day of the program. The top feature attraction will be held Monday, Aug. 17, whe>i the Illinois stat" fair colt stakes are run. Each of the four races, for two and three year old pacers and trotters, will be worth more than $60,000. Veal Chops CHOICE CUT SKINLESS -- ALL MEAT Halibut Lb. 49* Wpinies Lb. 47* RINSO worth SOLID HEADS • GREEN CABBAGE 3 k :MWr ••*«*A a* . . hat These Items oi Sale Thors^ M and Sat. LIBBY - 6 OZ. TIN „.V • liinnrxa ORANGE JUICE LIBBY - 6 OZ. TIN LEMONADE LIBBY . 10 OZ. PKG. PEAS LIBBY . 10 OZ. PKG. or 21« 33c BROCCOLI SPEARS 25* DELMONTE DERBY - IS OZ. JAR Fruit Cocktail 2: "j 303 1m$ 45 TAMALES. . IIELLMAN'S . PINT JAR MAYONNAISE TYNEE BRAND SALAD BOWL Those wjho decided to wil| to build a $use until prices went down, in 1940, are still waiting Speedy ^ M? Henry Garage well DOWN ANVTHIN6 WHAT'LL YOU SILLY AW- I MIGHT KNOW ^ YOU'D PEMeMSEP I HAO MY CAR COMPLEXLY OVERHAULED BY NICK MILLER'S M<HENIIY GARAGE T--wr r THAT CARS they ove*- HAIM. DMT BREAK MNN' H«CK! ^ WHAT CHANCE f I KNOW has A guy cot to pitch A LITTLE WOO WITH A CAR THAT WON'T HAMS 3 n>. «• *3i9 SALAD DRESSING ft. IT «. 45' 39 : > tKi ' MARGARINE 2 am. 53^ MA BROUN OLD FASHION ^ PICKLES Pbt ALLSWEET RAGGEDY ANN 1 GRAPEFRUIT Segments 2 303 tins 35' a place whepe tmev sCll Swell STEAKS-MAYBE Tuevu. tjlVE 1DU CMOTU«OYH A st6ra eimng th, RAGGEDY ANN - SLICED - NO. % TIN WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES «04 FRONT STREET PINEAPPLE .. . . DELMONTE SLICED . pAKTLElT PEARS .T?^T 2 Z 29* 49* LAKESIDE SHOESTRING - '8 OZ. TIN BEETS 5* BED LABEL . "»r.A« STVLE CORN . . ,.. 2 Z.2S* PKQNE 403 pj <v,%