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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1954, p. 12

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' 7 ; , Thursday, April 1, 1954 V • ' s •> " ' * • . .. : • • ' .y :s« 7£ i-t: . \' • • " " • - . -V . r" ••••»-.• /> i" • THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH - 'si • RINGWOOD By Mrs. George Shepard Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. | Mrs. Georgia Thomas, daugh- George Shepard entertained at a ter, Hiley Jean, and son, Loren, ljeneflt party at the home of of Woodstock spent Saturday Ifc s. Shepard Wednesday. The; evening in the George Shepard proceeds will go to the re-decorfctfng fund of the Methodist ehurch basement. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served. Ptizes in bunco went to Mrs. Nick Young, Mrs. -William Mc- Cannon and Mrs. Georgia Thomas; in five' hundred to Mrs. Kenjieth Cristy, Mrs. Louis Hawley, Mrs. C. L. Harrison, Mrs. Oscar Berg, Mrs. William Cruickshank, home. Charles Coda teacher and a coach at the McHenry high school, entertained the freshman ] Mis. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., spent Saturday m the Phelps Saunders home at Sycamore. Mrs. Bob Brennan and son, Bobby, were Sunday, dinner guests of her father at McHenry l ^ars. FYed Davis of Richmond spent Monday and Tuesday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Peggy and Butchie Lenard of Lake Geneva spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn aud Health Talks H M I I H I t i l l IW !• The Family Medicine Chest What's In your medicine chest? Do you know? Nov that gerous. Lyes and pcisnr.s never be kept in the medicine chest. Many accidents to children could be prevenied if these substances were not J?O e&sily accessible in the medicine chest. Every home should have a clinical thermometer; first aid dressings; pint o' rubbi.v* alcottk tho meantime, clean out your medicine chest. Weed out the things that shouldn't be there and add the basic needs ;"cr emergency aid. You*li be gltd vhen you're in u pals.Mj.i jo help some one near to you. PARENTS URGED spring cleaning is uppe'most in 1 hoi, and aromatic apv :ts of am- | XO MAKE KITE . . * . • • a u.. lllATHa a mil/I in MM « Unde Sain Says t and sophomore basketball teams at a buffet supper at his home Sunday evening. John Hogan, Jr., attended from here. Mary and Pat Hogan and Annette Smith visited last weekend with Charlotte Hogan at Sunday in the Don Smart home at Waukegan. Mrs. Ben Walkington, Mrs. Pete j Champaijrn as it was "little sis- Sebastian and Mrs. IF. N. Muzzy. . .. k hdl Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. ; • Antone Wi^ser V special ?r- and Mrs, William Hepburn < • \ ^|«!and grandson, Franklin Block, , N. t .„ j left Friday for Perrysburg,. Ohio, ,i The Rjngwood ehu><* willj to attend the funeral of a rela- .'"^lebrate the paying off >af _the ] tiye 'liRFement debt next Sunday 1 ' J T> ft-ening, April 4. There »-m be ami Mra. Fred Bmvm»n & 1 # pot-luck supper at .7:30 and a spent Sunday with friends dedication service will follow; Everyone is cordially invited. Dr. Ronald Sleeth,. professor at Garrett, Will be guest speaker. The M.Y.F. sponsored a group to attend the movie, "Martin Luther" at the theatre at Crystal Lake Sunday evening. Miss Charlotte Hogan, who is attending school at Champaign, Will leave April 4 to attend the Baptist National Seminar at Washington, D.C. and Arlington. She will have luncheon with the senators and representatives of Illinois. She will be gone ten days, with all expenses paid. Mr. and Mrs. Alan 0 Wagner are the parents of an 8 lb. son born at the Woodstock hospital March 24. . Mrs. Aisscn was a medical patient at the Woodstock hospital the past week. Mrs. William Cruickshank spent Friday afternoon and evening with her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Lovelette. and family in Chicago. David McCannon of Elm^urst and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington were Sunday dinner guests in- the Paul Walkington hoifie. Tom Huemann of Johnsburg was a dinner guest Sunday in the Weldon Andreas home. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg were visitors at Woodstock Friday. Charles Carr of Hines hospital pent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr. , Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank spent Satin Jay evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ackerman at Waukegan. Mrs. Wolf Shadle has returned home from her trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisbie of G: eenwood spent Saturday evening with her mother, Mrs. Flora Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lea and family of Garden Prairie spent Sunday in the Clayton Bruce home. Duane Andreas of DeKalb spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and-Mrs. Weldon Andieas. at Woodstock. Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and children and Mrs. Jim Milligan and children of Caledonia called on Mrs. Fred Wiedrich Sr., Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Flora Harrison and Stanley Jepson were visitors in the William Harrison home at Round Lake Sunday afternoon. Herman Ehlert of Wilmot spent Sunday evening In - the John Ehlert home. School News The upper and lower rooms got about fifty .new books Thursday. Friday, the upper and lower rooms had a film, "Birds in Winter." Alvin Holly was ||*:yjears ,*»ld last week Tuesday. . , ! ' V j Sandra Wagner is visiting our school this week. She is from McHenry. Jay Walkington . School Reporter WILDLIFE SHELTERS Research designed to find what kinds of fence rows and field borders are best for wildlife shelter is being carried on by the state natural history survey in Urbana. The customary Illinois farm practice of clearing out vegetation along the edges of fields leaves little or no shelter for birds and small animals. Willet N. Wandell history survey Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ilirrl- forester, says the woody shrub son and family spent Sunday | stage of vegetation naturally with the former's parents, Mr. makes good cover close to the every householder's mind, why I m°nia for a mild atim-.ilant in not extend this unfortunat-i ne-1 ca!e fainting. A mild tincture cessity that must be eadu-ei to of »«Hne should b.* available for include an inventory of the medi-! min°r cuts. There should also cine chest? You'll be surprised jbp s°me petrolaiwn or vaseline to find that it isn't a medicine should there be an accidental chest after all, but u. receptacle | burn. Sterile castor oil or minerto house an assortment of al oil is essential should a mild things from bobby pins to a! cathartic be necessary. Don't save old medicines tnd prepared prescriptions once they have served the o use for which they were intended. Don't have bottles without their identifying labels. Manv accidents occur in the three-year-old prescription, the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical society points out in a health talk.- . Most medicine chesva have shelves. Why not organize the contents of your chest j to expedite the qmc'< and easy j home that can be handled by one location of any one item ? Cos- j with a knowledge of first aid. metics and shaving things are Bruises can be helped by the a;»- quite commonly stored In the | plication of an ice bag or cold medicine chest of • modern times, t cloth. Minor cuts sh >uld be but they should be separated, washed thoroughly with soap from the medicinal matcria's and water and a sterU? dressing necessary for first ai.l. j applied. .Are you prepared for first aid?! Self-medicatior IN I n I R 1111 ITI 111 RN IN I IIMN MN MNM N • "This next case Is clearly Justifiable Homicide, Your Honor . . . her husband wouldn't trade their old Radio in on a new T.V. set al F. M. RADIO & TELEVISION, so she shot him!" At Your Service F.M. RADIO AND TELEVISION Air Conditioners . Clock Radios CMldren's Portable Phonographs Sales - Service - Installations Pr,ompt efficient service on all makes by Raytheon bonded technicians. We guarantee all parts installed by us' for 90 days after date of repair. Aui£iorir.ed Dealers FOR • GENERAL ELECTRIC • SENTINEL • WESTINGHOU8H • ADMIRAL • SPARTON • RAYTHEON • CAPEHART • HALLICRAFTER PHONE 979 128 N. Riverside Drive tMcHenrj-, I1L --m;i hi miiiM iiiriiiiiifiiiiiiiiiriiimMiiyi and Mrs. Roy Harrison. They celebrated the birthdays of Loren Harrison and Mrs. Clarence Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Harrison attended the movie "Martin Luther" at Crystal Lake Sunday ^fternoon and in the evening visited their daughters and families at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Yardley and daughter of Woodstock spent Saturday evening in the FYed Bowman home. Mr. and Mr|. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., spent Thursday evening in the James Wegener home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ehlert of Kenosha spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Kenneth Cristy and son, !lerry, Paul Walkington and son, Jay, and Gordon Fossum attended the father and son banquet at Greenwood Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and daughter, Mabel, and Mrs. Rush visited relatives at Wiln^ot ^Wednesday. itr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., spent ground for small animals and also harbors fewer numbers of harmful insects than does a taller growth. A study of methods of holding fence rows in the shrub stage by frequent seedings and cuttings is now under way.- Head The, Want Ads Do you have clean, ster«l-» bandages and adhesive tape? How about an accurate thermonpetc ? Did you throw away the one you broke, or is it s*i»l wedged behind the roll of soiled cotton which too should have been disposed of? If you have any doubt what to keep, what to h&ve on hc.iid at all times, and what to discard ask your family physician for suggestions. He'll !>•» glad to help. Unless you take 3teps to do a real cleaning, you'll be just accumulating salvei pills, cough syrups that will bo of no use to you in an emergency because they lose their value with deterioration. Used safety razors are dsn- \0 Profits SAVE BY THI 10TH EARN FROM THI 1ST Add to or open yovr •Mount--'TODAY, to •orn mora, is dangerous, but there are a few simple gestures of first aid that can wisely be pe: formed by everyone. When in doubt, always call a physician. What may be a minor cut, b uise or burn to you may be serious enough to cause complications FLYING SAFER Here's a recipe for safer kite flying: Mix one careful boy or girl with one kite and dry, nonmetallic string; pour into outdoors away from power lines. Not following this recipe, says University of Illinois farm and home safety specialist Gordon McCleary, may mean serious injury or death to your child. It's up to parents to see that youngsters have safe kite string and a good set of simple rules to help them avoid accidents. Good kite string is sturdy and will not conduct electricity. But don't let it get soaking wet, because the water may make the string an electrical conductor. If the kite does tangle with power lines, leave it there. Kites can be replaced easily; a child cannot. Try to keep children out of fields where there are stones, stumps, ditches or other obstacles, McCleary says. Getting that kite into the air takes all the flyer's attention, and he doesn't have time to look out for tripping hazards. it-: Farmers know the peace of mind an assured financial fature can bring. Their crops, their Uvelihoed, are subject to the weather, bat they know also that a regular investment in lT. S. Savings Bonds is a sure aad safe road to freedom from financial worries. For years they have bees taking advantage of the easy methed for investment offered by your government for they know U. S. S a vino Bonds GROW. With every investment of $3 jrea receive S4 in tea short years. u. S. Titmry £ 1111 u i mum i i t minimi h rm i inn ri it i i!i i i>i w,i;i-i i:tjtit i!i!i>i!i:i!i<i!tjitu ii<t f i t't;ift i:f yj'rbMtiiiiiiM.i | Special Introductory Offer 1 10% off on | wisco I Aluminum Combination 1 WINDOWS & DOORS 3 | Assembled Al Toolcrafts New Plan* 1 Richmond, Illinois i | Delivery 10 Days, Installed By Factory I Trained Mechanics AUTHORIZED DEALER CRYSTAL LAKE SAVINGS ,, & LOAN ASSOCIATION Phone Crystal Lake 1400 1S1 North Williams. St. Crystal Lake, 111. "HAKE COURTESY YOUR C00E Of THE ROAD" May Construction 1 TOM BOWER. Salesman | RICHMOND 4381 or 2M1 1 & 11 nn ittiiii n i nif i HTiiiriiiiniiiiiii imniTi HIIITII II imii i Fuiimi mi r<n rriiiiwi«7 G CHEAPEST! WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEAJLER WANT ADS w I Who Send Taxis Are A Luxury? Add the cost of cleaning this man's raln-s o a k • d clothes and you'll agree door-to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help In a hundred differ* ent ways. When you need one. I ' CALL 723 McHENRY CAB BRAND NEW SPINET PIANOS Full 88 Note Keyboard . In Mahogany '469'P USED SPINETS FROM $37500 USED GRANDS FROM $34500 ALSO NO 8AVING8 ON FLOOR SAMPLES SAVE UP TO a *200°° ; tiurge'lSelectioa Ts ' Choose From SIMONSON'S Established 1919 26 N. Grove Ave^ Elgin, Open Mon. A FrL Evenings 9 J< 4 i J IOE IOE PROFEttlOnAL DIRECTORY DR. ARTHUR J. HOWARD Chiropractic Physician 124 8. Green St* McHenry, ID. Phone McHenry 1068 Hours - Mon. and Fri 10 to 12:30 - 2 to 8 Toes, and Thurs. 