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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Sep 1953, p. 8

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from Page l M Juaten nmaral home untii pilcen to a Chicago chapel Thursday. Service® were held Saturday ijtam St. Robert's church, follow- fl bjf burial la EamwoMl «fmei f . . Rutt Oxtoby A long tithe resident of Spring {Irove, Mrs. Ruth Oxtoby, 78, &ied last week following a linger- Ihg illness. She was born in England Aug. 22, 1875, but had Ijpeht most of her lifetime in the Spring Grove area. Her husband, James, preceded her in death, r > Services were conducted Sun- ' 4ay afternoon from the Rhorn funeral home in Richmond. Sweater fashion parades are showing a wide use of Vicara. This man-made fiber will de-o light you with its cashmere-like beauty and its economy. Clothing specialist Edna R. Gray, University of Illinois College of Agriculture, s,ays Vicara is a boon to persona who a:e allergic to wool. Vicara is similar to wool in warmth and absorbency; .it looks and feels soft. shrinking and Some Illinois dalryfeieH list year earned nearly four times as much money for each dollar's worth of feed as did others. They made nearly three times as much atyjve feed costs on each cow they kept. What makes the difference? Farm accounts kept in the Farm Bureau Farm Management service show $131 returned for ev- September 17 McHenry Community W.S.C.8. Dessert Luncheon Meeting -L. j p.m. Methodist Church CUD. Of A. Social Meeting . September 18 O.E.S. Rummage Sale --• Acacia Hall. McHenry -- 9 a m 9 p.m , McHenry Community P.T.A. Room Mother-Teacher Tea -- JeltSr'n nil j eighty-seven low-efflclency farms fiom static, so neater, won't e»mpar«l. with WU on the high- £ Cathedm Molldoff . ' > lASt rites were held: at "St. I • ' .Jeter's Catholic church in Volo / *• on Saturday morning at 10 o'- ' Clock for Mrs. Catherine Molidor, , §0, who died at the home of a * ' ion, Nick, at Grnyslake, on Sept She was a native of the Johnsburg: community, where she wai boin Oct. 12. 18*52. Tlie body rested at the George Justcn & Son funeral home until time for last rites. ENROLLMENT IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS AT RECORD HIGH" Continued from Page 1 pupils. "The present buUdlng can properly accommodate only 675 pupils. Future Problem The future building problems --la -the , high school are just as great. However, the impact of the present population trends has hit the grade school now. Hie high school will feel the real impact a few years later. While reports on first grade attendance from the various grade schools underlying the high school have not reached the office, it is thought that the number is at least 300. When these pupils reach the high school in 1961-63 a rough projection of high school enrollment would be 1200. The high school now bas 493 pupils. The grade school board has been studying the building problems for the past year. They have come to no conclusion on their recommendation. However, It is likely that they will be able te release their recommendation ib the public next week. cling to you if they contain enough of it. When these qualities are blended with other types of yarn, see what happens: When blended with nylon, Vicara contributes softness and absorbency. Laundry is no problem, since neither nylon nor Vicara needs any special care in washing. The sweater will be moth proof and free from the irritating tendencies that make some people sensitive to wool. When Vicara is blended with wool, economy, is a major factor. Vitara's less-than-luxury cost plus iti lasting cashmere-like beauty helps to give sweaters an expensive look without upping the price. Laundry procedures will have to be the same as for an all-wool garment. Vicara is made from rein, the protein taken from corn. You probably won't find an "all Vicara" sweater, since it is almost always used in blends. Besides its use in yarns, Vicara blends are being used for many other fabrics. 7IRST AID CLASS OPEN TO COUNTY RESIDENTS SEPT. 29 •S3 GRADUATES UNROLLED IN riVERSOTES Continued from Pag® 1' John Beckman, county chairman of Red Cross first aid, announces that a class in standard first aid will start Tuesday, Sept. 29, at 7:30 p.m. at the Woodstock Community high school. It is through the courtesy of Nelson Stork and the school board .that these quarters are being made available for instruction. This course is open to all. It entails twenty-two hours of Instruction and will be followed by an advanced course which is fifteen hours of instruction in traction splinting and advanced first aid. Registration may be made by calling the Red Cross office as the class has a limited number for enrollment. All school bus drivers |nust have a first aid certificate. This Is mandatory on the part Of the state. FALL FESTIVAL St Mary's church Mariana club of Woodstock is holding a festival on Saturday, Sept. 19, In their grade school for the benefit of the grade and high schools. A cafeteria supper will be served in connection with the event. ||>lled at the University of Illinois, and Donald Freund, who left 6epL 16 for his third year at Notre Dame. Bill Peschke starts his second fear in business administration at Larquette University. Jack Pep- »mg will attend Iowa State University. Celia Page is starting her second year at Illinois Wesleyan and Mary Ann Bolger will begin her ijhtrd at Rosary college, River forest, v Jack Jus tea, who hu completed two years at Navy Pier, las enrolled this year at the Uniof Illinois. ! 