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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Aug 1953, p. 11

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, August 13.195$ THE WcHENEY PLAINDEALEB £*\ * n -ZX*'; ' , i -* r* ' _iv | ' t >- • ft <»i4s *y Ev® Levesque ;ip. > News About The Lake. Attention!! All the subdivision of Mc- Cullom Lake, including McCullom Lake Estates, Knoilwood, Lakewood, Lakeland Park, West Shore Beach, Sponjia Polish and Germ an town, are alerted for a general meeting which ia scheduled for the very riear futura. Watch the column for time fend place!! , Representatives of all these subdi^rfons are invited to attend tttic meeting to discuss the problem o£ lake . and water rights; ? ' The new owtoers of the lake will tie on hand' to answer ques* tions nQn the present ownership of the Ifcke. FuB cooperation in this matter by all property owners will be appreciated. Stand by foi' this wrjr important meeting!!! Hospitalized We're sorry to report that Arthur Stuhlfeler is still a patient at the Memorial hospital in Woodstock and fc. very sick man. A cheery note or greeting from his many friends would do much to speed his recovery. Meeting- Coming UpP ' lust a small reminded"' lie next meeting of the Cullom- Knoll association will be a pub* lie one at the beach on Sept. 6. The time will be published later. Welcome to Mrs. Mary Eastlund, the newest member of the Cullom-Knoll association. . g£. Sports News ... 4 We lave a few ball active* to report. The game against the Wonder Lake Commercials last Tuesday. Aug. 4, resulted in a smashing victory for our strong men of the diamond with a .score of 17- 12. The rest of. the news is not so good! Tis sad we are to relate that the McCullom Lake Shamrocks were defeated in the first round play-off with an appalling score of 12-5 by the Blatz BeCT team. This was a very important game and could be our lads became a bit overconfident with so many victories to their credit. Let's hope this defeat taught them a valuable lesson and now they'll knuckle down and play ball with their old zeal. Up and at 'em, fellas!! * Last Sunday, our club engaged in an off-schedule skirmish with their old adversary, a team from Chicago. These two teams have been getting together at least once or twice a summer for the past four years. Woefully we must report that this game, too, ended in defeat. "Close score," 14-7!!! , The timpire for this contest was our own Jake Levesque, who catf!• for plenty of ribbing -- most of it good natured, thank goodness. The schedule for future games is as follows: Tonight at the high school field, when the boys will take on the Blatz Beer team at 8:l4. This one is "a sure victory. Tuesday night, Aug. l«, 7 p.m. the contest with McHenry Sand and Gravel. Let's have a big turn-out!! Off To Camp One gtorioud week of hiking, riding, swimming and other outdoor sports are being enjoyed by Miss Cynthia Rourke and her girl friend, Anita Beckenbaugh, of# the Country Club subdivision. The young ladies i^ill be enjoy-, ing themselves at Gamp Re Unary Janesville, Wis. Attend Golf Tournament Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rourke and Mr. and Mrs. Don Doolin attended the golf tournament at Tam-O-Shanter Coun|f? CkM» m Saturday, Aug\ 1. '*• ' ; Hammond GOWit Mr. and Mrs. Herman Langerbfeck are entertaining Mrs. Freida Willis, Mrs. Langerbeck's sister for two weeks. Mrs. Willis is a' resident of Hammond, Ind., but is quite enchanted "with our local scenery. The Langerbecks enjoyed a visit from their good friends, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Oleson of Chicago, last Wednesday. Iowa Guest Mrs. G. W. Hawver of Waterloo, la., was a welcome guest at the Arthur Stuhlfeier home for the past week." This visit, provided Mrs. Stuhlfeier with company while Mr. Stuhlfeier is in the hospital. iSurprise