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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Mar 1954, p. 13

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"i * ? ' • -•,£ s_ :<• • •¥$$ :'vl : rt| sf^gpr ssr # - •If^ssp • *••«*X'. ^« - a' , »-»' , •• *"• • «X J • V* " »' ' 1 'i%7C ;#,jt ••'"i Thursday. March 25. 1954 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB • vF' Page Thirteen LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR By Maroella Fow ii. NUMEROUS •HJIFG HWAY PATROL FORRCCIE S IN U. S. UNDERMANNED ' Girl Sedut News The new Girl Scout movement WbicSi is being organized in this vicinity will have Mrs. Duncan as its leader, Marge Ehrhai;dt as assistant leader and member of the committee will be Pastor Liberty, Mrs. Kalemba, Bill Duncan, Mr. Hopppert and Helen Wolf. As this organization progresses I will have more news for you so watch this column. Oenm| News Sunday, when Mac's bowling tefim met the LaGrange team at McHenry, they were again defeated by the visiting team. Though our girls bowled above their usual average and won two out of three games, tota1 pins counted and they lost out in the last game. Many of the people from Lakemoor wet?v there to cheer the girls on and after the games they all went to the Vogue for dinner. Congratulations to the LaGrange team ai^l we hope the next time we meet we will be able to beat them.' Remember the Red Cross meetings on Tuesday evenings in the McDermott building at 7:30 p.m. It is not too late to start thi? ten-week course. Last Wednesday evening the Ladies' League met for their monthly social meeting at J&K's tavern. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Steadman, Mrs. Simons and Mrs. Williams. Saturday evening the Paras. Posses, Ericksons, EM Kamin and Stewart Clark went in to Chicago to the dance sponsored by the Happy Go Lucky 61ub, of which Marie Dorgan and Olive and Jessie Corbett are members.. The evening was enjoyed by all except that Olive Corbett could not be there because of the flu. We all miased you and hope you ai'e well on the toad to recovery When you read this article. We were sorry to learn ol Vincent Schiavone's accident on his way home from work lasl week but are glad no one wa* seriously injured. Mrs. Ann Brzezinski had an accident Saturday while burning papers in her yard. The wind blew a piece of burning paper around her leg but luckily she was able to put out the fire before it reached the rest of her clothing. Mrs. Sally "Koch just informed me that she and Charles Rogers Will be married in May. Good luck, Sally and Charles. (To Mr. Karmel of Lilymoor wfe extend our sympathy on the death of his father during the past week. (An Editorial) One reason why speeding firibut the biggest surprise of all vers and other law violatois on was when Mrs. Walter Para. the nation's highways are causcame down with them last Mon- j ing so many fatal and sei iuua day. She is well on the road to j accidents out on the open road recovery but she said it was j becomes clearer in the light of County Public Aid Rolls Show 168 Receiving General Assistance Illinois public aid rolls totalled I of the program increased 264, of the Association of Casualty and Surety Companies, is ifiucH distir.bed by specific fact3: That only three states have a 40-hour work week, that only 11 have even a 48-hour week for state police, that in other state3 they . , , i work from 50 to 100 hours, and ^ persons in Januaiy, Gar- j and downstate counties 349. As-[ at the Polly P:im Wedne3Uay that 5,000 to 7.500 more men are ^lt W; Keaster, executive secre- | si.stance ' J needed on state police forces to Jfry of the Illinois Public Aid begin to give the public &e. Co™»**ion has reported. Twice Told Tales Twenty-Five Years Ago Seven good bouts were pulled rough going back to your child- a statement by a noted traffic ers quate protection against speedhood days at this time.. j safety authority that jlate p >-. Some of the children who were • I'ce and highway patrol forces unfortunate enough to contact *re sadly undermanned and overthem were Mickey and Terry Morrison, Dickie and Susan Bitterman, Terry and Nancy Godina and Nancy and Kenny Ehrhardt. To these, toothers I have one thing to say and that is, "Be glad it's over with." Jenny Valone has been ill for the past three weeks with the flu. She went to Chicago last week ortte day to celebrate' her woiked. On rural highways, where speeders are tempted to ride fast and furiously, these guardians of the (public's safety should be out in sufficient numbers to discourage excessive speeds and, apprehend the lawbreakers. But the sad truth is that they are not. "When the cat's away, the mice will play" is one way son's birthday with the rest of I describe the state highway her family but said she could not enjoy herself too much because she was still too weak. Birthdays The paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Cunny >f Island Lake, and the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Johnson of McHenry, helped celebrate the birthday of Kenneth Daniel Cunny, son of Kenneth Cttnny, on March 11. This was the little fellow's first birthday. Belated birthday greetings also should go to Roy Erickson, whose birthday was March 12. Next time,' Roy, we - p to catch it on time. Burke Romkowski celebrated his third birthday with a few of his friends last Saturday afternoon. Those present were Rickey Foss, Tommy Para, Rozanne and Katlfcrine Brzezinski, Barbara and Carol Erickson and Jimmy O'Brien. 