,-AfP! J' wmm 4 J * * l?4t. - ?} '< t Thwdty, Jaty-16,19M •^v •#-n rY" £-"N "V^ _ *:*..,> vr- '•• * •"• •" • * • ; » > • - : " •*•< • •'•*'•• «^<s'japwr'> ™ t|*r #fi .'ill THE JHY PLAINDEALEBr- > *>' * "" ^ T' :w-% ?: • ' -v." ' v"v.. ' ; v •• '•""" * ' '" e - CLASSIFIED -I WAKTED REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for your homes, suiaraer homes, (arms, and business properties. We cat. sell your property If your pric* is rfgiit. •JACOB FRITZ . REAL ESTATE in Johnsburg Tel McHenry 87 27-tf WANTED -- "HEAL ESTATE We have buyers for Lake, ftiver, or Channel Front Property, if vou want to Bell, call GEORGE D. WATTS. Realty Fox Lake, til. Fox Lake 7-1011 2-tf WANTED -- Down or crippled cattle at better cash prices. Call L. Burnside and Sons, Marengo 907, collect. 5tf WANTED: A Spinet Piano for $25 or cost of moving. Phone Wonder Lake 3132. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Small dog with brown and white spots in Vicinity of Mason Hill Road, 3 weeks ago. Answers to name of Rex. Call 526-J= -2, 6 to 7 p.m: , 11 | LOST: 1952 class ring, black j oynx, with diamond, in the vicinity of McHenry high school, Sunday! afternoon. Reward. Call Wonder' Lake 2521. 11 j LOST at Wonder Lake--"Zebra" i Parakeet, blue& breast white on head. Black and white wings and back. Answers to name of "Turk", reward. Call Wonder Lake 4631. 11 LOST--the desire for any other work shoe but WOLVERINE SHELL HORSEH1DES -- those triple-tanned, super-tough, buckskin- soft work shoes that DRY OUT SOFT. See them at Fitzglerald's Men's Shop, today. Too Laie To Classify RESPONSIBLE PERSON I male or female, from this area, wanted to service and collect from j automatic vending machines. No [selling. Age not essential. Car, re- Iferenc^s, and $600 working capital Inecessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly Inets, to $400 monthly. Possibility lfull time work. For local interview Igiva full particulars, phone. Write |P.O. Box 521, Mpls. 1, Minn. 11 IE|»P WANTED ^ WbnTBrn~*on Jigh]t kitchen work at Pistakee }(?lf Club. Weekends only. Good |pay. Call McHenry 354. 11 IFOR SALE -- 3 bedroom home; [fully insulated, fruit trees, berry [shrubs, deep well. 2-car garage. 2 l!arge lots. $9,500 at terms. Phone ^one Wonder L$ke 27Q3 11-tf ISUSTAVUS NNPplR IN, ILONG TIME RREE!S IDENT BAY, IS DEAD Gustavus Norin, 77, a perman- ?nt resident of Pistakee Bay, liied unexpectedly at his home nn Regner Road early Tuesday |ifternoon, July 21. He is survived by his wife, |3ertha; one son. Lowell W.; and lwo daughters, Mrs. Mabel Leu lliggins and Mrs, Gwendolyn Ivetlin. The body is, rtjtfng at the peorge Justen Jk Son funeral |iome until Friday aft^rnoop at o'clock, when service?, will be Conducted tjieret Rev. C. A. Lol) itz of the Lutheran church of- [iciating. Burial will be in 'oodlawn cemetery. I'or complete lightning protectlo® lith master underwriter's label, jail Althoffs Hardware, 501 jlaln St. Phone 384 for free Ltimate. 