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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Aug 1953, p. 14

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mmw*m •tin WOOD By lira. George Shepard Wt* «nd lira. dW-ge Shepard. Edgar Hawley of Tucson. Mrtntjiliud their Five Hundred Ariz., visited his uncle and aunt. CM Tw--day evening. Prizes j Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley, on Vat** «W*rded to Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Dewey and family spent Wednesday Vtith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. They were on their way home to Armstrong, 111.,' from a vacation trip to Yellowstone park. Mrs. Ben Walkington visited her daughter, Virginia Jepson, in the Passavant hospital in Chicago Tuesday. She is recovering from an operatior. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent Thursday evening in t'ae Hardld Stanck home at Elkhorn. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy spent Sunday with relatives at x*ftd serve them. Charlotte and j Waupaca and New London. Wis., ^Annette Smth gave a demon- and he also attended a reunion atration on how to make cottage Qf Company c at Waupaca. Cheese. Jean Matron gave, a talk Mrs. Henry Foss of Criaty, high, and Mrs. &. T, BOUer and Pete Sebastian, H«r. Mm. Louis Hawley entertained iu women's Five Hundred cluto att her home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock luncheon was served. Frizes were awarded to Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Lester Carr. The Happy Clover 4-H club tt*et at the home of Annette and Charlotte Smith Tuesday evening. Charlotte Hogan and Judie Wieiock gave a demonstration on oat meal and buttermilk muffins. Mary Hogan gave a talk on anakng salads and how to eat ; on health. - #"The W.S.C.S. will me«St with Ifra. Louis Hawl«y Thursday, Aug. 20. The Happy Clover 4-H club t went on a tour through the ^Ibarly American bakery at Woodstock Wednesday afternoon. At the end of the tour they were served cookies and milk. Mrs. John Hogan joined them and they all went to Lake Geneva {gr a picnic supper. The Round-up club held their party in the church hall Saturday evening. The employees of the Edwal Laboratories and their families held a picnic at Fontana Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettise and • family of Barrington spent Sun- ' My with her mother, Mrs. Agv iws Jencks. * T Mr. and Mrs. John Keller and daughter, Joan, of Chicago, spent the weekend in the Fred Bowman home. Mr. and Mrs. William < Montanye and family of Huntley *Mt. Vernon, N.Y., and William -v «*** ^ * Thuwday, Anguat 13.1953 4• w more is spending a couple of weeks in the George Miller home in Chicago. Sunday dinner guests in the George Shepard home were Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron, John Dreymiller and William Claxton of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss of Mt. Vernon, N.Y., and Charles Kingston of Poplar Grove. Mrs. Lillian Judson of Hebron was an afternoon guest. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and daughter, Mabel, Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, Nancy, and Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore attended a biidal shower for Beverly Frank at Wilmot Thursday evening. Miss Florence Carey of Lyons, Wis., spent Saturday in the Oscar Berg and Lester Carr homes. Mr. and Mrs. Senkerik and famfily of Chicago spent Sunday spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet. Mr. and Mrs. PhiMp Mueller of Des Plaines were visitors ift thfc Dr. William Hepburn home Saturday. 7 Paul Collins of Arlington Heights visited his mother, Mrg. Mabel Collins, Sunday afternoon. Mn and Mrs. Harry Watt of Aurora spent Sunday afternoon in the William Cruicksbank home. Mr. and Mi*s. Henry Hinze of Crystal JLake spent Surttt&y in the Mrs. Lena Peet home. Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn went to Sheboygan Tuesday to visit in the Frank Block home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ackerman of Waukegan spent Sunday tevening In the William Cruickshank home. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders 4i|n| i t-i'ttH'l i 41 8 14"H M I'M Bov Scouts Wht u , p a / e n l 8v M r- a "d and daughter of Sycamore, Mr John Ehlert. Johnnie Senkerik remained for a week's visit. Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn were visitors at Milwaukee Sunday, • and Mrs. Harold Fillweber and daughter, Judie Ann, of Antioch; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter, Janet,, of Richmond. Mrs. Jack Lenard and children George Krickl, who has beer. , Tttop 16* - ' 7 Scoutmaster of Troop 182 since April 1 of this year, has resigned from the position and will devote all of his Scouting time to the Explorers. Mr. Krickl has been holding down both scoutmaster arid explorer advisor duties for the past four, months. The troop now has eighteen boys who have benefitted from two years of .intensive Scout activities and are now eligible for explorer 'woik. The Explorer program is for older Scouts who have reached the age of fourteen. It not only continues the m t a well guided social program as well. At the preent time the Scoutmaster's position is open. However, every jffort is being made to find a capable man to take (Over before Sept. 1.' Any person wishing to help out with the troop or explorers may contact Bernard Matchen, American Legion commander. Troop 162 is sponsored by the American Legion post; also the Explorer post. The Legion post also has under consideration the plan to form a new Cub Scout pack. Further plans will await a boy and parent interest survey. Dr. Robert Gorden Sproul, president of the University of California, speaking to a group of Scout executives and . voluntary leaders at the jamboree, said, "Nothing can mean more to the stability of our nation than that e*ch of its citizens, bulwarked in aelf-respect by proper ordering of his own affairs, shall thereafter devote something of his talents to the improvement of the oncoming generation." Scouting, he said, emphasizes that individualism wheiein "character is caught, not taught." He said that as trite and overworked as the saying is, it remains as true today j as when it was first spoken that the "hope pf a nation lies in its children." strIctly fr Bead like Want Ad* A RADIOACTIVE folf been invented which located with a Geiger when lost in the rough. they could only find some device to retrieve those loS persi • • • Music piped in through «ar phones is being used in a hospital to soothe patients durln certain types of surgery. Bet Tvi Got You Upfer kfj- Skia^ popular. -' ^ ^ 0 The Claxton of McH^y »p^!'°-„h°roJ..±HUJl!.'f5 Thursday afternoon in. the George Shepard home, Mrs. Jack Lenard and children of Lake Geneva is spending a few days in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home, „ --1 , Sunday dinner guests in the Louis Hawley home were Mrs. Fred Carlson of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Koprina and daughter, Janet, and son. Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Deffenbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Carlson and son, Ronnie, and Mrs. Arl«ne Schau of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Jr., of McHenry. Jan at Koprina, ' who spent the past week in the Hawley home, returned home with her parents. Charles Carr of Hines hospital spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr. Mrs. Agnes Jencks has returned home from her fishing trip to Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C., L. Harrison; of Lake Geneva, James Wegener spent Sunday in theAHenry Mar- j of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. I Charles Brennan spent Sunday Elgin in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., heme. Stores ARE BUTCH'S v.*. J5AVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR Repnlar.. check., tips.. 4*4 maintenance bj our expert* means tower/ «•*' evsts Itr job! V. . _ We Do Complete Motor Overhauling. 309 W. Elm Street McHenry. HL Phone 811 Residence 91-R Nan SWTlC*. VACUUM CLEANER Sales & Service rr .V* , J*' .. 4 ^ *•?" " ^ * > ' • r-.