KWn WMp TU Sf--wi The Women's PanHellenlc group of McHenry county met evening at the home oi Uf William Kelly near Woodstock. Mrs. Fred Wahl, Jr., president, conducted the businessmeeting, after which Mrs. Cliff, Pulton presented a philanthropic Mother's Club Sponsors "White Elephant" Sale St. Patrick's Mother's club is sponsoring a benefit "white elephant" sale on Fridav. Oct. 9. and Saturday, Oct. 10, from 2 to 5 o'clock in the church hall. There will be a fW choice items to choose from, v The; chairmen of the sale are program fov approval. Plans j Mrs. Loretta Mover and M.s. Were made for a series of talks, Marga: et Mikota. Assisting them for high school junior and senior wll be Mrs. Marie Corso. Mrs. girls on charm and college education. Members played bridge and canasta, after Which refreshments were served by the Wood- Stock membership. The next meeting will be in Harvard on Oct. 26. Any woman who is a member of a national PanHellenlc Congress sorority who would like to join the McHenry county group is asked to contact Mrs. Wahl, phone 1013. Yegge Reunion b bun On Saturday Twenty-thee V. H. C ed for their annual Florence Doherty, Mrs. Rosanne Walsh and Mrs. Mary Ann Thenhes. . ~ . I,-. -• V . . Shower Honors : Mrs. Rosiiif Twenty guests attended a pink and blue shower honoring Mrs. Richard Rosing at the home of Mrs. Josephine Rosing last fhursday evening. Bunco was played, with prizes awarded to Rita Bolder, Pat Schaefer, Beverly Kuhlman, Marion Sternsdoe rfer and Betty Smith. | The guest of fcionor received memoers of the fa number of beautiful gifts. Yegge family gather-! A^ the close of the evening an appetising lunch was served by the hostess. reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Frank (Theresa Yegge) at DeWitt, Iowa, on Saturday, Sept. Christen Oeffling 26. The occasion also served as Infant John Algefr an observance of Mrs. V. H. C. Tegge's birthday; which falls on Sept. 30. Those from this area who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Norbert A. Yegge and son. Jack, of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Yegge, sons, Vincent and Tommy, and daughter, Judy, and Mrs. Lena Riley of Woodstock. Edwin Doyle Baby Named Therese Ann The infant daughtlr flt Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Doyle was christened Therese Ann, in a baptismal service which took place at St. Mary's church Sunday, Sept. 20. Sponsors were Mrs. Edwin Nfemst of Park Ridge, an aunt, and HaTold Stilling, ancle of the Mby..' Present' at the Doyle home following: the. ceremony, besidej the aibove mentioned and their familMi. were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B, Stilling of McHenry, Mr. •ad Mrs. Edward Doyle, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lange and family of Park Ridge. The littl^ son of Mr. and Mrs. Alger Oeffling was christened John Alger in a baptismal rite which took place on Sunday at St. John's church. Sponsors were Miss Arlene Oef fling, an aunt, and William Schabow, Jr., an uncle. Loaa Nowak To Wed James Patzke Mr. and Mrs. George Nowak of Pistakee Bay announce the engagement of their daughter, Lona, to James Patzke, son of Mrs. Frances Patzke of McHenry. No date has been set for the wedding. . Local Girl Scout Leaders Will Attend Conference PERSONALS •<M 11 #••••< IK < < 4 •••• Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kiehl were CMcago callers on Sunday. They were accompanied home by her father, George Then, who had been confined to a hospital there for two weeks. Mr. Then will remain at the Kiehl residence at Lakemoor during his convalescence. Mr. and Mrs. George Egbert and three daughters of Joliet were visitors in the C. H. Duker home on Sunday. Mr. Egbert was a former agriculture instructor in