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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1954, p. 2

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raw; MM bms « i ii Mi M MI f> m iiii Mi'Mp wnBlit <iii ^ ^ ^ jjrip 1$ y ti M 4, n : ' ! / . •; V <w " t^W ' ^J$]7\ *£ p \:»' '• *v* ; i-\v•'A> '--,;/4' H""Y '•&h . tf*'.•^**- V'- fn&t ?*: ?• f "*>'*<< \C-kX- V-±*V * , ' * v .\v *A » •.£< -|^* «•* ^ / ^i-T' "v«" 'A* THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER • >>•»• *.>*&.?*$ -t > ;,v;;j - ... * * j» .z. . ** .sc.* , .» hA. Thursday, April 1. 1 • • »• •• • • • a • *• • hmmmtmmmmmmm m m m m m m m m mm m m mmmm*•••••••« Lecture iiroup ; 4-H Leaders Heard Book Review j Complete Coarse The Lecture club, a purely so-* The home economics 4-H leadcial group, met at MartimjttTs j ers of the county have just finin frystal Lake to hear their 1 ished" a series of'six lessons in organizer. Ann Varese, tell them , how to teach clothing consti ucabout a wonderful wedding-, j tion to girls. Participants en- There were approximately sixty- joyed „ shaiing their ideas with five participants in this leisure i one another and making the hour function. sample dress to be used by the Ann Varese appeared before j club members as illustrative maher club members to review terial. Virginia Rown's "O. What a - jack Bingham of Ring* Beautiful Wedding - The viva- wood and Mrs. Clarence Seegers cious young matron related the j of Marengo were instructors for; :-- ^ many amusing and variously dis-,j the advanced classes. Included in j Harry Putnam And turtoing experiences of a bride i those attending the classes were' Mary Pumphrey Wetf" of a socially prominent eastern Mrs. Co: a Sghmelzer and Mrs. family and a prospective groom ! Aithea Walkington of the Ring- - from'the west coast. | wood clubs; Mrs. Van Sells, Miss The Lecture club has been in Betty Wright, Mrs. Mildred existence for one year and is | Lundborg of the Busy Bumble now going into the second. The Bees, Mrs. Eleanor Wright, Hanmembers have decided to wel- <jy Helpers, and Mrs. Betty Wilcome new friends whom they will kinson Whippv Workers all of Christen Twelfth Child of O'Briens Susan Lyne, twelfth child of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Q'i^ien of Lakemoor, was christened^ Sunday afternoon at St. Patrick's church. She was born March 2 at the Woodstock hospital. Sponsors for the baby were Sam and Patricia Tomasello of Johnsbiugg. Following the christening, dinner was served to Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boston and Mr. and Mrs. Art Parks at the Tomasello home. , receive at their next meeting. Rlverview Camp 43rd Anniversary Riverview Camp, R.N.A, celebrated its forty-third anniversary last month with a chicken dinner served at the Legion Home. Charter members and past oracles were honored guests for the evening. Out-of-town guests included Neighbor Gladys Ames, district supervisor, and Neighbor McClure from Gurnee. Mrs. Agnes Gilly and Mrs. Varena Marshall of Rockford wwre guest speaker. Mrs. Gilly was organizer of the'local camp almost a half century ago. After the dinner, all adjourned to the K. of C. hall for a meeting, where plan* were made for the annual public card party to be held May 18. C.a:ds wefce played, after which lunch was served by Kathryn Worts and her committee. Lawrence Klapperteh Infant Christened The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Klapperich was christened Richard John by Rev Fr. Edward C. Coakley at St. Patrick's church last Sunday. Sponsors were William Klapperich, Jr., and Mrs. Eileen Klapperich. Present at a gathering: afterward ,in the Klapperioh home were the sponsors and their families and the grandparents. th° senior William Klappexichs • of McHenry and Mrs. W. Heelein of Richmond. Wonder Lake; Mrs. Helen Justen and Mrs. Julia Ellibee, Solon Mills. Plan Book Review For Parochial P.T.A. Scheduled for the April 7 meeting of St. Mary's P.T.A. is a book review on "The White Witch Doctor," given