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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Mar 1954, p. 12

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Twelv* f . f i - W F 1 |R vrw £ •' »*WTi. P-1 W'TR?J "^h\ "J*. .'• • »'£'Y . ,'i? • > * * • R I N G W O O D By Mrs. George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Olson of Belvidcre .called on Dr. and 'Mrs. Hepburn Sunday. William Cruickshank and s<m, William. Jr., attended a short- Chicago Saturday at the Con- f horn cattle sale at Knoxville. 111.. rad Hilton hotel. Thursday. Ring-well farm, of Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Seegert ; which Mr. Cruickshank. Sr.. is manager, consigned two bulla to this sale. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrison Mr. and Mm. George Shepard vitertaiffetl their five hundred ditto Tuesday evening. Prizes 0f McH^nrv spent Friday evenwere awarded to Mr. an<j Mrs. jng in tlie cleurge Shepard home. Kenneth Cristy, high, and Mis. ^ and \lrs. ..Aissen attended R. E. Whiting; and Pele Sebas- ;J party at Woodstock Satu'day and children of tBurlington spent tian, low. ' 4 ~. evening. ' ' Sunday afternoon in the Mis. ^TTie Woman's So« i« tv foi . ^i,. an(j Mrs. ^Robert Low of I I^na Peet home. •Cfcristian Service meeting \ ^ a-d Mrs Walter} Mr. and Mrs/ Claretjce-Adan^ mid at the home of M*'-"./J*-* • ' ^vniO,x of Woodstock aftd Mr. l and family speiit Sunday With Muzzy Thursday. A pot-luck din*-an([ m,s. Walter. Low and family l her patents. Mr. and Mrs; Jpe tier was served ^at noon The, usu- suruiav in the Beattv-Low '• Condon, at Richmond. 2 « b ' ; ' • ' ; ' . • t M r . a n d M r s . R a l p h W h i t e o f '*% ftntV Mrs.,, Henry Seeger t, j Wonder Lake spent Sunday af- .1£A ^ ' .1 : £);,Val;. Hutso-n. Frank Reser, | ternoon ' in the Roy Harrison _ . : VW; ^P^'i.iV-.lolin DVeyiniller and William | home / - • * 1 Speaking Neighbors ih the. (<|a.xt„n. \,f McHenry were Sun- j 'vrnrii.n T*j.f nf vi«rfn Southwest." , j (iHv dinner gu.-Ws in the Oeore* Marian J^^;Qf; Elgin , The school "ehlldrfnw.CJ ^Vp^'home* Mr. >nd Mrs L *pent'the; ^kend^l^r iiome m plays, "The Kink in KittUys,,M.ju;hi ajld daughter. Karen! ! ' ^ ' A* ' Wedding" and, A!oi-|iii}g^ i'son; :I>arreli: of Chicago were ! Charles -Caitl of Hines hospitaP spent the .weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mis. Lester Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Roy HanisOn islt- THE MCHENRY PLAIMDEALER <&*>>{? VU ** ?&4R . U OE ,AE4F • - - I. |r"' jiVi mi i! f mi.;i. -• • t •- _ . r. | 1;.. ' ' * WIlMklHy# Vt&JTCIl 25# 195^ 'V IT Pays to Shop At Home | Crystal Lake spent Wednesday the Solon Milta rest heme Sun- ; evening in the M.«. Ltna Peet I day afternoon. tionals and Mrs. the lesson - on Mrs. Flora Harrison and Stanley Jepson were supper guests of his aunt at Wauconda Thursday evening. Judge," in. the chnrclv ftall \Vedtinie and .son. Darrell, Of Chicago were a ft e! noon, and evening guests. *Mr, and Mi~j. Heniy Marlowe fr. Y F. met at the• and tanulyJ , Mr.^an• d Mrs. Wa-yy nce i and, d,a ug,h .t er. Edith, -were vi? e home Fiida\ Donahue and famil•y of Huntlev• ,• I ors a*t Waukegan Sa.tu rd.a y. _ ' Howard Wattles and son, Donald, j ,r T : ,, of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. hesda v even ing. • -A. ;«o'" ia 1 Mid refreshments 'followed!. The-junior M.John Skidmoie evening. Rev. Samp.p gave talk on "Right from Wrong. . Gum^s were play,-,) snd ImnO, ! i™»* Ha.nson »„<i family spent Was served. - •The dedication ct the church (Mill wUl be SuniKiy evening.! Mis.