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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jan 1954, p. 6

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t-w ,, .-,. «•. r. • * * ' t 4 1 '* v, La , r!&.-','\ r rx A * $•'"! ^isc^r: 44% r< .^k-M> V *>.••!'• t, '4 fc-v. - • V... >v. r • i- ;i':..• fi-M* '*. , ^£2T fjiwwty, January 7. j"P WANT ADS PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE DONE BY MIDGET!- RING 3.160 DOOR BELLS FOR 11X0 WITH A PLAINDEALEH WANT AO netr'fi: DETAILS OF HIGHWAY I'* CONSTRUCTION FOR '54 IN STATE TOLD BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE JAK-ANA HEIGHTS x y.-.*s- >::y % McHenry Plaindealer Published every Thursday at IfcHcnry, HI. by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. NATIONAL E DITO R f At ' AS^OC^TIyO,N WALL. & FLOOR TILING Our only business - not a sideline, prompt guaranleed work. Free Estimates. Call Cary 6164 or Harrington 1276 2-tf *JA BURFEINDT, Gen'l. Manager Xt>ELE FRCKHLICH, Editor J ; ; V ; Plaindealer Want Ads '* / ^JSfo ad dounted less than 25 '•i'S'jVf&Ms, $1.00 • minimum. insertion ......... - S . $1.00 " * (Count 5 words per line) y - ' 25c service charge on all blilnd " :ds. Cash with order. t 5 Jard of Thanks--$1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly * 'Jf a.m. Wednesday. SUBSCRIPTION RATE 1 Yew IS.00 Entered as second-class matter fft the post office at McHenry, 11L, under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 'Route 120 - 1 Block East of the River Bridge Open Week Days 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. ' Sundays: 9 sjn. to 1 p.m. 12-tf FOR SALE -- '51 Pord Victoria, radio, heater, automatic trans- Ion, new tires and brakes,' $1200. Call Crystal Lake 1476-J. *35 FOR SALE -- 1942 Ford Club Coupe, needs little repair. Priced ton quick sal€; 1949 FOrd Custom 2 door sedan. Reasonable. (Call W0-M-1 after 4:30 p.m. 35 FOR SALE Cars listed .below nfjust be sold Wit&ln the .next 2 weeks to make jfottn for tike new 1954 models. WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. $111 Bacon, 206 MAln Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. ?6-tf BEAUTY SHOP • V 210 S. Green Street.-v.'. Fitzgerald's Building Phone Alice -- 292-J or 705-M 16-tf enss POOLS - SEPTIC TANKS Pumped and Cleaned PHONE 1480 |f no answer, call 1383-R-2 G. A. DOUGLAS J Lakeland Park, Rt. 120 McHenry 6-tf Shannon Window Products Distributor of Aluminum Comb. Storm and Screen Windows and Doors Fibre Glass Awnings GAIL SHANNON Phone McHenry 122-R 85 Expert Sewing Machine Repairs Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Singer Sewing Machine Co. 221 Benton St., Woodstock 294 35tf Wells Drilled and Driven. 2" and IVl". Garrelts and Rogers, Phone 534-W-l or 5S9-R-1. fit. 4 McHenry, 111. 35tf r>: ' Stadlo K 109 E. Elm Available for Clubs, Parties, Instruction and Business. -- Hourly Rental Call ?48'< or 962 for Information 35 tf FOR SALE 1931 Fraser, repossessed, can be purchased for balance "due $987.00. Beautiful condition. 1950 KAISER Traveler like new $795 1950 CHEVROLET ........ $795 1950 FORD ..... 1950 NASH 1952 FORD 1946 CADILLAC 1948 CADILLAC $795 $595 $1295 $495 $1200 1949 PLYMOUTH $495 1949 MERCURY $695 1947 FORD $395 FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., Woodstock. Phone 549. 7 tf FOR 8ALE--ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The WallfiU Co., Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 48-tf FOR SALE--Year 'round COMFORT and ECONOMY with FIRE-PROOF Johns- ManvlHe Home Insulation. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl. McHenry 18. 4-tf FOR SALE -- Duo Therm pot FOR SALE -- New Westinghouse refrigerator 9% cu. ft. $190; P.enclix automatic washer, $75; Round Blonde table, $18; White sewing machine, $15; 2 chairs, $15 a piece; 25x36 living room mirror, $15; radio and record comb, console Crosley, $40; record cabinet glass top, $15; birch clothes hamper; 2 twin beds and innerspring mattresses, $40; 1 full size Innerspring mattress, $15; 1 black horse lamp, red shade, $4; brass lamp, red shade, $2; 2 table lamps, $3 a piece; 1 green chest' of drawers 46" high, $4fe3 green book cases, 24" wide, $1.50 each. Furniture rriay be seen Sat., Jan, 9, from 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. or Sun., Jan. 10, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Alvin C. Dick, Seminole Drive, Indian Ridge, Wonder Lake, 1st house west of blacktop on Seminole Drive. 