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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Sep 1953, p. 16

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yg.'. "7"%5'V tili'ii):iiViWf'i •*: , ,. *. •1« ,f ^ ** ;w^ ^ X*-'-; -?A ' \ i ' ' ' » > • ' < *' ' Tr1® ^ , , * " ' • * * * ' " •> nwtrif i Th« w. a 'l^ome of Mrs. George Shepard ,Jt» Tlturaday. There were six- JUNM, women present. A pot-luck dinner was served at noon. The NGWOOD By Mrs. George Shepard lOBOl C. S. met at tiie Clarence Adams were visitor! at Antioch spent "Saturday With Mrs. Charles Brennan. j Sandra Hoftroan Celebrated Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison her seventh btrthdat? Monday Elgin Monday evening., , Mrs. Flora Harrison returned to her home here Thursday. She had been visiting her daughters atl Chetek, Wis., and to her son, Sanies, and family at Waubena. Visual business meeting was held .Mrs. Oscar Berg had the de-, .. votionals. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, | wis., where she was taken ill. i Vim. Clinton Martin and Mrs. j Her daughter and son-in-law. L, Harrison gave an account j Mr. and Mrs. Ardin FYisfcie. of f the meeting that they acton- j orremvood went ups and brougM «d at the Chicago Temple. This, her home, , (./as followed by a skit "A Sow.rj s Agnes Jencks attended J Went Forth" by Mrs. Cristy. j a pa^y in the Joe Holl>' home %v , |W[ni. Martin, Mrs. Mahcl Collins j Thursday evening. |«nd Mrs. Shepard. Mrs. Clinton i Mrs g^ny Beatty is visiting I Mar tin gave a reading ft-cjn I .r (he h0me Vf her daughter, •: • '•'the book "A Sower Went Forth. ^r| Charles Frey, at Palos ,,,JMtes Virginia Jepson of Ch«*f>| wights. ' tand Mrs. Ansel Dewey Of Arm- * 'strong. 111, were guests. 1 The women of the W.S.C.S Mr and Mrs. Alan Ainger and familv of Hebron, spent Sunday iromen of the w.s.c.» ^ith "he: parents. Mr. and Mrs. ggrroouuppss ss rrvveedd ssuuppppeerr two ^"*r George Sshheenpaarrdd. P T A rubers and ! Mr and Mrs Walter Wilcox ulty of the Har• ison school in the church hall Wednesday evening. There were ^xxt^-eight present The many friends of lira. jaiph Clay y I>o: othy PeetV will be glad to hear that she is coming along nicely fr^rn a major peratkM aha recently under- .-ent. Next Sunday tight will be -annly night at the Methodist hurch. with a pot-luck supper ?:*> Mr and Mrs. Glen Trk>n of Woodstock and Mr. and Mr# Robert Low of McHenry spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Viola Low. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian spent Sunday in the Cheste' Stevens home at Spring Grove Mrs. Agnes Jencks visited rel atives at Antioch Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrisor i of Round Lake and Mr. and Mr? Ardin F: if»bie . of Greenwoo . -- i visited their mother, Mrs. Flor. f California wih show pictures j prison, Friday evening. ~ west Mr and Mrs Cam#Ua of W„. ^MMTood is also iavited. ke£ran spent Friday In the Wn A. bridal shower was held to ;?»• church hall Sunday after- -.viM for Mi»s Nancy Nelson, : .<rio will become the bride of onald Butler of McHenry.. Tbe Junior M.Y.F. met at the -••• hurch hall F iday evening The i«ual business meeting was held .. and officers were elected: Jerry "sjS'Togan, president; Dick Aissen. ^• vice-president; Jacquline Skid- •- triore. Secretary; Chuck Sowers. *" treasurer. " 1 ; Games were played,** the . elose of the meeting. Pagni home. In the evening they were all guests of relative at Lake Geneva Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low Miss Carol CHsen and Mrs. Vk>V Low were visitors in the Charle Frey home at Palos Heights. Quite a few children from hf\ went to see1 "Uncle JohnnU Coons" at McHenry Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Mon tanye and family of Huntlr spent Sunday evening with Mx> Viola Low. Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Carlso wei e Sunday dinner guests in the Wayne Donahue home at Huntley. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Sun- Jay with her daughter and family at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent Sunday evening in the Ha: old Stanek home at Slkiorn. Wis. x Mr. and Mr%. Kenneth Powete and children and John Powers of Chicago spent Sunday in the Fred Bowman home. Mr. and Mrs. John Bhlert and laughter, Mabel, Mrs. Fred Sowman and Trudy Oonk spent Friday afternoon in the Cyril Pacey home at Wilniot. Betty Feltes spent the weekend in the Russel Ehlert hoiroe at Richmond. Mrs. John Skidmore, daughter, Jackie, and son, Edward, spent Sunday in the Ehlert home and Betty returned lome with them. ( Mr. and Mrs. Tony Senkerik and family of Chicago spent the weekend in the John Ehlert tome. Mrs. Wm. Crulckshank* spent .Vednesday evenihg with her laughter- and husband, Mr. and lis. Frances Costello, Qt Hart- 'and. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey of Wau- >aca are spending a few days n the Kenneth Cristy home. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Jr. and '.aughter. Mary, and Mrs. Louis Yinn spent Wednesday in the Phelps Saunders home at Sycn _i;ore. 1 Miss Marian Jean Block of' of Chicago. Mrs. Pasco of Pa. , | heboygan, Wis., spent Tuesday R'dge and Mr. and Mrs. Floy ' ^ n pht in the home of her grand- Howe of Crystal Lake were Sun ^ ; \ther. Dr. Wm. Hepburn. She day guests of Mr. and Mr? on her way to Naperville. Louis Hawley. a Vhere A® again attend i Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepbun i ~ o U « C * . I s p e n t t h e w e e k e n d i n t h e F r a r . ' Od* Masdamat Kenneth Cristy, Block home at Sheboygan. Wij CflWIon Martin and C. L. Harri- Miss Cora Walters of Crysta" , * s-m a t t e n d e d a N o r t h e r n d i s t r i c t I ^ a k e a n d M r s . M a r g a r e ' leetin? of the W.S.C.S. at the Schmlckle of Chicago spent Sa* Chicago Temple Tuesday. } urday In the Louis Hawley Mrs. Ann>l Dewey of Arm- home. frong, ill., snent a few dayi the Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wa'kinr part week "ritb hey mother, Mrs.: ton spent the weekend with re! ::en Walta^igton. atives at Elgin. Miss AMce Peet and Mrs.! - Mrs. John Blackman. Jr., or Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and n Bob of Waukegan spent nmday evening in the Fred ..'ipdrich, Jr., home. Mr. and M:s. Weldon Andreas • sited Mrs. Emest Andreas at « Rockford hospital Sunday. She :s convalescing from polio. • Duane and Audrey Andreas •'ft for DeKalb Saturday, where hey will again attend college. Mrs, Lena Peet and daughte-, Mice, visited relatives at Crystal ake Sunday afternoon. Miss Marian Peet of -Elgin ->ent the weekend with her -nother, Mrs. Lena Peet. and sister, Alice. by treating the children in the lower room. Harry Hogan treated the upper room Friday. He celebrated hia eleventh biithday 6n Saturday. Tuesday we had films on good citizenship. The upper lower room had a film on safety on the play ground. Jacquline Skldmore't team won the baseball toutrtsitient for this week. The team members were Larry Feeiel, Jacquline Skidmore, Alice Ortlieb, Jerry Hogan, Virginia Etoert, Chuck Sowers, Wesley Bruce, Harry Hogan and Robert Fe«- zel. The final score was 28 to 17. From 1 to 2 each Friday the upper room children work on their hobbies. Some of the hobbies are models, ' wood burning and painting. Jay Walkington School Report*- Farmers' BITTING METHOfie Improved methods of buying supplies in Illinois are expected to save the State of Illinois something over one million dollars during 1953. Robert D. Patton, state purchasing agent, made this estimate and cited various fields of state buying where costs are being trimmed. I Contracts for fruits and vegetables for state institutions, formerly awarded on a statewide! basis with prices quoted as much as seven weeks in advance, now | are handled by weekly bids from ' dealers within approximately 60' miles of the place where delivery is wanted. This gets fresher nroduce at lower cost. The eHmhation of "fancy cuts" of meat • bought for institutions is sav-! !ng about $30,000 a month. Hv buying coal in mid-summer w>en prices are down, the state saved about 50 cents a ton on1 the 360.000 tons it purchases, Pntton said. He added that administrative costs of handling 1952 coal purchases was $8,000. while this year such ooata ware only $400. 