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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Mar 1954, p. 11

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„ fjw v,? • , ' » < • r >» .* • %" " i> > ' ' , ' * * **. «". * x " - • ;r'!::i „ rr^l;. v.'£*'" • *&•-- ' -.tff wmmmmrm f^:A •WS1P Wonder Lak£ News By Vi Selfc Sea Explorers , The April meeting of the" Tlie members of Sea Explorer1 Harrison P.T.A. will be held one Ship, No. 545, met Sunday to' week earlier, on April 6, so that plan for their "landship" which all the candidates may be introwill be used at this year's cam- j duced to the membership. Meetporee. The Explorers officers include Skipper Ernie .Vogt and First Mate Robert, Kolar, who lead the boyS; Boatswain Robert Cormier,- Boatswain's Mate John Cecich, Yeoman Peter Bastien, and Crewleaders Ait Frenssen and Carl Poedtke. The crewmen of the Explorers are Gary Vogt, Dan Lundborg, J. Mahal, R. Hoffman and Billy Speur, taken into membenMp at 'the Sunday .meeting. ing time is 8 p.m. Election day is April Mi Entertains Visitor - Miss Carol Eisenhart of Waukegan was a weekend guest of Nancy Swanson of Wonder Lake. Miss Eisenhart and Miss Swan* son enjoyed the plajfc at the Woodstock Opera House. . . Car-Horse Crash Morris Carlson has sued Harry Hunt for $1,000 in McHenry county circuit court. Carlson claims he was driving his car on the Wonder Lake blacktop when his car and a loose horse were involved in a collision. He claims the horse belonged to Harry Hunt. Oyer the Top i Wonder Lake's ,bran<Sh of the Red Cross was the first in the county to top its quota. In only one week's time, the Wonder Lakers had piled up a total of more than $800 against a $700 quota. Mrs. Ruth. Redman, branch chairman, said she could not speak too "highly of the fund drive chairman, Ed Doutlich, who made this amazing effort possible. Birthday Party Harold Stewart (Butch) Armstrong of Hickory Falls celebrated his tenth birthday March 20. Present to help the youngster celebrate were Frances Pillef, Dennis Mahal, Roger Ensminger, Dennis Nolan, Terry Nolan, Dannie Conway, Larry Conway and Scottie King. . The group played games and enjoyed refreshments. Home on Furlough Tommy Martin son of the George Martins, has been home on a furlough from the Army. I Gospel Church Netts • The pastor continues to apeak in this Lenten season on the general subject, "Calvary's Cross," on Sunday mornings at 11 o'clock. Next Sunday, March 28, the theme will be "The Cross Signifying the Love and Wisdom of God." .Jn the evening of the same day, there will be a missionary service, sponsored by the Missionary Guild, with guest speaker, special music and a social hour, following the program. As to coming events, we wish to call attention to the coming of the "Northlanders" on Friday ^ evening, April 2, at 7:30 f^.m. < day of ^Apdl They are renowned Gospel singers and artists of piano, voice, accordion and lute. . . The Communion service on Good Friday evening, April 16, at 7:45 . . The Easter Sunday services and our ninth anniversary service as a Sunday Bible School. •ft 5 RY PLAINDEALEH Page Em«n ONE the following who helped to r>trrrrr< lMppp make this luncheon possible: w»'tii 1/AWViLn Mesdames Johnston, Mieling, SPOTS FOR FIRES Decker, Ensminger, Koch, Cook, Belshaw, Johnson, Bailey, SamkUB, Weisenberger and Swanson. These women also took charge of, . . _ classrooms during the noon hour | ca*j£er . aPots while the luncheon was being and chances served. and heating system In her spring Clean-up. In addition to cleaning accumulated grease from even, broiler and burners of .her stove, ahe The modern housewife is ' In should inspect pipes, flues and charge of one of our chief fire j 0ther connections carefully, and -- the home --. call in a repairman if anything are greater than seems amiss. She should also inever that one or more members J spect all portable heaters, makof her family will lose their lives ^ ing sure they are clean and in j The McHenry county council u> a home fire! | good condition. of Parents and Teachers met at< , . • ' i the Harrison school on Thursday,! Most, recent **** if j"8 The he*tln* system in a §ri- March 18, at 8:30 p.m. Five units • ?oraes frT a survey m53e ** a vatp home' needless to say, canof PTA were represented at' in9uranc* company j not be tackled by the housewife ^ v~ .