v;-; " . • ^ "*•* .*H" k '-V ' approaching holito you? Do they ***<• that Just the spirit f? While this attitude is to tike Christmas theme **-• that of goodwill to one's fel- «# fttfm -- there is more to it than Just giving. There is also deep need for spiritual regardless of race or and careful attention to HwV health, the educational Oommittee of the Illinois State Ifedical society observe! a Health talk. This year, for the first fime |n many, there is peace on earth. Ko one will deny the depth and sincerity of the axiomatic Christinas wish of "Peace on earth good will toward men." This . Wish does not apply necessarily to warfare among nations, but to a peace within one's self, one's family and one's associates. While there ig pleasure in giving and satisfaction in receiving, true happiness does not •tem from material things alone The state of one's health is important, mentally and physically. ---How well will you he during tile holidays? Will you be worn out with the fatigue which, unfortunately, for some persons, is associated with the hurry and bustle of holiday . preparations ? Are you going to be so tired t&at you won't enjoy the festivities which characteristically mark the Christmas and New Y«*ar holidays • Careful planning will do much to obviate fatigue and accidents. Doing too much and crowding one more "activity into an already heavy schedule will lower your body resistance, making jrou susceptible to the bacteria cbnstantly waiting to attack your weakened state. Even with the modern advances In medicine, made strong by new and potent drugs, the siege of illness Will mar your holiday. And how about the children your list for Christmas? Are fbu being wise in the selection pi toys for their enjoyment? toys, for example, with sharp, pointed edges have been instruments of tragic accidents in young, exploring hands. Beads, used commonly for trimming on dolls and toy animals, and even clothing, are soon pulled loose by tiny e#«er hands, only to be poked into an ear, or nostril. They may be swallowed. What Jpice attractiveness and joy in giving if the result if tragedy? . Remember that most accidenU ire preventable, particularly so 9 attention is paid to safety. How about the wiring for your Christmas tree lights? Has it• been checked carefully ? By dotfag this you may prevent a flre. And that rickety stepladder *>ed in trimming the tree? Waft St repaired; or replaced? Fall* Visually result in broken bones *id why take a chance ? Here in Illinois, Christmas time is usually marked with Mold and snow, resulting in icy Streets. Be careful. Walk carefully. Again a fall could end disastrously Conviviality and party-going are a part of ChristM*. If yott are driving an automobile, better foifret that last "one for the road" Remember that it may be not only your last but also Um last for the loved one* with you. There is something abqpt the Christrftas holidays that set them apart from all other holidays of the year. Make them happy by keeping well and free from accidents. Use commonsence in what you do, and remember that, regardless of your creed, spiritual reflection is good for everyone. Advise Purchase 01 Savings Bonds As Gifts "Give United States Savings Bonds for Xmas," Advises Roy Tuchbrciter, volunteer state .hair man of the Treasury department's Savings Bonds division for Illinois. "Bonds are easy to purchase at any bank or other issuing agency and a special gift envelope is available for each bond so that it may be presented in an attractive and appropriate wrapping." Mr. Tuchbreiter continued: When you give a Savings Bond, you are selecting a gift which is suitable for everyone and which will not break, wear out or deteriorate in any way; a gift in fact, Jfhich will become even more valuable as time passes. With peace and security the heartfelt wish of every American this Yule season, the gift of a United States Savings Bond will be both symbolic and practical." mm; Nickel does not rust, and resists corrosion by salt water, by many acids, caustics and other chemicals. It also stands up under heat. When alloyed with chromium or other alloying elements, nickel helps to make those metals resistant to heat and corrosion too. !•» ?• SAFER BETTER R O W E A D D E R S HICKORY SUNOS TBSTIO 500 PONIS • Perfectly balanced • Exceptionally strooc • Extremely lightweight • Many styles, lengths ALEXANDER LUMBER CO* Main St* Hcitewy PHONE * Arm yen the kind of gal who likes to make gifts that come from her own kitchen? If you are, that's the real Christmas spirit. There's notnini* we enjoy so much at Christmas as a sample of festivity from the kitchens of our best friends. Wouldn't it be fun this year to make something different like miniature Christmas loaves of delicious Banana Fruit Loaf? Cake-like in texture and chockful of good things like' candied fruits, nuts and raisins, as well as the distinctive flavor of fully ripe, mashed bananas, you and your friends will enjoy this delightful treat. To gild the loaf, as it were, you can frost it on all sides except the botpwii With white frosting and