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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Apr 1954, p. 10

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& LILYMOOR By Marceila roes. ^ - ?-V vv • " .:c vv 4 • » . MclfENRY ;, ,.' -V rt' -*-j Bttle Church N\mn | were received by the "birthday * Llbes ty wttlies td <n-A n&ht Sl'pper was sew*d •bunce ihere will l»e a candle- in thc even ®"' ttgtit sertrice and a Communion Helen Para is starting to pt Service Friday evening at S p.m. her "sual spring- and summer In tie McDenroit building;. Sat- guests. This past weekend, Mr. Hrd*y morning A1'- 9 a.MI. there and M's. Wojton and son, Mr. Will "be leheai^n fot Kastor • and Mrs. Paul Meyer, Mr and program In the McHenry high J Mrs. Dember and family and Mr. tchool. - :• | and Mrs. Frank Lisa nnd son Easter Pundey services will be fame out to enjoy the beautiful *a follows: 9:10 <..m. Sunday SP'W weather .*eU. Helen, fechooi, 11 a.m. worship peivici*. ; think npthiri^ of it, this is just With special music, in the Me- the beginning. • t)ermott building. At 7:30 p.m. Mr and Mrs. Henry Hoppert in the McHenry high sc'-.ool, be- i are the p:oud grandparents of a •ides the special Raster Sunday boy born to their son and daugh- ,School program, there wii! be a ter-in-la\v last Wednesday. ^Tonfilm, "Adventure into ^Fafth." gratulations! feveryone is invited to attend , _ The • .auxiliary Will show afi- , this program. Saturday. April 24, •/ 0t|ier. movie Sunday at 3, p.m. .the Gospel Heralds, a group m t^ fire house. All children twenty-five from " the Harrison aJ1(j adults should come out and fctreey Biblechurch; ;\viil have • support. this undertaking. This Charge, of the service «t 7:|5 past week the children were p.m. at the high school..:. j"shown the movies which were • ' - - --. * ..taken at[ the winter carnival. VUlage >ew« j Monday evening, April 12, the Ittere will be a special village | ladies' bowling league had their meeting April. 2-i at 9 p.m. in dinner at McDonald's *.avern in the McDermott bullous to pay McCullom Lake. At this affair all bills for the fiscal year. All i.the Seven G's Printers team Are welcome to ajtlend this meet- presented to Mrs. Godina, for Mr. tag i ! Godina, our sponsor, a *rophy At the village meeting Friday , fof the year. It was an old bowlevening, Di. Gtay and Marceila ing pin autographed by each member of the team as a consolation prize for having ended up in seventh place. We gals want to thank A1 for giving us this oppoi tunitv to bowl and hope that next year we can do much 13. April 16 brings the birthday* of- FYSfTTR Leon and JSfln Sfhrtafcga and on April 24 Lil Gibson will celQ)>rate tijr Ifirtjic^y. Vicky of J&K's will celebrated hex birthday on Easter Sunday. She says she has reached her first half of the century she hopes to celebrate Mrs. Mix will also celebrate her birthday on April 18. Many happy returns of the day to all of you and may you celebrate many more such days. Fos8 were app,>ir;ed to aid Dr. Krieger on the board of health committee. On Good Friday, all businesses tn L^kemoor will be closed between the hours of 12 and ;> p.m. Over the past weekend the j better if given the same chance, then working on the fire house C!ub Lilymoor received the put up the lettering on the build- Rnter Greetings To all the residents of Lakemoor, fcilymoor and neighboring communities, we -*0 extend a greeting for a Very joyous Easter season. 5 McHENRY STORES ^ PARTICIPATE IN IRHA. HARDWARE WEEK trophy for first place and Mc- Dermott's team was in third place. Congratulations to thp winners. Ing, "Lakemoor Fire Depart ment." These letters were donated by Kenneth Cunnv and Mr. Brecht. The people of ^.kemoor; Thp Tee c]ub wiH di t wish to extend j butp ^ East^r baskets and these men. Now that the weather ;which made to the is so nice, come on men get out dren.s h . Woodstock Satur. and help fin-sh up tne Much more work is needed to complete it but it would not seem so much if more would get out and give a helping hand.,. 4w«ral New* Mrs. Marie Dorgan is vacation- Easter spirit and will bring joy to quite a few of the children there. " Several of this community*# hardware stores will participate in one of the biggest pro* motions, ever staged in the nation, it Was announced this week; The ev^nt Will be known us IRHA Hardware Week and will involve the biggest advertising and merchandising cam ever conceived. IRHA itiearfs Independent Hitail Hardwarfcmen of America and is the symbol that identifies member Stores, ifccludi.ig" those in McHenfy. Hardware Week v.