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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Aug 1953, p. 6

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w*m*$ f:*" SPECIAL BARGAIN! f OT NEW DOUBLE CONSTRUF^^ SHELLS FOR AS LOW AS -- mmrm > • y±< • * k w:-:-. BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE at UcHenry I WAL£ A FLOOR TILING iy, mc. Our only business - not a sideline. Prompt guaranteed work. LDlTOKlAl ] Free Estimates FOR SALE -- Chris Craft 17 ft., £5 h.p. Inboards & Outboards. E. J- Wendt Marine Supplies on U. S. 12, Richmond, 111. 15-2 |A#C5T>3N * Cary6184 ^ BaiTingt°n "tf FOR SALE \ ntrtilriiNDt,~G^T Manager 4t>ELB PkOEHLICH, Editor • r - Plalndealer Want Ads wis counted less than 25 pfcrda $1.00 minimum. I; InMrtion |i.oo (Count S words per line) ^y25c service charge on all blind Cash with order. Clrd of Thanks--$1.00 Minimum , Want A.ds close promptly at 10 'St Wednesday. MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian Clarinet and Saxophone I EARL P. KOCH „ Phone Pistakee 633-M-l | 5-tf! Stoker. Call 360, or 202 So. Green St. 15tf FOR SALE -- Full size Hollywood bed, practically new. Original cost $99.95, will sell for $50. 716 Center St., McHenry. j w AIRSPUN BUILDERS WINDER LAKE PHONE W. L. 1798 FOR SALE -- Oil burner. Heats 4 to 5 rooms. Call McHenry 824-R. DE ' "» ANIMALS- K:*:iest cash \ *16 prices paid for cows, hoises and , o a t™ hogs, no help needed to load. u SUBSCRIPTION RATE $4.00 ,. Entered as second-class matter ,\jit the post office at McHenry, til., under the act of May 8, 1879. to Day and night, Sundays and Hoiidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36-tf Heavy fryers and stewing hens. Call McHenry 623- J-l. 14 OARAGE DOORS 4 WOOD SECTIONAL' Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standird or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH ' Sales. I:, vtallation and Sefldfit McHenry 1187-R 14-tf FOR SALE"-- Choice Holstein, vaccinated heifers. Have no milk market. Must sell Phone Frank Ehredt, Round Lake 6-2223 »16 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- A room house, river frontage, garag*. Oil heat. Near town. Call 476-J.". WAWTEp TO BUT ' A. Au^ni ~ -- ' - • 1 • • ^ WANTED TO BUY--Top price paid tor iron, petals and junk •15-3 cars. Ed Marsh, phone McHenry ! 563-R-l. 33-tl HELP WANTED ILLINOIS BELL,. TELEPHONE CO, "a good pUuse Xo, FOR SALE -- Used refrigerator, in igood condition. Very reasonable. Phone 596-j.-l. *ll * AUTOMOTIVE _ ., 1 -- |GARBAGE Disposal Service. Ef- ' ItEPLACEMENT PARTS FOR [fieient, and dependable. Thomsen ALL CARS 'and Jorgensen. Phone McHenry Accessories and Seat Covers j?g5.> 10-tf COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 'Route 120 - 1 Block East of the River Bridge Open Week Day* 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. to 1 p-m. FOR SALE -- 1939 Plymouth 4 door sedan. -Sacrifice for quick sale. Phone McHenry 1121-J. 16-2 FOR SALE -- '53 Plymouth sedan- Cranbrook deluxe; tinted window; radio; heater; white walls; complete. Two-tone green. Must sell very reasonable. Tel. McHenry 548-R-l. 16 PAINTING AND DECORATING Quality and Service Call Stan Johnson McHenry 890-J after 6 P.M. 6-tf 1952 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe 1952 Studebalcer Land Cruiser Sd 1951 NASH Sedan 1951 DESOTO Club Coupe 1951 OLDSMOBILE '98' Sedan 1951 FORD 2 Dr. Sedan (Fordamatic) 1950 DODGE Club Coupe 1950 PACKARD SEDAN 1949 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1949 CHRYSLER Club Coupe 1949 CHEVROLET Sedan 1948 CHEVROLET Sedan 1947 CHRYSLER Sedan 1947 FORD Club Coupe 1947 CLDSMOBILE 2 Dr.' Sedan 