Twelve X THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Tbundiy, February 11, 1954 ttlantines Show That Romance Very Realistic In Modern Times Stout heart and stiff upper lip. i . _ _____ •11 ye who yearn for the "gooo 'GENERAL ASSISTANCE Wd day." A new errhu b«- ROLES IN ILLINOIS , The nation's sweethearts aro, ROSE IN NOVEMBER shying from pulse-poundingr pro-? to*, of undying loW. M« and Th, number wastore they're asking tluit Ihetr i an.', m-.pient, .» 2.400 during alentines be, as one says: A little bit lacy, k' November but declines of 95(f in ; aid to dependent children cases A-little bit frilly, abmU 500 in old age pe«- And just the littlest. *Wrs reduce, t Uie over-all m- S; little bit silly! ' ; in the puWic aid caseload 1. Many leading Valentin* pub-' to ><bout. 1.000. the Illinois Publishers agree: * Aid Comm,88ion has nP°rte6- ii "The tentfency today is lopkifl' Osnett W. Keaster, executive Jpbout, but not scoff at. Aur ro-! secretary of the commission, said antic traditions. It s *. delayed the principal reason for the overaction to the old-fashioned J ail -increase appeared to be a alentine sentiments tfiat were slowing' do\tfn in some phases of ust too good to be true." .economic activities in the state, In grandmother's, 'day^'for • ex-' mostly in downstate counties, 'pjutiple, hearts beat like trip- Keaster said further declines jfiammeis over ..billets-,d,gi4 Ji^ "in economic activities anticipated 'this: v .- ' . -• ' .'s:after the first of the year may ie pains wrhfcch I enduijpJ-. Jo Jo drug; |£an heal my lovesick mind: Come feel my pulse, dear. And banish every fear: Unto my wish incline And be my Valentine. result in a continued upward J*o medicine can cure; ' ' * ^ I trend in general assistance and fCo dnig that I can find 4 |rRowing of the downward trend j in old age assistance and aid to •dependent children which has been apparent for many months. Expenditures for all programs ; including medical pavments for Cupid's modern victims, have i general assistance and medical the same giddy feeling, but they j payments into the pooled fund describe it with a Valentine that j for the federally-aided categories chuckles: ; totaled $10,658,070 in November, My heart does such j a decrease of $28,000 from the Tricks at the sight j previous month in spite of the Of you. Lamb. i over-all increase of 1.000 in the *Tl»at I right away •• _ i rolls. Keaster said tiiis was due TQuick need a CARDIOGRAM! Mo a decline in average costs per And where the 19th century j recipient in downstate counties Romeo promised castles in Spain, j &"d to a reduction in the number the 20th century lover shells out i of niedical bills for genersl :isone to five dollars for an ele- distance recipients presented for gant deluxe Valentine. They'iT I payment during the mondv. in heavy demand this year, and j A 5 per cent increase in gen* •many cany detachable items :.*ral assistance tolls brought the such as real Irish linen handker- 1 November total to 52.235. Diis chiefs, wax orchids., lapel pins, j program has increased for the or a pearl necklace and earrings third consecutive month, reflectto match. Valentines for married couples are often even more realistic. ing the lag in industrial activity. December relief rolls are expected to be higher. The rise of -One that pictures a gay young ,118.000 in general assistance housewife scrubbing away frank- j payments during the month * Iv declares: You're the only guy» In the world, by gosh, -- * For Whom, I'd gladly Do the wash! Although the verses are less flowery, the meaning hasn't been changed. Time was when eight ....lines of choice Victorian poetry . wasn't enough. Today, * ; tine may simply say, "I'm yours be mine!" or "It'd be thrilling -~=4f you'd be willing!" ^ Prolonged engagements can be speeded up, too. Just send, a Valentine that teases, "You'll be a sorry, wait an' see when someone else discover® me." He'll get "the idea, and probably reply by return mall with a Valentine saying: While we're young And in our prime. Why don't we Stop wasting time? This year, Sunday. Feb. 14, is St. Valentine's Day. when lovers everywhere must stand up and be counted --- some twice, it seems. For with the U.S. census -{halted at 160 million, it's estimated that well over 300 million . affectionate Valentines will be tudktM" Into mail boxes and under doorways. Don't be misled, however. Fhends, relative* and married couples send as r.»any Valentines nowadays as sweethearts. Thus the nearly two Valentines per 'person ratio. bringing the total to $1,948,793 ! for November did not keep pace ~vith the increase in caseload due to a decline in medical bills paid during the month. The number receiving aid for the aged decreased to 103,689 in November and payments amounting to $5,707,218 were $21.