1 to S Sat. By Appointment Only DR. G. R. 8WANSON Dentist XM S. Green Street Office Honrs: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:80 to 5:3t Mon., Wed. and Fri. Eveatags By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 new PowerFllte transmission with new PowerPlow engine (jives you flashing acceleration, with no lurch or Jag! PowerFlite is the newest, smoothest automatic no-clutch transmission in the low-price field. It is combined with the new 110-horsepewwr PowerFlow engine, the most powerful ia Plymouth history! new Power Brakes / for easier stopping I New Power Braking, plus Plymouth's famous Safe-Guard brakes, gives you quick, always predictablOi straight-tine stopsw»th half the usual pedal pressure. full-time Power Steering "on duty" every mile you drive to give you great now ease in steering and parking. Protects you from road shocks, gives you precise control on bumpy roads and lets you park with only one-fifth the normal effort I yours in the new '54 Be one of the first to drive the "power-packed" new 1954 Plymouth! Let us show you the newest power advances in the low-price field--a great new transmission combined with an outstanding new engine, and the finest power steering and braking. Drop in or phone today for your demonstration ride. . Watch lor PtymwrtlTs n»w TV shdw-Thtrs % Boy"-on CBS-TV! Sm TV pafi (or km* tod itiHn Plymouth O headquarters for value Plymouth glvos you widest eholco of drives! PowerFlite fully automatic no-clutch trans- • mission; Hy-Drive, the lowest-cost no-shift NJriving; Automatic Overdrive, and Synchro- Silent transmission. PowrFlite, Hy-Drivm, Automatic Ovtfnfrftw, ! Fowor Brokmt and Row or Storing mcA ivarfaMt j at surprisingly low txfra cost. j A REGULAR '59.50 VALUE VERNON KNOX Attorney At Law Cor. Green and Elm Streets ' McHenry, 111. Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days by Appointment Phone McHenry 43 WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney At Law 110 Benton Street Phone Woodstock 1334 Woodstock, Illinois JOSEPH X. WATNttE Attorney At Law 309 Waukegan Road (RFD Bex) Phone McHenry 492 West McHervy, DL FRANK S. MAT B L A C K D I R T Sand - Gravel - Driveways Excavating Route 5, McHenry, DL Phone: McHenry 580-M-l Sand REST0I11C liripfoQdm WMli- EXCLUSIVE FEATURES • PADLOK lunar Hugo leek rtsry to tprinf* . . . •liwiMlai tmnp* mnd ImIowiI • fATSITIDTIUHl CUSHION CONSTRUCTION oMw>l»f» tuMafl That's right--$39.50 It the price! This mattress can ee# he offered fer less because It Is a peeWse $5tJO valvl HBtTS WHY... Only (he finest materials 90 in a RCSTONIC Triple Cushion mattress. An entirely dfffersnl method of manufacture b used. The wpholstery layers are sewsd together en a special machine, then locked by hand erilh fAMOK ring fasteners to the imerspring unit The complete method (even the machine) is patented! The importance of this special, painstaking manufacturing process is that you gst a smooth, firm yst springy, tuftlsss •Mttress unexceNed for comfort and durability. Yss, these are |ust seme of the reasons why this mattress must set for $59.50 ... not only here but elsewhere in Ihe United States. t| priced at its trw woke/ GEORGE R. JUSTEN & SON FURNITURE Qtmm Ot & Elm Stmts Phone 103-R McHenry, Illinois Limestoad VERN THELEN Trucking Black Dtrf Excavating TeL McHenry 588-R-l or 588-W-f Box S18, Rt. 1. McHenry, DL Gravel A. P. FRECXD & SONS Excavating Contractors Tracking, Hydraulic aad Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING -- TeL 204-M McHenry, HL INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm & Life tasuists Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance ef Any Kind PHONE 43 or 953 Green ft Elm McHenry, DL SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 31 Phone 950 SB R I N G ' S PLUMBING and HEATDIO BOB FRISBY. JR. Quality Fixtures-Radiant Heating Gas and Electric Water Heaters Water Systems - Water Softeners Repairs • Free Estimates Phone McHenry 289-M FRED W. HEIDE Realtor Complete Insurance TELEPHONE 1M McHenry, I1L

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