#Flora Harrison and Stan- April 4. A pot-luck supper will j J^.V -jepson visited friends at be served: J ;Sunday home. in the C. L. Harrison Among those f:om here attending the card party at St. Peter's church hall at Spring Grove Wednesday were Mesdames Roland Bauer. William Cruickshank. bonis Hawlev. Roy Miss Virginia Jepson of Chicago spent the weekend in the Ben Walk ing ton home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Benov and family of Hebron spent Sunday in the Paul Walkington home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson of Libertvville spent Thursday ev- Hari7 ^Aoker- | ening in the Ben Walkington home. Mrs. William Hepburn and ••Harrison, Chancy Harrison, Ben j Heine home in Chicago. Walkington, George Shepard, F. ; and Mrs. Henry Hinze of N. Muzzy, Lester Carr, Oscar ; " Berg. Viola Low. Anton Wieser, Russell Rasniussen Leo Hiller ; and Clai-ence Adams. j Mm. Donald Brenrier and-chil-j dren of Arlington Heights spent ! Tuesday with her parents,. Mr. • and Mrs. C. L. Hatrison. J William Harrison of Round { Lake called on his mother, Mrs. I Flora Harrison. Mondav. Mr and Mrs. George Shepard i spent Monday in the Alan Ain- j g* home at Hebron. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison attended the Pure Milk meeting , Kenosha Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, man of Waukegan spent Sunday evening in the William Cruick- j shank home. Mr. and Mis: George Shepard ' urday afternoon with friends at spent Monday in th<* Willia-n Antiorh. Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn i Mrs. Charles Brennan spent Satcalled on Mrs. Susie Evanoff at School News Ringvvood school is going on an educational tour to Milwaukee. They are going to the Omar bakery and Washington Park zoo. Loretta Feezel and Jerry Hogan got the Kiwanis club awards from Ringwood. Ringwood had' films last week on "Plants and Baby Animals." Mrs. Art Hoppe substituted for Mr. Andreas, who attended a funeral at Harvard on Tuesday. Donna Low was 8 years old last week and Susan Fossum Was 7. Esther Betts had her .'inoculation shots Thursday. . ,' - v Sandra Hoffman and Evelyn Harrison-were ill last week. Jay Walkington •x" School Reported LANDING AREAS Illinois' now" has 451 restricted landing areas for . aircraft, the largest number on record, according to a report by Joseph K. McLaughlin, director of the Department of Aeronautics. Restric* ted landing areas are used for the operation of private aircraft and as emergency fields. Most of them are in county localities. The American clipper ship en was from 1850 to i860. AVOID THE RUSH! Have Your Lawn Mowers - Sharpened and Repaired NOW! Lawn Seed and Fertilizer ADAM'S REPAIR SHOP PltfTAKEK ROAI) 'Inhnsbnrg, IIL Phone Mellenry 434 Pre-Wrapped! New Design MODESS fW SAL-SAM Pfatfe Lanch Box Linfr 2 fmpsrtmtnts O A( White pUttie . O v W. A. Brind White I MINERAL OILl 59< 8-ci. Bottlt Pertussin I for Coughs! 3 sizes, tyx 12 39? WILDROOT SPECIAL! • 50c Dispenser • i-ownce 7QC kCream Oil/ \ Limited Time Offr"] Grove's BROMO QUININE Cold tablets Package of 16 ... . "W«lgr««n BrcnJ" 43c Chlorophyll TOOTH PASTE S|MciatOff«r! 4 f C ••**•»! .. Banish bad breath with Natures own "Green Magic " Large size . . 89 NYE DRUG STORE Ifou.'>ie, /Jtuui4fA. ^liJeicxxme, 129N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY]! KEEN AGENCY DRUG STORE WITCH "W0RTHM0RE," FULL PINT Large Six* ALKASELTZER Tube 25 tablets. OLIVE TABLETS 3®* OR. EDWARDS' LAXATIVE (Limit 1) 54'IPALMOLIVE ML 0 REGULAR SIZE BARS (Limn J) u FREE! 25* CWMtm's Sin Q layer Asfiria SUPER ANAHIST Antihistamine APC! Vitamin C! 20's. 98C Olafsen Thiamin Chloride Tablets Helps improve appetite 98C With pvrcfitse of too Adult tit* »t 62' 10-itif. bottle pf 100 SO-mj. 100'i 2.98 10-ountt S.S.S TONIC Inc rcdsts appetite .ENO Effervescent SALT CQe | Gentle anlacici loxalive Reg sizeUv 40c NOXZEMA CREAM <)Qc I Medicated 2V|-ounce ]ar only . . 