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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1954, p. 6

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gyii* "8ay|y's|!!i|p^j!.v.ii r.Mjroiry 0.1954 WANT AOS PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE . V~. RING 3,150 DOOR BELLS FOR |1 JJO WITH A PLAINDEAJLER WANT AD Published every Thursday at McHenry, III., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. NATION Al I DUO* I Al "as^C^T^n BURFEINDT, Gen'l. Manager 4DBLE PROEHLICH, Editor BUSINESS SERVICE Painting and Decorating Wall Taping and Spray Painting Free Estimates Call 77-J 40 WALL & FLOOR TILING Our only busings - not a sideline. Prqmpt guaranteed work. Free Estimates. Call Cary 6164 or Barrington 1276 2-tf ' Plaindealer Want Ads - Ko «d counted IMB than 29 tfrtrds, $1.00 minimum. 1' insertion $1.00 (Count 6 words per line) service charge on all blind ids. Cash with order. Jkrd of Thanks--$1.00 Minimum . Want Ads close promptly at & a.m. Wednesday. SUBSCRIPTION BATE 1 Year H60 P l l l l y I9S4 Entered aa second-class matter tt the post offiee at McHenry, HI., under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS AWtMoriei and Seat Coven coeorortiiY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 - 1 Block East of the River Bridge 0pm Week Days 9 nun. - 6 pan. Bnrtyi: 9 am. to 1 pan. 12-tf A DEPENDABLE CAR IS YOUR BEST INSURANCE WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS---We sell, repair and install pumpa. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. S6-tf -0- BJEAUTY SHOP 210 S. Green Street Fitzgerald's Building Phone AUoe -- 292-J or 706-M 16-tf Accordion lessons for beginners. Accordions furnished. For information, phone, McHenry 430. 27 tf Expert Sewing Machine Repairs Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Singer Sewing Machine Ox 221 Benton St., Woodstock 284 35 tf FOB RENT FOR RENT -- Heated 4 room apartment, 2 bedrooms, gas stove and refrigerator included. Phone McHenry 742. 33tf FOR RENT -- 5 room year round house. Hot water, automatic oil heat, garage. G. Makofske, Orchard Drive. McCullora Lake. 40 FLAT FOR RENt -- 4 rooms and hath. Oil stov* heat Garage available. Call 137-R. 40 FOR RENT -- In West McH«nry, unfurnished, unheated, lower 6 room apartment and garage. Adults only, $65. Call 1101-M 40 HELP WANTED 'Wf ' '>1' • vA • Centrally Located For Quick Service FRED J. SVQBODA & SONS SEACO SALES And SERVICE Repairing -- Rewinding -- Rebuilding - Electric Motors -- All Models Automotive, G^0|gi|oM? Starters, Artnaturefe DAY Or NIGHT | ^ " Box 416 - Liljraoor Subd. PHONE in '«•" " MeHeniy, nMnob • - * . F- v*"- •; • ' ** • a •^E-^fcLjBaEEEEte^gB ^Lr --E---- G --A LS ' _,v'i v ' | REAL ESTATE f % WANTED f WANTED -- MEN - WOMEN -• Are you in need on money? Rawleigh products holds the answer. Become a dealer and serve your neighbors during convenient hours. "Your old Rawleigh dealer will continue to serve rural trade." Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ILA-52- M-W, Freeport, 111. 37-4 studio K 109 E. Elm Available ft* Clubs, Parties, Instruction and Business. -- Hourly Rental Call 746 or 962 for Information 35tf Wells Drilled and Driven. 2" and IV. Garrelts and Rogers, Phone 534-W-l or 539-R-l. Rt. 4 McHenry, 111. 35tf Anderson Tree Service - #*• Waukegan Road McHenry, I1L Phone 724 • Complete Service . 37tf 1953 DESOTO Firedome V-8 Sed. 1952 LINCOLN Capri 1952 OLDSMOBILE '98' Sedan 1951 DESOTO Club Sedan 1951 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe 1951 CHRYSLER Wlndser New- , port 1951 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1951 FORD V-8 \ ton express truck 1960 PACKARD Custom Sedan 1950 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe 1950 CHRYSLER Windsor Conv«i 1950 FCRD Deluxe 2-Dr. Sedan 1949 CHEVROLET Sedan deliverer* panel truck j 1946 PACKAHD Convertible 1948 CADILLAC Sedanette 1948 CADILLAC '62' Sedan 1948 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1948- BTJICK Roa dm aster Sedan 1947 BUICK Super Sedan 1947 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1947 OLDSMOBILE Sedan 1947 