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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Aug 1953, p. 7

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. Angtul 2d 1953 >l'l 1 >11 m. CLASSIFIED •.* " * - . 1,- * K J ft MISCELLANEOUS ANTIQUES -- French, American, English, China. Pressed and cut glass. Furniture. Also hand made reproduction cobbler's benches, spice, salt and match boxes. Call McHenry 263. 14-4 Friday - Town ft Country Boys Saturday, Augu** 32 - Sagebrush Ramblers. Club Lilymoo.*, Rt 120, McHenry, 111 15 Professional . gardner, married, 1 child, desires position as caretaker, gardner. Also take care of small greenhouse. Reply c/o Plaindealer, Box 380. \ 15 Deep Fried Boneless Jfertsli '."*'(1. French Fries. • '* :;y-i#ttl*ce and Tomato SalMt Vegetable" .Roll and Butter -- 75c •; Children's Plate --- 50tf . . , French Fried Shrimp Dinners -- $1.25 Y Served 4 'till I' p.m. FRIDAY NIGHTS at CLUB LILYMOOR Entertainment Fri. & Sat. nights 15 Another winner at Riverside Retail Factory Outlet? MLS3 Loretta Lubke of Laken oor won $25 in merchandise of her own choice The secret word was 'Switch". The clue to the rew secret word is "an actioi.This week's clue \3 named in a song title. Also listen to W.K.R.S. 1220 on your dial for further clues. Riverside Retail Factory Outlet, West end of Old Bridge, McHenry. 15 HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION At the close of the first six months of Governor William G. Stratton's administration the state of Illinois had $86,594,591 worth of highway construction under way. This is $14,663,461 more than the comparable total on July 31, 1952. In releasing this report, Edwin A. Rosenstone, director of Public Works and Buildings, pointed out that $23,246,864 has been paid out for road work during the first half of 1953 as against $14,361,- 305 during the similar period last year. By way of forecast on work likely to be completed during 1953, Rosenstone estimated that the end of the year will shoM; 322 miles of new roadway of various types built on the state's primary and secondary network, and an additional 772 miles of existing highways rehabilitated, in addition to the construction of 87 bridges and grade separations. ESEE33SD m BEFORE GRANDSTAND 8 NITES AUG. -itrjr2** + * * *fUN STARS Of STAfrC. SCREKN, RADIO ft TtUVISION SUN. NITf lAU*. M THRtUCADr AUTO STUNT SHOW Auto m. l*. *31 CI,CW1 »4MNKS R A C E S Mti. 24.2S. n SBS Motorcycle R A C E S AUG. 29 [ GREATEST FARM jliACHWERY SHOW WORLD FAMOUS CIRCUS ft HIGH WIRE ACTS Norn Show COHSMMI AUG. 26-30 •ALICE IN DAIRYLAND' FRKE ON GROUNDS WlKtusi* Coni»nr«lio» EHfiifctt. Stat* WWU lnduttri«l Exposition, Blu* Ribbon C*t< tU, Swint. Sk»*p, Goats. Fur Show, Poultry, Art & F'ow»» Show, Crop* ft Fruit Exhibit*. Dairy Product*. Honay Exhibit. Craftsmen Fair. LittU TWatra, Yotrffc fatpo*Hi«n- THR'Lt -- r. r sf' '• V * * -7' *' • • • ' , - ' "v • 4*. t • \ i *r •f ?• t r£y>;,r,fi /THEMcHEHBY PLA1NDEALER LEGALS f..|, *• •: H- •> <• NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate, of BRIDGET DOHERTY Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that October 5th, 1953, is the claim date in the estate of Bridget Doherty, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. NELLIE DOHERTY, Administratrix VERNON J. KNOX ' - ^ - ^ Attorney Crystal Lake, Illinois ' (Pub. Aug. 6-13-20) NOTICE "f [NOTICE or SPECIAL ELECTIN THE MATTER OF THE | W to vote upon the question of APPLICATION OF GEORGE1 issuing $55,000 Street Lighting R. MICHAEL AND GERALDINE MICHAEL FOR AMENDMENT OR VARIATION OF THE ZONING, CLASSIFICATION Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Bonds of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. Public notice is hereby given that a spetial election will be held in and for the City of McHenry. McHenry County. Illinois on the 15th day of September, 1953, at which time there will be submitted RED CROS& Ordinance, a public hearing will! to the electors of the said City be held by the Board of Appeals the following question: NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of ALBERT M. SCHMITT, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that October 5th, 1953, Is the claim date in the estate of Albert M. Schmitt, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. FRANCES SCHMITT, Executrix VERNON J. KNOX, Attorney Crystal Lake, Illinois (Pub. Aug. 6-lS-$0f~ NOTICE OF CLAIM DAfT' Estate of HENRY HEIMER, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all oersons that October 5, 1953, is the claim date in the estate of Henry Heimer, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. GRACE BRADLEY, ADELE BUTLER# Co-Executors LEROY. J. WELTER, Attorney 404 Grove Avenue McHenry, Illinois (Pub. 13-20-2|J of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a request to vary or amend the Zoning Ordinance as it applies to the following described property: Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois, described as. follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of River Road and the prolongation westerly of the line between Lots 6 and 7 of Wheeler's First Ahddtion to McHenry Country Club Subdivision; thence Westerly along the prolongation of said line between Lots 6 and 7, 191.0 feet; thence Northerly parallel with the Westerly line of River Road 150.4 feet; thence Easterly parallel with the prolongation of said line between Lots 6 and 7, 191.0 feet to a point in the Westerly line of River Road 150.4 feet northerly from the place of beginning; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of River Road 150.4 feet to the place of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois. Said request is for the purpose of permitting an addition be opened at 6:00 o'clock A.M. in to one of the buildings on said the morning and will be closed at described property. 