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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Aug 1953, p. 2

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^ * frw'lM ft'niiii I " , 'tiii'ii I i' ifniii I I jnifl ' "V THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER :W; Trlplf f>h4> ration At MMnh Home A triple celebration was held ftt the Charles Michel* home last Sunday,- following the christening of their grandson, Patrick Lee Wolowic. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolowic. The infant, born July 20 at the Woodstock hospital, was christened by Msgi\ Mftegan at Santa Maria del Popolo church in Mundelein in a 1 o'clock cerem,ony. Sponsors. Were Lillian Michels and Peter Woiowic. V • A turkey dinnei was served! aiter the baptismal service atj the Michels home. The date. J Aug. 16, also marked the first birthday of little Patrick's brother, Michael, and . tl^ fourth birthday of his cous ^ Judy Michels. ' ••••••• Present at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Michels and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Wolowic, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. .John Wolowic, Jr., Raymond and Peter Wolowic, Dorothy Chambers and Richard Michels. The baby's mother is thf former Lorraine Michels. The social event will be held at Westwood school near Woodstock at 7 p.m. Cards and bunco will be played, with a gift for each table. Refreshments wil1 be served. y:,V *.! •' " .V . ' ;:';V • ' Patricia Achor ! Christened Sunday • ! The little daughter of Mf., *lwI I Mrs. Paul Achor of Frankfort. Ind., born July 15. was christened Patricia Colleen in a baptismal service at St; Joseph's Church, Logansport, Irid,, on Aug. J6. The infant was christened in the same dress which >vas worn by her mother, the former Dorothy Heuser, and her two brothers and one sister. Sponsors for the baby .were Richard Heuser, - aft uncle, and Mfs. Helen Heuser, the grandmother. V ' 'V*. " H 'MWM PERSONALS •i -a i i i ;» m< 8 <* i 11 T Ncwnu Infant . Is Christened St. Mary's Catholic church in Woodstock was the scene of a baptismal service on Sunday in which the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Messman of that city wa« baptieed. The baby, named Steven Ray. had as his sponsors Mrs. Ruth Strang and Nick Adams, tiie latter of Mc- Henry. ; F\>llow£ig the ri^e, others who joined the abHK named for dinner at the Messman home were Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson and Mrs. Nick Adams and son, Jack, of McHenry and Mrs. Strang and her husband and family. Will Meet Aug. 26 The Johnsburg Community club has moved its meeting date up one week and will meet on Wednesday, Aug. 26. This will be ladies' night and everyone is welcome to attend. There will be dancing, lunch and refreshment*..A. Jarge crowdl is anticipated. SL Clan's OnM Hpufteg Onttnf« St. Clara's Court, No. 659, W.C.O.F., will have an outing at Lake Geneva on Wednesday, Aug. 26. Those desiring reservations are asked to call 104-M until 6 p.m. and after that time, 8f 1-W. They should be floade by Tuesday, Aug. 25. Knov Infant Was Christened Sunday The infant daughter of Mr* and Mrs. Robert W. Knox was christened Judith Lynn in a baptismal service which took place at St. Patrick's church on Sunday. Sponsors were Grace Hiller and John Knox, aunt and uncle of the baby. ' THANK YOU! We wish to thank all our customers who have patronized us within the past twenty years. The new proprietors of our grocery store are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Olson. Continued business with them by all our customers will be appreciated. Charles and Eva Freund Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Burns and two sons of Moreno, Calif., have been visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund Mrs. Burns will be remembered as the former Norma Freund. ^ Mrs. Dick Hester and sons, Jim, Dick, Rex, Denny and Jack, and Mrs. John Herdrich and sons, Dick. John and Jimmy, returned home Sunday from a trip to Rhinelander, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anglese and daughter, Kathleen, visited his relatives at Morrigon, 111., a few days this past week. Miss Ann Smith of Waukegan visited Miss Mary Jane Gera«ch last weekend. Mr and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gladstone and two children of Stillwater, Okla., have been visiting in the home of his parents, the Maurice Gladstones. Mr. Gladstone is an instructor in psychology at the university in Stillwater. The Misses Dorothea and Edith Wiedling and Mrs. Charles Wiedling and daughter, Judy, of Chicago spent the weekend at the»r home in Woodlawn Park. It was not until their visit to McHenry this year that many friends learned of the death of Charles Wiedling of polio last fall. He was a summer resident here since childhood. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reihart*- perger and family spent last week visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Reinfried, in Madison, Wis. David Woll of Washington. D C., spent a few days visiting relatives here last week. Miss Nellie Doherty and Mise Lucy Howden, the latter of Richmond, spent last week at Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. George Justen and family have returned home from a two weeks' vacation trip North. Bonnie Brda, Anita Beckenbaugh, Barbara Rauen, Cynthia Rourke, Ellen Clark and Cynthia Freund attended a Girl Scout camp at Janesville, Wis., las.t week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schulz of Harvard have just returned Wonder Lake Church ftpoM*ra Style Shovr Next Sunday, Aug. 23, is the day of the fashion * show and card party sponsored by Christ the King church at Wonder Lake. Tickets may be purchased from the church ushers before and after all masses. i*n-rrn--- 1 Warwick's McHenry Camera Center Q ^Cameras Bought. Sold and. Exchanged | PHOTO SUPPLIES | O Our Free Exp»" t Service 6pes Not Stop With A 8al0. ® See us Before you buy. WORWICK'S STUDIO IB N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE 30E30C PHONE 176 S OBOES D G-E Oil Furnace lets you from a week's vacation trip to Escan&ba and Ishpeming, Mich. On their return they brought Mr. schulz* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Schuli, home from Antigo, Wis., where they had enjoyed a week with relatives and friends. Carol Ann Miller is spending this, week with her cousin, Jeanne Morgan, at Elkhorn, Wig. Mrs. Joseph J. Miller celebrated her birthday anniversary last Friday at her home, with her children present, Mrs. Clarice Purvey of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Marie Morgan of Elkhorn, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Willis and their 10-year-old daughter, Ellen, of Emmetshprg, Iowa, spent the weekend visiting old McHenry friends. Mr. Willis and his wife, the former Opal Post, will be remembered by many as former teachers in the local high school. Mr. WilliB is now an instructor in the JCmmetsburg schools. H. J. Schaffer and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schaffer and family attended the picnic observing the twenty-fifth anniversary of Carpenters' Local No. 1996, at Libertyville last Saturday. Mrs. Mae Zimmer of Palatine E. Knox hone on Richmond Road. COMING EVENTS "M"!' t' August 21-22 -- Flower Show -- High SchAot » August 22 Legion Party For Carnival Workers -- 8 p.m. • Legion Home August 25 Regular Meeting McHenry Garden Club -- Picnic At Tyler's Creek, Algonquin McHenry Chapter, No. 547. O.E.S/ -- Initiation '-- Acacia Hall -- 8 p.m. -% * August 27 Special Smorgasbord pinner -- Ringwood Church -- Starts September 1 : Ringwood Home Bureaii Milton L* Smith Residence* 5:38 p.m. • • September Opening Day Of - McHenry Public Schools IF IT'S WORTH DOING LOCAL RESIDENT IMPROVING FROM INJURIES IN CRASIFJS Colmar-Residehts Back Ffom Alaska Mrs. Emil Simon home from the Woodstock hospital Friday evening, improved . ifrroonmi liinljjuuir iiceas sOuUsOtaLianmecUd in an drove with, friends f to V.a.^nkcnorulv/oeHr, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koberstine of Colmar have returned from a trip to Alaska. They auto accident in which rowly escaped death. The accident occurred Tuesday evening as Mrs. Simon was returning home on Rt. 31. Driving alone in the rain, her car skidded on the wet pavement about two and one-half miles from the city and she was thrown from the auto as it left the road. A passerby, who, incidentally happened to be a "Chicago policeman. gave her first aid and brought her to the office of a McHenry physician. After treatment there she was taken to the Woodstock hospital, where she was found to be suffering a broken rib. severe > cuts on the knee and ear, torn ligaments in the right leg and shock. The Simon car, a 1951 Oldsmobile, was completely demolished. ^ • • •; : • CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity to thank friends, relatives and neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extended in our recent bereavement. 'They were all greatly appreciated. THE FAMILY OF 15 MRS. EMMA JUNG British Columbia, then embarked on the gteainship Princess Louise for a ten-day passage to Skagway, Alaska. ( • There they transferred' to a small railroad and proceeded to OFFER YOU CONGRATULATIONS ' Friend* and' reiatA called Saturday* at the Norfcert Yegge home in West McHenry to extend congratulations to one of the community's older residents, Mrs. Margaret Sullivan, who was 85 years old that day. Among the guests who sur- Corcross, where they _ boarded prised ber in paying a visit was her 90-year-old brother, George Butler, of Lake Geneva, Wis., who was born in McHenry. Ananother steamer to Chree, a day's trip, The Koberstines report-a delightful trip, filled with beauti- other guest was Mrs. Sullivah's ful scenery. However,. they say sister-in-law, Mrs;. Dora Sulli the throughout Alaska. ••w x• . V, •SJEROME STILLING . ^ WON HIGH HONORS " AT WAUCONDA FAIR Word comes that another local 4-H boy, Jterome Stilling, has won high honors at the Wauconda county fair. His name waj? not Included in last week's group of winners since all of them werp F.F.A. boys. Jerome came home happy with high honors tor his registered Hereford hogs. One gilt took championship honors and another placed fourth. His boar claimed first place and then, competing