4kw Colds Get You Down? ANEFRIN Antihistomine for checking annoying sneezes & sniffles Tube of 36 89' OCTINE EYE DROPS Soothes refreshes tired eyes Vi-oz 1" fr A DOLPH LINIMENT Antiseptic body ;ub 4-oz bottle | Dr. Scholl's ZINO PADS Super-soft foot comfort Box . . Stock Up Now! 10' FUSE PLUGS 15 (o 30 *Wc amperes . # Steams 4 Hottn1 PRAKT-KAL VAPORIZER Automatic 495 ihvt-olf . . Due -tional spout SPRING CLEARANCE SALE! We Must Make Room For Summer Supplies. All Toys At Deep Cut Prices For Quick Clearance. Save 40S to 60' , On Nationally Advertised Toys Now! LOOK FOR THE; "NYE BUYS" S«»ingj-Prict</ *H5E-A2T5I NVGA LPUAED! 3vd control . . Removable cover Modem Detign "Starter" G-E Electric Alarm Clock Shatterproof try9 8 t«/. Etiy to re»d<9 Ivory dyna-line coso. K Trial Silt T hen You Buy *1.25 Stepette DEODORANT Get both for only , 1 25 Regular 1 0c POCKET COMBS 2 T S< Luxury Mints or Fruit Drops 3110' (Limit 6) Carton of 50 BOOK MATCHES 2 23* (Limit 2) ^ oi. Sue Sodium Bicarbonate 13S (l imit i) If it's a job for Bottled Gas ITS A JOB FOR SHELLANE of tho K R U S E HARDWARE COMPANY Richmond, McHenrj' County, IO. Long DUtance Phone 101 Farmers' Outlook ILLINOIS RANKED FOURTH IN FARM INCOME IN 1953 Th(f USDA recently released its estimates of 1953 farm income. Here is a quick summary of the report:" In 1953 farmers in the United States sold $31 billidn in noncash income from their, farms, which Consisted of home-raised food and rental value of farm houses ($2.1 billion in homeproduced food and $1.8 billion in rental value of farm homes). This non-cash inpome was e;qual to 4S. per.'.^ent Cash - income. W •' Fanners often overlook the rental value of their homes when reckoning their income. Typical city families pay out one-fifth to one-fourth of their incomes for rent.; And generally they, muit use taxable income'- to make the payments."' . ' Now for some comparisons: Farmers' receipts from farm marketings were about 4 per cent less in 1953 than in the previous year. Production expenses were off a bit less than 4 per cent. Net cash farm income was down five per cent from the 1952 level and off 13 per cent from the 1951 figure. But it was 4 per cent greater than in 1950. the lowest year since the war. Except in 1951, net farm in- Kome h£s declined each year since 1947. The 1951 exception occurred when inflation aet in along with the disturbance in Korea. ?*he value of farm inventories • crops and livestock on hand •-- was marked down by nearly $700 million in 1953. This decline was in sharp contrast with con-* ditions in the previous year, when inventories were boosted by about the same amount. These inventory changes made farm opetatois' total net income 14 per cent lower in 1953 than in 1952. The business nature of modern farming is shown by the large cash production expenses in relation to income. For every dollar farmers received they laid out seventy-two cents to cover production costs and were aWe to keep twenty-eight cents for themselves. The importance' of animal agriculture in the national food supply is shown by the figures for 1953. Farm receipts from the sale of livestock and livestook products totalled $17 billion, while food crops brought in less than $6 billion. Thus the sales of animals and animal products brought in three times as much as sales of crops for food. The big end of the nation's grocery bill is for beef, pork, milk, butter, eggs and, poultry. Cash receipts from marketings from Illinois in 1953 are estimated at $1.9 billion, or 5 per cent less than 1952 and 1951. Illinois ranks fourth among the states in farm income. The three higher states and their cash receipts were California, $2.6 billion; Iowa, $2.3 billion: and Texas, 2.0 billion. : Sanitation and. diet are important factors in clearing up cases of skin disease in cats. Lack of fat in the animal's diet may be a predisposing factor. CAlMYOINBttf C0MIN6T0IT' MIV'THW WttNT WANTED PUUED • CARPETING • LINOLEUM • TILE T • WINDOW SHADES • VENETIAN BLINDS NIESEN'S FLOORS 89$ Main St. McHenry, BL Phone*: Office 88 -- Res. 787 VOTE FOR ' HARRY C. HERENDEEN Jr. REPUBLICAN CANDIPATE FOR SHERIFF OF McHenry County Over 7 Years A Police Officer And Chief Deputy Sheriff Your Vote and Support Will Be Most ^ Genuinely Appreciated PRIMARIES: TUESDAY. APRIL 19. 