5:00 o'clock P.M. on the date of Said hearing will be held In the election All persons qualified the City Hall at McHenry, I11U to vote at regular City elections nois at the hour of 3:30 P.M. on are qualified *o vote on said questhe 15th day of September 1953. tion and voters must vote at the All persons interested may at- polling place designated for the tend. McHenry County, Illinois Zoning Board of Appeals By Frank Nagel Chairman Petitioner's Attorney: VERNON J KNOX Crystal Lake, Illinois ^ Phone 1500 - S P E C I A L ! ! Attractive 4 Room Year Round SheS Built On Your Lot FHA No Money Down - ,j~ fa 'COMPLETE PRICE $2400.00 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION CO. McHENRY 220-W '}• '}• •!' •}' •!' 'I* *>• '}• 'H14 •> 'I' b For gas permit holders only! If you haven't already installed gas heat Phone ;; ;; VYCITAL'S 98 for a free demonstration of the amazing new, A. O. Smith gas furnace with Mttfeftet AA\\i and Get these handsome. illuminated house numbers FREE! UMiAiblflf" Here I Now 11 The gas fired furnace that's so Msnttve to torn- * per*tore change* it reacts inatanftly to raise and lower J the flame to replace heat losses as they occur, even ) before the loss is reftptored by <ke thermostat. also available M gas conversion .burners. HEAR AND SEE MSSfeJfecfc ON. TELEVISION with AUSTIN KIPLINGER MON„ WED. & FRI. - WBKB-TV - 6 PJ4. See A. O. Smith MagfcJtet Units on Dlsptay f in Our Window VYCITAL'S -• HARDWARE SHEET METAL SI|pP t 132 Green St. ~ PHONE 98 McHenry, 111. "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" Shall bonds in the amount of $55,000 be issued by the City "of McHenry, f McHenry County, Illinois, for the purpose of payi «S the cost of constructing a system of street lights along certain streets in and for said City, maturing (3,000 on January 1 of each of the years 1956 and 1957, $4,000 on January 1, 1958, $5,000 on January 1, 1959, $10,000 on January 1, 1980, and $5,000 on January 1 of each of the years 1961 to 1966, inclusive, and bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed three and one-half per cent (3%/fc) per annum? That said election will be helo in each of the several wards of said City as heretofore established as election precincts for all Citv elections and the polling place fo J each shall be as follows: Ward Number 1. -- Polling Place: City Hall, Green Street, McHenry, Illinois Ward Number 2. -- Polling Place: Buss Motor Sales Garage 531 Main Street, McHenry, 111. Ward Number 3. -- Polling Place: A. S. Blake Motor Sales, Inc., Garage, 301 East Pearl Street, McHenry, Illinois The polls at said election will election precinct, within which Uiey reside. By order of the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois DATED this 20th day oT August, 1953. Vw George P. Freund, Mayor ATTEST Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk Read The Want Ads! iting communist prison camps will take variety items for the Fred Ferris, county chairman comf°rt of American and other of the Red Cross, has receivedUN Prisoners. These include fathe following directive from mous Red Cross di"y con" Walker L. Millner, manager of taining toilet articles, writing the midwestern area of the American Red Cross: "The Office of Defense Mobilization, as a result of cessation of hostilities in Korea, has announced a significant reduction in defense requirements for whole blood for the fiscal year 1953-54. As a result of this reduction all defense centers are being requested to ceise operations effective Aug. 31, 1953. In addition, contracts with cooperating blood banks are being terminated effective that date. "For your information, the remaining requirements for defense bldod will be met by Red Cross regional centers, who will adjust defense blood production consistent With reduced requirements. _ Th(* splendid cooperation and outstanding contribution to the defense effort through the activities of your fhapter, its staff and volunteers, and the separate communities .and organizations who have assisted in this effort are deeply appreciated. I know that if the time should again arise when your participation would be needed in the interest of national defense all would stand ready to serve." Mr. Ferris calls attention to the fact that the Blood Mobile units from Chicago, which have visited this county twice a year for the past three years