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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Aug 1953, p. 12

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T ' ' V . ."ii "• •',# *» THE NEBENRY PIAWWXLER ^ •> - , •:" v *i'-V s Thursday, August 20,1653 Lake News "y Rvs Levesqvft v Heed Tfcbt Notice iiia.-- Por^ant d«te coming up. I^fpre're referring to the general , ptceting of all property owners to be held Sunday, Sept. 6, at the beach at 4 p.m. The problem of, the roads is •ever v/ith us and it would be Excellent planning to have a road program mapped t before winter. It is important that delinquent tea be paid up at this meeting, since there will be election . officers. * May we add a personal note of Commendation to < all the officers -r-i'--'AWio arc completing their term. *2'": "•'H^'hese men and women have forked tirelessly in Spite of 2; ^|anany obstacles* to make our i • 'Jfrommunity better place in -V. |which to live and should be held In high regard by all of us. They have set a high standard future officers to follow. Let us pledge our support and *--^"Cooperation to those who might i * |jje re-elected and to new officers doming in. Ifejor Mishap *', Mr and Mrs. Karl Knauer had p most unhappy experience early ftffonday morning Aug. 10. -i. Mr. Knauer had driven his car Mo St. Charles on Sunday mornling and parked it about 10:30 m. to board, a chartered bus >r show people. They were ita a Fair date in Maquoketa, i-a When he returned to St. <*hailes around 3 o'clock Mon- ^fjay morning, he discovered his par was missing and notified the local police. The law officers ffere of the opinion that the '-Jjtor had been taken by teen-age 4k>ys who had escaped the„ St. .Charles Training School Sumfiv Evening and not yet been picked - "j They assumed that the car Would be found somewhere in ilhe Chicago area since the eight lads -- four white and four • \<#otored -- were ' all. from Chica- ^•fo. • * * ' , A s t a t e w i d e a l a r m w a s s e n t . t ^ut and Monday right the ' •jKaauers wer? notified that their r had been recovered on Chiago's south side. The cy was much the worse 4or wear but the Knauers were lad to have it returned. Mr. Knauer started on his mmer fair tour Aug. 13 and Will continue through Sept. 8 and will take him through Michigan, Iowa. Minnesota, Missouri, •. Indiana, Wisconsin and Illinois. P "• «The show is featurig the New •York Roxyettes and Other well asiiknown acts. of piling up but A1 Zowada carries every one of his twentynine years With grace and dignity. -- Friends, flihd relatives journeyed from Chicago to help Al celebrate last Sunday. Included in the festivities were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fritz, Charles Fritz, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. William Metz, John Kramer, Miss Ann Kramer, Ralph Logar, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mckenna and their two sons, Mrs. Anna Zowada and her daughter, Marie, Miss Sophie Zowada, and Mrs. Charles Zowada. all of Chicago. • Mr. and Mrs. George Costa and Paul Struck of the local scene joined in. Betty and Frank Poledna were invited but sent regrets 'cause they were still on the roof. Seems as though that's where they were the last issue of the Plaindealer. Oh well, happy birthday, Al! Fortunate Lad - | Charles Sales was a proud lad as he left this week for an earned vacation. Our handsome Chick was chosen to represent this community by local businessmen to accompany the Navy Club on their annual vacation. This trip will take Chick and thirty-five other young men from Illinois through the entire state, visiting points of interest along the way. ' They will wind up their tour next Saturday in Springfield in time for the state fair, at which they wilj personally meet with <3bv. Stratton. The Changing iMM Last week Mr. and Mrs. Victor Adams, together with their young daughter, moved baf and baggage to their new home in the Edgebrook subdivision. Vic has been working on his home for weeks, preparing it for his family, and we hear it is so pretty. J While they were (one, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sale* enjoyed a week's rest in our eomnnttity, with Chick to keep them company. Attends LundKo^ **:*:•?• Mm Jake Kantorski IimI' a It s sad to lose this nice young | fjne time with the Royal Neighfamily but we wish them joy and the Lord's blessings in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wagner will be renting the home recently vacated by Mickey and Vic. Lucky Winner Was Miss Carol Mandel of Chicago when she won a beautiful table lamp for her mother at the V.F.W. carnival on Sunday. Carol was quite overcome with her good fortune. The lucky young lady, together with her three-year-old sister, Peggy, and cousin, Miss Joanne Lovitz, also of Chicago, have been staying with their aunt and uncle, Anne and Frank Pas salaqua, foy two weeks. Chicago will seem like a dull place after the fun and freedom of, the* country. Entertain Guest * Mr, and Mrs. Alan McKim enjoyed