- " •** . v •* . » . ,, t< "* J ' ' »rf»*« ~ «** *» j? J.^j T f '** ^ f •' _«V&-«-V.'-i?r' •-•? ; rrcBfoetoEg. > • •>> . '.: \ - .1.. * *' • •'• y * f . * ?;•?- '• * lillif ' TlinKtl I*I| I III) (III £-W$ •iv" -;' ^ ""v•r -'i J\*& * k* ^ " j It j f £? V ^ * "a ^ £ ' A* *** W; . .^p*; > * . - 'i />V - 'v * ' -y* * i" • .- ,;r* V- '^"1^ >F '" /* f- . t ^ . , > % jk. --V. " Kjg's fe• -V -1 - ..• f just what they wanted the United Stetee. Famous for Plump, fender Goodness Bold without heads, feet or excess waste.;. A&F^ tpven-ready turkeys are quicker to buy and eafitr to fix than regular style birds. Just as delicious to m' '•• • •-• . k'T'i ovm HUT TURKEYS 49 ( • NUVWM T-Y* ' YOUNG MINI ' 10 lb. to 14 Ik Fresh Fruits and Vegetable: Washington Juicy SWH» Delicious "Super-Right" Choice QuaHly Beef Pot Chuck Roast Agar, Swift or Cudohy KITSVIUf HMlKKfimiYS 4 lb. to 10 lb • FOR TOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPINO ^ CONVENIKNC!..: AtP STORES OPEN UTE .Wednesday, Dec ||h«l Opmm uitil MM p. m. . v-" Thursday, Dec. 24tfif ^ Mi JtJL "A v' - /•" i| V<" < ••/•*« - , : «*•»| j,#' -i "if ,s '•'if - - - r. '*$%>!£ --; :>•#: For Fin* Feasting OR CkristaMt.^ &*t>v 'IS#J?, J,S. • ORDER YOUR TURKEY TODAY! ., .,«.. •••"V* ^"-4315 -1 Want a Christmas turkey of top*ffight <|uallty at a fcW • t' bill cutting price! Be an early bird and place your , xl > order today! Then youll be sure of the tue you need * 7 ^ for your feaM. - i : * . ^ • < * » 5 vv vV £ 4, ' ••Mbki tail Black» " Cur: Lb. 9 to 12 Pounds Ik 39 79 Christmas Packaged Ciganttes CAMB UKXMS > $*j07 MDCOID \ X WBtlf MORRIS '^s I*. She »: iB-'i* .i" • -4 •ifr'iO,**' '-ff.r ;4 » ^ "i M 'A - -4- •* - ' . "A, . _ • >5J .agEapti^ V» * '1 From Tender Young Birdf 150S - •« Fplly Dressed Pan Ready Ritz Crackers ^ Saltines itt>. Pkfl. 4 Pkgs. In 1 Swiss Cheesed Anjou Pears Juice Oranges Flotiftr Swaat Red Potatoes No. Dakota 2-25* 5t39* *•35' Washed Radishes 2:?19c 10^39° Head Lettuce Crisp, Fresh 2^25* Fresh Broccoli ^ ^19® Cucumbers "tsf 2 " i9c Yams'T^ 3 3* 29c Green Cabbage 3ffe 15c Pascal Celery ^ ^19® CREAM nV»intBtcPsC Boneless Butts ^ 65° Sliced Bacon * *• 39c Cheddar Cheese 79c Leg of Lamb Wisconsin Aged 33* 25c - * 65' 2-:25,J 1 Lb Pkf. I Lamb Shoulder Roast * 35 Fresh Oysters Pork Sausage m 39* Fancy Shrimp Stewing Size fancy Frozen Km IB -',4 Whole Kernf! Golden 2 12T inOsz . Mushrooms Thank You Orange Juice Aspara^s Florida 31* 2^39" 55'^ f4«Oa. tins Blended Juice <S^d 2^49c Large Ripe Olives Wyandotte T Qg,1 Brand Tin . pineapple Juice Dole, Lihby,46 Oz. Oei Monfe Tin, MIXED NUTSi r^c< ia (he Shed ••••W 32 Oz. J* Medium Shrimp lack Frost IIMH >OOP» C Broadcast Beef Stew "Sr 29' V-gCicktai 29* Reef Mash «23L "m'21c 49° Wlate Tuna 3 ^ j®® Sugar Smacks ^ 23c Gerbers Baby Foods 3 4t? 28c Crisco Shortening 3 £ 89' Gerbers Jr. Foods 2 7^ 29c Ty-nee Canned Ham 3 £ 53M Red Cross Macaroni 2 ^ 23 Wesson Oil Sl 39* S; 69c 7-Minute Frosting ||x^ 29 Peter Pan Peas 2 ^ 35° Reahwune rr 3T 25 Kitchen Klenzer 3 r- 29c American Family 8 Fresh Vegetable Juices 2 Blue Label Soap Flakes Strawbetries 2^45* Orange Joice - 2 ^ 29^ Birds Eye fireen Peas 2^33° Lux Detergent **a^39e Lifebuoy Facial Soap 3^25 Lux Betergent Liquid 22 Oz. Tin /* ,^-JfV' (9* Lifebuoylatt Sup 2it23 2 3 1 With Gant Coupon .Size 25* 49® ^21' Hershey Dainties^26^39e Aluminum Foil ^ ^ 69* „ Pert Paper Napkins 8La " Karo Syrup Mince Meat None Such f«»>§ mi t? " A 4Pp*feM»Biiilia ^'.'f--,-rriv#V r• Jiv 'i.«* 1L,