1 _ li: Need a RtxbDer Stamp? Order now at tbe Plalnaeaker. ST. MARY'S CHURCH : AUCTION Located 4»/2 miles northwest ol Mundelein, 4 y2 miles sou tit we* it ol Gray's Lake, 6'/j miles nortiieantj ol vVauconda, It miles southeast of McHenry, and 2 miles west ol 1 van hoe, on Route 59A, at Fre- [ mont Center, on the '•- Mary's church grounds, on SUNDAY, JULY 26 Commencing at 1:00 o-a** . • Sharp (D.S.T.) « S LIVESTOCK CATTLE 2 reg. Springing Holstein Heifers^ 6 choice Veal Calves; 3 Holstein: Heifers from 1 .to 3 mos. otdi BEEF CATTLE 1 Yrlg. WhiLe Faced Stt*r; % White Faced Steera alSout SOU lbs. «*.. HOGS 1 Bred York Gilt; 1 Hampshire Gilti 2 York Gilts, 3 months oldij- 2 outstanding Registered Boars* 1 Duroc. Boar, 1 Hamp. Boar (t mos. old); 10 Feeder Pigs. HORSES, GOATS, SHEEP 1 outstanding Reg. Palomino Fit' ly; 2 Goata; 2 Sheep; $ Rabbits." POULTRY 50 Fryers; 6 Geese.; 10 Ducks* Pigeons.' ; FARM PRODUCE 50 bushels Oats; 40 bushels Shell Corn; 5 tons Timothy Hay; Quan* tity of Alfalfa Hay; 200 lbs. Lay» ing Mash; 100 lbs. Mormon Fcsd; 100 lbs. Calf Pellets. Farm Equipment, Supplies (A# New)--10 bales Baling Twine*; 1 Limestone Spreader; 1 Chick Brooder; Several Chick Feeders; 1 Farm Gate; 1 Hydraulic Tracto# Seat; 1 Hog Feeder; 1 Buckej| Sprayer; 1,200 gallons Fuel Oi|J 100 lbs. Transmission Grease; Sevi eral Cases Motor Oil; 3 new AutQ Tires; 25 lbs. Gun Grease; Quaint tity of Paint; 1 Grease Gunf Quantity of Woven Wire; Largjt quantity of new Hand Tools. Household Furniture (New) One new Automatic Washer; 35 mm. Camera; 5 Chennile Bed Spreads; 1 Electric Roaster; 1 Steel Frame Hammock; 1 Has* sock; 1 Linoleum Rug; 5 Pottery Jars; 2 Table Lamps; 1 Gats-Leg Table; Several Chairs; 1 Radio; Oil Burning Heat Stove; 1 Oil Burning Cook Stove; Large Quantity of Pillow Cases and Fan^y Work. LARGE QUANTTir of HAM3» BACON end GROCERIES Many other articles that were not listed when bills were printed. Do not fail to attend this auction. There will be a buy for everyone^ Every purchaser will have a cnance on our beautiful door prize, a wrist watch. All of the above articles have been donated by th# people of -St. Mary's pamsh and surrounding businessmen. \ FOOD and REFRESHMENTS on 1 the GROUNDS Not responsible for accidents St. Mary's Church ROBERS & BEHM, Auctioneers, For complete lightning protection with ouufter underwriter's label, call Althoffg Hardware, 501 Main St. Phone 284 for free estimate. 11 Order your Rubber Stamps ai the Plalndealer. ROBERT HAY "THE " 1 UDW : OVERHEAD WAY*] General Contractor « New Construciio||; fpd Remodeling LET US Fl^tJRE FOR YOU Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4 McHENRY, ILLINOIS * * ' r : ^ • - tAKMER v»«R«««es 53 DODGE Heater & O'Dfive 50 OLDS 98 Hydramatic A RAH 49 PACKARD New Paint Jpb--RAtt 49 PACKARD Radio & Heater - 46 PACKARD ... . 38 BUICK "CHEAP" Radio & Heater Samsel & Meersman Approved Packard Salep * Service 104 E. PEARL STREET McHENRY, UL PHONE McHENRY 1010 4 Door 4 Door By KERN PEDERSON % \<§) OFF MAIN STREET J UEMME TELL VA, BOV, THE^ VOUNG OlRLS TOOAV HAv/t LOST A LOT OF MODESTV/ Uncle c 6IRLS MDULOHV DREAM OF BEIN& SEEN IN PUBLIC IN A BATHING SUJT THAT DIDN'T • REACH AT LEAST 7D THEIR ANKLES...1 /TO rvi vest we HAD VmJI1%C l) ^AL GIRLS IN ANKLESPJTHEM^ DAVS ' By JOt DENNETT 6RAMP? I DEEMS GRAMPS, HOW DID VQU EVER POPPA. SIGN MV f?EP0RT<?A(?D IBE A BOV AGAIN / Q*e^ By TOM OKA Most gold diggers with brass lack polish. • * Some fellers would like to drown their troubles only their wives won't go swimmin' • • • It's possible to live a double life but it ain't comfortable. • * . • Yep, it's so hard to git a mud. slinger to dry up. * * « When