CHEVROLET Sedan 1947 PLYMOUTH Sedan 104$ PLYMOUTH Sedan 1946 CHRYSLER Wirdsor Sedan lPlf OLDSMOBILE Sedan 1941 CHRYSLER Sedan (2) 191J PODGE Redan 1P4J PLYMOUTH 3 Pass. Coupe I93F CHEVROLET 2-Dr. Sedan The First Choice Of Cautious Car Buyers CABS POOLS . SEPTIC TANKS r-fi- Pumped and Cleaned ' 1 PHONE 1480 no answer, call 1383-R-2 G. A. DOUGLAS Lakeland Park, Rt. 120 ; McHenry 6-tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home. Piano and Piano Accordion Clarinet and Saxophone EARL P. KOCH . Phone McHenry 1470-M WANTED -- Receptionist, experience preferred. References required. Write Box 425 cane of Plaindealer, stating qualifications. 38-tX HELP WANTED -- Man, married or single to operate dairy {arm. Modern, 5 room duplex home, pleasant surroundings. Call Leo Miller 620-R-2, manager Westwood Way Farms, McHenry. 39-1 WAITRESS WANTED -- Steady work. Fox Hole Tap, Riverside Hotel. 40 WANTED -n>' Dental assistant. Experience preferred but npt required. Write to Box 428, care of '.-'rvnde-ler, stating qualifications and references. 40 FOR SALE -- Country home, city WANTED -- by Singer Sewing conveniences on large wooded Machine Co., old sewing machine: river front lot Gaa heat, auto-! that can be used as- museum matic hot water, 2 bedrooms, 2 i pieces. For details please phonr car garage. Cement seawall, pier Woodstock 294. 40 and boat. i3ood transportation to Chicago. McHenry 696-J-l. 32tf FOR SALE or RENT -- One bedroom home, upstairs unfinished, oil furnace, full basement and garage, available March 1. Near S t . Mary's c h u r c h . RepQMe of Plaindealer, Box 427. 40 UAL ESTATE FOR BALK ON FOX RIVER -- gmall y*ar around -home, attached garage, nicely landscaped lot, only $10,600. ON FOX RIVER -- Large 7 room home, year around, insulated, two car garage, overhead door. Price at only 914,500. > ' For information call at qggf office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ, Realtor Tel. McHenry 87 Sltf FOR SALE -- Property *n McHenry, Wonder Lake, Island Lake and surrounding territory. Homes Cottages, Businesses and other types of real estate. HELP WANTED---- Woman wanted for general housework, and help with children, own room and bath. Good salary. Phone 984. 40 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS -- Clothing (good condition) for entire family. Formals. Open Tues., Thurs., Sat., 1-5 p.m., 6 - 9 p.m. Wed., Fri., 1-5 p.m.; Sun. 11 l.m. - 5:30 p.m. Closed Mon. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Consignment and Resale Shop. Phone C. L. 1346-R-l. 90 eow COLBY MOTOR SALES Crystal Lake, Illinois 1119 PHONES 1111 FOR SALE -- 1952 Tudor Ford Ranch Wagon. Call 1156-W. 40 BUSINESS SERVICE "mhsox IIJKI ... N.ew and Used -- Terms Motors and Boats Service, Refinisfting and Storag< BOX'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104 Vt S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44-tf John Reinboldt GENERAL CONTRACTOR 7#* Types Of Carpenter Work Satisfactory Guarantee Call McHenry 137-R 82tf PVllik A. FREUND (Formerly Eddie Huff's) SANITARY SERVICE «. Clean and pump septic tanks* eespools. Phone McHenry 877-W FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons for til makes, carbon paper. L. Kilo., ("lay Si.. WooCitock. Phone 5*9. 7 - t r FOR SALS!--Year "round COM ~T*T and ECONOMY with FIRE-PROOF J o h a s - ManviBe Home Insolation. Installed by the V'allfill Co. Call Leo StilMng, 200 v Pearl, McHenrv 18. 4-tf FOR SALE McHENRY - 5 rooms, glaaed in porch, completely furnished, gar- • i -;e^ 60 ft. water front on Fnx River, near Johnsburg. price $10,- 500.00. \ JACOB FRIT? lT- Realtors in Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37 40tf FOR SALE -- 2 bedroom home on large lot near McHenry. Low price for quick sale. For information. Call 687-J-2. 40 FOR SALE' -- 2 bedroom home oil heat, garage. Full price, $8500. Call Mr. Burger, McHenry 237-J 40 Foil SALE -- ! Havincr purchase' a business, we have 2 homes tor .le at Wonder Lake, overlooking the lake. For further infermatio call Wonder Lake 3393. ,&9-t WANTED -- Ironings to do In my home. Call 874-W. 40 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for iron, metais and Junk cars. Ed Marah, phone McHenry 583-R-l. 88-tf WANTED TO BENT WANTED TO RENT -- 2 or 8 bedroom house or lower apartment. Chemical Engineer, 2 children. Phone Wonder Lake 3748. 