'v ; ADVERTISING A Successful merchant reports •four per cent of gross sales should be spent in advertising, ery $100 spent for feed on the "Igi Sciool Cafeteria p.m. . , September 19 Silent Auction -- Moose Lodge O.E.S. Rummage Sale -- 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Silent Auction -- Mooseheart Committee Of Women Of The Moose -- Moose HaU freshments. . September 22 McHenry Chapter O.E.S. -- Stated Meeting -- Acacia Hull K. OF C. Second Degree Legion Home, Washington Street, Waukegan -- 7:30 p.m. K. Of C. Third Degree -- 6dd Fellows Hall, 1211 • Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette -- 2 p.m. September 28 Public Card Party Sponsored By Women Of St. Patrick's League Of Women Voters Of Wonder Lake Region -- Mrs. Ruth Redman Residence, Oak Drive, Wonder Lake *-- ft p.m. September 24 Meeting Of Lecture Luncheon Club -- Wing And Fin Restaurant-- 12:30 o'clock September 27 Concert At High School Auditorium -- Benefit Library Hoard September 29 , Regular Meeting Of McHenry Garden Club -- Mrs. "Mv p. Thornton, Bay View Road * October 6 ; efficiency farms. That's a difference of between $31 and $114 above feed costs. The eighty-seven high farms made $265 per cow above feed costs compared with $90 per cow on the low farms. The difference lies in efficiency, according to J. B. Claar, University of Illinois farm economist. High farms produced 8,700 pounds of milk per cow, and low farms 7,500. Cows on the best farms produced 337 pounds of butterfat compared with 284 on the low. High farms had an average of 15 per cent dry cows compared with 19 per cent dry cows on the low farms. High farmers also were ahead on death loss, prices received and number of cows per herd. j The net - result was that the best farmers produced 1,000 pounds of milk for just under $17 compared with just over $22 for the least efficient farmers. Whatever the future holds for the dairy business, the efficient farmer can weather the storm easiest, farm economists point outr C.D. of A. Ihibllc Party Annual Baneflt Pi ~ COP. ^ Hfclf m.t.ra. October 18 Ringwood Home Bureau -- Mrs. Victor Milbrandt Residence, Wonder Lake -- 1:30 p.m. October 20 Concert By Boys Town Choir -- High School Gymnasium October 21 R.N.A. County Convention -- V.F.W. Clubhouse October 82 / Public Card Party -- ' # ^Mn. -- Sponsored By Altar And Rosary Sodality Of St. Patrick's Church -- Church Hall ANNOUNCE CHANGE tN APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION OFFICIALS ;• * •-- • Last week approval was given by the board of supervisors to a list of judges and clerks who will serve for the next two years! Under an amended act, the chairmen of the two major political parties now submit lists lo the board for approval rather than the supervisors naming their own judges and clerks to serve in the precincts in their respective townships. The judges and clerks now serve for two years, whereas in the past they served for only one. Several changes were made from the original list selected before the act was amended. These were suggested by Henry L. Cowlin, chairman of the Republican county central committee. Lester Bacon, acting chairman for the Democratic county central committee, did not submit any changes. One local G.O.P. change in clerks was the appointment of Louella Graham in Nunda six to C.O.F. Installation of Officers replace Eleanor Wirfs. /Tirmrinnrirjrir2ywjriVMiTiT&irirxrxrAVTrmrxrpiTiri7*iTiTinrArmTiTmvrim> -- --v w w mw w wh mm m ROBERT HAY "THE LOW OVERHEAD WAY" General Contractor Now Construction and Remodeling LET US FIGURE FOR YOU Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4 MoHENRY, ILLINOIS TURTLES / BOLdrER'S DRUG STORE (ffioCN STREET PHONE 40 McHENRY, WUL We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. MAD YOUR LOCAL HEWSPAPfR A.F. tt M KL' 107 N. Court St Meeting l-3rd Tuea. Visitors Welcome Phillip Ricker, Sec^~ Phone McHenry 417 O.E.S. < ,^viijl07 N. Court St| Mfeefings 2nd A 4th Visitors Welcome Myrtle Harrison, Secy Tel. Won. Lk 8641 PROFEWOnRl DIRECTORY DR. ARTHUR J. HOWARD ' Chiropractic Physician 124 So. Green St., McHenry, flL Phone McHenry 1068 Honrs - Mon. and Fit. 10 to 12:80 - 2 (to 8 Tina, and Thus. 1 to 8 • Sat. By Appointment Only ' IOE3QE 30B0B Buy thriftily here ... to send them happily Complete