85 FOR RENT* I iinHiijUlil. FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home orlviloges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R. 20-tf FOR RENT -- K r^e furnished in Wonder Lake. $55 a month. Call Round Lake 6-1701. 82tf FOR RENT -- Heated 4 room apartment, 2 bedrooms, gas stove and refrigerator included. Phone McHenry 742. 33tf FOR RENT -- Modern 5 room house, located on Fox St., 3 blocks from new bridge. Hot water, bath, $65 per month. Call McHehry 303. 35 FOR RENT -- 3 room apartment, large closed in porch, bath. Located on Green St. Call 377. 35 FOR RENT -- 5 room cottage in Emerald Park. Available Feb. 1. Phone 643-R-2. 35 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED WCMAN OF CHARACTER If you have been recently widowed, or otherwise find yourself in the position of desiring to make new Before You Buy A Home See •, JAK-ANA HEIGHTS in Johnsburg. You can get a modern home on a 100 x 200 foot lot, overlooking the beautiful countryside. Near church, schooL New Memorial Hall and shopping district ? JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS I* Jehnpburg TeL McHeiyry 37 Rt. 5# McHenry, Illinois «lllllllllltlllinilllllllinillllllllHUIIIII»IIIIIIIIIIHIH»lllllllllllllllllllllll»lllllllllllllllipilllllHII»H»Ulllllllllll||||| REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- Country home, city conveniences on large wooded river front lot. Gas heat, automatic hot water, 2 bedrooms, 2 cars* garage. Cement seawall, pier and boat. Good transportation to Chicago. McHenry 696-J-l. 32tf FOR SALE -- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road McHenry, ID. Phone: McHenry 121-1 M-tf SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Will do hand Ironing, machine and hand sewing, mending, darning or whaL have you. Reasonable. Available also for evening housework. Call 691-M-2. 35 SITUATION WANTBB Will care for your child in my home by the hour, day or week. Ca1 1096-R. 35-2 Fire Extinguishers -- All types, Underwriters approved label - uitomatic fire control for homes, 'business, Garages and Factories. C?n McHenry 638-J-2. 35-2 Mrs. Elmer Justen won $25 in merchandise of her own choice at ttte Riverside Retail Factory Out- 'ot Store, Westend of Old Bridge by naming the secret word, "Smithson". This Week's clue to the neyr secret word is "a location". ' " .85 .• In Person ??&';.'• Saturday, January 9 • "The Golden Tonfi" At Club Lilymoor; ; 35 ' Get Our WINTER PRICES 0|l KITCHEN CABINETS' FORMICA TOPS COMBINATION DOORS Wood -- Aluminum and STORM SASH SCREENS OHEAD GARAGE DOORS Also on Ash Wall Panelling, Plywood, Cabinet Lumber, L^pofs, Trim, etc. CRYSTAL LAKE MILL CO. Cary, 111. Call Cary 7248 85-4 JS4- REAL ESTATE F^R SALE " ON FOX RIVER -- Small year around home, attached garage, nicely landscaped lot, only $10,500. ON FOX RIVER -- Large 7 room home, year around, insulated, two friends, develop new contacts, andjcar f>ara£e> overhead door. Pfice Supplement your Income you pos-'a* $14,500. For information call at ous office In Johnsburg. v ^ JACOB FRITZ, Realtor "tel. McHenry 87 Sltf sibly can qualify for a full or part time position in the McHenry area. Write fully, care of Plaindealer, Box 421. 35 jBkve money on Financing -r IJa&ace -our own cfcrff" j a, m. adams Motors I. ^ Johnsburg, 111. PHONE 676-W-l MALE HELP WANTED AMBITIOUS MAN A ^Marshall Field family owned enterprise has local opening for •. „ . ... .. J ambitious man of unquestionable I type oil burner with; blower and |character and refinement. Agel^000' thermostat. Phone 189, 8:00 6 1 FOR SALE -- House and lot, 4 rooms, tile floor .and hot water. West of city limits on Rt. 120. Call 687-J-2 aftef i pan. I'lico SITUATION WANTEt» -- Painter and Decorator with 20 years experience, now otherwise employed will take weekend jobs. Clean, satisfactory expert workmanship. Call 572-W-l for free estimate. *35 RECALL FOUNDING OF STATE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, '57 SITUATION WANTEB> -- Electrician desires work in or near Woodstock; 11 yrs. experience. Light and power maintenance and construction. Address Box 422 in care of * Pl'alndealer. ~ 35 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED 5:00; 907-R after 5:00 p.m. FOR SALE Maple bunk beds springs and mattresses, $35.00. 