1946 FORD Convertible 1941 DESOTO Sedan 1941 HUDSON Sedan 1941 CHRYSLER Sedan 1941 CHEVROLET Sedan 1941 STUDEBAKER Sedan 1941 PONTIAC Sedan (2) 1940 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1908 OLDSMOBILE Sedan 1937 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1936 CHEVROLET Sedan 3031 MODEL A Ford *v Peter A. Freund (Formerly Eddie Huff's) Sanitary Service 1 clean and pumD septic tanks, cesspools. Phone McHenry 877-W FOR SALE -- Used-Windows. Al-= so french windows, varied sizes. One French door; Phone Wonder Lake 3091. - *16 FOR SALE -4- Spotted Poland China hogs_ Gilts and boars, Spring pigs. "Call Wauconda 3577. •16 FOR SALE -- Freshly picked sweet corn. Phone William Justert Richmond Road, (Just outside city limits), McHenry 1084-J, 16-2 residence, Fox Stret. 16tf CESS POOLS - SEPTIC TANKS Pumped and Cleaned PHONE 776-W. If no answer "call 1383-R-2 O. A, DOUGLAS 309 West Elm Street McHenry 6-tf Sears Roebuck ft Co. Applied roofing and siding Easy payment plan Telephone or write Frank Gans, Repre*. 300 Riverside Drive Tel. McHenry 767-W 12tf FOR SALE -- Boy's Monarch bicycle. Excellent condition. Baby upright Kimball piano, 88 key board Call 906 or 377. 16 FOR SALE -- Champion bred English setter pups registered, 3 months old, paper trained. Grand Sire Field Champion "Mississippi Zev". Reasonable. Call Clearbrook 3-0813. 813 S. Mitchell, Arlington Heights. 16 FOR SALE -- White dog, female, 8 mos. old, gentle. House-broken win make nice pet for some boy or hunting dog. Inquire by phone McHenry 170, ask for Willard Grant. " " 16 TELEPHONE , OPERATORS ' : /, Good salaxf - quent increases. YouTl be ; working with girls your own v.s.7 age and you'll be doing interesting work in an important industry. See: Miss R. Marshall, "• Chief Operator ' 1Q2 Park Ave. 1 /' . 43-tf HELP WANTED WANTED TO REM* HELP WANTED -- Waitress. Apply in person. at Ml Place Restaurant. 16tf FOR SALE -- Ten room house j four bedrooms, oil heat, ideal lo-j cation for rooming house. Will sacrifice. Phone 978 of 520-W-2. ' 16 FO^l SALE -- Beautifully wooded 120 acre farm, Eau Clare, Wis. Very good 5 room house. Water and electricity. Lots of Deer and Squirrel, 2 trout streams. $5,000. WANTED TO RENT -- From 20 Robert Wickard, 433 E. Lake St., ito 100 acre farm near McHenry. Woodstock, m. Teki\1760-J •le Wil1 furnish best of references. Call McHenry 896-J. •le WANTED TO RENT -- By Sept. 1, 2 or 3 bedroom house in McHenry or vicinity for our new bookkeeper. McHenry £and and Gravel. Phone 920. 15-2 HELP WAITED , woman with car, 25' to 50; nice! ro°"ls uPs'aifs i FOR SALE -- 5 > rfipm all-yearround house, 4 yjs. yold, plastered walls, automatic oif furnaoe. Tile Unusual! oa^ floors, 2 unfinished cabinet kitchen , LOST-- Miniature Pinclier, male, LOST AND FOUND personality and appearance; need asphalt tile floor. Automatic [ black and tan. Answers to the to earn high ii ncome; ih ours 5> tio.. 9„ hot water, thra^ciiiartpr hnu., name of Friti . R«urarH r«u w?. best for our work. No parties, no collection, no deliveries, no in-, to vestment. For personal interview1 "7, a call McHenry 759-M. 16 handle mortgage th ment with utili rights, corner REAL ESTATE OUTDOOR MEN 18 to SO ^ *o Trim Tree. ' Also Older Men For Ground Work. PHONE WAUCONDA 2288 or Crystal Lake 2117-J 52-tJ HELP WANTED -- Young man oi boy to drive car on paper route. Must have driver's license; also boy helper to deliver papers on car route, mornings and evenings. Apply at once. Albert Krause and Son. Tel. 379 or' 878- J. 15tf WANTED Girl for general office work. Shorthand helpful, but not necessary, Must like figures. Reply c 'o Plamdealer, Pooc 383. 