Line of School Supplies Paper -- Pencils -- Pens School Bags -- Pencil Boxes Note Book Covers -- Erasers jfoncil Sharpeners -- All General Stationery Supplies ^ ALBERT KRAUSE & SON ~ NEWS AGENCY JTTATIONERY -- ICE CREAH SOS Elm- Street i McHenry, I1L REPAIRS FREE TUBE-TESTING 12adto*uc SALES 4k SERVICE 512 Main St. McHenry, HL Kw can call it your am 88* FOR YOUR OLD WASH F.R BARTON SEMI-AUTOMATIC WASHER In Rich Sunshine Yellow to Brighten Your Home! routs AT THIS SENSATIONAL LOW PRICE *149* VALUE-.. * - • Automatic Timer--does the wf|it|'|i^llng 'vajjing • Double-wall hold-heat tub. • Aluminum agitator for fast, gentle washing. • Super-safe Lovell wringer. • Fully Guaranteed--lifetime low cost replacement warranty. HURRY! We have only a few of these sensational washer specials to sell at this low price. Lee & Ray Electric ^ lis MAIN STREET PHONE 882 WHY just look and sigh--and pass up so much real automobile? Why--when this big and beautiful new Buick SPECIAL delivers for the surprisingly low price shown here? Could be you're one of those folks who still don't believe that the price of a Buick really is just a few dollars more than that of the so-called "low-priced" cars. So here we fhcrw our car and price to proveJit. But beyond that--what you get in this great Buick, for so small a step-up in what you pay, is plenty. Mora pswtr* Fireball 8 power. The highest horsepower and compression ratio ever placed in a Buick SPECIAL. Mm* room* Real six-passenger room --even by man-size measurement. Mora comfort* The solid comfort of Buick's Million Dollar Ride--with coilspring cushioning on all four wheels, wide-tread stability, torque-tube steadiness. Mora pleasure. The pleasure of high visibility, of luxurious fabrics and fittings, of superbly easy handling--and the deep satisfaction of bossing a big and able and stunningly styled automobile that does you proud wherever you 90. Why not drop in on us and see things for yourself? That way you'll also learn about the lefng list of "extras" you get at no extra cost in this spirited new 1953 Buick SPECIAL--things that most other cars of similar price charge for as extras. Can you make it this week? *tocal delivered price of the 1953 BUICK SPECIAL 2»Door 6-Passanger Sedan Model 48D (illustrated) oec«»»orl«, ttol* and local ta«M, S Ajfc adtfifionol. fricti m a y v a r y s l i g h t l y i n a d f o i n i n g co»mum(i«« au» l» ihipping chargts. All prices sut>i«c! lo chong. without nollct. ?fce IV Football Game of Week SflfMbpo G*n*rol Motors K+y Ev«nl Tt/t GREATEST M 80 GREAT YEARS •Whm Mmk MnwMMtK AH MMt.N** win'.Jip* "W"4' R. I. OVERTON McHenry* I1L Phone 6 403 Front St. «t. C. R. SWANSON Dentist . ' S20 8. Green fitreot Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday . 8 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:80 Monut Wed. and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only -- TeieDhone McHenry 160 SSSSaoEI0C==5=30Ea0EEl VERNON KNOX> CAttorney At Lavr Ctfr %een and Elm StaMtf McHenry, HI. Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Oays by Appointment J Phone McHenry 4S MOC lonoea WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney At Law 110'/: Benton Street Phone Woodstock 1SS4 Woodstock, Illinois JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney At Law 808 Waukegan Road (RFD Box) • (Hione McHenry 4SS * fVe§t McHenry, IQ. iOcaoi JOHN F. LOFF Rt. 1, Box S21 Phone 574-M-2 McHenry, Illinois MASON CONTRACTOR Insured Workmen - Free Estimates FRANK S. MAY BLACK DIRT Sand - Gravel - Driveway* Excavating: Route 5, McHenry, III. Phone: McHenry 580-M-l Sand Limestone VERN THELEN Trucking Gravel Black Dirt KkcavaftJf Tel. McHenry S88-R1 or 588-Wl Box 218, Rt. I, McHenry, HI. A. P. FREUND A SONS Excavating Contractors . Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING -- TeL 204M McHenry, HI. I0E30I loaoi INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH fire, Auto, Farm A Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 48 or 03S Green ti Elm McHenry, III. COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE -- i*r the small business man --u. Reasonable Rates In<bme Tax Returns JicHENRY BOOKKEEPING. and TAX SERVICE . Professional Bldg. C10 So. Green Street Phone 788 or 265-M SB=a0Bi0ES==a0ca0B=: 8TOFFEL ft REHIANSPERGER Insurance agents for ail classes ol property in the best companies. West McHenry, Illinois Telephone 800 SS7 Main Street McH«ry, BL si.,1 noaom--Jsaor»eex SCVfROEDER IRON WORKS' Ornamental ft Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms S Stile § South on Rt. SI Phone 960 B I N G '8 PLUMBING and HEATING BOB FRISRY, JR. Quality Fixtures-Radiant Heating Gas and Electric Water Heaters Water Systems - Water. Softeners Repairs - Free Estimates Phone McHenry 289-M N FEED W. H2IDE Realtor Complete Insurance Service TELEPHONE IS# McHenry, Ol RPfP isaalaiii-ii' r-jj" j r

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