by Mis. Harry Stinespring, Jr. At the March 3 meeting, the drama students of Ann Varese presented an enjoyable program of reading. • Announce Troth Of Edith Harrison Mr ant} Mrs. R. C. ( Hairison of Ringwood announce the engagement of . their daughter, Edith Pearl, to J. Warren Jones of McHertry. ' . ^... - t- The , wedding .J>1$e in th«i late summer. ; v' Mr. Harry Putnam and Mrs. Mary Pumphrey of Oakhurst subdivision were married by Rev. J. Elliott Corbett in the Community Methodist church last Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. LOUISE JOHNSON EARLY SPRING BRIDE man and groomsmen were Don- ii|!l!tilJi:ii||ll;l!ll;lii:i;l:iiMllllil,rfilsl!l*MI>|;||JI»i;iliUftli:ifia aid E. Harder of Highland Park and Frank Pechart of McHenry. BIRTHS OF RAY HORENBERGER Following the wedding, a re- UMiliailill I ception was held at the Ameri- A lovely candlelight nuptial I can Legion Home. The couple service was performed at 7:30 loft later on a trip and upon o'clock at the Community Meth- ( their return will reside In their odist church last Saturday, i new home in the Cherry Valley March 27, when Miss Louise • district, south of McHenry. Johnson, daughter of A. Walter' The 1946 and is engaged in farming. The bride is a 1950 graduate and has been employed by the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern railroad in Chicago. Johnsburg Ckib To Meet April 5 The next meeting of the Johnsburg Community club will be held Monday, evening, April 5. Following a business discussion, the refreshment committee will \ serve a fish lunch PERSONALS Mrs. Alex Adams and Miss Van Diedrich spent a few days recently in the home of their sister, Mrs. Michael Thill, in Aurora. Mrs. Albert Vales and son, Albert, Jr., are vacationing in the West. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Blum of Charlottesville, Va„ were recent guests in the Paul Eizik home. MYF News Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koenig are leaving- April 4 for a two-week vacation in Florida. Dr. Howard expects to return to his practice on April 20. William Martin of Sterling j spent the weekend here. On Sat- The committee includes Clar- v's*ted his father, ence Timm. Otto Adams, Albert Glarence MartTn- in Waukegan Adams, Jos. H. Adams and MaU I f "d °n Sunday was a guest in Adams ! the home of hts sistpr, Rita, in ' ., , --- • McHeniv. The kitchen committee is composed of Frank Schaefer, Gerard Schons, Louis Schmitt," Jos. S. Schmitt, Henry Schmitt J. Louis Streich and Walter Smith. Christian Mothers' Easter Communion .' ^The Christian Mothers and Altar sodality of St. Mary's church is having Its annual Easter Communion Friday, April 9, at the ® o'clock Mass. Breakfast will be served immediately following the Mass. New members are being accepted at this time. Anyone Wishing to join, pleltse call M-R or 258. Mrs. Hoppe Hostess To Ringwood Unit Elsie Hoppe will be April hostess to the Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau. The meeting is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. and it will be a home adviser visit lesson. The roll call question will deal with unusual vegetable garden experience and the minor lesson with program planning. Members may bring friends and prospective members to this very special meeting. The Harry Anderson family of Chicago spent Sunday with Mrs. Eleanor Foley. A weekend guest of her mother was Miss Julia Foley of Park Forest. Mi*, and Mrs. John Hayes of Woodstock last Sunday visited his aunt, Mrs. Margaret Sullivan, who has been ill for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Thognas Dohertyv and Mrs. R. I. OvA-ton of McHenry and Mrs. Ada Hoelscher of Elgin have returned from a vacation trip ,to Florida. Johnson of McCullom Lake, became the bride of Mr. Ray Horenberger, Jr., son of the senior Horenbergers, who reside southwest of the city. Rev. J. Elliott Corbett, pastor, officiated at the double ring ceremony. Miss Johnson was radiant in a gown of white cliantilly lace over satin, with