40 MISCELLANEOUS Fish Fry Every Friday Night Pizza, Friday and Saturday night "Alibi", €hsrs Place 180 S. Green St. Sttf PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of filing application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity or Permit aa a Local Carrier under the provisions of The Illinois Truck Act. To Whom It May Concern: The undersigned applicant hare* by givey notice to the public that there has been filed with the Division of Motor Carriers of The Department of Public Works and Buildings of the State of Illinois an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity or Permit as a Local Carrier with base point or principal place of business at McHenry, Illinois for authority to transport by motor vehicle the following' commodities: Livestock, Lime and Like Merchandise. All parties interested in this application and the public hearing to be held thereon may obtain information relative thereto, by addressing the Chief Clerk, Division of Motor Carriers, Ridgely Building, Springfield, Illinois. Any parties desiring to oppose this application shall so xiotify the applicant and this Division in writing within five days after the receipt of this notice. Dated this llth day of February, A. D. 195^, BERNARD R. MATCHEN, Applicant Address: McHenry, Illinois "F-Farming District" under section 9 so that it would come under subsection 12, which is as follows: "Hospitals, clinics, sanitariums and institutions". That the present zoning of the above described property has created practical difficulties and particular hardships on the petitioner and has hindered it from carrying out the purposes of the operation of this camp to benefit a greater number of crippled and handicapped children. ' The applicant respectfully petitions for the re-zoning of the property hereinabove described from "R-2 Residential District to '"F-Farming District" so tha& i' may function . under sub-section 12, thereof, or in the alternative a variation be granted to the above property so that it may extend its charitable work and care for a greater number of crippled and handicapped children. CHICAGO CLUB FOR CRIPPLE CHILDREN, an Illinois Corporation, organized not for profit. By: ALBERTA GINSBERG, Preaident Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of February, A.D. 1954. (S&A&^ JJ>ELE Z. RBCCO Notary Public 210 S. Green St. McHenrv PHONE 1IS6 • I7tf SITUATION WANTEi) 1 • ' • 11 i WANTED . -- Will child while mother by the day or week . in, McCullom Lake.' transportation. Call *0 SITUATION take care* of works, either at my home Must furnish ."54 7-R-2. WANTED -- Baby sitting evenings. Also daytime if transportation is provided. Phone 638-W^l. 40 FOR SALE -- 36 ft., 2 bedrdbm. 1952 house trailer, completely furnished. Sacrifice. Can be financed by reliable party. Phone McHenry 636-J-l. 38-tf A new supply of Terrip Lee Spring Doll Clothee at VyelteFs. 40 FOR SALE -- 9 cu. ft. refrigerator with vegetable bin, excellent condition. Reasonable. Phone 511-M-l. 40 FOR SALE S.HENRY - Year round ranch type home. 4 rooms, breezeway, 2 bar garage, attached; automatic oil heat, on main Highway near McHenry. Price $10,900.00. JACOB FRITZ -- Realtors in Johnsburg, Phone McHenry 37 40tf FOR SALE -- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 40f Richmond Road McHenry, IH. Phone: McHefcry 421-J 24"tf Need A Router Stamp r it nt the Plaindealer. Get WANTED -- Carpenter work and remodeling of all kinds. No job too large or too small. Hansen Bros., Box 364, McHenry. 40 Will take care of 2 convalescentpatients or elderly ladies in my home. AH modern convenience^. Graduate nurse in charge. Reasonable rates. Good food. Excellent care. Call 596-J-2. 