mm* ••- ir<<i "".' \Xvr'^,'^*y^ -"M a 1 <?.',- Mi'"""^' '• Bjjg- ' k-",*t^ .v^ J# ;,.^. . •>,*»- THE McHENRY PLAINPEALEt h--:- I An exhilarating opea tir (ceUiig with overhead visibility {entirely new to • hardtop Is found in this new 1954 Ford Crestline Skyliner--a Ford ezclssive in the high volume field. The illusion of riding in a convertible l» given by the transparent, molded plastic top, tinted bine-green, which coven the entire driving compartment. Like all 1954 Fords, it is available with a completely new 130-h.p. T4Uck V-S engine or a new 115-h.p. I-Mock Six. - - h ••• - Marengo Sayings Secretary Cites Association Growth The earnings of 3 per cent paid to savers and investors of the Marengo Federal Savings end Loan association is being continued for the last six rronlhs of 1953. During the year a total of over $86,000 has been paid to savers for the use of their funds for 1953. Checks were mailed Dec. 31 to the holders of investment accounta. F. R. Kelley, the secretary of the Association, states that during 1953 the Association has had an unusual growth. Total assets have grown more than $900,000, which is more than twice the increase in any previous year. ' At the end of the year the Association will have over 800. ^ t .. „ loans on homes and business ,tat" wW undoubtedly continue to properties for an average of slightly more than $4,200 per loan. Approximately 1,300 investors and savers will have over $3,200,000 with the Association. tHEW PETITION FOR COMPANY OWNERSHIP OF GAS PROPERTIES Another step toward putting Northern Illinois Gas company Into business was taken recently when a petltioh was filed with | the Illinois Commerce Oommis-; 10.4 per 1.000 in 1938 to 9.1 in 1948. I sioP requesting authority t*r the new company to own arcl operate jthe gas properties Qt the Public Service company division of Commonwealth Edison comply. X Hearing on the petition, sat for Jan. 8, ia expect*.-J to be routine since no changes in rates or service are involved. The new company will he an Edison subsidiary with nil of its stock Initially owned by Commonwealth. Willis Gale, Edison chairman, said recently that he expected the many details of organization and financing to be worked out by early February. The program is also subject to the effectiveness of a registration statement to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Electric operations of Public Service will be unaffected by the corporate change in the gas properties. The new company, which will be the second largest gas utility in Illinois, "will supply gas to about 450,000 csutomers in 232 Tharidif, January % 1154 *-- _-L. SSti: Setflitm SVtfH Rttfui# Diath Rate Ona-Elghth Conspicuous success in reducing flic toll of preventable disease and premature death in the southern states during the past decade is reported by statisticians. The death rate for these states as a group has been reduced by one eighth, from Outstanding has been the 10 year decline of 42 per cent in infant mortality, and of 74 per cent in maternal mortality among white women and 99 per cent amoriJt the colored. "Closely related to the fall in infant and maternal mortality has been a marked increase in the hospitalization of births," the statisticians point out. "In almost all of the Southern states the proportion •f hospitalized births at least doubled from 1938 to 1948. In West Virginia, Kentucky, and Mississippi the proportion was tripled, and in Arkansas it was more than quadrupled." Malaria, lojtg a health problem, has fallen off from 135,000 reported cases in 1935 to only 4,000 in 1949. Similarly, during this 15 year period, the number of cases of pellagra reported annually has decreased from many