„-- which shows that four-fifths of herself - a Qualified exoert the annual fire deaths orfgtotte in the home. 4-Jf'ers Plan Play Hie Busy Bumble Bees 4-H club, the memibers of whom are the senior group over the age of 13, are planning to give a play at the Fun Fest in Woodstock next .month. A meeting to select the cast of the play was held at the home of the leader, Mrs. Mildred Lundborg, last Saturday. The next meeting of the club will be held April 14 at the home of Carol Bell. School Board Local residents will have five candidates to choose from at the school board election next month. The terms of Tony Audino and Frank Cheney expire this year. Audino is running for re-election. Cheney his decided not to run again. Other candidates include Arthur Miller, Francis Marion, Gladys .Gustavson and Wallace Sinclair. The other members of the board .include President Joseph Lundborgj Helen Reuter, Wally Dean, Roy Swanson and Dr. Raymond Watkins. Harrison P.T.A. A. luncheon was serve# t* thfe faculty and custodian of Harrison school on March 17 at the noon hour at school by the Harrison school P.T.A. The faculty "and Mr. Majercik were presented with hand-made paper flowers with a green tint. These had been made by the Wonder Lake Brownie Scouts. Miss Leslie Decker, a second grade student of Harrison school, made the place cards. Miss Decker fashioned a shamrock and clay pipe designed place card to fit in with the St. Patrick day event. We wish to thank the Brownie Scouts and Leslie for these items Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation Avoid iRtestfnl Upset! Gat RtfMTMi 6mM VegttaU* Uaaltn Wayl For constipation, amr take harsh drag*, They cause brutal cramps and griping, disrupt normal bowfcl action, make tt» petted do*es seem needed. When yon are temporarily constipated, get surt but gent/e relief--without salts, without harsh drugs. Tike Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained la Syrup Pepsin. The extract of Senna ia Dr. Caldwell's is tmt tf tbt fmut mwtmral laxative known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes good, give* gentle, comfortable, satisfying relief of temporary constipation for every member of the family. Helps you get "on schedule" without re* peated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Euy Dr. Caldwell's. Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle to Box 28C^ New York 18. N. Y. Bexel B tm mm- WAY TO rnn TOUR CMUHN VfTMMSI topmily fnptii Mother! Bezel Multiple ^Vitamin Capsules ere made lor children *ib£. sized for children ? and so pleasantly flavored moistt yvomuinngtfsstteerrsa wwiillll rreeaedd*^^ ily take themjwithout^protest! Try Bexel (or Children today UOO dsyslsuj^ Iply^costs less th«nl3o*per. day! f CHILDREN: Den't forget to get your "Magic of Vitamins" Comic Book. Your drugstore has it • • • 4io charge. • MOTHER'S: There's a booklet for yon# too, • • . "Memo to Parents" • . things you should know about the "forgotten ag|e" of childron. BOLfiER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. Gmn St. Phono 40 McHomy, Bl this meeting and by-laws for the council were drawn up. The next meeting will be held at Carv oft May 20. * Those from Harrison 'o welcome guests to our school and community were Mrs. ,1f. O. Marion, Mrs. Alford Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swanson. The service! table where refreshments were served at the close of the meeting was very beautifully decorated With jonquil and fern deco: ated candle