the local high school. Mr. and Mrs. Josie Smith attended the wedding of her niece, Caroline Travers, and October ® - 10 0t» Patrick's Mother's "White Elephant" Sala October 11 Ringwood Home Joseph Mrs- Victor MUbrandt bianco, at Sping Valley, 111., on j Wonder Lake 1:30 pjtt. COMING EVENTS \ ' Gfeteher 8 WJohnsburg Community ClUb October • C.O.P. Installatlbn of fteMfav. • Ootobaf 7 Adult Girl Scout -- LX&ion HoYne -- 1 St. Mary's P.T.A. -- 3:15 p.m. Circle 3, W.S.C.S. -- Silent Auction -- Mrs. barton sVehch Home Club 'r„, ^ St. John's Court To * -J 8ponsor Annual Dane*. St John's Court, No. 96, Catholic Order of Foresters, is re- Muning an old custom, that of sponsoring an annual Forester dance. The court and committee extend a cordial invitation to members and friends of St. Agatha's Court, No. 777, and algo to members and friends of St Mary's Court, No. 594. A good time is promised to all wha Attend this dance at the Jahnsllffrg community hall on Wedneiday, Oct. 7. Wm. Valley Camp Wsnii For Convention Fox River Valley camp, R.N.A., will meet Tuesday evening, Oct. «. at 7:30 o'clock at the K. of C. hall. Mrs. Lillian Miller will act as hostess, assisted by Mrs. Dorothy Miller as co-hogtess. During the evening there will • practice for the coming eon- Wition oh Oct. 21. Many Girl Scout leaders from the McHenry Adult Girl Scouts association are making plans to attend the 1953 North Shore Leaders Conference of the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. The conference will be held on Thursday. Nov. 5, at the Glenview Community church in Glenview, III. The theme of the conference will be "Leadership A Partnership.'" * Mrs. Leonard Davidow of Highland Park, HI., chairmart of Region VII, will be the keynote speaker. The emphasis will be on girl-planning and the sharing of responsibility by the girls and the leaders. There will be many interesting exhibits of an Girl Scout activities. The purpose of the conference is to give everyone an opportunity to share Scouting experiences and ideas and to arrive at some helpful conclusions. To facilitate this, discussion group sessions have been planned. Saturday afternoon, Sept. 26, Mr. and <rs. John J. Murtaugh of St. Petersburg, Fla., former local residents, visited McHenry friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hokason, Mr. and Mrs. Schaff and Mrs. Slater of Elgin attended ti'.e library benefit concert in the high school auditorium last Sunday evening. Mrs. Slater is the mother of Miss RUth Slater, well known concert singer. Mrs. Ethel Coe of Woodstock was among those from out of town who attended the i>enefit concert at the school last Sunday evening. William Justen and Raymorfcl Stilling heard Dr. J. 3. Matthews in a talk at Orchestra hall last Monday evening. t)r. Matthews who recently resigned as staff director of the senate permanent investigations subc o m m i 11 e e headed by Senator McCarthy, has been the central figure in % controversy over clergymen having supported communist causes. Miss Carol Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low and Mrs. Viola Low of Ringwood accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen to a Chicago airport recently when the latter went East on a trip. Later, the Lows and Miss Olsen visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and Mrs. Beatty at Palos Park. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith and son returned recently to their hoitve in Fort Worth, Tex , after visiting his parents, the Art Smiths. Lee Cooney has returned to Bradley university to resume studies. Recent visitors In the home of Mrs. Zena Bacon were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm of Kenosha, Hance Group To ftktertaln P.T.A, St. Mary's P.T.A. hold Its nat meeting on Wednesday^. OCT. 7, at 3:15 o'clock. As entertainment, Mrs. Nick Lopez Value of total production on the average 160-acre Illinois "rain farm last year was less than $11,000. October 15 C.D; of A. Public Party • Annual Benefit Party tft C.O.F. -- HaJf Ptoceed. <9o MTRA. W.S5.C.S. -- Guest Speaks- And Movie -- 1 O'Clock Desser I Luncheon -- Community Methodist Church October .'IT *' ^ Public Card Party -- iSponsored By McHenry Chapter, No. 547, O.E.S. -- 8 p.m. -- Acacia Han u---'.' •.•••/..V • , October tt [ Public <3ard Party sored By Altar ft Rosary Sodality October 20 Concert By Boys Town Choir -- Hi£h School Gymnasium October 11 R.N.A. County Convention V.F.W. Clubhouse ~ : October 1 2 - -- " ' Public Otrd Party -- Sponsored By Altar Aftd Rosary Sodality Of St. Patrick's Church -- Church Hall October 24 Carnival At Edgebrook 8cho61 -- Sponsored By P. T. A. , October 25 Benefit Party Of C.O.F. •u Legion Home -- Half f¥oceeds To M.T.R.A. October 27 Bazaar And Swiss Steak Dinner -- Women's Society of Christian Service Of McHenry Community Methodist Church -- 1 p.m. -- Dinner 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. -- American Legion Home October 28 Hard Time Dance And Hfcllowe'en Party -- Sponsored By Johnsburg Community Club November 12 Annual Football Banquet Sponsored By Kiwanis Club -- 7:80 &m. -- High School . .,f November 18 St. Patrick's Feather Party Feather Party -- Sponsored By Johnsburg Community Club BIRTHS Frank S. May BLACK DIRT Sand • Gravel • Driveways • -- Excavating----;-- and her group of musicians will Route 5. McHanrv £££" 1^rognun °f «« Phone: McHwry 580-M-l Troop 2 Mrs. Bngh collected dues and registration money. We then elected officers and they are a» follows: President, Judy Hans; vice-president, Joyce Eckstein;j secretary, Karen Olsen; treasurer. Nancy Fischer. Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Antonson are our leaders this year. We are sponsored by the V.F.W. Auxiliary. We played games and • then went home. Joyce Eckstein, scribe CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends for cards, lette.s, gifts and prayers at the time I >*-i8 confin-*\" to the hospital. They were all greatly appreciated. 21* MICHAEL JUSTEN 'Ton&TMY' "THE LOW OVE&H5AD . W A Y " iSetrflfral Cchlfacior New Construction and Remodeling LET TT*s FIGURE FOB YOtf Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4 McHENRY, ILLINOIS Mr. and l&rs. William Weyland are the parents of a son, born Sept. 22 at the Woodstock hospital. A boy was born on Sept. 22 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Maneellus Thennes. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Young are the parents of a daughter, born Sept. IS at the Woodstock hospital. A daughter was born at the Woodstock hospital on Sept. 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Becker. Mrs. Becker is the former terry Miller. Mr. and Mrs. klchard Gladu of ghalimar are the parents of a son, born Sept. 27 at the Woodstock hospital. A daughter was born Sept. 28 at : the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frett. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Doherty are- the parents of a son, Jay Donald, born early Monday morning, Sept. 28, at the Woodstock hospital. He weighed 8 lbd. 6 oz. at birth. Jay will be welcomed home by a year and one half old sister, Colleen. A son was born Monday, Sept. 28, at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bjorkman of Huemann's subdivision. PUBLIC PULSE A MfcHenry resident, saddened Ifkfc others by the tragedy which took the life of little Rebecca t*itzen last week, found a poem which she had been saving for many years and thought it might be of comfort to the parents and to others who may have lost a