thousands to only a few hundred. "With the increasing attention being focused upon medical and public health problems, the Southern communities make rapid advances toward theii solution" the statisticians predict- Newa is formed from the flut letters of North ICast West and South. Not only do some of us fall to get what we expect, we don't even get a good facsimile thereof. lead The Want Ada! northern Illinois outside Chicago. Mr. Gale will serve as chairman ' and chief executive officer, while Charles Y. Freeman, chairman of Edison's executive committee, will also hold the same post in the new gas Company. H. P. Sedwick, executive vicepresident of Edison and president of the Public Service company division, will serve as Northern Illinois president while Edgar E. Lungren will be executive vice-president. Lungren will \Se in' direct charge of the new company's operations. LuAgren began his utility career with the former Western United Gas and Electric company in 1915 following graduation from the University of Illinois. He became chief engineer of Western United in 1928. In 1944 he transferred to Public Service company as manager of gas operations. In 1948 he was elected a vice-president of ! Public Service, and since 1950 has had general administrative control over gas operations. In 1953 he was elected a vice-president of Edison. t WED m pECEMBEB IN MEMORIAL In bloving memory of our son and brother, William Adams, who died seven years ago, Jan. 4, 1947. MR. AND MRS. MATH ADAMS •35 BROTHERS AND SISTERS Quantities Limited All Sales Final Come Earlyl BABY SNOft'&DITS teg. $12.98 Nylon Suits $8.77 Sixes: 4 -- 12 mos. 2 -- 18 mos. Reg. $8.98 • Acetate Suits fG.77 SiBM: 3 -- 12 moe.-2 -- lg mos. Reg. $7.98 -2 -- size 12 mos. Acetate Suits $5.77 Children's Nighiwear Reg. ¥1.98 2 pc. . Sizes 0 to 8 Flannel Sleeper^ t; $1.37 Reg. $2.49 -- sizes 4 tp 8 Flannel Pajamas .. $1.67 Reg. $1.39 1 pc. -- sizes 3 to 8 Pajamas 97c Reg. $1.69 1 ]M*. ~ sfees 2 to 5- P a j a m a s --$1.17 BABY $2.88 tteg. 14.98 Car Beds $3.88 tteg. $12.98 Baihanelie $9.88 Reg. $16.98 * 1 Baihaneiie $12.88 Reg. $22.98 ' , Bathanettt $16.88 Reg. $3.79 X':/." Play Pen Pad S2L88 Reg. $10.98 Taylor Walker .... $9.88 Reg. $3.98 -- Kiddies Ladder Stool ....... $1.88 Reg. $1.98 Dicpn Bags 97c GIRLS' SKIRTS Reg. $3.98 Dress Skirts $2.77 Most sizes fro§n. 1 to 12 * Reg. $2.98 Dressy Skirts . .1^ $137 Most sizes from 1 to 10 CORDUROY SLACKS Reg $1.98 -- Bin 4 to 8 Girls' Slacks $1.37 Reg. $1.98 -- size 3 to 8 Boys' Boxer Jeans $1.37 Reg. $1.79 -- size 4 Boys' Boxer Jeans $1.27 . V CANDY SPECIAL4 ry; friday - Saturday Only " '$9c Orange Slices h -- Lb. 15c BOYS' SHIRTS Reg. $1.98 -- sizes 4-12 Flannel Shirts $1.17 Reg. $1.49 -- sizes 6-14 Cotton Shirts ... .... 97c Reg. $1.79 -- sizes 4-tt Cotton Shirts $1.27 Reg. $1.19 -- sizes 6-12 Flannel Shirts .......... 97c GIRLS' BLUE JEANS Reg. $1.98 -- size 2-6 Flannel Lined .... $1.37 Reg. $2.29 -- size 6-16 Blue Jeans $1.57 Reg. $1.00 -- size !«• ; Blue Jeans 67c • WOMEN'S WEAR Reg. 69c -- 6-M-L Snuggles Panty 47c Reg. 69c -- S-M-L Snuggles Vest 47c Reg. $1.88 -- s|ae 30-40 Blouses $1.37 Reg. $1.30. -- 'Size 30-40 Blouse* 97c GIRLS' DRESSES fWg. $3.98 -- sizes 4 to 14 Cotton Dresses ...... $2.77 Reg. $2.98 -- sizes 4 to 12 Cotton Dresses $1.97 Reg. $1.98 Sizes' 4 to 12 Dresses $1.37 BOYS' BLUE JEANS Reg. $2.59 -- size 2-6 Flannel Lined $1.77 Reg. Jj2.98 -- size 6-12 Flannel Lined $1.97 Reg. $1.98 -- size 8-16 Denim Jeans ., $1.37 Reg. $2.69 -- size 6-14 Western Jeans $1.87 Reg. $1.39 -- size 1-8 Blue Jeans ............ 