holders with white candles on white linen. Thanks to Mrs. Marion. and Mrs. Mieling, who do such splendid work aa hospitality chairmen. Mrs. Johnston pour4 ed the coffee and tea that was served with the delicious individual cakes. Remember, the April meeting of the Harrison school P.T.A. will take place on the first Tues- April 6 -- at 8 p.m. at Harrison school. This is a date set special for the month of April so that we can brhig to you the candidates whose names will appear on the ballot when you come to vote at the election on April 10. qualified expert must do the job. He should dean, service and adjust the heating plant, flues and chimney, apd inspect the entire system for defects or weak spots which may need repairs. This will help assure safe operation of the system when cold we&ther comes Compared with the record of twenty years ago, this survey reveals a dangerous trend: deaths in burning buildings have been gradually increasing. This does not mean only the widely, publicized fires which take many : aKalnlives. Most of them are home i . . . . fires, in private dwellings, tefte- | ments, apartment houses and j Jk « m ^ I C rooming houses --• each claiming r\ Vl w i l l ^5 perhaps only one or a few victims principally young children and old people.. Because many such fires are caused by overheated or defective stoves and heating plants, and oil stove explosinons, the National Board of Fire Underwriters urges that every American housewife include her stove ROBERT HAY "THE LOW OVERHEAD WAY' General Contractor New Construction and Remodeling LET ITS FIGURE FOR YOU Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4 McHKNRY, ILLINOIS Business and Service Directory WONDER LAKE USE OUR EASTER LAY-A-WAY • w* CROSLEY and COLEMAN Products Household Neoda <r> Bottled Gas -- T.V. Service REUTER'S GENERAL STORE Hsaoeck Drive Phone WX. 4*81 ALL PHASE Plumbing DfSHMA&TER Push Button Dishwaaher Completely Installed only $55.00 Phone WX. S651 New Horizons In Building 1 Cristy and Stendebach GENERAL* CONTRACTORS Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 3301 WONDER LAKE Guilders SUPPLY Free Estimates £ Delivery Phone WX. 3231 Virgil's AUTO REPAIR "AUTOMOBILE WRECK REBUILDING" Frame - Alignment • Fainting At Wonder Lake 1 Mile North of Route 120 on Wonder Lake Blacktop Road WX. SMI • Kite Pbone 4101 T. P. MATHEWS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE •f AM Kinds • .e;- WWDER LAKE 3061 Street's Hickory .Falls Phillips 1B6" Service Station • Washing • Greasing #*Ttres 0 Batteries One block So. of Ringwood Road on Blacktop • North-end of Wonder Lake . . . Phone W wider Lake 8651 SANITARY SERVICE Pumping and ' Cleaning • Complete Septic g ^ Systems Installed L. PERRIN Phone Wonder Lsfce 5672 or 8281 have news items o! interest to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2$33. In The Plaindealer 4-Hra6jSBcT LISTS PICTURES FOR PLEASURE Many parents who've never had a chance to study paintings of great artists are happy to. see their 4-H youngsters being given this opportunity. A new project, "Pictures for Pleasure," is being introduced in minois this year. Planned for members who are high school Although a member may s£i only one of the project units i during a club season -(four or I five artists), the works of more than forty artists in eight me* ! seums are included in the seven | projects. Members will choose a print "'for framing, plan the mat, have it framed and hang it in some room in their home. They may choose one »>f the prints studied, or they may select one from the home adviser's list of 300 prints approved for the pro- Out-of-fioors." If is -not required that younger members frame their prints. age or older, the project will be j Jectoutlined at room improvement j "Pictures for Pleasure"'is the training schools throughout ^the J fjrs^ project of its type to be offered in Illinois for older members. "Through the Eyes of