billowy floor length skirt, lace Peter Pan The McHenry Methodist Youth Fellowship met Sunday, March 28, at the Methodist church. Kathy Anderson led the worship service. Then Barbara Eggert, the president, presented the business for the coming month. The g:oup voted to attend the sunrise service at Alden on Easj ter morning. Last Sunday afternoon, the president went to Ringwood to plan the service and suggested that Sue Stinespring play the violin at the service. TTie M.Y.F. would like to .! see as many as possible at the service. A committee eonsisting of Kathy Anderson, Donna Barger, j Jenfty DeYoung, Barbara Eggert, Penny Fike, Peggy Stamer and Larry Thomas was chosen to Photo by K«lln ' >"'" m0"ey r ,'° * ; send members to camp at Lake collar, silk illusion yoke and Geneva this coming summer, fitted empire waistline of la«e The planned program for the over satin. The dress also fea- j evening was a round table diatured a shirred bodice and long j cussion on "Jesus, the Man," pointed sleeves. On her head she' with Mr. Stinespring and Rev. wore a band of sequins and Corbett leading the discussion, pearls on a lace background, i At the 'next meeting on April From it fell a full lengtn veil. | 11 the M.Y.F. will discuss "Thy Her bridal bouquet consisted of Kingdom Come." The group is camellias, carnations &nd steph- urged to read these two chapters anotis. from "I Believe," a manual for Miss Johnson's 9maid of honor. the M.Y.F. One of the members was Miss Joel Martin of Kenosha on the council can trace the Wis., and bridesmaids were Miss whereabouts of the books if you Florence Lacy of McHenry and i contact him. Miss Iporothy Marie Schmitt of By the next meeting, the Johnsburg- 7---- I M.Y.F. would like to know how Miss Martin chose' an aqua ' many plan to attend the sunrise dress of net over taffeta, with service. lace halter and matching gloves. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walter Kellogg: Of aocky River, Ohio, are the parents of a son, Alan Walter, weighing 6 tt>s. 15 oz., born on March 19. Mr. Kellogg is bridegroom graduated, the brother of Mrs. Homer L. from the local high school in Pevereau* of 909 S. Green On her head she wore a band of net dotted with sequins, from which fell a tiny veil. Miss Lacy and Miss Schmitt CARD OF TOANKS I would like to take this means of thanking my many friends for their wonderful were attired similarly except j cards, prayers and flowers sent that the color of their dresses while I was confined to the was orchid. All had bouquets of I Woodstock hospital. Everything pink camellias and carnations. | was appreciated so much. Wil].ian) tjeqht served 95 beat^? _ Betty Weber street. He is a first class motor machinist's mate serving aboard the U.S.S. Hancock at Seattle, Wash. Mr. fuidt Mrs. Alan Wagner of Ringwood are the parents of a son, uorn Mar ch 24 at the Woodstock I hospital. Mr. «md Mrs. Victor Bassi are the parents of a, son, born at the Woodtock hospital March 27. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brenner of Chicago are the parents of a daughter, born March 31 at Holy Cross hospital, 69th and California avenue. The baby weighed 6,lbs. 2 oz. at birth. Mrs. Brenneif is the former Eleanor Edstrom of McHenry. Proud grandfather is A'rthur Edstrom. A son was born to Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bestoso of Newport, R.I., on Sunday, March 28. Their family now includes seven girls and three boys. Mis. Bestoso will be remembered as the former Kathleen Justen of McHenry. A daughter was born on March 29 at St. Joseph's hospital, Chicago, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Unti. Mr. and Mrs. John tTnti of McHenry and Mir. and Mrs. John Edwards of Chicago are' the grandparents. • • f •: L__ ' CARD OP THANKS I want to take this means of thanking friends and relatives for prayers, flowers and cards sent to me whil^ I was in the hospital. I appreciated all of these remembrances so mtlch. 