the company of Alan's niece, Miss Patricia Boyle, for one week. Patricia h&its from Elmwood Park. The McKims entertained with a chicken barbecue last Sunday for their guests, Virginia and Xee pack of Chicago, and their young son, Jimmy. Extensive Tour Mr. and Mrs. Leo SalM just returned from a long motor trip in which they toured the northern states and Canada. Their journey took them through Wisconsin and 1 Minnesota, with Leo taking time for • little fishing in Minnesota. They enjoyed the beautiful Scenery along: the way, including Lake Superior. Another Year For Al <4 Those birthdays have a habit nr: TMJLES - h ifct WfhNfrf frmdt Mfi al DtMlfX lM> *•1 OMIT tV BOLGER'S DRUG STORE ®®EN STREET PHONE 40 McHENRY, IUU ' We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. WlWMWJmanBBanilffririririfQanQrmnQtfnrmrinrmnr'jririnrirjrjrirr •k * bors of McHenry in Elgin on Wednesday, Aug. 18. The ladies en joyed |t* delicious luncheon. ^ ; : On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs- Kantorski entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ed Price and Mr. find Mrs. Al Sesko and their "tJHrse Sfcildrert, all of Chicago/ " . Summer Visitor Mm. Robert Klicka end her son, Allen, are enjoying two weeks of our lovely weather in their cottage on Park View. This makes Sonny Glosson very happy for he and Allen are close chums and can only enjoy each other's c<pnpahy in the summer. A Technical Victory Our capable ball club claimed another victory last Thursday from the Blatz Beer team. Seems that some of the members of the opposition failed to show, causing their team to forfeit the game. We'll give you the score of Tuesday's game .against McHehry Sand and Gravel in the next issue. The season is rapidly coming to an end but there are a- few on the agenda. Save your vocal cords for next Thursday, AUg. 27, when 6ur mighty men of the diamond Will meet in open contest against Wonder Lake AC. at 8:15 p.m. The place is the high school field and we're ready to «bdk up another win. - . Belated Greetings , Sorry we missed Sallie Hocin's birthday on Aug. 14. This was her twenty-fourth and we extend best, wishes. Anne and Frank Passalaqua celebrated their eleventh wedding anniversary on Monday, Aug. 17. The years'are passing quickly for your reporter. We enjoyed coffee and «*ke at Hati and Pa Olsen's on Sunday in honor of our tjw|nty-8econd birth^ay. Ha! Special Thanks To till the wonderful people who hayf been phoning in their news. Without your cooperation, this column could not exist. We've got lots of fancy words dying for expression if you' will but supply the facts and dates. Call 548-W-2 anytime. Let's see your name in print. ^ V- . Some Amusement Devices Legaf-- such machines both by the State of Illinois and by municipalities. The Supreme Court, Judge Castle's opinion held, has ruled that counties come Within meaning counties and municl-!of the word "n»unicip»ltes" as used in this act, giving them So long until next New oil pools , wntfftg activities in tlHe Illinois oil. fields during July resulted in the finding of two new pools and ten extension pools, according to the monthly report of the state Geological Survey division. .The new pools are Blackland in Macon county and Albion West in Edwards county. 44-" DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Al 136 S. Gr««n Street.' McHenrf , (Closed Thursday Afternoons) *YE8 EXAMINED - GLASSES FITTER VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS ••UBS DAILY t • to 12 A. M. and 1 to I IV % FRIDAY EVENINGS* 6:00 to 8tS0 P. A. FVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT % l»HONE McHENRY 452 Illinois pahties have "no authority to prohibit certain coin-in-thesiot- operated mechanical devices which the recently adjourned Illinois General Assembly by statutory enactment removed from the classification of gambling devices, Attorney General Latham Castle held recently in an official opinion. Further, Attorney. General Castle advised State's Attorney Prank H. Masters, Jr., of Will county, such counties and municipalities have power to tax and license such devices. The devices which the general assembly removed from the classification of gambling devices are those played for amusement only. They reward the winning player with re-$lay rights. Such devices are so built that skill enters into their operation and -they . return to the player no coins, tokens or mer-_ chandise. The Assembly also provided. for taxing and licensing of power of taxing and licensing the machines. "In view of the foregoing," Judge Castle's opinion stated, "it would appear that the county board of supervisors has no authority or power to prohibit .the coin-in-the-slot-operated devices X X X." The General Assembly in authorizing municipalities to. tax and license such machines did so "without setting forth any limitations," Judge Castle's opinion pointed out. The opinion cited two Supreme Court cases regarding the right of the state to tax state roads and of cities to license the business selling