40 o i ^ i~i r WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED A new dress or bonnet for a: Valentine for your daughter's1 Terrie Lee Doll at Vydtal's. 40 j Will do sowing - shorten skirts > and minor alterations, also have1 supply of homemade fancy aprons forr gale. T&l. McHenry 1075-J. 40 Win $25 in merchandise of your own choice at the Riverside Retail Factory Outlet Store, westend of old bridge by naming the sncrol word. This, week's clue is "used everyday." 40 Owner may Kjlfelr-Tj^in's liirt tlkt v»as left at the Mike FreundV anniversary party by calling a. 106 Richmond Road and paying for this ad. 40 in Person Pete Hamil and His Orchestra Saturday, Feb. 18 at CSub Lilymoor - Route 120 40 Wo have oa*h. buyers for your' homes, summer homes, terms, and business properties- We can seB your property If your price Is right. JACOB FRITZ -- Real Estate la Johnsburg feL McHenry St 27-tff" • '1' 'I' 4' •!' •£' •!' *1' 4* <• 4* •> LETTERHEADS How to Profit from * NOTES FOR BUSINESSMAN: JOB PRINTING Every letter you mail tells two stories. The one you write and the one your letter's appearance tells. S o, don't let yourself be handicapped at the outset with poor printing. Call us today. APPLICATION OF CHICAGO CLUB FOR dRlPPLE CHILDREN FOR RE-ZONING OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, VARIATION FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCES OF McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS: Now comes, CHICAGO CLUB FOR CRIPPLE CHILDREN, a corporation of Illinois, org&nized not for profit, by its President, and says as follows: 1. That it is the owner of the following described property: Lots seven (7) and eight (8) of Riverdale, being Peter H. Klapperick's Subdivision "of part of the North fraction of the Southwest fractional quarter of fractional Section eight (8), Township fofcty-ftve (45) North. Rswige East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 1 of Plats, on page 36, i; McHenry County, Illinois. 2. That it has been operating on the above described property as a summer camp for many years not for profit, but for the care of cripple and handicapped children: 3. That it is desirous of increasing- its facilities so that a gr/?atar number of crippled and handi- •apped children suffering from erebral palsy can be cared for at aid' camp. 4. That the local contract^- 'ith whom arrangements have sen made to add to the existing. r'seilities of 'the camp has beor "cpd to nrooeed because said property is now zr \s "Ri tieiiidencial District"; iflt because of the use of this •roperty it should be zoned r BOWMEN 1MEETING Northern Illini Bowmen will hold their next meeting Feb.- 16 at 8 p.m. at Royal Inn, McCullom Lake. A social evening and entertainment will follow, with Lynn , Cheney, Lea Bergdahl, Duke Adams and Joseph J. Crick on the committee. Alexander Hamilton was " th? first secretary of the treasury. k CAMPUS AutLt WV0BEAUY ; You Save Safely On our Cash and Carry Pin McHenry Cleaners 16t Ekn Street lMharj PHONE 104-M / - We Give and Redeem Gold Bond Stamps Dollar D*ys will be held in McHenry on Thursday and Friday, Feb. 19 and 20. The Plaindealer will be printed on Thursday. \ BREAKS WRIST Mrs. Eleanor Renard had the misfortune to fall and break h$r wrist last Thursday evening. LARGE 2-DAY AUCTION Located 8 miles North of Barrington, 111., 10 miles Southeast 'of McHenry, 12 miles East 6f Crystal Lake, 12 miles Southwest of Grayslake, being M> mile South of Route 176 in the Village of'Wauconda on old Route 12, on TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 16 & It Commencing at 11:60 o'clock each day FARM MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 TRUCKS--1950 Ford F-l % ton, 1949 Ford F-6, stake body w'/dump, 1938 1ton, stake body w/dump. 4 TRACTORS, COMBINE & FARM MAOi.--JD model B 1946 trac., JD model A 1946 trac., McD. model M 1945 trac., McD. model F20 1935 trac., MH 7 ft. combine w/30 hp. Wis. motor and pickup attach., McD. 8 ft. grain swather, JD field chopper w/S0 hp. Wis. motor, corn and hay attach., Gehl field chopper series FH 49-30 hp. water cooled motor w/corn and hay attach., 2 Gehl blowers w/110' ft. pipe, 2 JD power corp binders, JD 2-row trac. cuH^. JD 12 ft. grain drill w/fert. attach., 2 McD. 2-14 plows, 2 McD. manure spreaders, JD 7 ft side dely. rake, McD. 7 ft. power mowir, Ottawa 40 ft. steel grain elev., Lets No. 340 mill, McD. 12 ft. dump rake, McD. steel hay loader, 2 3-sec. drags, 3-sec. spring tooth harrow, Seaman 6 ft. tiller, Rosenthal 8-roll corn husker, Badger Barn Cleaner and a very complete line of farm machinery, tools and equipment. LIVESTOCK, FARM PRODUCE AND DAIRY EQUIPMENT WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 127 HEAD DAIRY CATTLE--17 Registered Holsteins, 29 Guernseys and "the balance gtede Holsteins. 