85 I Call Mcrienry 588-M-l. 35 BUSINESS SERVICE John Reinboldt j, GENERAL CONTRACTOR ll Types Of Carpenter Work Satisfactory Guarantee •, Call McHenry 137-R :BV| I PETER A. FREUND (Formerly Eddie Huffs) SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks, cespools. Phone McHenry 877-W residence, Fox street. ' 16-tf f FOR SALE -- Six foot Steinway grand piano, ebony finish, completely rebuilt and refinished like new. Price. $1850. Ralph L. Clark, piano technician. 902 Garfield Road, Harvard, 111. Phone 748-R. 35-2 >35 25-M. College education pretwrcd. FQR SAL^ _ %' foom hoirj9 Must be reads• to accept posit,o, room immediately if selected. Guaran- i_ teed income with opportunity fo: advancement. Write' fully, care of Plaindealer, Box 420. 35 FOR SALE -- 2 Boxer puppies. 10 weeks old. Male and female, $25 each. Call 897. 35 GARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial "br Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH Sales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf FAINTING AND DECORATING . - Quality and Service Can Stan Johnson McHenry 890-J aftef 6 "p.n£ • - 6-tf FOR SALE -- Household furniture. Can bp seen at house in Emerald Park after 4:30 p.m. or Saturdays and Sundays. K L. Maynard, Tel. JMcHenry 530-W-l • 35 FOR SALE -- 25 cubic foot -- 2 c o m p a r t m e n t J C o l d s p o t f r e e z e r (3.3 cubic ft. & 21.7 cu. ft.) Excellent condition. Phone Wonder Lake 401£, Steinle's Wonder Food Store. *35 FOR SALE -- Large dresser, dark wood, with large mirror. Call 779-M. 35 WANTED -- Woman to c^^n an^ day a week. $1.00 an hour. House located on Wonder Lake road ju^' South of Route 120. Phone Mc Henry 610-R-l. «35 MAN WANTED -- Excellent opportunity. Prefer married man between 18 and 35. Excellent pay if qualified. Must have some factory experience with hand tools. Only willing, hard worker need apply. References will be thoroughly checked. Switzercraft, 203 S. rjraen St., McHenry, 111. 351 place, .built in cupboards, oil heat on good fishing lake. $11,000. Call' 519-M-l. 3ft FOR SALE 2 bedroom ranch home located In Stillings Sub '^.v 3 bedroom, ranch home located in Cooney Heights. Phofte McHenry 1025 or 654-W-2. 35tf FOR SALE -- Property .n McHenry, Wonder Lake, Island Lake and surrounding territory. Homes Cottages, Businesses and* other types of real estate. We have cash buyers for your homes, summer homes, farms, and business properties. We can sell your property tf your* price Is right. JACOB FRITZ -- Real Estate In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 87 •" ' 27-tf HELP WANTED-- Stenographer , 5 days a week. Joslyn, Parker and Kell, Woodstock. Contact Mr. Ke'.l^ Call Woodstock 1135, collect. 35 It Pays to Advertise Id Hie Plaindealer 210 S. Green St. McHenry PHONE 1136 liti The pony express was established ' between Sq,n .Franvisco and St. Joseph, Missouri, on April 3, 1860. f ^; 1-- 1 Candid Weudings from Home, Church and Recaption , K O L I N Photographers Owiwhercial, PuWicity, Sports and Photostats Tel. 566-W-l McHenry, 111. 44-tf Accordion lessons for beginners. Accordions furnished. For infor- Matlom, phone McHenry 480. '• r 27tf FOR 8ALE -- 30-gal. electric hot water heater, manual control,( $15; 2-burner electric plate with oven and grill, $12. Call McHenry 511- R-l. 35 FOR SALE -- 9x9 rug and pad matching scatter rugs. 792-R. 35 FOR SALE -- Stawers, can b° used for roasters, live weight,- $1.25 each. First house north on West McCullom Lake Road and Rt. 120. Phone 1383-J-2. 