1 Need A Robber Stamp' It at the Plaindealer. Get | f! it ? t fM-MI t > •! » »<• AT YOUR SERVICE F M \ 4* v - | Television p 1UT Air Conditioners : | Radio r ^ Appliances : I SALES -- SERVICE - INSTALLATIONS T Prompt efficient Service on all makes by Raytheon I Bonded Technicians. We guarantee all parts instalt led by us for 90 Days after date of repair. f AUTHORIZED DEALERS for . • SENTINEL • SP ARTON • WESTIN GHOUSE • RAYTHEON • ADMIRAL • CAPEHART ^ 4-- HALUCRAFTEH PHONE 979 QUICK WAY TO BECOME A V. I. P. (Vastly Improved Personality) lt'a amazing what the/right clothea win do to put a man in the spotlight of admiring glances and five him that aesty, chaaty, top-of -the-world faeling! We have "what it take*" hi winning to put YOU In the V.LP. class . . . from auita to diirts. from ties to topooats. step in for a look-aea. Step out in atyle!' ^ # iljwt OVrt A NEW LEAF FOR FAI>- 206 E. Elm Street . H L : : Farmland Values Are Easing Oil by U H. Simerl Department of Agricultural •v\ ||c9n«mb« •;»•.. prtcei Illinois flirmland have eased downward since last November. The decline is small --only about 4 percent to July, the latest date reported by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Prices are reported as of March, July, am? November each year. At the July prices, Illinois land values were back to the levels of March, 1952. Even after the decline prices were still three times their 1935-39 average. , Nationally the decline has been about the same. The national average has slipped 4 percent from the level held through 1952. Average U. S. farmland prices in July were slightly more than 2V6 times their ' 1935-39 figures. Prices in drouth-stricken Texas show a comparatively large decrease--10 percent since July, 1952. In general, the largest decreases in prices of farm real estate have occurred west of the Mississippi River. East of the river the biggest decrease is 8 percent, reported for Kentucky. Who is selling farmland? Active farmers sell more than 50 percent of the total sold. Retired farmers sell another 15 percent, and 17 percent of the Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation Avoid Intestinal Upset! Get Relief TMs Qmtik Vegetable Laxative Way! For constipation, ntftr take harsh drugs., They cause brutal cramp* and griping, disrupt normal bowel action, make *•» petted doses seem needed. Get SMtt but gtntlt relief when you are temporarily constipated. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained,in Syrup Pepsin. No salts, no harsh drugs. Dt. Caldwell's contains an extract of Senna, ont *f the finest nat*r*i 9tgtuUt Uxmthts known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes ood, gives gende, comfortable, saris- ./ins relief tor every member of th« family. Helps you get "on schedule" without repeated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Boy Dr. Caldwell's 30f size today. Money back if not satisfied. Mail boCtl* to Boa 180, New York 16, N. Y. sales are itaade to settle estates. These are U. S. average figuies. Who buys farmland? Owneroperators buy 38 percent, tenants 26 percent, retired farmers 5 percent, and nonfarmers 31 percent. In 59 percent of the transactions, the buyer goes into debt for amounts averaging 57 percent of the purchase price. Prices of farmland have declined in other midwest states about the same as in Illinois. Iowa pt ices show a drop - of nearly 7 percent from the last half of 1952. Missouri values are off about 6 percent since March 1952. Nebraska shows a decline of 5 percent, mostly since March of this year. To the east, Indiana figures have dropped 2 percent since reaching top last March. Ohio also shows a decline of 2 percent. • In Michigan farmland prices have held rather steady since reaching a top in July, 1952. North Dakota prices in July were the highest on record, up 4 percent in 12 months. Kansas values