71 Milch cows, some fresh, some springers, 55 heifers, 6 mos. to 2 yrs., some bred, some yearlings and calves. 1 2-yr. old Registered Holsteln bull. (All animals are home raised and of good milk producing strain.) HORSES--Team matched black horses, wt. about 2 tons, about 10 and 11 yrs. w/harnesses., 1 gated saddle horse, 8 yrs., gentle, w/new \vestern saddle and bridle. PRODUCE--2.500 bu. corn, 1,800 bales alf. hay, 300 bales Canary Grass hay, 600 bales straw, 1,000 bu. oats, 18 ft. silage in 16 ft. silo and 25 ft. sil>age in 12 ft. silo. T> * TT>Y F^l,TJT>MTr'VT---5-u*ilt DeLaval milking machine, 3-ton size water cooled refrigerator unit, 50 p&Uk cans, 18-can milk cooler, 24- ; can size milk can rack, large dairy wash t^nk, cream separator tnd milk testing equipment. > RONEY FARMS No. 2. Owner ROBERS * MHM, Auctioneers •WIS. SALES CORP., Clerk PHONE 195 Union Grove, Wis. RIDER WANTED -- Would like rider from Lakemoor to Wauconda days. Tel. McHenry 516-W- 2 after 5 p.m. 40 residence, Foot street. FOR SALE -- Automatic fourwave hair dfyer; 5-pc. leatherette kitchen set; juke box; violin. Also miscellaneous items. Call Mchenry 568-M-l. 40 FOR SALE -- 2 female boxers, 1 18 months, 1 22 months. Housebroke. Good with children. Obedience trained. $25 and $35. Cur* ran's Broading Kennels, Rt. 12 / McHENRY PLAINDEALER III N. Green Street PHONE 170 4>4'44< ll i i'il"h»'f4 j j ? I IWL MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWlK Write Jim* ad «a the lines ftelow. One werj In each space. Please print eaeh word plainly^ CLASSIFIED Waal* Ad HSIM Per Insertfoto ,4e A WORD $M0 MINIMTTM AH boM faee or cap lines tSc per BMb Let Ponnlos Bring You Dollars Copy wast reach the McHenry Plaindealer Offiee M*n Wednesfejr 10 A. JL 16-tf McHenry 632-M-2. "Would happen if Advertising was -- GARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTION Al. " residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH Sales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14.^ JAUNTING AND DECORATING Quality and Service Call Stan Johnson ^ McHenry 890-J after 6 p.m ' 6-tf Candid Weudingfs from Home, Church and Reception KOLIN Photographers Commercial, Publicity, Sports and Photostats Wl 566-W-l McHenry, 111. 44-tf FOR SALE -- Tapestry davenport bed, full size, with extrp cretonne cover; reasonable. Tel McHenry 1075-J. 40 FOR SALE -- Bassinette with lining, like new. Bathinet; bottle sterilizer; stoker, best offer; metal carrier for top of car. CaV Pistakee 552-M-2. 40 FOR SALE-- ALUMINUM WIN- j DOW6. The Wallfill Co., Leo' SUHing. 200 E. Pearl, McHenry | 18' 48-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home nrivil^ges, near depot and schools. 109 Ma!h Street Phone McHenry 100-R. 20-t' iPrees Trimmed and Removed by • r*5NT -- 6 room house. ibQwAs. Free Estimates. Phone --Hi In Btngaraod. -Bbona 33.49 Jfcxt Mufh, McHenry 2T2-R. 40 Wonder Lake. 40 Radio broadcasts would siop. Newspapers and magazines would cut down in size and raise their subscription price. Business would drop and sales personnel would be laid off. Production would slow down and business Sbj paralysis would set in. There would be no incentive to improve old pro- || ducts nor make better ones, and there would be no effective way of creating a demand for the new. Our economy is built around aggressive selling jij Mid advertising. It would go to pieces without them. "It Pays To Patronize Plaindealer Advertisers" "VN •••••• T_: I ;T I mil • • IL A • pe Sure Name and Address or Phone Number Is On Ad. Name Number- Times To8)» Amount Encloeed Address Phon«

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