15tf FOR SALE Bexmlr Cleaner Sales ft CARL BARNICKOL 74 Woodlawn Park Phone 646-W-2 Used Hardwood Service ' floorin£. Cal1 McHenry 323. 16 16tf Clarence (Mike) Gath Complete Decorating Service Cenlent Work, Block Work Tile -- all phases, Carpentry Plaster Patching Call 675-R-l 16tf FOR SALE -- Underwood typewriter, No. 5; Junior Royal portable, i each $25. Apartment bottle gas range. Gas stove and some GIRLS WANTED for light machine work, day or night shift open. Precision Twist Drill. 13 Woodstock St. Crystal Lake. Phone 1144. „ \ 10-tf furniture. Phone 607-M-2. 16 FOR SALE -- 21" Power Mower only 1 year old. In good condition. Will sacrifice. Phone 1011. 16 FOR SALE •&»- FOR SALE -- 6 room oil burning space heatei;. Good condition. Reasonable. Call 513-W-l. 16 COLBY MOTOR SALES 11 S. Main St Phone 1144 Crystal Lake, 111. 16 FOR SALE -- 1940 PackArdT^ 6 cylinder. Model 110. Excellent conditioii, low mileage for age of car. For information, pbpate McHenry 1168. »16 FOR SALE -- 1938 oidsmobile convertible, radio, heater, white trail tires. Priced for quick sale. Flione: McHenry 804-R. »16 FOR SALE -- 1946 Mercury Club Coupe. Radio, heater, spotlight. $275^ Call Thursday or Friday 5:30 "p.m. to 8 p.m.--All day Saturday. McHenry 521-W-l. •IB ANTIOTTKS rr«<M« FOR SALE ~~ S,X"^ar'old crib ANTIQUES, MISC FTEMS -- (and mattress, $35; Storkline baby Clothing, good condition, for en-|b -25. roll.awav cot s1q fnmilv Pnrmglo Dtun Tnoo. Duggy> TOll away COl, J1U. WANTED -- Young woman with pleasing personality for general office work. Must have knowledge of typing and shorthand^ Apply in person, McHenry Sand and Gravel, 606 Front St. 15-21 tire family. Formals. Open Tuesday through Saturday, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., 6 to 10 p.m.; Sundays 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment, Resale and Antique Shop, mile west of Terra Cotta factory on Rt. 31. Phone: Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 22-eow FOR SALE--New and used sewing macnines. We rent, buy $nd repair all makes of sewing machines. See oOr large selection of yard goods, over a thousand samples.. to choose from. Freund'^, 664-J-2. 36-eow BUSINESS SERVICE Tel. 566-W-l McHenry, 111. Candid Weddings from Home, Church %»d Reoeption f e O L I N PfWtographers Commercial, Publicity, Sports r and Photostats JOHNSON MOTORS New and Uied -- Terms I.Ioton and - Boats ilervice, Reflnishing and. Storage : BILL'S C*tTBOARD MOTORS 104% S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44 .WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, reand install pumps. Bill >n, 206 Main Street, Mclenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf tSL IJenrj TREE AND BARN SPRAYTNGVhlte wash or Fly control. Frank Sf. Henkel. P.O. Round Lake, III Residence: Volo, I1L Phone McHenry 54^-J-l. 45-tf C. S. G.--Power lawn mower repairs, complete rebuilding by factory trained mechanic. Also repairing of all outboard motors bj skilled mechanic. Special: $1.5( sharpens any hand mower; $3.5( sharpens a:^'j 21" power mower for information call McHenry 575-W-2. Dealer Page Fences 51-tf MACHINE DIGGING-- Complete Septic Tank systems. Dry wells, Seepage Beds, Trenching and Footings Dug U8"x36" wide, 7-ft maximum depth). Prompt service Garrelts & Rogers. Phone SB9-R-1 or 534-W-l, McHenry. 51-tf FOR SALE -- Year 'round COMFORT a n d ECONOMY w i t h FIRE-PROOF Johns.M a n v i 11 e Home Insulation. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 4-tf OLEMAN BOTTLED GAS -- Do like hundreds of housewives do, use it for cooking, baking, refrigeration and water heating. Prompt service and deliveries. Vycital's Hardware and Sheet Metal Shop. Call McHenry 98-4oday. 7-tf Tel. McHenry 95-W FOR RENT 16 FOR RENT -- Newjy decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R 20-tf FOR RENT--1, 2 and 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished aparU ments. Year's lease, from $60 to $80 per month. Riverside Hotel, Riverside Drive and Elm St., Call 266. 14tf FOR RENT -- 4 room heated apartment, 2 bedrooms. Refrigerator, gas stove, hot water heater and washing machine furnj^hed. Lakamoor. Phone McHeni»/742. f • 15.2 MALE HELP WANTED -- A nationally known company has immediate openings available for ambitious and honest men in McHenry and vicinity. This will be a permanent position with an opportunity for early advancement. We feel you will probably double your previous income while enjoying the freedom of being your own boss--without any investment.. If you can qualify we will proviae helpful assistance while you learn our business and establish your future. YOU WILL BE EARNING WHILE YOU ARE LEARNING. For an interview write Box 382 in care of Plaindealer, "McHenry. 16-17- FOR S A L E--HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-J 24-tf FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom home; fully insulated, fruit trees, berry shrubs, deep well. 2-car garage. 2 large lots. $9,500 at terms. Phone Phone Wonder Lake 2793 11-tf FOR SALE -- McCullom Lake, furnished 5 room home, full basement. Large garage, land 100x280. Price $13,000. F. Lewis, 711, 18th St. North Chicago, 111. 13-4 Real Estate For Sale McHENRY -- 4 rooms, 2 bedrooms, gas heat, insulated, close to town, only $5,500.M ALSO 5 room year around home, automatic heat, 2 bedrooms, 2 car garage, nice location, Price $10,- 600.00. For appointment call our office in Johnsburg, phone McHenry 37. Jacob Fritz -- Real Estate R. 5, McHenry, Illinois 14tf FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom home, Lily Lake, pine panel, sun room, furnished including electric range, water / heater. $3,000 down. H. Bell, Box 46, Ringwood Call Wonder Lake "548. * *16 foR~ SALE -- Fine insulated large 5 room home, over-looking Fox River. Private pier, automatic heat, full basement, large breezeway thru to garage, de«p well, fine flowers and trees. McHenry 658-J-l. Fiped Snyder *16 FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The Wallfill Co., Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 48-tf FOR RENT Newlyweds, both- working in Chicago; we will transfer our 'ease to responsible party. Modern, year 'round 5-rm. 2-bedroom apt.; semifurnished; gas heat; storm windows; screens; beautiful view; immediate possession if desired. No small children, no dogs. Tel. Pistakee 194. 16 LABORERS WANTED -- Union pay. Steady work. Phone McHenry 537-W-l anytime. T Olsen & Son, Mason Contractors." 16tf WANTED -- Waitress, days, full or part time. Tel. 334, Holly's Drive-In. 16 HELP WANTED -- Woman for silk pressing. Pleasant hours and working conditions. Call in person or phone 20, Local Cleaners - 16 FOlfe SALE -- 8 room house, ia McHenry, near schools, churches shopping areas, good income property. Large 2 car garage. Reply care of Plalndealer Box 359. Stf er oA premises^ uarter base room. River £40x132. Left Subd. Will nally. Own- / • 16 FOR SALE -- McCullom Lake. 4 room house, combination windows, insulated, floor furnace, oil heat. 2 c?r garage, lot 75x150, $5,500. McHenry 665-W-2. •le WANTEB WANTED -- Down and crippled cattle at better cash prices. Orvi! le Krohn, Woodstock. Phone 16M-R-1, collect. •15-t£ WANTED -- REAL. ESTATE We have buyers for Lake, River, or Channel Front Property, if want to sell, call GEORGE D. WATTS, Realty Fox Lake, IU. Fox Lake 7-1011 2-tf Frit*. Reward. Call 502 M-2, if no answer, call 552-W-2. 