the Artist" j!s still being offered, but with Vchanged . requirements. Three units are being offered for the second year for members below high school age: "Pictures on Your Walls," "Pictures of People," and "Pictures of the state by Mary McKee, state leader of 4-H Club work* Miss McKee says a member may choose to study any one of seven different groups of artists. The county home advisor can order color reproductions of the prints in each group, or project unit. A handbook describing. the work of the artists will toe furnished for each uhit. The emphasis is to be placed On the manner in which the picture was painted -- the ^kill required -- rather than on the life of the artist. TIME TO SOW Scott5? Gross needs a helping hand long before apple blossoms and spring fever Takes only a few mmutss with a spreader and you can Scoff ft Yoursmli. Swttk LAWN SiED 70% scarce Kentucky Bluegrais--all perennial grasses-- Makes the deluxe lawn in sun or shade. l i b 500 tq f t - $2.45 2% '*> • f 5.9S TURF BUILDER -- Clean--Odorless -- Keeps lawns vigorous & sparkling green. 10 lbs per 1000 sq ft needed -- ?5 Ibt 2500 sq (I - $2.50 10.000 sq ft - $7.95 ACE HARDWARE W. B. BJORKMAN 8t SON 190 N. Riverside Drite PHONE 722 Metfeary, HI. Passengers are not permitted on the navigator's bridge whea a vessel is under wsy. There is no maximum weight-, for a heavyweight fighter. NAUV CONGESTION AftftOClATtO WITH M(AO COLOO MAY CAUSE or, SINUS ASTHMA, HAY FEVER. Astasias New Treatmcnt-FREE TKIAL Thousands have wctiwd anwin», fm re 1fMrom w ith cfcis acsMUMMi. new tiiwiwi. ijwptoim k|7 fo*t, idhaa. thras hcMachM, finmt in ioNhcad. •onota in «nt, cfcitfc hooM, top *4 head, hack of head and down neck, vkta ciiri h* n*al con am ion. Write for 7 DAY rUE TRIAL, K)STPAiD, ao com or (Mhiclon to try it rzcrpt; it k agreed roa «• mail k back, pomaid at end of trial per led if not amazea with remits. * -- Laboratories, Lodi. California. " >' ; V STOP fDHKMM ftfa facUafout CASTS BEAUTIFIES fWTECTS COSTS LESS COMPLETELY SATISFIES HOLDS WATER PRESSUti 3 KST IT TEST ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. IASTING PAfNT ' „S. ftr' flisoMir 547 MAIN ST MoHENRY. OX. completely kevnotad THIS THE car pictured here is the 1954 Buick SPECIAL 2-door, 6-passenger Sedan -- and it's tomorrow in every line and curve and feature--even to the years-from-now design of that broadly arched new windshield. The price shown here is the price of this glamorous automobile, ready to roll--the local delivered price. Now --just put this this price against anything on the automotive horizon today, and you'll know why it's literal truth when we say, "Buick, the beautiful buy." It gives you more style modernity, more visibility, more distinction, and more advanced features than other cars in this Buick's price range. But even more important -- it gives you more room and power, more ride comfort delivers locally for on^ *2266" 1*54 SPICUl, l-Mer, t-Pessea«er Ma Mill MB (illustrated) *0{Mfonal equipment, accessories, state and local torn, if any. additional. Prices way vary slightly in adjoining coewtmiKee la shipping charge*. All price* subject to change wMom node*. and steadiness, and more solidity of strife ture than other cars at its price. Come in and check that--in this big, bold beauty of a Buick that delivers to you for just a few dollars more then tk* so-callsd "low-price three." ; We'll gladly seat you at the wheel and let this sensational automobile tell its own story. Qui you make it this week? WHIN BfftHt AUTOMOMUB AM MULT MttCK W«L SIIf» iftk the beautiful buy Fv»l efficiency hmp hi »n*ry 19S4 Bwldt V8 engine--with new Power-Head Pistons that insure maw compactness in the fwl charge, mare ciri*o Ihrvst from high compressim MIITON KtlE SIA*S fOK BUtCK See the Buick-harfe Stk>« T«dM Eeaaiaaa R. I. 403 FRONT STREET Motor PHONE 6 MCHENRY* 2LL2M01S ill

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