- Valen- ' 'e8B the previous month. The average old age assistance payment was $55.04. Following are the number of j persons receiving aid and the amount paid in McHenry county: , Aid to dependent children, 11, ! $312: blind assistance, 2, $K8; j disability assistance, 5, $302; general assistance. 118, tl,063- .18: old age assistance, 219, ! $11,487. i McHENRY MAN TO REPRESENT VETS AT MAINE MEMORIAL William G. Ackerson of Mineral Springs, senior vice-commander of the Department of Illinois of the U nited Spanish War Veterans will represent the department commander, Jesse B. De- Lawter of Caii-o, 111., at the Maine menft>rial services to be held in the Council Chambers of the Chicago City Hall, Randolph and LaSalle street, on Feb. 15, The memorial address will be given by the Honorable John- Gutknecht, states attorney of Cook county. Ranking representatives of the various branches of the military and naval services will also participate and consular officers of Cuba and the Philippines will be represented. At the exact hour of 9:40 p.m., a wreath will be placed upon a simulated bier by two granddaughters, of Spanish Wai* veterans. The escort of hon**.* will be the exhibition drill team of the members of the auxiliaries and daughters of '98 of the United Spanish War Veterans. 1 While the war in Cuba was of comparatively short duration, the war with Spain was the only war in which this country was engaged that proved "profitable" from a monetary standpoint. It was the war that paved the way for the United States in world leadership. The Spanish American war was the first war in history in which a major power was engaged, to secure the independence of a small nation from oppression, Cuba. MINK PRODUCTION The shipping mines of Illinois produced 4,877,86.1 tons of coal during December, bringing the 1953 output to 44,177,503 tons, according to the monthly report of the state Department of Mines and Minerals. This 1953 total is provisional, and when all figures on output ate in the final tonnage report is expected to be somewhat higher. Of 145 mines reporting December production, 37 are strio mines and 108 are shaft mines. The shaft mines hoisted 2,944,079 tons; the strip mines turned out 1,933,784 tons. Farm Youths Talk Safety I What would you do if you had only one day to make your farm safer. That's what newsmen asked a group of young safety experts at the recent National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago. They were winners of •wards presented by General Motors in the National 4-H Farm ana Home Safety Program. "I'd declare a 'safety day* and turn out the whole family to locate and mark all hazards on the farm," was the answer of Margie belters, 17, Whitesboro, Texas. Margie was one of eight national winners awarded $300 college scholarships by GM, which also presented expensepaid trips to the 4-H Congress to both national and state winners among tne 425,000 4-H youths who took part in the safety program. All the youngsters agreed that although safety demands continuing, day-by-day attention, it might be good to set aside one day for eliminating hazards--and then go at the job as though there would be no more time for it. "It would make you decide what safety improvements were most important, and then concentrate on them," said George N. Fleming, 18, Simms, Montana. "I would check the things that get most use, such as farm machinery and home appliances, and make sure that they were in safe operating condition." . „ Gayle Givens, 17, Frederick, Oklahoma, observed that a would be a hard blow against one of safety's most dangerous enemies-- ' procrastination. She and Erich Willen, 17, Westminster, Maryland, both national winners--said that if they had only one day for safety they would concentrate on the home. . "That's where most accidents happen," Erich explained. I would check things like stairs, rugs, and medicines." Hope E. Caswell, 17, Canton, New York, said she would concentrate on eliminating fire hazards. . "They are often the least obvious,-*' she said. And a bad fire is juw about tne most serious disaster that can hit a farm." . Other suggestions included proper storage of tools; building sturdy pens for livestock, and checking electrical equipment. What would you do? Leonardo da Vinci, the artist. invented the wheelbarrow. ROBERT HAY "THE LOW OVERHEAD WAY' General Contractor New Construction and Remodeling LET US FIGURE FOR YOU I Phone 622-W-2 ! ROUTE 4 McHENRY. IIXINOIS -MASONITEm- 60A*0 # PooeW ond Metal Hangwi Scwmtf howl WM--cltHll, lutdMM, bathroom*, fa»e fooeit, •ic. THe modani way to hong Milwgt «• the wo*. Mony finlwM to **•« t.