little one. The donor was Mrs. Bernard Bauer. < Jesus, would You leave - a light Beside her little crib this night? Any tiny star would do, If You could just spare one, •' Could YOU? ^ ' She aever was awa$ at all, ' '-;;. And three years old is very small. I always said her evening praydrs B e f o r e " w a - « U m b « d t h e stairs. : *' ' V I wtmde ed, miKybe, coum ^ You • too? V . ;• You see, it's all so „ very new. And when I tucked her in her bed, . And' our goodnifcftts had been ,, • • said, She would ask so many things Like, "Why do butterflies have wings ?V 4 j And, "Why does {foil live in the*; sky? ^ ' Why did He bnild His house so high," So if tonight die cries a bit, Because she is not Used to it, NOTICE BWecftivte Oct. 1, my office win be closed Wednesday afternoons and evenings except by special | Won't You look in at the door appointment. J Like Mary did when you Were' 21 A. I. SVoehllch, M.D. almost four? Residence tikasfes he Jack Phtlkh fktnily moved recently tf^. the f<tfmer Sayler place on lifSBK street from their pi evioas rwUitiee m Rt 120, east of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Emil (Union have been at home this past month in their newly constructed home on John street. 4QIJARE DANCE CALLER Fred Tesnow of McHenry will act as caller for a square dance sponsored by the Hawthorne school P.T.A. in SSmhurst next Saturday night. CARD OP 1HANKS We wish to take this means of thanking our friends and neighbors for spiritual bouquets, floral offerings, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We are especially grateful to Msgr. Nix, Fr. Reuland and Fr. Blitgch for their services; also to city and state police, to neighbors and co Dr. Nye for being of such assistance in our time of trouble. TOtB TjSD PITZKN^AMILY ' 'C 21 Need A Rubber Stamp? It at the Plaindealer. Get YOU 'KNOW ABOUT BANKING ? r THE SHOP HOURS: Mon. Tuea. 10-6 Wed. Thai's. Sat. 9-6 Friday 9-8 Elm Street PHONE 746 McHenry | Boy's Storm Coats & Overcoats Yes-we extended credit to help finance almost every kind of home improvement work, Jkt moderate bank rates. Applications are decided on promptly, and terms are arranged to -4rt the borrower's budget _ a Get contractors' estimates on the cost of %e work you want done-then see us about a money-saving Home Improvement Loan. McHENRY STATE BANK f l - MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTM7 INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPO*^^ PHONE 104# Little Girls Look Their Very Best in ' ^ - •' • "Df esses Bte One Make-up that has EVERYTHl(|pl OU/i COMPACT i: FURNITURE AUCTION Located In the Arena on the Chctney Farm, 4 Milett South of Anttodi, I 2 MMes Wtest of Lake Villa at the intersection of Routes lfti abd 59 on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 Commencing at 1:00 o'clock ? T.. Westlnghouse Automatic Washer, Thor Mangel, OE Deep Freeee, I6e» | frigeiator, Kitchen ret, Kenmori' gas range, Ice cube machine, Restaurant table, 3 cabinets, hot plate, electric hot. water heater, 12 by 11% rug, 2 vacuum cleaners, kitchen utensils, 3 beds, 3 dressers, Wicker chairs, andirons, quantity of books, brass scuttle, blankets, j 2 terge copper kettles, barbecue tools, Kitchen Aid Mix-Master, miscellaneous. items too numerous to mention. * MRS. OTTO LEHMANN. Owner ' ^ -7 ROBERrt & BEH'M, Aurttonen • Wis. Salen Corp., Clerk "IF" you are planning a future "AUCTION" sale in Wisconsin or XBi- ] nois, consult "WISCONSIN'S OLDEST FARM AUCTION CO." for lcr*v rates, your choice of experienced auctioneerfe, prompt and reliable, planned advertising with active mailing list . . . IF YOU I WANT TO SELL YOUR FARM OR BUY A FAR»t," phone Uhion | 3rove, Wisconsin, 195, for complete details and information. This weekend only * 13c bottle of bubble liquid given with each dress purchased Small Fry Are Perky; in i I) Only fompfet* with jHinoedcsm-- IuH-l-vtsw nrirror-- Mat fanny puff. Mtkes skis seem younger, poretess -- •tm frMii-looking for hours! a Perfectty balanced blend of sheer ctmjn b«se and "Air Spun" Powder! a Guards against dryness, chepping--vttti proteefhra cream bate! • Attractive, streamlined and feather, tight, easy-to-carry, spitl-proof, convenient! Choose frosi Ikeae world-famous Coty fragrances: L1MMANT • EMERAU0E . "PAMS" . MUGUCT 0ES BOS BOLGER'S DRUG STORE ICB I. Green Street PHONE .40 McHenry, DL flew Fresh Cotton Dresses l98 and 298 81ns 1 to S Mdther, Just lqok at this grand selection of dresses for your wee ones. There are so many luscious plaids, stripes, solids and novelties that we know you'll just have to decide an several styles. Finest cotton fabrics that wash so well and come out bright as new! Cute Crisp Cotton Frocks Mode For AH School Gab 2" and 3 98 •" «bee t to U Send your girls off to school dressed In the cute togs you'll find in our outstanding collection. These silky-soft broadcloth, gingham and polished cottons wash beautifully time and time again, stay crisp and fresh lookng so much longer than you'd expect! AUCTION , . Located Yftntlfe* We-rt of Waukegan, 8 Mile® East of 8 kites | Southwest of Gray slake, 1 Mile South of Round Lake, 1V2 MHes North of Route 59A, or ' , MHe Soi-.h of 120 on Potter Road, on SATURDAY, OCTOBF* 1 Commencing at 1.00 o'clock 10 ffD. HOLS, ft GUER. HFRS. TRACTORS ft FARM MACHINERY -- D-2 CaterpUlar Tractor, lik- .ie\v C;;se SC Trac. on rub., w/cult., Case 6 ft. Combine in A-l cond., NI l-row corn picker, NI manure spreader on rub., Case 9 ft. windrower, NI trac. type 7 ft. pull type mower, Case side dely. rake, New j Care 9 ft. grain drll w/grass seei and fert. attach., Smalley 8 ft. ram type disc, Case 7 ft. disc, Case 3-16 hyd. lift plow. Case 2-14! p'- w, 10 ft. 2-sec. drag, pull type trac. corn planter, 4-sec. steel drag, weed sprayer w/22 ft. boom. RT wagon & box, RT wagon w/hyd. lift grain box, 28-ft. Case elev. w/gas engine. (This machinery is all about one year old in A-l cond.) MW SINGER KI.EC . SEWING MACHINE, 2 boys bicycle^ many .-.mail items. ARTHUR EGLESTON, Owaer SOBERS ft BEHM, AuctlOMers > ' Wis. Sales Corp., Clerk "IF" you are planning a future "AUCTION" sale in Wisconsin or Illinois, consult "WISCONSIN'S OLDEST FARM AUCTION CO." fOr | low rates, your choice of experienced auctioneers, prompt and reliable service, planned advertising with active mailing Mst . . . "If YOU I WANT TO SELL YOUR FARM OR BtJY A FARM," ph6nfc Union " Wisconsin, 195, foe complete details *ad , • 0#h Corduroy Inmpan, Siae 84X $tM Uttle Boys Loagiem, Ag» 4-18 te-B# Girls Part Wool Skirts 14 $1.98 Boy* Blue Jeans, Age 6-14 fl.98 Little Girls Blouses 7-14 $1.98 Girls Blue Jeans, Age Mi $9-99 Bn,by Bautketa $^J(9 A up. Even-Flo Baby Beetles Complete Me WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OP BASKET PADS -- HIGH CHAIR PADS -- PLAY PEN PADS ft BASKET LINERS Baby Kayo* Pram SuUai Baby Nylon Pram Suits Baby Buntings Training Sriak $8.95 $12.95 $2.98 $3.98 FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALf Orange Slices, Reg. 29c lb -- 19c lb. Butter Scotch BUN, R«g. 89c lb. -- 25c lb. Cold Pack Canners, Reg. $1.16 -- $1.66 Large "Preserving Kettle*, Reg. <$1.89 -- 97c Large Tiger TV. Lamp Reg. $6.98 -- $4.88 Decorated Tumblers, Reg. 10c ea. - 8 for 25 Baby Play Pen, Reg. $12.95 -- $11.88 Sturdy Wood Ironing Boards, Reg. $6.95 -- $4.88 Clcvhes Hampers, Reg. $6.95 -- $4.88 Outdoor Cooking Set,. Reg. (11.98 -- $1.48 Table Lamp ft Shade, Reg. $7.98 -- $5.88 20 GaL Garbage Can, Reg. $8.98 -- $8.58 SAVE EVERY DAY fHE /Sen WAY! Store on Green St. Grove,