35 JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terms Motors and Boats ervice, Refinianmg and Storage OX'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104'/a S. Riverside Drive Phons McHenry 1076 44-41 (-TfREE AND BARN SPRAYING-- "IVhite wash or fly control. Frihk "W. Henkel, P.O. Round Lake, 111 resilience: Volo, 111. Phone Mc- ' |lc nry 543-J-l. 40-fcf Centrally Located For Quick Service FRED J. SVOBOPA & SONS SEACO SALES And SERVICE Repairing -- Rewinding -- Rebuildigp Electric Motors -- All Models Automotive, Generators, Starters, Armatures DAY Or NIGHT PHONE 188 Bos 416 - Lilt-moor Subd. McHenry, Illinois SPEEDY b- M? HENRY GARAGE MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home, and Piano Accordion 4pbarinet and Saxophone EARL P. KOCH IMSUl HN64 t SEND MVCMOVGQ TO NICK MILLER'S N<HENRtOARA6i r I THINK WV WA/S BETTER". 1M I LET THEM 6\VEKAYCA(? RC60LAR CHECKUPS-THAT WAY 1 NtVER RUN INTO HEADACHES. I NEVER BOTHER ABOUT TAMN6 ASPIRIN WHEN I HAVE A HEADACHE HOW DO YOU GETfaDOFlT? $HOo!)^£zss* AND UET THEM \VANTED --Carpenter work and remodeling of all klndd, no job too small or too lerge. Hansen Bros. Box 364, McHenry, 111. 35 ANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price oaid for iron, metais and junk ^ars. Ed Marsh,™ phone McHenry 563-R-l. <=• 33-tf LOST AND FOUND IX>ST --•' Overcoat taken by mlsake at the Johnsburg Memorial Hall Sunday, Jan. 3. Other c >at In my possession. Call 598-M-l. 35 The Illinois Education association, now reviewing 100 years of service to the state, called the founding of Illinois State Normal university In February, 1857, "one pf £he grandest monuments of the wisdom, the patriotism, and the liberalness of the state." The tribute was written by an early association editor. From Its start in December, 1853, the IEA had pushed, for the establishment of a state school- * to train teachers. No state institution of higher education existed in Illinois at the time the IEA was founded. For four years association leaders pointed out the need for a normal school before legislators gave heed to their pleas. The entire state system of higher education, now enrolling about 35,000 students, developed as educators and others saw the need for expanding the program of teacher training to include ag: iculturc and industrial training, as well as to meet regional needs. A compromise, the name "Illinois State Normal university," was adopted to satisfy groups wanting both a normal school and state university. Though other no:mal schools and a state university were established later also with IEA help, the compromise title for this first atate school still stands. Charles E. Hovey, an IEA leader, became the first president of Illinois State Normal university. Bloomington outbid other communities for location of the school at North Blomingof the school at North £looiping> the compromise name. Today is the 165th anniversary of the first national election, which took place in 1789. Governor William G. Stratton has made public the complete details of his proposed 1954 stale highway construction program calling for the expenditure of a record-shattering $84 459,331. If'the entire road and bridge building schedule Set up by the chief executive i's completed during the twelve-month period, it will surpass any previous ahnual accomplishment since the state started hard road construction in the 1920's. The printed report, released by the governor contained a statewide list of every proposed project, its type, location and estimated cost. At the same time. Governor Stratton made It clear that In a construction program of this magnitude, there are always many factors affecting the various jobs which make absolute certainty in the time of execution an impossibility. The task of acquiring right-of-way, completing surveys and plans and the possible shortage of materials may necessitate the postponement of certain jobs programmed. Of the total amount to be expended, $77,339,331 has been allocated for specific projects in the ten highway engineering districts cf the state. These allotments are: District One, $7,- 486,000; District Two, $5,508,- 000; District Three, $8,208,931; District Four, $7,792,900; District Five, $6,195,000; District Six, $3,975,500; District Seven, $5,979,000; District Eight, $7,- 634,000; District Nine, „ $7,190,- 000; and District Ten, $17,370,- 000. The $7,120,000 remainder of the $84,459,331 has been allocated as folows: Emergency and Disaster Work, $1,300,000; Railjoad Grade Separations and Isolated Grade Crossings, $1,300,- 000; Isolated Bridges, $1,600,000; Miscellaneous Work, $2,200,000; Test Road, $500,000; and Senate Bill 275 R.