'Hie children played °;ames and were served ice cream and cake by Mrs. Romkowski. Favors were received by each child. On Sunday, many of Burke's relations came out to h^lp him celebrate' this day. On ApTil 2 and 3, the Mother's Club of St. Patrick's church In McHenry will sponsor a white elephant sale in the church hall. Anyone in this vicinity who has anything at all with a re-sale value of any amount please contact me at 521-R-l and I will gladly pick up the articles. 8o while you are house cleaning keep us in mind and do not discard anything that someone else may find some use for. Anyone desiring to sttend Any of the Mother's club meetings on the second Tuesday of each month 'and do not' have transportation please contact me and I will gladly pick you up. These meetings start at 2:45 p.m. and are usually over by 4 o'clock. So come on, mothers, and let'» IllneftN I show Some Interest in our chil- The past couple of weeks I dren's school. Lakemoor really entertained the measles in great style. Practical ly everyohe with children was kept in the house because of it Members of Congress are not eligible to serve in the elector*) college. ON .TUESDAY, APRIL 13TH NOMINATE A REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE QUALIFIED and CAPABLE THEODORE L HAMER FOR COUNTY JUDGE Lawyer - Farmer - Businessman Call for a REPUBLICAN BALLOT and VOTE For County Judge THEODORE L. HAMER patrol situation in many states. But these "mice" -- the speeders -- play very dangerously. Far too often they kill others, if not themselves, before they are caught in the act of speeding or driving recklessly. It should be noted, that the laws against speeding are observed by the majority of drivers but there* are •still far too many millions of motorists racing along highways at excessive speeds. Public opinion must help to persuade them to obey speed limits. There also must be sufficient police manpower to enforce the laws against those who cannot be induced to slow down to a safer pace. The President's highway safety conference took cognizance of the prevalent "penny-wise, pound foolish" policies regarding state police forces when it said: "Lack of manpower and of selective enforcement, plus excessive speed, are undoubtedly some of the reasons for the continuing increase in traffic fatalities in rural areas." Thomas N. Boate, accident The public must wake up to these facts in the states that are woefully • behind the times. It must demand, and not rest until its own state police or highway patrol forte is strong enough to wage a winning fight against the speeding evil. If it does that the public's chances of safer travel on rural roads will be increased as the number of speeders decrease. . _ prevention department mnnager dogs. February Savings'Bobd * Sales Totalled $213,351 Residents of McHenry county purchased a total of $213,351 in Series E and H United States savings bonds ih the month of February, 1954, according to figures received from the Treasury Department by Harold J. Bacon of Crystal Lake, volunteer savings bond chairman in the county... Arnold J„ Rau^n, state director of the United States saving bonds division of the Treasury Department, announced that sales of E and H bonds in Illinois totalled $41,038,356, an increase of 37 per cent over sales for February last year. Illinois sales represent 9.5 per cent of all sales in the nation In February. Keaster said the January total showed an increase of 9,541 .recipients over the December caseload. Public aid rolls numbered 262,127 in January, 1953, he said. January assistance payments totaled $11,060,998 as compared to $10,891,736 in December and ,$11,424,909 in January, 1953. An increase of 9,279 recipients over December brought the Januare general assistance caseload to 72,369. Payments under this program ^mounted to $2,357,245, an average of $32.57 a person. Old age assistance recipients numbered 102,920 in January, a decrease of 448 from the previous month. Assistance payments amounted to $5,666,675, an average of $55.06 per recipient. The first increase since last April was shown in the aid to dependent children caseload, which stood at 75,073 in January. The total was up 613 from December. Cook county recipients To give dogs some protection against encephalitis in hard-pad disease, British veterinarians have been