47 Mrs. Anna Diedrich POLITICAL RALLY More than 300 persons attend-, ed the big political rfelly hel$ last Sunday, sponsored by thft Nunda township GOP organization. The meeting was held in a^* building located near the Terra Cotta factory. Residence Changes New residents of McHenry are Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dibelka and family, who have moved here from Island Lake. ; CARD OF THANKS The Johnsburg public school Parent Teachers association wishes to express tkanks to the merchants and all who helped to make their. roast beef dinner a huge success. 47 Johnsburg P.T.A. Wee Folk's Play School (McHenry'H Fir^t Day Nursery) Pick Up Service Will Start March 22 Call For Information * 109 ELM STREET PHONE 880 McHENRY, ILL * OPEN: 9 TO 11:30 A.M. DAILY MRS. EVELYN VARESE, Director and Teacher MRS. CARMEN ANTONSON, Teacher '.Y> WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT BANKING? ¥ 0" 4 4^ h WE sincerely believe so. The over-all loan cost is low; terms are arranged to suit income; the car insurance may be placed with any agent, financeid as part of the loan. When you have chosen your next car, come in and apply for a convenient, economical ^ hunk Auto Loan-enjoy all these advantages. McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION w MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS PHONE 1*40 Fox Valley Camp To Meet April 6 Fox River Valley Camp, No. 3251, R.N.A., will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Earl Brown on April 6 at 8 p.m. Co-hostess will be Mrs. Le- 1th Howard. Marriage Licenses Harry A. Putnam and Mary E. Pumphrey, both of McHenry. Ik ALCOA ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS INSTALLED -- $55 KITCHEN CABINETS INSTALLED COMPLETE BIRCH, NATURAL FINISH. CHOICE OF HARDWARE AND DESIGN. FORMICA TOP. BUILT TO FIT. COOT NO MORE THAN STOCK. OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS 5 SECTION - 2 PANELS WIDE WITH ORNAMENTS AND GLAZED' 41 INSTALLED $115.00 PELLA FOLDING DOORS AND CASEMENT WINDOWS ANDERSON & CURTIS AWNING AND PICTURE WINDOWS. DOORS, TRIM, PLYWOOD. J7TC CRYSTAL LAKE MILL CO. IfifiHmy 14 Cttry 1 CARY 724S CRYSTAL LAKE 1626 Open Sunday AJ& 9 to 12 Store Hours Mon. - Tues. 10-6 Wed. - Thurs. - Sat. 9-6 Fri. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Headquarters For Young Laditp' EASTER DRESSES NYLONS and COTTONS IN LUSCIOUS SHADES PRICED FOR EVERY BUDGET E. Elm St. PHONE 746 • fa • i . McHenry, DL Before You pick a neW bonnet, let us style <;• your hair, enhance youfr %?] beauty . . Individual Hairstyling and Haircutting . . Permanent Waving, Tinting, and Complete Beauty Service, -- Make Your Easter Appointment Early Open Tues., Thurs., & Fri. Evenings Til 9 p.m. ftiwer&Lde 3lcdt<&hftinty Studld 126 N- Riverside Drive McHenry, I1L Phone 141 < , 4 ' - " NEW lOW PRICES WATCH For The OPENING of Our NEW STORE ON or ABOUT APRIL 5th Larger - More Complete Selection of Shoes Peter Gics SHOE REPAIRS 107 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry, UL SIZE 10-28 (4-Ply) OTHtn snts PROPoiirioMAmr LOW LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ^ <9*1 GROUND GRIP TRACTOR TIRES • Famous Firestone Open Center Tread Dnign • Famous Firestone Quality Construction A®8 w nil's ke m Jo W Dirt, Spots and Perspiration Disappear- No Cleaning Odor, and a Befter Press, tool Ask anyone! It's the biggest news itt town! We actually do,have a bet* ter kind of dry cleaning that works miracles. It's Sanitone! Clothes look better. Original beauty of color and texture is restored. Minor mending McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND and BOB THUBLWELL, Props. Maln 'fttreoi Phone W or MaffrHrV eapttx AND LAUNDRY free. And, of course, you'll never find a trace of a dry cleaning odor. Find out for yourself just how much better dry cleaning really can be. Try our Sanitone Service today, it cosys no more! N. Front Street Abound Corner North of National Tea PHONE 927 For Pickup Service Save 10% Cash & Carry *-----'.nearer*

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