16 MISCELLANEOUS MISC.--You can own a fabulous Pfaff Zig-Zag Sewing Machine by doing simple sewing. For details phone McHenry 569-M-l, or •vrite Box 172, Barrington, 111. 48-tf Deep Fried Boneless Perch French Fries Lettuce and Tomato Salad Vegetable V Roll and Butter --~ 7flc Children's Plate --- 60c French Fried Shrin^ Dinners $1.25 ^ ' Served 4 'till 9 p.rj££*,l.L FRIDAY NIGHTS * at CLUBJLILYMOOJFC Entertainment Fri. & Sat. nights 16 REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for your j homes, suiumer homes, farms, and business properties. We can sell your property If your price is right. JACOB FRITZ - REAL ESTATE in Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 87 27-tf WANTED -- Down or crippled cattle, $15 to $50 cash. Call L. Burmlde and Sons, Marengo 907, collect. 14tf WILL DO Custom Silo filling. Phone McHenry 610-M-2. •!$ WANTED -- To take ^are of children In my own home during day while their mother's work. Call McHenry 54-W, Mrs. Mayfield. 16 i ANTIQUE SHOP -- French, American, English, China. Pressed and cut glass. Furniture, handin a d e reproduction cobbler's benches, spice, salt and match boxes. Call McHenry 263. 14-5 WIN $25 in merchandise of your own choice at Riverside Retail Outlet Store, West End of Old Bridge, McHenry. This week's clue to the secret word "can be done alone or in a group.4 16 IN PERSON •> Friday Night, August 28th "The Town and Country Boys" Saturday, August 29th .... The Midwesterners" At CLUB LILYMOOR Wlite. I : flo your ^rycleaning C ....and fk do better McHENRY CLEANERS 103 Elm Street PHONE 104-M LEGAL NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE w. Estate of HENRY HEIMER, ceased. / ' Notice is hereby given to' v*l. persons that October 5, 1933, is the claim date in the estate oi Henry Heimer, Deceased, pending in the County Court" of McHeni^ County, Illinois, and that clairtij(. may be filed against the estate on or before said date out issuance of summons. GRACE BRADLEY, ADELE BUTLER ; Co-Executors LEROY J. WELTER, Attorney 404 Grove Avenue McHenry, Illinois (Pub. 13-20-27) ' Rt. 120, McHenry Need A Rubber Stamp* 16 'it at the Plalndealer. TAVERNS WANTED -- I have over 50 dffferent people interested in buying a tavern in this area. If your price is right and they can make a decent living, I will sell It for you^ All replies confidential. H. Bell, Box 46, Ringwood. Call Wonder Lake 3548. •16 Need A Rubber Stamp/ It at the Plalndealer. Get Accordian Lessons 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE HARMONY -- THEORY AND CLASSICAL »a»'. CALL BOB LAMBERT McHENRY 530.M-1 BEWARE of Door To Door Peddlers And Accordians Not A "Name" Brand With Written Guarantee FOR SALE: Year 'round home in Wonder Lake, 4 rooms with tile bath; oil heat, 1% garage, 75'xl25' lot. Priced to sell! Call Crystal Lake, 2118-J 14-4 FOB SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, \DDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons for al! makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St Woodstock; Phone 549 7-tf FOR SALE -- Flat top desk 33x50. Office chair and swivel chair, $35.00; 2 used doors $5.00 each; 2 single rollaway cots $10.00 each; 1 30x22 Linoleum top kitchen cabinet $15.00; 6 used wftidows $1.00 each. Call 292-R. •16 HOUSE FOR RENT -- M Wonder raike. Furnished. Vacant Sept. 1, 1953. Call Round Lake 6-1701. 16 FOR RENT -- Modern, year 'round 5 room houae. Well insulated with rock wool. Storm windows. Adults only. Call Wonder Lake 3031. 