Party Mrs. Elizabeth Reiter * was thrilled last Friday with a surprise visit from Mrs. Anna Bushfeld, Mrs. Helen Schaefer, Mrs. Ethel Schmidt and Mrsr Betty Baumbeck. f o r PIANOS ORGANS See Mm largest Ml "J^-flaaat selection the Fox Valley . We boy, sell, trade, and Service all makes. Open Moa. A FrL 'til 9 P. M. 26-28 N. Grave Phone 6-8148 ELGIN, ILL. "Buy with Confidence" The ladies knew it was Mrs. | Reiter*s birthday on Sunday and thought it would be a nice ges-1 ture to have a party in her J honor. Games were played and refreshments were enjoyed, by .all the ladies. Birthday Greetings To Bill Schmidt,, who will be 29 on Aug. 17. To Master Mark ,Menke of Germantown, who will enjoy his fifth birthday on Aug. ' 17. To Mrs. Betty Baumbeck, who will turn a very attractive 25 on the eighteenth of August. . And we all remember that glorious day of Aug. 14, 1945, when the Japs were forced to lay down their arms. Let us fervently pray that all conflict in the world may cease and that human beings may live together in peace and harmony as God intended. A Barbecue v'jX' Mr/ and Mrs. H. Da'vldsen entertained with a barbecue, on Sunday for their friends, Mrs." Anna Mullen, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mullen and Charlotte and Jimmy, Mrs. Bernice Zimmerman and her children, Diane and Linda, and Mr. and Mrs. Pa# Whalen. Strange as it seems, Mr. Davidsen. enjoyed a swim in the lake for the first time in seven years. Wisconsin Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Doyle, summer residents, took full advantage of our summer skies by enjoying a week's vacation at their cottage. , The second week, the Doyles took in the scenic wonders of the Dells and also a trip to Minocqua, WUj. Seme Vacation.!! Violet and Ben Gates and their two husky lads, Bobby and Glen, covered more than 5,000 miles in the family car on their recent three weeks' vacation. Some of the breath-taking places visited were •beautiful L3ke Louise in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, our own Yellowstone National park and, of course, the majestic wonders' 6f the western Rocky Mountains. The Gated family terminated their travelling with a visit to Michigan. , What A Celebration : Thnt handsome gentleman, Ed Walton, vowed that on his recent thirty-ninth birthday, celebrated Aug. 6, he would do ^no manual labor. But his own strong ambition drove him to tackle a very strenuous task -- that of repairing the road at the corner of Hickory 'Drive and Park Lane. Could be that's what keepp him so spry. Mr. ,$nd Mrs. Ed Walton spent last Monday .in Chicago, shopping and visiting with okl friends. Sight I Wouldn't Miss Betty and Frank Poledna slipping and sliding around on the roof of, their home last Sunday repairing the shingles. Tis rumored that Betty's pretty knees are much the worse for wear! r. ' V Welcome HoWi^i To Mr. and Mrs. Theodor Olsen, who have been absent from their lovely home on Fountain Lane and Spring Road for four and a half months. The Olsens have been vacationing in Norway and returned home on Sunday. Ivgeborg and Ted were accompanied by their 12-year-olcl grandson, Tom, who began con* versing in Norwegian with his« mother, Marge, and brother, Ted, who understood not a word. Tom was much impressed with his European tour and will have many interesting tales to spin for his school chums in September. Mr. and * Mrs. Olsen returned with a tape recording of the festivities which marked their birthdays on the Fourth of July. And, of course, they also received piany beautiful gifts and souvenirs from friends and relatives -- many of thece mementoes being hand-made. On hand to greet the weary travellers were Mr. and Mis. Willard Schultz and daughter, Lynne, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olsen and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Olsen and Ted, and naturally. your reporter and husband, Jake, and our offspring. 