-- LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOfi By Marcella Foss • imiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuuiuiiiutMiMHWHiuHiumtittiiiiituiiitmwfiiittHittiiittiiinttHiJiitttfiuttuii^ h Winter Carnival The village of Lakemoor is busily preparing for a winter carnival which will be held Feb. #7 and 28 by the ladies' auxiliary of the fire department. This affair will also be the grand opentog of the Community building and fire house combination, on which the men have worked so very hard the last two years. Starting at 7:30 p.m. 8aturday evening, there will be games galore and booths for fancy goods, candy and bakery goods. There Will also be a floor show approximately every hour. On Sunday afternodn at 3 o'clock, free movies will be shown f«r the children on the new projector which the auxiliary purchased in the past month. Donations for the candy booth shoul be given to Helen Para, while donations for the bakery goods booth will be accepted by1 Mrs. Buchwalter. Pat Morrison is in charge of the fancy goods booth and still needs help to fiaish some articles on time, , Pood will be served, with Mrs. Hyatt in charge of this booth. Many other attractions too numerous to mention will also be included, so come on and mark these dates on your calendar and •give it your full cooperation. There is no charge for admission. celebrated her birthday with a dinner party on Saturday, Feb. 13, having as her guests Mr. and Mrs. A. Trice and children, Mrs. Allier, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ahrens, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ahrens of Morton Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Joe McGovern of Arlington Heights. Louis Pogany was seven years old on Feb. 14 and a goodly number of Lakemoor children helped him celebrate the day. This month also brings around another birthday to Irene Godina on Feb. 19, and Pat Morrison and Jehny McDermott 6n the twenty-fourth. Celebrating anniversaries this month will be Mr. and Mrs. Nor- ;nan Morrison on the twentythird, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foss on the twenty-second, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kawell celebrated their day on the fourteenth. Lakemoor Wishes all of you man# happy returns of gay. h Illness 11 Saturday evening, Mrs. An- || drew Anderson became very ill " and was rushed to the Wood- : stock hospital. Mr. Andersoh f, is grateful to the doctor and the i. ambulance service for the won- ' j derful service in this emergency, j • We hope you will be out of the hospital soon, Mrs. Anderson, p and be around for all the doings planned for the future. x Over the weekend, Agnes Lepke ; i was home from DeKalb visiting ; • with her folks when she had the * misfortune of turning her ankle • on the road, injuring it enough i to keep her from returning to school on Monday. We hope it will not lay yon up too long, Agnes, and you will soon resume , your studies at the college. •r Mrs. Midiri, a one time resi- ' dent of Lakemor and former - owner of the food store, is in '{Suburban hospital in Oak Park '.recuperating from an operation. | I am sure she would be glad to '•hear from her old friends here. j} Birthdays and Anniversaries The month of February was a , fausy month for birthday parties '-'and anniversaries in the community. • Mrs. Clyde Fryer of Lilymoor General News A Valentine party was held by the 'Teen-age Girl's club at Marge Rhrh&rdt's home with Pat Steadinan, Karen and Thelma Netf, Judy Diedrich, Carol Szarek, Joan Schringa, Virginia Godina, Pauline Kalemba, Elizabeth Ko8Sup, Mary Ann Swensky and Marlene and Nancy Ehrhardt attending. Games were played and about six of the girls had cameras and took pictures. Refreshments were served. Dorothy Wruhlewaki entertained her pinochle club on Tuesday, Feb. 9. She served a delicious luncheon. Prifces wen won by Mrs. Foss, Mrs. Leon .and JArs. Forbes. The McDermott bowling teafn rolled a mutch game against Hallowell & James team of La- Grange on Sunday, Feb. 14, at Lagrange. EVen tKough * they won the first two games, they were beaten in the third game and lost the match by forty-four pins. All the girls bowled excellent games and Mac was really proud of them. There will- be a return match on Sunday, March 21, at 4:30 p.m. at the McHenry Recreation. They were also taken out for dinner at the Lilac Farm. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Turner over the weekend was Chris Emmert of Goshen, lad. Mrs. Fellows of Chicago was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roy Ericksont for the past few days. Emma Kunz entertained the Fun Club last Wednesday night. It was the celebration of the birthdays of Pat Morrison, Irene Godina and Jenny McDermott. Bunco was played and a midnight snack was served. Decorations for the evening were planned on a Valentine theme. Gifts were received by all of the birthday girls Visiting Emma over the weekend for dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Klein and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kossal of Chicago, To make the week complete, the Kunz family also went to Wilmot, Wis., for tjie nineteenth wedding anniversary party for Al's brother, Ben. Last Saturday evening, Phil Kibbee, Roy Erickson and Larry Booster accompanied their sons to the father-son banquet in McHenry. Next Saturday evening, the L.I.A. social club will hold their monthly meeting _ at Wally's tavern on Rt. 120. It will be a penny social and all members are asked to bring some article with them. Miss Corbett and Mrs. Dorgan will be hostesses for the evening. Refreshments will be served. The meeting starts about 9 p.m. so come out and enjoy yourselves among friends and neighbors. Two local boys, Sunny Mc Seed Cleaning and Treating For maximum yield, seed grains require a good job of treating, in addition to cleaning, under the average conditions in this area. Wie treatment is wore important than the cleaning. We are equipped to thoroughly clean and treat your grains with DU PONTS CEKESAN M as recommended by the state. We can also GRO-OOAT your legume seeds. To avoid delay or disappointment, make ah appointment