intoxicating liquors. In the case regarding road taxation the court said that the fact that a tax may put an individual out of business is not a valid argument against the tax, if such tax is Otherwise reasonable in relation to the cost of the highways or abstrict value of the privilege of Using such highways. In the r liquor case, the court said attempt to abridge power Of municipalities , "wh«n exercised within proper discretion." - it woiild not the l&ensing It new at tho Plateftaler. AT YOUR SERVICE F: M SERVICE :: Television :: Radio £ AB Conditioner! I Appliances SALES INSTALLATIONS Prompt efficient Service oit all makes by Qualified " ! Technicians. We guarantee all parts installed by • • J; us for 90 Days after date of repair. AUTHORIZED DEALERS for . . • SENTINEL • WESTINGHOUSE • ADMIRAL < • SPARTON • RAYTHEON • CAPEHART "it.1 * HALUCRAFTER PHONE 979 206 B; filar Street McHenry. lit :: T . «» <M» =S| A. F. & A. Mr* 107 N. Court St Meeting 1-Srd Tum5 Visitors Welcoihe jf'hillip Ricker, Secy. Phone McHenry 41? »K O. EA S* 107 N. Court St Meetings 2nd A 4th Tuea. Visitors Welcome Myrtle Harrison, Secy Tel. Won. Lk. 3641 * J PROFEHIOnflL OR. C. R. SWANSOM Dentist 130 1S. Green Street-^* Office Hours: 1 Daily Except Thursday 0 to 12 -- 1:30 to SUM Mon., Wed. and Frl. Evening# By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 16S ^ VERNON KNOX Attorney At Law if-' Cor* Green and Elm Streets McHenry, I1L | Tuesday and Friday Aftetaooigi Other Days by Appointment .Phone McHenry 4S WILLIAM ML CARROLL* Attorney At Law llO'/j Benton Street Phone Woodstock 1SS4 Woodstock, Illinoia 9 I DwiS uii$$ the "Blue I in#?-* fof the Year! -M y - 1; lili JOSEPH X. WAYNN15 Attorney At Law 809 Waukegan Road (RFD v j"1gh©ne McHenry 4M ; west itlcHenry, U, JOHN P. U»V 4" it. 1, Box 821 Mom 514414 McHenry, BMa i MASON CONTRACTOR _ Insured WwkiMB'^r. Free Esttnwtes . FRANK S. Ml BLACK DIRT | land - Grave) . IMvmrav ExcavaMnd Route 5, McHsary, IflL Phone: McHe^"* CSS-M-1 . Sand Ume«tta» VERN TRMR . Trucklr i Gravel flMk Diri Exenvattef Tel. McHenry S88-R1 or S88-W1 Box 218, Rt 1, MrHenry, m, A. P. FREUNU ft SONS Excavating Contractor* Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING -- T Tel 204M McHenry, Ig «#»••• -iii INSURANCE ^ \KARL R. WALSH „ to, Farm A Life laaanwsii-. Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES JWhen You Need Insurance of Any Kind : PHONE «S or 95S Green A Elm, McHenry, QL T i »; h 0«d«« Coranet V-fcfM r Mon Step Up to the Car with Winning Wa^s-- Big August Savings Lower Your Cost I Now is the time to take advantage of high trade-in allowance for your present car on a high-powered, highperformance, high-styled '53 Dodge. It may never again cost you so little to take this wonder, step. Your present car is getting older. It will depre* eiate in value as winter approaches. Now is the time to act! Only Dodge brings you such a great record of achievement. Step up to the Action Car--at prices that «tart below many models in the lowest-priced field. Specification! and tqwpmntl to chonge without notice. V.vV v ; Wins its ckuf, Mobilgas Economy Run Tops alt 8% Mobilgas Economy Run Sets now records, AAA Performance Rum Wins Beauty Award* 3 Academies of Design COMPLETE BOOKKEBPINQ SERVICE for the small business mem. Re--Pliable Rate* Incora* Tax Returns McHENRY BOOKKEEPING a« TAX SERVICE J mo So. Green StretPH?'" f» ^Professional Bidg. Phone 788 or 2S5-M * *4m dependable DODGE V-EIGHT OR SIS fMNE IN MEDALUON THEATRE EVERY WEEK ON CBS-TV ... SEE • 4* • • TV PAGE JFOt TIME ANO STATION WOODSTOCK ^McHenry County Fair) Plan to attend between August 22-25 SB YOU AT THE £££CWCtUM EQUIPMENT EXHttfT It's show time agoing, and time for you to enjoy 1^ show of the ysar--.your County Fair. There's fun, • Incitement, a gala festival for all--from grandma •» junior. Bring the whole family ... join friends and neighbors! See row upon row of interesting exhibits and demonstrations, prize-winning farm products, livestock and poultry, colorful sideshows and many other entertaining events. Ydu'M never forget this--the SHQ1K, OF SHOWS! V A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. > ' 301 E. PEARL STREET 30,006 MILE GUARANTEE PHONE McHENRY 156 80,000 MILE GUARANTEE PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY; t. fciTfrfifi if lir" Ttf r' ~'r' ~i - ,4^ • -*** ' • A '• 8TOFFEL A REIHANSPEROER Insurance afents for ail cissies ef property in the best compiMrijBfgf West McHenry, Illinois ^ Telephone 800 ^ 58? 85ain Street McHen«7,/•» ** • Umm • " • • *'• • ••••!.•• 6CHKOEDER IRON WORX^ Ornamental A Structural SMI - Visit Our Showrooms A Miles South on Rt.JH , Phone 958 , • ' ' • ? ny mmi» m.mmm . , , B I N O S 1 0 . • PLUMBING and HEATINO BOB FRISBY, JR, Quality Fixtures- Radiapt Heating Gas and Electric W^ter Heaters Water Sy»tem« v \v»ter Repaid >. Free Est FkoKe McHenry 288-1 ANNOUNCEMENT lbs. Eleanor Matteoni a Private Lessons la Piano Aocord)ea For Information 4V ' --w.jniM.

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