also were at their record high in March and July of this year. For Wisconsin the average of land values was steady from March, 1952, through March, 1953; then it dropped about 5 percent to July. About 28 percent of the farmland purchased this year is to increase the sjse of an existing farm. Two year* tuticr*, Holy about 24 porcent Htm adttod to another fai m. Total value of all farm real estate in the U. S. as of last March 1 was estimated at 92.3 billion dollars. The all-time high was 93.7 billion dollars n 1952 The USDA estimates the average per acre value for March 1 of this year at f79.66 against the all-time hlj^ Vf!980.87 a year before. * » m •STRICTLY FILE OAS CLAIMS Illinois farmers and others who use motor fuel for non-highway purposes have been reminded by Richard J. Lyons, state revenue director, that after Nov. 1 gas tax refund claims should be filled every four months instead \of every six months. More frequent filing of claims, provided for by an enactment of the General Assembly at its recent session, 'should make it pos* sible for his department to make refunds more promptly, Lyons said. During the last fiscal year the state refunded $14,914,497 in motor fuel tax collections to users of gas for aviation, industrial, railroad, marine, fuel lawn and farm purposes. Of this total, $8,845,615 was paid to farmers. fST before President signed the 2nd year aid bill, he removed a from his pocket and Infeted II among his uppers. Guesa tin bfli didn't have enough teeth in it. • • • Some women don't have time t* keep their house clean becavMi they're to busy picking up the local dirt. • • • A Michigan paper carries a front page table of contents entitled "Behind Page One.?* That's wheroi you usually find hubby eating breakfast. *«#• 59.9$ BUSKS? WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADB A L l - A L U M I H U M COMBINATION STORM-SCMEN >^Y. My M»* twifliH, IMMIHI AH IMMTII 9 R«flfl«d/ oll-olumlnow construction I • Aluminum door |eml I > Gstiaausdhy^ • 1" thick I Geed HMMketfiog Easily Installed by Anyone ! CALL McHENBT S ALEXANDER Lumber Co. McHenry, in. em 2 X 4 AT 45° BtVft Zips through lumber to 2H" depth with depth-bevel adjust* ments. Even has handy hp cut guide. Easy to use with one hand. Runs on standard volt AC-DC. See itl VYCITAI/S Hardware Sheet Metal 132 Green St. MaHeory, Hi • fvoNB r Over to Olds i-hoy go . • • I > » • • > > ! H 1 I M - I ' H M i l H» I H I 1 1 H : ; _ , - f r - - McGEE'S • "STORE FOB MEir 111 8. GREEN STREET PHONE «l Hours: Daily 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. - JYidav nitas 'til-* mornings 9 to IS - Open All Day on Wednesday m READY-MIXED CONCRETE Speeds worit--saves noney--helps builders deliver quality work • hn prompt dalHerj, mmj doned for yoor job. Mf flmcm. #PuiJ strength, reliabfficy aW • No asess to dean apt 4wpsd aniformity in every ioodL HMdf where wanted. «Low price 4eUvor^-oo> i'Uli" accurately McHenry Sand & ^ p oom« ov« '2309s2 <il»iiU Mhn MpH y««r prfee *FW* m* md bodf Oytm. optimal -pipMI* frwMMy vwjriiio imf) comunniMm bwowi of Mpping ct AM print mbfrd to thamgm without Oldsmobile value is top value! That'|. why so many people are switching to OMs! Actually, you can men IF~ Oldsmobik for lest than tost of many modtli in the "loves# priced" field! YouTl command tbf? tremendous power of the famotMk '•Rocket" Engine . . . ride in th»- kig-car luxury o€ Oldsmobile in» tenors . . . ride in style ew "Rocket** mile with the dramat^ beauty of Oldsmobile Powtf Styling--all for much less tha*~ you'd guess! See as for a demoqte juration. Youll soon learn that tip smart more is...©F£* TO OLD# fmol 4$-pmgo "How fo Wo*d> FeeAeT'--6y I« t-- Ji»i. $•• r*or OltoiMi ' AND OSt. A •itOOKIT11 PON VOUH MOMV •SH TOUI NCAtlSV OlDSMOaitl »IAIK> &.1 . *T.. * PHONE McHENBT 920 - 606 FRONT STREET McHENXIT. tt,t. . . a. -. z'X. • w A. R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET rooTSAU ON TV! st« oimufww "PUS* SOX >HVI«W" just »«roe« on "yw op th« MTWMT, Wlf \

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