a mousey man marries a catty wif« be sure leads a docf V • • CE0SSW01B After her light goes out sotn« . widows will strike another v. - 5 match. ^ ^ * • * • . ; / When you go a hunthtt* gotta play the game. 1 " Many a feller toots and blspfc who oint even got a horn. y ^ ' • * *' - t < , • It takes a slumber; paftf rU^fw*ff» » keep everybody awake. , Too many fellers are a peat, 'tarffcK';':; G Z --REV. ntARLEY GRA1TO OdMRM. N GRANDPA'S BOY NAU6HTV eoy MUSN'T TEAR THE MAGAZINE/' Boy/jusr WHAT WE BEEN LOOKING FOR 'W/y to BY ARNIE MOSSLER -- ACROSS Apex Cook slowly Lnglish COTTKX]* . Period ot bra* • " • - Yearn Stocking* Consum* Deer lik* animdl tpl) SUm Reqior* Fish eggt ' Ireland - • . Tie Rip look art ExpurigM Hymn* Lamprey Type oi <jrai A box , Dry ' - . Noise . , TranqflBwy Covered with Studi , Allot , Before . Percolate . Pit . Chest bone . In thisplac* . Finishilp I. Goll mounds Z Aloud 3. On lather a fide 4. Shovel 5. Prong 6. Main dish 7. Tiny 8. Plant spin* 9. Large cord 10. Bewildered I I . D i s o r d e r 17. Dens 19. Bows the head 33. Enraptured 24. Insect Metal rock Former Russian ru'er De'ame Printing measures Compass pcira TurkisRrjHaer , Tart . Injury . . Rao^J . Sana hUla . Smash . Fencing sword . Mimikei . Related . Great take . Money owed . Indefinite article olution ^ ^ . I / t. • s j ' - .M "t " I •f \in0VL ' \ &'2 »;>'siHk.- ~Tt THOSE WERE THE DAYS THOSE were; j-? THE-H DAYS *- 3* W DeiHiiM if GOING WEST WORK WITH FLOWERS? NOT ON "lOUR UFE--TW'S \MOMEN'S WORK " T ONE TlNAE, FATHER WOULDN'T TOUCH k GARDEN 4 AFTER I SET LOT ALL DUG UP, I'LL PLANT VW RED PHtACMTHUS! V ByART BEEMAW NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH: NO, HENRV/ >OU JUST PUT FUCHIAS THERE LAST WEEK I p-. .m* >•••<• m*. i l l i - rjj ~ .• UN?; 11 .< '-nsi • tij r>.i . 4 |y Russ AnwU ~M»' ran, By FRANK THOMAS LOOK. DEBBIET *REN HBRECOMEV THEY SOME J--7*-1 UTTERLY REAL DEVASTATING^ COWBOYS! THEY/LOOK. JUST UKB THOSE COWBOYS WE SAW IN THAT J YfiSl MOVIE BACK. V-ANO EAST-*SIZZLING | I'LL BET SIX-GUNS"' ---^THEY'RE T--J T-^HOTON THE X ( TRAIL OF SOME OUTLAWS RIGHT NOW/ THREE, PLEASE I SONNY SOUTH R ARANNV SAID AH WOULDVTNO V W*TrO WITIJ TUIC IMv/IKIIkl' BAn * NEARLY A MILE FROM TM'HOUSE AN' IT'S STIL1_ POINT1N' UP - By COURTNEY ALDERSON f OH, OH/ AH (TATCE IT BACK J) / • - •# .• - r > *1 !xl v^ui - THE HURDLING HOG/ OWNED SV TAB gVAKia oF charicstoiA, T«xas, THIS AUAvZINfi H03 WlU. I JUMP A 52-INCH HURDLE -for a rcwaivd of a bofcfcte ^ M: 6oda pop or beer / i MRS. AUGUSTA M. LVNCH, A6E 73/ HAS JUST COMPLETED HER FIRST SEMSSTER at WICHI6AW ST«E VC0LLE<5E, (HBft M7UH£RSON,AMggyj/ MEMEMBER WHEN DOU ACCIDENTALLY RAN INTO THE BOSS ON THE GOUT LIHKTS. S0HV. +\KUUO BUSTER - I THOUGHT you WCHT HOME SICK, THIS MORNING - / <m/@ STRETCH OF ROAD 53 MILES WITHOUT A CURVE? That's pare of tk route BETWEEN CHIHUAHUA ANI OURAN0O/ MEXICO 7/- By Al^iinith RURAL DELIVERY I HURT My TL SLIPPED I LOG? I WAS A By AL SMITH WELL, BOX YSTANDIN' TELL ME/ / (H ONE ) SPOT TOO H0RT^-S,L' LONG/ 7l WAS WALKING WALKlN Ert?THAT REMINDS ME... ME AN'OL.' CHARLIE - you KNOW CHARLEy WE WALKED CLEAR. AtfRoSS THE COONTR LOGGER IN MY DAV7 A REAL LUMBERJACK/ HO\A/D CHA HURT your FOOT eoyv ON A AND - FOOT ONCE IN COLLEGE PLAyiN FOOTBALL SIR - X FEEL MUCH BETTER.. MR. SCrtULZE m f>y ;V Ir-- \ Max '