in the market class against five different breeds, his pen ofMHMf* rows took second place. daughters, Patty, Peggy, Kitty and Mary; and Mrs. Sulllvn's only daughter, Mrg. Yegge, and eon, Jack. Fine Prizes Given A1 Skyline Theatre Weekly '1 At the Skyline Drive-in theatre, three valuable prizes wilt be given away each Tuesday night f for the next eight weeks. Absolutely no cost is involved |uid tunity. •• Last "week's winners were/ Peggy Garrelts, a basket of groceries; Sandra Rogers, a sewing machine; and Duke Rogers, a Hollywood broiler. Prize winners ' ,* | • ^ hi iHjWi AMONG THE van, of Jamesvllle. The honored guest was born in McHenry, the' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Butler but moved to Lake Geneva when she was only 9 years pld. Her father was a railroad employee, having come here from Chicago, where he settled after making the long trip from his native Ireland. In addition to* those already mentioned, the following enjoyed run the blades across the neck a delicious buffet supper and | of a small' bottle, in the social evening: John and George Sullivan, her sons, and their wives, both of Woodstock; Richard Sullivan, a grandson, and his wife and four great-grand- •v*-ryhody'« huftinnss. ' Johnny Mack of confined to High wood for observation. When the scissors are (lull, Read The Want Ada? Illlll ^ I DOLLAR DAYi |SPECIAL| ~ £ | COME Mr AND YOU WILL BE AMAZS^P AT | I OUR LARGE SELECTION OF •-- ! HAND PAINTED 1 SHOWER CURTAINS i IN ALL COLORS AND DESIGNS 1 . • • At Our Low ^ 111 Oft *rice Of Only *1W Ea. K; ItasrCtal Also Be Used ForfMle Covert,-Long tttltaow • Curtalna, Furniture Covers and Various Other Uses. It's Worth Doing Right. There is No Substitute For Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 1189 Come Early While Selection Lasts . RIVERSIDE RETAIL FACTORY OUTLET | West End of Old Bridge -- McHenry, III. lllllllltllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIttlllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllltllll position as though cutting wtt the neck of the bottle. ^ WHAT DO YOU WANf 10 KNOW ABCUT BANK I r J • -- _ * ^ EACH of our depositors is insured -- without .charge --to a maximum of $10,000, by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The cost is met by our bank and the other FJDXG. member banks. Sound bank management plus insurance " adds up to complete protection for funds McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPO«T^» PHONE 1«4» FURNACE CHU fuel bills! • Clean hMt--no great* or soot! ^ Central oil heating--so convenient! ^ Circulates air for uniform comfort! Completely enclosed. Tamper-proof! • No furnace-tending. All-automatic! FAWNS FN FWL SMWCt H«e-. th. IB-B Oil Furnace that cuts fuel bill* 25-50%, |KCording to actual reporti from owners. In- .«t«0 it now--enjoy wonderful central heating all winter. At any time you with, we can frdd G-B summer cooling, at surprisingly low mm ' -wuiwwwuiiijjiwiiKt - ^ ^ "lllllSlHIl lfou can reach a Star Tak*> l»u ipM -1 than a r»frig#rotor. Twe-tan* gray Msk. ICS AMAZING "A00-T0" PLAN Latest home comfort products of Q-E engineering and research are Pre-"Paired" Heating and Cooling t The O-E Furnace and the new matching G-E Home Cooling Unit use the same bl<jwer, ducts and registers--go together to make a single small "weather plant", that fits anywhere--even in a cloaet or alcove. Lets you enjoy truly modern living--at surprisingly low cost! VisH our Showroom, or phone for FREE comfort survey GENERAL# ELECTRIC p.U\lD\NG^• ^ t H. E. BUCH & SON PHONE 48 HIGHWAY 120 EAST | Is IT a matter of dollars that keeps you from stepping up to something better? Gome, discover a new peak of motoring pleasure at a price that never leaves the ground. this big-power-packed Buick SPECIAL Convertible is yours to enjoy for scarcely more than the Convertibles of "the low-priced three." And what a joyous carload of thrills that little extra provides. Here you get a Fireball 8 Engine with the highest horsepower and impression ratio a Buick SPECIAL ever commanded. Here you get the big car lift and luxury of Buick's Million Dollar- Ride--gentled to lullaby softness by coil springing on all four wheels. And here are all the other unique and wonderful things that make a Buick SPECIAL such a special Buick. The casual comfort. The suave, styling. The neat and knowing, craftsmanship that marks every inch of the structure. Here, too, if you want them, are Twin-Turbine Dynaflow* to give you new, smooth and silent getaways --Juid Power Steering* to guide your going with finger-tip ease. So why not try it yourself, this dazzling beauty that gives so much and asks so little. Check it for pricey test it for performance, compare if Ior value. How about dropping ill this week? v ^Standard on Road/muter, optional at txtrs cost other Series. THE GREATEST BUICK IN 50 OREAT YEARS WHKN aeTTUt AUTOMOBILES ARK BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM H R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES fedUnry, I1L Phone « 403 Front S*. ^ t v r WW? • T r fc. . &&£ V - » ' a > S8. -iAA.- 3" r , ' • - Ai i j f e i U m u tU

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