*. • ». thowaaodt of Mf§. Co.. fee. itiiii. ScifM hom VM It Pays to Advertise In The McHenry Plaindeaki ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. 547 Main St., McHenry PHONE 5 BOLT END SALE of Fine Woolens - No Acetates I In order to clear our stock# quickly, we are offering quality slacks and suits tailored for you alone, at the lowest prices in town! • , • ij it • If you are hard to fit, &rhf ytffe*ft*ttap0£«on of wearing clothes made especially for you Lnstead of a stu'ffed dummy, it will pay you to come in at this time and look over our Bolt End Selections for Slacks which are priced at just i $13.95, COMPLETE. TAILORED TO YOUR MEASUREMENTS. I | Look too at our selections Of over Two-Hundred of the | i finest Woolens for suits, starting at $65.00 TAILORED FOR 1 1f YOU! J OLD McHENRY TAILOR i 416 \V. Main St. " McHenry, HI. Phone 12S-R Your Income Tax Hy Ernest J. Snutm * District Director if -, Interna! Revenn# . I Everyone -- adult or child -- having a gross income of $600 or more in 1953 must file a federa> income tax return. This applies to all individuals whether citizens or residents of the United States. The due date ia March 15, 1954. Gross income includes, in general, compensation for personal knd professional services, business income, profits from sales and dealings in property, interest, rent, dividends and gains derived from any source whatever. More simply, gross income is all wealth flowing into a taxpayer which is not statutorially exempt or si return of capital. ; Wages and Salaries In this article, attention? fc fo- Cused on compensation for personal services that is, the type of income earned by rendering personal services to an employer or the income received by working for someone else. Such income, of course, includes wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, the value of board and lodging, tips and other kinds of compensation used by an employer to pay an employee for personal services. Compensation in Kind Compensation received by employees may be in the form of goods, groceries, or services of any kind. The important thing is that it be received for services rendered or work performed. When personal services are paid for wi'th properly or other than cash, the fair market value of such property must be included in the 'recipient^ gross in- Arooonte WtthheM Gross income means your tota1 taxable income. This means that all income which is not specifically exempt, must be included in your return, even though it may be offset by expenses and other deductions. On the other hand, exempt income should be omitted from your return altogether. A taxpayer writes: Do I report tqtal wages as my Income, or what's left of my wages after deducting withholding and soaial security taxes ? •-> ' Answer: The amount deducted for income tax, social security, union dues and other items is still part of your wages. Tne law requires you to report your tqtal wages in the amount that would have been paid if yoiw employer had not made any deductions. A young man writes: At the end of 1953, my employer paid me a bonus qf $75. Do I have to report this oh mjr incflfme return? Answer: Yes, it must be rep#*; ted as taxable income. Here's a question on a^numbir of items: Are any of the following taxable: Social Security Benefits? Unemployment Compensation ? Payments received under Workmen's Compensation? Answer: No, these itema •** not taxable. . s Do parents include a minor's income on their return? Answer: No, part of the minor's income is taxable to the parent. The parent does not include the minor's income in his (parent's) return, but a minor child is taxable on his income in the same manner as an adult. This taxpayer from Oak Park writes: Are jury fees taxable? Answer: Yes, jury fees are taxable since they are considered compensation for personal services. FHED J. SMITH SERVICE Complete Motor Overhauling Welding JOHNSBURG, ILL. McHENRY 200-J v ennn neS 2o>LJaa u GIFT SUGGESTIONS ... for your favorite little Homemaker am A SMUtKUM KEVERJE WAR£ 11 /4notkeAjtu^ U Larry DeWane and Dan Powers, Auctioneer?* The undersigned dissolving partnership will sell on the farm located 4 miles northwest of Cary, 7 miles west of Wauconda and 3!