>adS, $220,000. A Major items in the 1954 pro» gram are: Approximately 472 miles of highway construction projects. Major items in this category are 160 miles of netv roadway and' the resurfacing of 286 miles of existing highways. The new roadway will consist of 59 miles of two-lane, 58 miles of additional lanes and 42 mile* of fourlane construction. ' Converting 72 more miles of U.S. 66 into a four-lane highway by adding two lanes to the route which will give motorists a modern expressway from Chcnon on the north to Mt. Olive on the south, a distance of approximately 150 miles. Building 71 new bridges, widening 37 others and constructing 20 grade separations. Expenditure of $17,370,000 In Cook county alone, of which $13,000,000 will be for the metropolitan expressway svstem and the remainder for other stite primary hirhway projects. Allocation of more than $7.- 000,000 for emergency and disaster work, railvoa? grade separations in isolated localities, isolated bridges, miscellaneous work, a test road to be built near LaSalle. and entrance roads to state narks. Acquisition of right-of-way. estimated to cost slightly more than 12 million dolars, for 993 miles of ro">ds which Include projects on the 1954 program as Safe Dry Cleaning. Save Safely the Gash and Carry Way McHenry Cleanen lttl Elm Street McHearj PHONE 104-M We Give and Redeem Gold1 Bond Stamps well as clearing the way for az equally heavy 1955/ constructioi schedule. Operators Of PhoAe Studio Are Arrested The subjects of more thai fifty current complaints to th< Chicago Better Business Bureau including some from this area Don and Thomas O'Neill, opera tors of Life Color Studio, 4641% N. Sheridan Road, recently were arraigned in Municipal Court on charges of obtaining money by false pretenses. ,When complain tan ts to the Bureau alleged that they had paid deposits on photographs taken by Life Color Studio, but hac been unable to secure eithez pictures, refunds or information the Bureau, too, attempted contact the O'Neill brothers. It was learned Thomas had left town, with Don apparently about to follow. Hence, the matter immediately was referred to th< police department. Both were arrested Vttliln short time. t< Ah all-purpose spray that kills both insects and disease.* is best for your home ^garden use. W*rren Hording is the only man who went direct from the i Senate to the Presidency. ^'t JL. ft-tf WILLYS-OVERLAND SALgS §04 FRONT STREET ; PHONE 403 ELM ST. BARBER SHOP Formerly Known Barber Shop Is NOW OPEN IN THE New Location AT E ELM STREET Formerly Occupied By Thu F. M. Radio And Television. f AMPLE FREE PARKING 195S PRODUCTION The field crops produced bj Illinois farmers during the 195< season were worth 1,223 millloi dollars, an amount 18 per cent aliove the ten-year average, bu 10 per cent below last year'; total, according to the annua crop summary just issued bj the state and federal 'depart ments of agriculture. Corn# yield ing 500 million btishels wort! 721 million dollars, easily re tained its rank as king of al Illinois crops. Soybeans, "wheat h?y and oats, ranking in valu< in the order named, were th< other principal fiel:' crops Wea ther conditions were general! favorable in most areas untl after small grains were harvss ted, although rust and hot wea the^ reduced the oats croj; Later in the season drouth b« gan to effect the lower end Illinois, and soread northwar ns the year drew toward It close. Pastures were severel damaged by dry weather in but the northernmost counties c the state, the report said. BE LUCKYI BUY NOW! 9 Month OM r WHIRLPOOL Automatic Washff With Suds Miser New $319.95 Now $219.50 £ Year Guarantee WHIRLPOOL Automatic Wash«v Reg. $299,8$ Now.$239.50 jDteluxe -- 1 Year Oil ^ WHIRLPOOL 1 GAS DRYE1 New $299.95 -* i Now $199.50 - .New » Cubic F** SERVEL JSlectric Refrigerator Was $329.50 Now $269.5§ imrr | Year 0$ -- fp Like Ne& Condlthw ^ELTJXE MAYTAG WASHER Was $195.95 . . . NOW $70.00 NEW fialoric Uttramatic Gas Ranges nr WAS £224.59 $214.50 $174.50 NOW $164.50 I129J0 1 •**«>' rfff LEROY M. SMUJf tf PHONE 770-W 2JL2I r* 415 /ohs St. ' ~ j • MeHetugr, SL I

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