using the same drug that is employed to control human epilepsy. The drug also has proved valuable in controlling epileptic type convulsions in Reg. Price UNITEX - $3.98 Gal. - WHITE VENEER--$2.30 Qt. - ELTONE - - $1.60 Qt. • SAVINGS You Can't Afford To Miss ... Paint Prices Good Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sun. Only! Decorator Days Price *375 Gal. - *|98 Qt. - *|35Qt. to recipients totaled , evening, with Snmmy Valns, un $2,421,642 in January, an > aver age of $32.26 a person. Blind assistance rolls gained eight persons in January, making the total 3.713. Assistance payments were $230,167; an average of $61.99 per leciplent. An increase of ninety-two persons placed the disability assistance caseload at 5,359 in * January. Assistance amounted to $385,269 or $71.89 per person. Following are January caseloads; in McHenry courity: Aid to dependent children, 17, $379; blind assistance, 1, $19; disability assistance, 5, $307; general assistance, 168, $2,398.43; old age assistance 209, $11,099. Hormone drugs have been used successfully to bring dogs out of shock and back to normal following automobile accidents. The drugs also are useful in relieving allergic rashes, asthma, and swellings resulting from snake and insect bites in animals. les of discussion and interest, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Harris surrounded by their children and nearest relatives, celebrated theifortieth i wedding anniversary at the home in Ringwood on Wednesday, March 20 Mr. and Mrs. A. Krug are now comfortably located in the William Bonslett house on Richmond road, where they moved from the house owned by Mrs. Agnes Wentworth on Fox river. Mr. and Mrs. Anton P. Freund are the parents of a 12-pound giH, born on March 20. Floyd CoviSt, Jr., returned to der colors of tlie P.P.A.C., winning the first tout from Carl Franz of Chicago. In the fourth round, Jimmy Fay won by a technical knockout from Eric Soderberg of Evanston. The Lenten season will draw to a close with the observance of j Easter Sunday on Match 31, at | the St. John's military academy which time special services will at Delafield, Wis., MondaV after be observed at the various local spending a week at his home churches. .-W-. here. Mrs. Elizabeth Thelen Pich is j in McHcnry this *week, making r Read Tlie Want Ads! preparations for the opening of f. her new millinery shop in the f Kent building on Riverside Drive. Again the twelve months have rolled. around and Aprii, the electicW month, is at hand with its questions of politics and good government in*-' township, city and schools as the principal top- Vogel |ll ITl I l i l t III III 11I IHMi l l 11 III 11 lit l lil 11111 |||,| 111 lil H IJilll'NII IjlliLlltlllllllilllllliljtlll^lililiim^lll l l l, zs I Special Introductory Offer 10% off on Wisco Aluminum Combination WINDOWS & DOORS Assembled At Toolcrafts New Plant Richmond. Illinois Delivery 10 Days, Installed By Factory Trained Mechanics " AUTHORIZED DEALER May Construction TOM BOWER, Salesman j RICHMOND 4381 or 2ASI j :iifWiNiinawiMii>»iiiii^iii|lijjjij4j.iaiJitrjii 1 n iiMii i i.uMittii.n4:ri<a«Km9*»ii*nwN»it ir JluickX ICE CREAM STILL THE Finest ICE CREAM^^"'-^^ Made... Try It Today 1 ALL FLAVORS BUY rr AT ... BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Green St., McHenry, IIL BEIT PARKS SAYSBeit Perks stars in "BcMk tit* Btnk"--on* of ttw peit TV shows broofM to yoil by yaw Dad* fetter. NOW YOU CAN SAVE 94c BUY THIS 7 INCH PAINT ROLLER .AND TRAY SET REGULAR $1.79 VALUE ' YOURS FOR ONLY LIMITED SUPPLY WITH THE PURCHASE OF Elliott PAINT PRODUCTS (ANY ONE GALLON) IF --Mi Still time to win W4 • » • • i feeksAway withDouble Pay* W i Dodgo Ro?ol V-8 4-door Sedan PLUS. ..All expenses, hotels, meals, transportation PLUS.. .'500 "fun money" <k n bp* ^ m PLUS... 2 weeks' use of an^elegant new i> VYCITAL'S HARDWARE SHEET MFTAL SHOP 182 SO. GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. PHONE as DODGE Just a few days left, folks! Just a few days to catch yourself the most fabulous, the most exciting grand price vacation that ever came down the pike. Every day, every single day. Dodge is giving away a two weeks' expenses-paid vacation for two anywhere in the U.S.A., plus double pay, plus $500 extra cash, plus the uae of aa elegant new '54 Dodge the entire two weeks. What a vacation! What a contest! And what a car! Get yourself down to your Dodge dealer's right away for that "Vacation Preview Drive." You may win a perfect vacation in the perfect vacation car. There's a separate contest each day, and you may enter as often as you like! Only A Few Days Left! Enter New At Your Dodfe Dealer's! . Dodf* DmI* TV-RiJIe tntcrtHniMnt' tort Pirks In "trMk OM lank" ABC-TV • Oanny THomas in "Mike Roorn Fw teddy." ABC TV • Raw toy lD|«n trtto Sim*, f A. S. Blake Motors, Inc. 301 E. Pearl St PHONE 156 McHenry, 1U. . J J.*;;

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