16 FOR SALE -- Flat* and round bottom boats. Pink Harrison, Call Pistakee 323. i6tf MA ICO HEARING AIDS. Call f« r a free demonstration by a skilled representative. Appointment at your convenience. Batteries, cords supplies. Repair work for all makes of instruments. Loaner instruments available. Rena Scheid, 207 N. Green St. Tel. McHenry 125-R. 16 FOR RENJ -- Woman would like to share her home in McHenry with a woman teacher. For details, call 869, after 6 p.m., week days^ •le FOR RENT -- 5 room house. Phone 131-J from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, or call at the home of Mrs. Susan Adams, Washington St. McHenry. 16 ^OR RENT -- Until June 1, 1954, new insulated 3 % room house, beautifully furnished, large screened porch, river rights, 2 miles north of McHenry, on Riverside Drive, Huemann's subdivision. Reasonable rent to reliable tenant. Magnuson. •le "H eckers, McCULLOM LAKE -- 6 room year 'round home on 2 lots. Full tile bath. Combination screens, automatic oil heat. Must sell, leaving state. Immediate possession. Call 537-M-2. •le HELP WANTED FOR SALE -- Summer home on produce clerks, 5 day a week, j over an acre of land with river Good starting salary. Opportunity rights on Fox River. New plumbfor advancement. Apply store ing and pump Newly decorated, manager, at the AAP Store, Mc-: fruit trees. Price $8,500. McHenVy Henry. i 16 Realty, 510 Main, Phone 268. 16 r 8 aoi aoi GRAND OPENING L & L TAVERN RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS Refreshments & Favors EVERYONE WELCOMEI VACUUM CLEANE3 REPAIRS RexaJr Cleaner Kales A Htrvice CARL BARNICKOL 74 WoMLawn f'a-fc &•*/ < Phon<- ,9 fV BEAUTY SHOP- 210 8. Green StiL; Fitzgerald's Bldg. Alice 292-J mt 19S-M FOR SALE -- Used oil burner, 275 gal. tank. Stack switch and thermostat. Call after 5 p m. McHenry 659-J-l. * le mm. FOR SALE -- Good used Rexair Cleaner. Also Hoover and Kenmore vacuums. 646-W-2. 16 FOR SALE -- 80 bass Accordian. Reasonable. Call Pistakee 565-R FOR RENT -- Two garages at 513 Waukegan Road. Call McHenry 772-M. 16 | HELP WANTED 8 TURRET LATHE OPERATORS ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS High Earnings For Skilled Melix •MO n FOR RENT -- 4 rooms, partly j furnished. $50. l1^ miles northwest I of Burton's Bridge and Rt. 176. Tel^ 1377-J-2. 16 FOR RENT -- McHenry. 6-rm. year 'round home; oil heat; $100 a month. For information call Jacob Fritz, realtor. McHenry 37 I ' v 16 OVERTIME PERMANENT APPLY BARCO MANUFACTURING CO. S00 N. HOUGH STREET BARRINGTON, ILL. Monday through Friday, | a.nou to 4 pJB.^ Saturdays 9 mjl <o Noon AU C1CAM • • tOW MltCAOC m^h ALL CARS Reconditioned and Sold wilh A Written Warranty. SAVE UP TO $100 *1450 •52-Cbl^aE 4 Dr. Sedan (R-H-Gyro) Looks and runs like a new car - perfect '51 - DODGE 4 Dr. Sedan (H - Equip'd) Owner took real pride in this beauty '51 - Studebalcer Club Sedan (R-H - o 'Drive) $|2Q5 Just like new mechanically and in looks *50-DODGE 2 Dr. Sadan (R-H - Equip'd) Really a hit in looks - styling - performance •so - DODGE 4 Dr. Sedan 'R H • ®I>"PD One owner - extra clean - mechanically perfect '49 - DODGE 4 Dr. Sadan ,H' a>uiP d» <995 Ideal family car - neat as they con\e^ '49 - MERCURY 2 Dr. Sedan (R-H-Equip'd) $ gmm Really a good bet on this high quality car '46 - DODGE 4 Dr. Sadan (B H - $ 405 Very attractive car at a very attractive price '46 OLDS 4 Dr. Sadan (R-H-Hydr«-Matic j ... Luxury at a low cost on this popular model These and A Wide Selection oi Other Models May Be Seen At • S 'si b> *1 'V J A.S. BLAKE Motors Inc. PHONE 156 r<? 891 E. PEARL STREET McHENRY. ILL. www'n ' /

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