'Twas a tearful tmt yiry. happy re* u n i o n . - ' v ' - j . . . • \ r " j "••S(0 long until next week. V .. / : • • One of the big differences be-" tween man and lower animals is his ability to speak. Trouble is, a lot ctf fus don't know when to stop. ;V •• ' ' ' V • ° " The tread wheel is one of the greatest inventions of man . . . it's the only machine in which a man can go around in circles and get something accomplished. Getting ahead is like starting a car on ice. By shifting into high gear you don't spin your wheels as much. < -nr Xi- * % QUICK COME-BACK Here's one for your quick come-back file. A great big beautiful car drove up to the curb ^ where the cute little working ' girl was waiting for the bus. A gentleman (?) stuck his head ^ out and said, "Hello, I'm driving ? west." . ^ "How wonderful," said tho I girt. "Bring me back an orange." ~~~ Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier pictured abow with the 1954 "Land of Lincoln" license plate. If weather keeps you from j making hay, you can still pre- , serve the crop by making grass I silage. Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation Avoid Intestinal Upset! Get Relief This Gentle Vegetable Laxative Way! For constipation, never take harsh drugs. They cause brutal cramps and griping, disrupt normal bowel action, make repeated doses seem needed. Get sure but gentle relief when you are temporarily constipated. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. No salts, no harsh drugs. Dr. Caldwell's coatains an extract of Senna, one of the finest natural vegetable laxatives known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes good, gives gentle, comfortable, satisfying relief for every member of the family. Helps you get "on schedule" without repeated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness that 'constipation often brings. Buy Dr. Caldwell's 30f! sire today. Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle to Bos 280, New York 18, N. Y. HJllllillitlllllltUIIIIHIIIIIIHIItllllllllllllllllllHIIilllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlMMIIIIIt' It' j I clearance! OF AUGUST VALUES! U% OFF on dH Plastic | GARDEft HOSE! | WADING POOLS I NOW 1 $795 J $395| %:•» i i-. , ; - 1 Wero, NOW | $7.75 -- $SJ00 1 = Were | $9.95 S $4.95 S WROUGHT IRON 1 BIRD BATHS I ACE Hardware 1 | W. B. BJORKMAN & SON | I ISO N. Riverside Drive, McHenry, III. Phone 722 I ^lllUllllUllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllliniHHIItllllltlllllllilllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllilll^ 1 Prescription ® Pharmacist* Know the VITAMIN $ You • * »' There or* two generol groups of vitominft (1) the very potent ones that your Doctor proscribes to arrest a specific deficiency, and (2) those that supplement the d the benefits of which most every 'con enjoy. Be certain to get vitamins produced •reputable manufacturer, such as .«! Parke, Davis & Company. If 3 dOubt, consult your physician beforo - purchasing vitamins--and have ht* 'd>eckyou _ BOLGER'S 'OS S. GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 40 DRUG STORE Compare the PERFORMANCE! HJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIirHIMIItNttlllliinilllUIIIIIIHIIHIItllUlllllltUIIIUUIIIIIUIIIIillllllllllllllltllUIIUIIIIUIIUIIIIIIIIIIi 3 Compare the PRICE! equipment get en your old hooting oquipmont no mottor wfcof mob or condition when yov buy a I GBXKKAL MOTORS LOWBST PRICBI IfOBT A. F. 8c A. M» 10 7 N Court St Meeting l-3rd Tueft. Visitors Welcome t « Phillip RicKer, Secy. Phone McHenry 417 O. E. S. 107 N. Court St Meetings 2nd A 4th Toes.' Visitors Welcome Myrtle Harrison, Secy Tel. Won. Lk 3641 PROFE^IOnfll DIRECTORS' DB. a R. SW ANSON Dentist 120 S. Green Street Office Hoars: Bally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:S0 S