NOW for doing the job "WHHJBS-TOU-WAfT." McHenry. Mills, Inc Phone McHenry 811 f* MoHenry, III. i ' 0000000000 o r •I: . I r1- ' < ! jUMd right 1 priced right! cars we know were treated right, serviced right, make your wisest.used car buys! Htre's why we can offer you uaed care with a known record of careful use: The great majority of our new car customers are repeat customers. We know they are responsible people who take good care of their cars. And, siflce most of them depend on our service work, we know their cars get regular, factory-approved service. When these cars are traded in, they make the best poesible used cars, geod for years more of economical, dependable driving. tf that's what you're looking for, come in and see our selection. We can show you cars that flaw been treated right, and we've priced them right 1 Plymouth headquarters for vajue G You'll find the ctr you want, at the price you want to pay, at your Plymouth Dealer's. Make him your headquarters Mr used car values! • artful'^* IDefiiioU and Bob l<erman, have qualified to go further in wrestling and will compete at Elgin, hoping to qualify for state wrestling championships. Stella Blades has returned from a trip to Bermuda and Ray Blade was met by his Wife in Springfield, Mo., and returned home together. Now they can settle down to a "vacation at hOflM." •fflageW™. ' The small village of Lakemoor has taken a very active step itt helping to curb the problem of stray dogp throughout the territory. At the last regular meeting of the board it was decided to maintain a dog pound out of village funds. In charge of this shelter will be Police Lieutenant Frank Bitteumann. The pound will be located on the Bitterman property, which is on the edge of the village limits, thus it should not disturb any of the village residents. The drive to pick up stray dogs went into effect on Feb. 13 -- a very appropriate day for the unlucky dogs. The business section of Lakemow was officially lighted this past week when the newly installed street lights were stvitdhed on for the first time. These are four thousand lumen lights. The lights for the residential sections are now in the process of being installed. They are to,, •>e twenty-five hyndred lumen. At a special meeting of the village board of Lakemoor, the president's appointment of Edward Kamin, Jr., as director of civilian defense for the village was approved. Mr. Kamin will work in conjunction with county authorities in preparing a civilian defense program for the municipality. The Village of Lakemoor has approved an ordinance securing a police alarm system to operate through the Illinois Bell Telephone company. This along with the newly installed police radio system, which after final completion will connect with the county system operated from the sheriff's office, will provide more efficient service and protection for the people of Lakemoor and vicinity. On Tuesday, Feb. 23, the fire department will hold their meeting at 7:30 p.m. In McDermott's building. A Red Cross" class will be started within the next few weeks for the firemen and anyone wishing to attend. Watch this column for further details. "Gat," the slang word for gun comes from the Gatling gull which was used before the modern machine gun. NEED OF FEDERAL PROGRAM TO CONTROL RABIES The only way to solve the rabies problem completely is to establish a uniform federal control program, says Dr. R. E. Witter of the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. Several foreign countries have adopted such programs and are no longer bothered by rabies. The last Illinois General Assembly established a state-wide rabies control program which is a step in the right directidn, Dr. Witter believes. Each county in the state must appoint a licensed veterinarian as a rabies inspector. He must see that all dogs in his county are vaccinated against rabies each year. The first vaccination must be completed by June 1, 1954. After that time, all stray dogs not wearing a vaccination tag will be picked up and confined for at least seven days. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST V 136 S. Green Street McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) 1 WriCS EXAMINED --- GLASSES KITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY f» to 12 A.M. and I to S PJML WMDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:80 PJL EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 Then they win be disposed of if their owners don't call for them. The small fee charged for the vaccination -^wlll be used to finance the rabies program. If you dont vaccinate you? dog, you must keep him in the house or a pen, leashed or muzzled. Persons not cooperating in this program can be fined from $25 to $100. Police who do not pick up stray dogs c*M be fined from |10 to $60. Rabies clinics (have been se up at Sterling, Rock Falls, JoBet, Paiis, Carmi and Jacksonville to test both humans and animals for rabies. If a rabies outbreak threatens |n any part of the state, the fetate Department of Agriculture can quarantine that area. ICE CREAM STILL THE ^Finest: ICE CREAM Made... _£>•• Try It Today I A Li FLAVORS BUY rr AT ... BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Green St, MeHeury, I1L T brought BEN •fe l5davfSrH?EE •IT: 1 4 ? I v - Lvlwtf high airflow drying safe for all fabrics £ Try a BENDIX Automatic Got DRYER ~fn your own home • 0 for 15 days. NO 081IGATI0NI Call Today! Frankly, I couldn't take itl Binding, stretching . • • worrying I Yes, I worried ... about the weather, 0 was my clothesline strong enough, would the wind blow the dothes off the line, would the clothes freeze stiff? I'd heard about gas clothes dryers ... but never seriously considered owning one. Then I called Public Service Company! They arranged for me to try a new Bendix Automatic Gas Dryer in my own home for 15 days--at NO OBLIGATION TO ME WHATSOEVER! Not only dp I fed better, but my clothes are cleaner . . . ftuffierl Ahh--yesl Just one phone call jgave me a sunny washday disposition. You can see tho new GAS Cfoffcet u Dryrt at our nearest appliance storm** • or your dealer's.. PUBLIC COMPANY •j: ' K' Ti * isllp •