£. miles : aiit (Crystal Lake on Route 176 then U mile south on •'."W THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18 at 10:30 nharp connittting of the following All the fine-car features.. In a oar costing hundreds of c^ollars less I 86 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK • L- i tS Holstein Dafry Cows. This is an exceptionally good dairy of cows in good flesh and good producers. 10 Holstein heifers. 2 years old. caffhood vaccinated; 16 Holstein heifers, 12 to 15 monthg old, calfhood vaccinated; 6 Holatein heifers, 4 months old; 1 Holstein bull, 18 months old: Holstein bull, 1 yr. old. FERD 75 ton baled alfalfa'hay: 20 ton baled straw; 300 bushel oats; 700 bushel ear corn; 40' Qf silage in 14' silo; 10' of silage in 14' silo. MAC HINERY . ' ' MM* Chalmers model WC tractor & cultivator: McD. 10-20 tractor; McD. F-30 tractor and power lift cultivator; McD. 2M corn picker; Case power take off field chopper. New Holland 77 hay baler; JD 12A com ine, . e\\ Holland ensilage blower; JD-tractor manure spreader, 1 year old;^JD 490 torn planter. 1 year old; McD. 3 bot. 16" tractor; °" r"bbe'/ ; yer old; McD 2 hot. 16- tractor plow; NI 4 bar side rake, McD. 9. tractor disc; McD. 8' tractor disc ; Tower IS' culti- j > packer; McD. tractor mower: NI 32' elevator and hoist; Gehl ham-1 5 4;*f - harrow- 2 "<*ion harrow; manure i hnv racU«- wnnrl wh er' 5 >'«hber tire wagons; 2 combination hay racks, wood wheel wagon and steel box; wood wheel waeon 6 box; 2 drive belts; corn sheller; 2 silo carts; electric fence controlsnow fence; 5 Surge milker units; 2 McD. milker units and extra pail; Surge milker pump; McD. milker pump; 2 wash tanks- pinelin* " " for 52 cows; 40 chickens; 500 chic brooder; 3 lantz forks stock ^ank Cowboy tank heater; 2 Stewart electric clippers; Oster 'electric CIID' jper; 1952 Ford model F1 pickup,truck; toe household furniture Lunch Wagon On Grounds i PAUL DEWANE -- CHAS. MEYERS i Terms: (25.00 and under, cash, over that amount V* down and balance' in monthly payments plus carrying charge. Buy what you want, sign I your own note, no co-signers needed. Settlement must be made on 1 day of sale. - 9H0KP J>AMES CORPORATION, Clerk Phone 110 Woodntork, 111.1 The 130-h.p. Y-block \ -8 spells "fine ear" It's a brand n«w Ov*rh«ad-Volv* •ngio* of d««p-biock, low-fricfien design offering 18% mor* powor . . . quieter engine operation ... better economy, too. The 115-h.p. Iblock Six "fine car" tike the new V-8, it hat deep-block build for greater rigidity, longer engine life. It hat low-friction de> »ign plus high-turbulence combw Hon chambers for more savingt. Plua five optional power assists you'd expcct to,find only in America's costliest cars These fine-car power options are available in Ford at extra cost. You can have Master-Guide power steering, Swift Sure Power Brakes, a 4-Way Power Front Seat, Fordomatic Drive (or Overdrive) and Power-Lift Windows front and back! More than ever . . . r . o . a . r . THE STANDARD/orTHE AMERICAN ROAD Fowl's new Ball-Joint Front Suspension spells "fine ear" This revolutionary new Ford suspension is far simpler and ignore compact than conventional suspensions. It allows greater up and down wheel ' • travel for a smoother ride ... helps keep wheels in line longer for consistently easy handling. You are cordially invited to come in and see the car that's setting the trend in style and performance. Test Drive it and you'll want to drive it home! 54 FOrd Designed lor a lifetime holiday of better oookmg, these five copper-clad stainlesa steel beauties will occupy the place of honor underneath her tree. Give the gift of cooking pleasure and kitchen beauty t&at millions enjoy every day... give the magnificent Revere Ware il-Purpoae Set packed in a richly-colored cheat, it's the one gift ahell treasure above BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 Main St. H You're Interested in an USED Car Phone McH^enry 1 McHenry, I1L Be Sure to See Your Ford Dealer KJEVEAJE WA*£ Stop in tomorrow... while quantities laatl I DORMIYI* *19.95 WEST BCND FLAVO-MATIC $12.75 DORMEY H*»die>t helper Is ** Uahtweigh'. P"**" able elet»n< »«*•* Mre* *elerte» Wfc * full •urtwtic-wtMi yiw Nft fe* it yew Bhe it. Stwti fMrUaf In eeowd*. ik«h foeM *ff wlw cslfee ie re«4y, keep* k plphg •IsetrJe Telech/on clock moxiniwm £f/Sfff R o l l 8 COLOR-GLO TUMBLERS IMreakaUt onodized ia I kfilftant metallic colon. Keep* drioki 14 wn*y. Se» •( tieiptat coke, rof •tld diiwrt and taladt. w-.. T ~ Hieivei hold ^ ^ _ •--el fi.i.h, five' w coTo'^ FLINT BEST EGG BEATER •yle« |e«n fim ml Ktk tf • fa|l> Ortiofc fciali en tiHf Im ALTHOFF'S McHENRY COUNTY'S LEADING HARDWARE 001 MAIN sy. PHONE tM McHENRY, ILL. \