97c - c f f _ , v „ . . MEN'S - BOYS' SWEAT SHIRTS Reg. $1.79 -- sizes 38-46 Men's Sweat Shirts $1.47 Reg. $1.39 -- size 6-16 Boys' Sweat Shirts 97c Men-Boytf' Winter Caps Reg. $1.98 Boy's Cap $1.37 Reg. $1.49 Boy's Cap $1.17 Reg. $1,39 w : , Men's Corduroy Cap 97c TOYS REDUCED Reg. $4.98 -- Musical Rocking Horst$3.88 Reg. $9.98 Table-Chair Sets $6.88 Reg. $5.98 -- Metal Table-Chair Sets $4.88 Reg. $6.98 -- Rid-em Fire Engine „v $5.88 Reg. $5.98 -- $9.98 Dolls -- Reduced 25% Lamps - Lamp Shades Reg. $2.49 -- $2.98 Lamp Shades ........ $1.88 Reg. $3.49 -- $3.88 Lamp Shades $2.88 Reg. $4.49 -- $4.88 Lamp Shades $3.88 Reg. $3.98 Table Lamp Bases $2.88 Reg. $6.98 » Tiger TV. Lamps $3.88 HOME NEEDS Reg. $5.98 -- Sturdy Ironing Boards .... $3.88 Reg. $1.29 -- 8 piece Servea-Snack Sets .. 88c Reg. $1.49 -- Gold Bond Candy Dish J7c Reg. $2.49 , - Chrome Rack and '---- Fire King Dish .... $1.88 Reg. $3.98 -- 13 pc. Punch Bowl Set .. $2.88 Reg. $1.98 -- Plastic, Cake Saver $1.44 Reg. 10c -- Decorated Table Tumblers Dos. 97c Reg. 98c -- Round Enamel Dish Pans 77c Reg. $1.39 -- Colored Mixing Bowl Set .... 97c VENETIAN BLIND CLEARANCE! Reg. $3.49 -- $3.98 All Steel Blinds .... $2.44 Most all sizes from 23" to 38" Egg Shell Finidl First Quality BED SHEETS Beg. $2.29 - 81x99 $1.94 Reg. $2.39 - 81x108 $2.00 ffitr*'- 'I Reg. 98c -- 52x52 Plastic Table CoY6|i Asst. Colore A Designs 47c ea. BEN FRANKLIN 112 S. GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS BUTCH'S SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR Regular check ups and maintenance by oar expert* means lower car coots, f«f you! YOUR MOVE I Towing Service We Do Complete Motor Overhauling 309 W. Elm Street MoHenry, Dl. Phone 811 Residence 91-R i' Photo by Worwick THE DONALD REUTERS A quiet wedding service solemnized at Christ the King church, Wonder Lake, on Dec. 12 united Miss Sally Nye and Mr. Donald Reuter. The couple will make their home temporarily at Wonder Lake. . 7 , IARDEST 'CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEAJLER WANT ADS CApU> OP THANKS I Would like to thank all of my McHenry friends, especially Fr. Coakley, members of the Altar and Rosary sodality and the Mercy nuns of St. Patrick's church for the "get-well" cards and visits. They were greatly appreciated. MRS. {CATHERINE A. WETLE • ; y#- CARD OF THANKS" --f tflsh to take this opportunity to thank everyone who sent me cards, those who visited me and for other remembrances during the time I was confined to the hospital. They were all greatly appreciated. 35 B. M. WALKINGTON THANK YOUI "Ketineth Diedrich, who nbw recovering nicely at his home, wishes to thank all of his friends who sent him gifts and cards 'and other remembrances during the time he was hospitalized. He appreciated them so much. •35 W THANKS I want to take this opportunity to thank the many, many friends and relatives who did so much to assure the success ot the anniversary party given for me last Sunday. I greatly appreciate the cooperation of everyone. FRED J. SMITH CARD OF THANKS Fred Casper, a patient at Downey hospital and brother Of Mrs. Ray Howard, wishes to thank all those who remembered him with cards and in other ways during the Christmas MR* days. • >*" ... *35 .. . ^ • CARD OF THANKS i I would like to take this means of thanking friends for gifts, flowers and visits during the time I was confined to the hospital. They were appreciated BO much. 35 VERNON REINBOLDT NEW & USED RUGS FOR SALE Come To Our Plant and See A Complete Selection of Lee's and G u l l s t a n Samples. Or Phon Woodstock 888 or 182 for Home Shopping Service. TOP PRICES FOR TOUR OLD RUG IN TRADE OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Also Linoleum and Tile Sales and Installations, Carpet Laying, Rug Cleaning ft Repairs. RUG CLEANERS TIDY FLOOR COVERINGS 604 