make a festive little Christmas design on top with a candied cherry and two artificial holly leaves. Or cut designs from thin slices of citron such as holly leaves, bells, or what you fancy as a Christmas motif. " i* loaf oaft |* to with 'ttifo. ages, or the altoii ett be spread with butter or cream cheese to make delicious tea sandwiches. Hmom Christmas Loaves 1% cups sifteA flour 2% tap baking powder . * '% ^ cup sugar 2 eggs, well-beatsq 1 cup mashed lipe (2 or 3 bananas) cup walnuts or pecant, broken % cup (2 ounces) cut, candied pineapple hi cup (2 ounces) finely cot, candied cherries H cup (2 ounces) thinly sliced citron 34 cup (2 ounces) finely ctt% candied orange petl. *4 cup raisins ; ' Sift together flour, bakihg powder and salt. Beat shortening until creamy in mixing bowl. Add sugar gradually to shorten** ing and continue beating until light and fluffy. Add eggs and beat well. Mix in nuts, pineapple, cherries, citrou, orfcnge peel and raisins. Add flour mixture alter* nately with bananas, a small aanount at a time, mining after each addition only enough to moisten dry ingredients. Turn into 2 well-greased loaf pans (7*4x3*4x2 inches) and bake in a moderate oven (350*F.) about 80 to 60 minutes or until breads are done. dool. Frost and decorate as desired. , Makes two loaves. Important: tIf desired, one larger loaf may be made by turning batter into a well-greased loaf pan (8%x4%x24fc inches). Bake at 350*F. about 1 hour and Iff minutes. ' GODFREY SATURDAY, BURTON TOWNSHIP *%rt Spring O Need A Bobber Stamp? It at Ibe Plalndealer. R. Godfrey. SO, of 8prin|: drove, died late Wednesday evening, Dec. 16, at the McHenry county home. He had resided most of his life in this county. ^ The deceased was born March 26, 1873, in Spring Grove, a/son of Solomon and Eleanor Richardson Godfrey. He is survived by cousins and nieces. Last rites were conducted at 8 o'clock Saturday from the Ehorn funeral home in Rich- BUTCH'S VE YOUR check ope and mainteaaace by «ar experts means lower ear eeats tot you! 24 Hour Towing SOS W Phone S1I We Do Complete Motor Overhauling :f|: am street McWrnry,Tn. Residence 91-R mond, with burial Prairie cettetety township. English • Burtaa Tou may be harboring a dangerous killer elk your farm if you're using an unapproved or homemade electric fence controller, says a University of Illinois rural electrfficatioa specialist. The navies of tne world star* tied using niekel-steel armor! plate 'or their vessels after ft was proved definitely superior, to plain steel plate in tests con* ducted at Annapolis, Md., ta 1891. Order your the Matadealer. (3iTl«*aia| |n our hearts. May its bright and shining v atessage be a guiding beacon through all ' the dayr# eu» ^4 years. • 'i , < - ; , ^ r. Helfermanns Tavern JOHNSBURG. ILL. Of Every Type--Gabardines - Flannels « Tweeds - Checks - Worsteds $7 J5 to $19.85 A • RQBES of fine gabardine in solid colors # with contrasting trim v $12.95 Oth«r Rebes $10.95 to $16^0 TIES in beautiful new colors and patterns fl to $2.50 SPORT SHIRTt smart new checks and plaids, as well as a wide selection of solid colors. $3.95 to $12.95 SURROUND HIM GIFTS ... with famous Nobelt waistband. f Choose from coat or middy styles q t d o r m t o g s w i t h k n i t t < 3 0 , " #: $450 to $14.95 this Christmas surround your favorite man with gifts that are sure to please and brand names thqt he's sure to recognize. We will Gift Wrap all your purchases, ready place jmdpt the tree. Fancy Vetftii Schick "20" SRiaTiri Sunbeam Sharers Curlee Suits Curiae Topcoats RonsnnJ-lghteri I OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 SWEATERS Jantzen or McGregor makes in fine new washable wool. $8.95 to $11.95 Coat Sweaters $6.85 to $11.95 HMMMMMMMMmMIMMeiMfelfl «M«MMU A Christmas Tradition - • "1BOW TIES «* the type you ti« - PLANTS 41 Corsages - Xmas Trees Swank Tie Bars and Cuff Link Sets Centerpieces |^20 to $749 j^McHenry Floral Cq, | Cuft Links of McHenry on Route 81 PHQNE McHENRY 404 WE TELDGRAPH FLOWKRfl $1^0 to $9 FLOWERS ADDITIONAL GIFT SUGGESTIONS Fine Socks .....I Slipper Socks? ......^.;* Jockey Shorts Jockey T Shirts Tie Racks Koroseal Raincoats : Initial Handkerchiefs ..... 8 in It bos V V ' Leather Sl^piMprs $4.95 to $6.95 $9*95 to $10 59c to $2.50 $2.50 to $3.95 . $1.25 -- $1 to $3 • •WW* $19^0 to $45 $24.50 $26.50 $45 to $5&50 $45 to 59J0 m u M cn w:] CERTIFICATES I| you are still in doubt, Give him a Gift Certificate ia any amount you wish. \ . . : V.» , LEATHER BELTS urith famous Expanso buckle $2 to $1050 Paris Belts $1^0 to $5 P*tb Free-Swing suspenders $1.75 1 VAN HEUSEN SKffifs ith famous Century collar $3.95 and $445 Ortm White Shirts -- $8.93 1XATHEB GLOVES *v With warm* fur or wool lining $4J5 to $7JO Smart Pigridni -- $4.95 McCEE'S Store for Men in s. GREEN STREET MctiENRY, ILLINOIS OPEN EVERY NITE TO 9 TIL XMAS We Givo And Redeem Gold Bond Stamps ' BRONCO TEX JACKETS * $17.50 GENUINE LEATHER JACKETS $29.50 GABARDINE JACKETS with quilted wool linings $16.95 to $24.95 McGregor Drixaler Jackets $10.95 Boys Jackets «»**#6.95 to $19^5 . 'J >' *