Moa* Wed. and FrL Evei By Appointment Oaly Telephone McHenry 100 VERNON KNOX Attorney At Law m. Green and Elm 9Cl^BeA0 McHenry, 111. Tuesday and Friday AfteraocM Otfcfer Days by Appoiatanl^ Phone McHenry 43 r WILLIAM M. CARROLL, J* Attorney At Law IlO'/i Benton Street '• ;'i• Phone Woodstock US4 , -^TWoodstocfc, nWnsis ' JOSEPH X. WAVNNK Attorney At Law 009 Waukegan Road (RFD Phone McHenry 499 West McHenry, DL 4*^ 1 JOHN F. uwnr , ^ j Rt 1. &.V 321 rtmt 574-BU1 McHenry, Cluh MASON CONTRACT©! Iasnred WeHne* ^ Free Est^matea -4- FRANK S. Ml BLACK DIBT Sand - Gravel • Exeavalfeg loBte 5, McHflttiy, OL ! Phone: McHer-* U0-M-I 1 - ASRN THELSN Traddr tiraval Excavating TeL McHenry 58S-B1 or 88S-W> Box 218. Rt 1. MHBieary, ' -- A. P. FRETTND B BOMB, Excavating Contractor* | v ^ Trucking, Hydraulic and | ;M| Crane Service - 1 -- ROAD BUILDING -- r»» ««4M McHeor^H;;.j INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Flaa, Auto, farm ft Ufn baMMi Representing IELUSLC COMP/ When You Need Insurance Any Kind PHONE 43 or 053 Greta A Elm McHearr, Bl FLOOR FURNACE Fiu in floorlakes no sppce. Heat* 2 to 4 rooms. No air jhicft, no basement needed--no alterations. NO DOWN PAYMENT IS Months to pa| Easy FNA tamt DON'T WAIT -- Get Ready For Winter Phone 98 for Free Healing Survey V Y C I T A L ' S HARDWARE SHEET METAL "We Service What We Sell." GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. In all-around performance, Pontiac compares favorably with any car--and you get this performance along with an, . Unsurpassed record for dependability, economy and Ion J v life. But Pontiac compares with the finest cars in otheip ##ays, too: in handling ease, in comfort, in roominess. All fjhis makes Pontiac's low price even more remarkable. •And not only is Pontiac priced right down next to the lowest _^|*ut it also saves you money every mile you drive. And tf> top off Pontiac's low cost you can look ahead to its assured high resale value. Why not come in and let us prove it? _ Dollar IbrDoffar you cant beat a See How Mmch Yom Gei At So Very Littlm C--tl PONTIAC'S GREAT POWER PLANT This powerful, high-compression engine gives you more power than you'll probably ever need. Pontiac engines are famous for delivering years and years of wonderful miles with only routine attention. DUAL-RANGE HYDRA-MATIC* Lets you choose the performance you want, when you want it: alert response in city traffic or gas-saving cruising on the open road. 122' WHilLlASi No car so big la priced ao low--and thje long wheelbaae means extra roominess and a more solid feeling of security. POWER STEERING* Parking's simple with Pontiac's Power Steering, which relieves you of almost all steering effort but at the same time requires absolutely no change in driving habits. » BODY BY FISHER Pontiac's de luxe |f interiors are keyed to body color." Appointments and conveniences compare with the finest. There's ample room to stretch out and relax. *Optional at txtra cott. OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. *& 400 Front Street Phone 17 McHenry, 111. COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE the small business man Reasonable Ratea Income Tax Returns MoHENRY BOOKKEEPING « TAX SERVICE 211 So. Green Streot Professional Bldf. Pfcoae 788 or 3B5-BI STOFFEL * REIHANSPERGER ace agents for all classes af property In the best companion. West McHenry. lUiaoto Telephone S90 Ml^aiQ Street McHenry, BL i SCHKOEDER IRO.N WORKS • Ornamental & Structural Ste|§ Visit Our Showroom* • Miles South on RL St Phone 950 •#« PI.I\ 1 B I N G S PLlMBIXf. and IIEATDfO BOB FK1SBV, JR. HunUty Fixtures-Radiant III allMfB Gas and Electric Water Heaten Water Systems Water Soflisgl Repairs Free Estimatea Phoae McHenry 28B-M ANNOCNCEMENT Mrs. Eleanor Matteoni * Flinte Lessons in Piano Piano Accordion For Information

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