drew blood onijr for defense. There has never been a regional blood center in this district. The nearest are at Madison, Wis., and Peoria, 111. Prisoners Of War Red Cross representatives vismaterials .cigarettes, and read ing matter. As in "Operation Little Switch," sick and wounded prisoner exchange three months ago, American Red Cross will pay the cost of 50-word radiograms home for each American repatriate. Messages will be taken to Korea reception areas to which 'freed prisoners will be brought, then flown to Tokyo for transmission to the States. No commercial radio facilities are available in Korea. Personal radiograms will reach families about three diys after prisoners of war cross Panmunjom demarkation line. For sick and injured prisoners hospitalized in Japan, Red Cross also will provide free four-minute telephone calls home, wherever facilities permit. To supplement personal services ; provided by the military. Red Cross staff workers will be available at reception centers to help American repatriates with personal problems. Freed prisoner< i requiring hospitalization will have services also of Red Cross hospital workers who provide medically approved recreation programs and care for personal needs. SANITATION TOPS - CONTROL OF FLIES ABOUND FARM• S-• /. It's discouraging ' ooth to you and to your ttViitock -- to have swarms of flies around the farmstead. But don't throw up your hands in despair. You can lick the fly problem. And your animals will produce more milk and meat in return. Strict sanitation to eliminate fly breeding places is the number one fly control measure recommended by H. B. Petty, entomologist with the University of Illinois College of Agriculture and State Natural History Survey. Combining the other field op? erations plus rainy weather have caused a pile-up of manure around barns and feedlots. Flies breed in manure piles, old strawstack bottoms, refuse under feed .bunks, garbage heaps, rotting leaves and gtmss and ot caying organic matter. Hauling manure out to fields and cleaning up trash and othet fly-breeding places will go a long way in eliminating the profit-robbers The follow-up to sanitation fi good spraying with the rtglNt chemicals. - One-half pound 'of actual methoxychlor or one ounce of actual lindane will effectively treat 1,000 square feet of surface for two to four weeks. > i . ' j Frank S. May , BLACK DIRT Sand • Gravel - Drirewafi Excavating Roil* 5. McHenry Phone: McHenry 580-M-l Miss Diane Phalin of Waukegan spent a few days the last of the week visiting McHenry relatives. FOR ATHLETES FOOT Use T-4-L for S to 5 day*. It actually peela off the outer akin, expose* buried fungi and KILLS ON CONTACT. If not pleased with instant.dryiiif T-4-L, your 40c back at any drug store. Today at BOLGER'S. MUNTZ T.V. FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION Call ROBERT DOHERTY or DON WEINGART Ph. McHenry 1170-M Ph. 799-M DO YOU HAVE... HARD WATER? NOW! You can have Filtered Iron Free SOFT WATER _ ' _ _ For Lw -- With A MAYCO TUBBO-ACTION WATER SOFTENER Manual or Automatic Operation 1MM GRAIN AUTOMATIC ' i \ J •i:' • \ \ H. E. BUCH & SON i a -At Ftas Tulill^ltliii' ' " !\ rfsSfcC I .iisfOi All Typee of Plumbing It' Heating -- Sale* 8c CALL McHENRY 48 NOW HIGHWAY ISO EAST McHENRY, DLL. M ' > ' • ' a \t>u Wouldrit buy a suit without trying it on.. . Why Buy a Car Withou ' ,f < - 1 \ U, --- -- » -kw. iL '.k*. jr.- - - 1UC1C ore ulg UIU61UKU in UUS today. Before you buy any new car^»» you ought to drive it. You ought t<r make a thorough comparison. And when you compare, compare with Nash--and drive a Nash- In jntf 10 miles, well show yo* performance, economy, comfort-- . and above all, value--that yon can't equal anywhere efee. •m- SHSQ ' *«&'• • r, lak* HwslO Mi • 1 COMPARE BEAUT I Feast vour i on the sparkling continental styling of Pinin Farina; Then take the keys and DRIVE! COMPARE ROOM I Prove with the tape-measure that Nash seats, front and rear, are the widest. Then Check front and tear head room! COMPARK VISIONI Nash gives you the widest windshield and rear window, the greatest eye-level visibility. COMPASS TtAVKl PfATUMSI No car gives you wauay featucM Uynwio ttavel mon fun. COMPARE STRINOTN AMD SAPCTVI Tbe world's safest car with doubiptMd Nash AirfljU Coosimciiott. lnou ride in a fortress of tfcdL MOT 90W* hHft * *.i.j 7; COMPARE THE AIRI Nash Weather Eye. world's best heating and, ventilating system, thermostati- Otity controls fresh, filtered air. COMPARE HANDLING I With eXr dusive Airflex FrontSuspension, plus optior.a' new Power Steering, parking is 75% easier. COMPARE THE RIDEI Drive a Nash over the roughest road. Prove to yourself Nash has the "world's finest ride." COMPARE 1UKURYI The only car to offer Reclining Scats that adjust to five po- Htk»»-becoine Twin Beds! COMPARE ECONOMY I Nash owf. ers save more miles to the galk*. Amazing performance, too, wi£k "L* Mam** Duaf,!et-Ffe« engma CHOOSE THE ONI YOU WANT TO OWVII Staiesnun ' • OUR DEMONSTRATORS ARE WAITING - PHONE NOW! 7*1 *-*-'1 DOWNS NASH SALE% 435 3-2

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