1954 EXPERIENCED QUALIFIED CAPABLE ' -i See The Great New The Cars That Are Setting The Style Hend PACKARD'S adva need contour styling means more car for your money now... more money for your car when you trade it in. It's styling that stays in style -- a new concept of design pioneered and perfected by Packard. This advanced contour styling ... willi its bold, sweeping lines, high-level fenders and low hood ... is setting the trend in automotive design today. It's a functional beauty that gives you greater visibility front and back, puts you in a position to drive more comfortably, more relaxed. It's so typically Packard . . . with a look of quality, dignity, character ... an advanced style-setting look that is far more than skin deep . . . that Packard look. Two Great New Lines Of Quality Cars PACKARD... Americas New Choice hi Fine Carsi The 1954 Packard Patrician /m 4-Door Sedan > W'k PACK4RD ... fine Car Quality At A Ripular FILCE 1954 Packard CLIPPER Special Club Sedan ' .C M<LO RE BEAUTY. More advanced styling, more; fine-car features than any other car in its price class, because it's Packard built! Borrow one from your dealer and experience Packard quality in the medium-price class! S & S Packard m. 405 \V. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 1010 Worwick's McHenry Camera Center Cameras, Photographic Equipment Amateur and Professional y Bought, Sold and Exchanged Photo Supplies VIEW MASTERS and REELS See Us Before You Buy Worwick's Studio 117 N.. Riverside Drive PHONE McHENRY 275 PROFEKIOnRL DIRECTORY DR. ARTHFR J."HOWARD" Chiropractic Physician 124 S. Green St., McHenry, HL Phone McHenry 1068 'Hours - Mon. and Fri. 10 to 12:30 - 2 to 8 Tues. and Thurs. 1 to 8 Sat. By Appointment Only OR. O. R. SWANSON Dentist 120 S. Green Street Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday . 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:36 Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 VERNON KNOX Attorney At Law Cor. Green and Elm Streets McHenry, II). Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days by Appointment . Phone McJUenry 43 WILLIAM M. CAltROLL, Jr. Attorney At Law IIO1/2 Benton Street Phone Woodstock 18S4 Woodstock, Illinois JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney At Law S09 Waukegan Road (RFD Box) Phone McHenry 492 West McHenry, 111. FRANK S. MAY B L A C K D I R T Sand - Gravel - Driveways Excavating Route 5, McHenry, III. Phone: McHenry 580-M-l Sand VERN THELEN t Trucking Gravel Black Dirt Excavating Tel. McHenry 588-R-l or 588-W-1 Box 218, Rt. I, McHenry, 111. A. P. FREUND A SON® Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service _ ROAD B11LDING Tel. 204-M McHenry, 111. INSURANCE Im^VRL R. WALSH Flie, Auto, Farm & Life Lnsuranfa Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 43 or 958 Green 3b Elm McHenry, 111. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. Si Phone 950 . B I N G ' S PLUMBING and HEATING BOB FRISBY, JR. Quality Fixtures-Radiant Heating Gas and Electric Water Heaters Water Systems - Water Softeners , Repairs - Free Estimates v Phone McHenry 289-M FEED W. HEIDE ( Realtor Complete Insurant** Service TELEPHONE 150 McHenry, III. •

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