Washington St. Woodstock, DL FRED J. SMITH SALES SERVICE Complete Motor Overhauling Welding JOHNSBURG, ILL. McHENRY 30M 54 FORD the"worth more"car STYLE DIVIDEND 9 distinctive lines -- 14 brilliant body styles YOU'LL FIND THAT EACH new feature in the *54 Ford • is an extra dividend in driving enjoyment... establishes Ford, even more in '54, as the "Worth More" car. You get a special dividend in styling with Fortfs distinctive new appearance. You get sparkling new interiors, too, that are a dividend in themselves. And each of the new Fords gives you special dividends in ride and performance . . . with new Ball- Joint Front Suspension, the greatest advance in chassis design in 20 years . . . with your choice of Ford's new low-friction Y-block V-8 or I-block Six, the most modern engines in any car todayl With 28 brilliant new models to choose from, youH find the exact car to suit your tastes and requiremeoil. Come in .. . See and Test Drive the '54 Ford. RIDE DIVIDEND New BafcJsiat Frsst Sespeasiea This revolutionary new suspension is exclusive to Ford In its field. It allows greater up and down wheel travel for • smoother ride. And it helps keep wheels in true alignment for consistently easy handling. Movement of wheals is on ball joints, whether in up and down motion or in steering motion--right or left. PtRFC ,.MANU DIVIDF NDS The new f30ah.p. Y?bloch\V^@ OVfJtNfAO VAIVIS MOMruititfuNcr COMBUSTION CHAMBERS SHORT-STROKi, LOW-fKKTION DMtON OOUBlf-MCir /NT AM MANIFOte T~ MOCK The new If 5-h.p. HfCMf- TlfMUUNCf COMMJSTfON ifSKiiiiiB SNOUT- 1 sritOKf, LOW-fKICTfON OSS/ON m INTAKV MANffOCO OM^-CAST "r BLOCK The^greotest engine advances since the original FORD V-$^ ^ * extra-long engine life. Their modern SHort-strolce, lowfriction design cuts friction losses . . . gives you more BOTH NEW 1954 Ford engines . . . the Y-block V-8 and the I-block Six . . . have overhead valves for most efficient high-compression operation on today's fuels. Valves are free-breathing to give you the most GO . . . freeturning to seat tightly and maintain high compression. Both engines have a deep-cast block with skirt that extends well below the crankshaft for greater strength and rigidity . . , smoother, quieter performance and ^IPftUve optional power assists* you might find r only In America's costliest cars Matter-Gride Power Stoeriai 4-Wn rawer Seat It does up to 75% ol your steering work tor you. makes parklag a pleasure, IMVM you wttk Ifee normal feel vf steering oil the straightaways. Swill Ian Power Brakts Power does up to one-thlid ef the work of stopping lor feet You are less fatigued, war* relaieg. In Hie stop and fa driving of congested traffic. 1 Ml "**- - rVWVf'UVi WiflVIV* Windows open or dote at tie touch ot a button andar aacb window or on left front door. Driver may operate any of HM four Power-Lift Windows. Push one of two controls aM Ml* tront seat foes up ar down ... push the other end it goes front or back. It's a real convenience and comfort feature. Vo« get the smoothnesa of a Maid torque converter plus the instant '"go" of an automatic intermediate gear. Ford aiao offers gas-saving Overdrive. usable horsepower, more miles per gallon of gasoline. New high-turbulence combustion chambers assure a more thorough mixing of fuel and air for faster, more efficient combustion. Plan to Test Drive a '54 Ford. YouH find these new Ford power plants are the greatest engine advances since the original Ford V-8. '54 FORD Moro than everm ' THE STANDARD SiC THE AMERICAN ROAD •:'-A #- Make today your day for a Test Drive BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 Main Street McHenry, Illinois»i)iiii.iiii)iimii p. ii'iHjun IMIA HII.HIH" Phoae 1 Vv.