-i'-v';". tit if. • m. j. McCLEOD ^ . Phone or Write' R*. », Box 4t, Lake Villa, IU or Phone Lake Villa, 6^14# OPEN Vent Sunday in the Beatty-Low ^ chicagQ and attended home. Mrs. Ben Walkington spent Wednesday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Paul Norman, and family, ' at E«anston and from Wednesday night until j J Friday night with her daugh-; a ter. Virginia, who was released j J from the hospital Thursday. I • the Cubs ball game. Jackie Skid- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss of fit. Vernon, N.Y., William Claxton of McHenry and Mrs. George Shepard spent Friday afternoon the Alan Ainger home at. S jpebrt*. » ' - - M r s . J«Mt Hogan, Mrs. C. L.! i Ifrarrison and Mrs. White attend- Mfd a Home Bureau unit officers' tueeting at Woodstock Wednes- ;j|ay afternoon. Robert Sandersen and niece, >ifriss Mary Ann Horner, of Wau- :i«ee sha spent Wednesday in the ' William Cruickshank home. | M r . a n d M r s . S t a n l e y P r i c e And son, James, cf St. Paul fpent Friday till Monday morn- Hin the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., 'r lome. ; Donna Low is spending a few ;. $ays with her uncle and aunt, •ijy:" |lr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox, . Jiear Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler |kere supper guests in the Alvin :f-. |Benoy home at McHenry. rt* •f Mrs. Paul Walkington and Children and Mrs. Ray Wilcox ( land children of Woodstock are £ •visiting father, Edmund j i i Who Said Taxis l | Are A Luxury? Every Day Til 6 p.m. INCLUDING 1 WED. ^ THURS. CERTIFIED FOOD SHOP Corner of Elm & Green St. * MJf /a Sporting Goods Marine Supplies (Including All Day Sundays Too!) 212 SO. GREEN ST. --s "5T PHONE 1000 v may surprise you but it's true - at STORE NAME'S ^rou can get nationally advertised health and beauty aids %t the lowest possible prices. So, if you have those I'drug-bill blues" you'll get a lift by shopping here. McGEE'S "Store for Men" 117 So. Green St. Phone 47 Add the cost of cleaning this man's rain - soaked clothes and you'll agree door -to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help In a hundred different ways. When yon need CALL 723 their Mmsti/ILuU TROUSERS IATCST IN tTTLI • " • m + m m m m m m m m m m m m m r n r n f m m m m m m m m m m m ' GLADSTONE S Dept. Store Strips / strip. 39c 5 LISSOM SALTS......29c 98c ETIQBET DEOPORftNT 49c $1°° WOODBURY SHAMPOO 50c 203 So. Green Si. Phone 182 » • m m m m m m m m m m m m mm mmmmiB'm BEN FRANKLIN MOn Green St.' THE AGATHA SHOP 110 So. Green St. Phone 145-J BEST SN VALUE I Smart-looking, comfortable, wrinkle resistant slacks, with the amazing, new "GRIP-EM LINING" -- odor-proof Neoprene waistband lining that holds the shirt down and keeps the trousers up, and will not be affected by dry cleaning. You'll want -- and at this price can well afford -- more than on* pair) i»(8. massi PI. - II i X' •' '• I "GRIP-EM LINING" Keep the stacks up . v The shirt down |895 to $1995 Available in many fabrics and colors s Mchenry M & M MARKET . "including Sundays" 118 So. Green St. Phone 3 GEORGE R. 1USTEN & SON FURNITURE 101 So. Green St. , Phone 103-R CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP 119 So. Green St. Phone 251 McHENRY TIRE MART RUBBER BATH SHAMPOO SPRAY 98c ULORODmi WA - tooth powder plus ^ree ball point pen 59c SOPER ^NAHIST for hay {ever DIAL SOAP ;: 2 for 29c 45c U8TEBINE ?«°«lh 2'for 59C I" clcctric fan ... ... . .$6.95 gaby suRtan lotita...... 35c iHMtana powder ....... 39c rabbtr swim caps.. .. 98c gallon outing jug. .... .$2.98 Tfor 59c JOHNSON'S BABY LOTION iMi 49c $ oz. Johnson's foot soap.... scholl's foot froozono corn romovir.. foam rabbor insolos... ting modioatotf oroam . . Ve//e *o/t T/reca F£Er A t2'» 65c 526 M^in St. Phone 294 , BETTY NIELSEN DRESSES and ACCESSORIES 121 N. Riverside Drive ~ A&P Elm St. McHenry, I1L THE TODDLER SHOP 312 Elm St. McHenry, BL FACTOR 1 ®®H£ pypp n^aJce-ujp *1.25 Aerosol DOT i Bomb 98c coty s new TWISTICK solid cologne propels fit retracts like your lipstick $125 pond's clMMstag enan nair depilatory • j* carift ipray n«t f • < i • B.r. tWMd c#lo|M .«v... • • t • • • p april showw* talcum - * • • J8C niUv livH itW a a • a o.-'* ill hazel blthep lipstick ..••••• •M sis! m STOPETTC deodorant. • 60c NOREEN hair rinse. . 59c riNESSE shampoo. . 60c ifaiMiiiiilStVtf WTfil I BOLGER'S 103 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 40 cutex PEARL NAU. POLISH choice *lft. of 4 colors <W6 DRUG STORE . • • * McHENRY. IU> HUTWTONIO • crewntype •US 1a tooth mush 29c y^RlStC* BatH Stlto •41.W. 6* vcrichrome film si*e 620 j 2r,'i0l_2i=r duapafc 87c INSECT FOE insect repellent 6fe * Plus S0*'o Ftdtral licit* Tu «• T»il»trlii

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