*lll be observed coast-to-coasr April 16 24 by the 23,000 independent hardware stores, all members of the National Retail Hardware association. ! A total of 586 wholesalers andj more than 100 manufacturers, including some of the industry's top names, will support the IRHA stories in the gigantic selling drive. As part of the promotion, the local stores have stocked up on the latest power tools, new precision- built home workshop gear, do-it*yourself gadgets, sports equipment, kitchen needs, garden tools, as well as the every-day line of hammers and siw*, and, nuts and bolts. Hardware Week means "open house" and folks are urged to come in and brouse around even Cake Pudding Birthday* and Anniversaries April 11, Mrs. Ruth Hyatt nnd ! though you don't need anything ing in Florida butT wiU be home ' her son- Willawl, both celebrated j in the hardware line at this time, in time for the auxiliary instal-1 their birthdays. What a nice i Rural free delivery of mail irt the U. S. began in October 1896. West Point is the oldest U.S. lation of offfcers. ! birthday present Willard was for Mr. and Mrs. McDermott are! Ru*h- April 12, Mr. and Mrs. leaving for Duluth, Minn., on I Bill Gibson celebrated their tenth Thursday to visit both of their! wedding anniversary. Mrs. Myrfamilies and to bring back Mac s j tle Booster had\a birthday April military post now in service, mother for a visit. j Last Wednesday evening' the^- kadies" League held their monthly meeting, at which time it was voted to donate to the conimuni- , ity building the tables and chairs which they purchased last year. The village wishes to thank them for this donation. The hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Wegener, Mrs. Stnjftd and Mrs. Williams. Last - Thursday, Mrs. Leon entertained her poken. due. Cake suid cofto* were, served at midtiight. Saturday evening, Stewart I Clark surprised Edward Kamin, j Jr., with a surprise paity. Guests j attending were Mr. and Mrs. C. : jBrzezinjki, Mr. and Mrs. Para, ! Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kamin, Sr.. j Mrs. and Mrs. Erickson and Mr. j and Mrs. Foes. Very nice gifts ; A^aoiruiaayAprn^n'uiiuu^ FISH FRY Starting FRIDAY. APRIL 16 At McDONALD S TAVERN McCullom Lak* PHONE 381 .tikat ' IN TIME is the sign of factory-authorized parts and service for KAISER and WILLYS. Now out Service Department is fully equipped and staffed with factory-trained personnel ready |) service KAISER aad WILLYS vehicles. We have Kaiser-Willys factory-authorized parts in stock. Bring your Kaiser or Willys passenger cars, Willys Jeeps j Station Wagons or other utility vehicles to our new Kaiser.Willys Service Department A i; we wU| take |p>rriiddee in serving ttlh em right. McHenry KAISER - WILLYS Sales & Service PHONE 40S APPROVE D SERVICE WW* MM Station W««o» Willy* 4.W-D Truck WiDyt Univanal 'IMP* Wityyt 4-W-D Station WUM Willyi Panel Delivery Henry J % ... , , lg nnd. The fruit CaHe sticks are cut from individually wrapped slices from your grocer's ready-to-eat cake department. Cut these fruit filled slices, made from a cook book recipe, croSswise into Sticl{S akut one Inch wide. Stand in $auce dishes an^l pour chilled pudding ovtr th^m. Fluffy Lemon Pudding * 3 e(gs, separited « lk teaspodh salt , l ^ ^ » • •** cup lemon juice. , Vk *UP cocns^wlL' -M ] 1 teaspoon grated lemon nnd * 1 cup water ' * 1 cup sugar fi cup milk 1 tablespoon better or margarine t&t-efUMroIks slightly and blend with lemon juice and rind. Confoine aivsalt and cornstarch in a heavy saucepan. Blend in the water anil milktslt>\vly. When mixture is smooth, bring to a boil over medium heat, stimng constantly. Codk about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Slowly pour the hot mixture over egg yolk mixture, stil l ing constantly. Return mixture to saucepan and simmer over low heat about 1 minute* stirring B SUg! FREEZER SALE Quic Fres - Quic Free 20 Cu. Fl. 20 Cu. Ft. CHEST TYPE UPRIGHT Was $579.95 . Was $599.95 , Sale Price Sale Ptice >o MC $399'5 Quic Frez 11 Cu. Ft. 16 Cu. Ft. G. E. CHEST TYPE CHEST TYPE Was $479.95 . Was $339.J® , .Sale Price . Sale Price $ 95 1 $ 95 CAREY ELECTRIC Phone 251 1W So. Green St. McHenry, I1L Live Coster Eggs And Bunnies' At Museum Of Science-Industry 4 The firist U.S. po«t office wio I established in Boston in 1639. By popular request, tha M'isfl* um of Science and Industry \v »11 again h vve a live Eastfr egg ais- Hoiv-td in a glasi-enclosed incubator, a hatch of 132 eggs has been kept warm and snug the past pevcral weeks so tnat htUr boys and girls, who peihaps have never seen a baby chioV, can go out to the Museum Saturday or Sunday, April 17 or 18, Easter weekend, and watch these Easter eggs come to life. The incubator will receive a grotty -of eggs ftom the Myrick Morris Hatchery of Morris, Hi., timed to hatch out on Easter weekend. It takes a baby chick about three hours from the time it first chips a hole in the side of Ks shellKiaaing- until it becomes a fluffy little bit of down and bright- eyes. With over a hundred eggs in various stages of hatching, it Will ba possible for the ypungsters to s«e the entire birth of a baby chick. In another part of the Harvester farm exhibit, Motiy Cottontail and her family of little bunnies will be on hand to exchange Easter greetings with Museum visiters. Adjoining the rabbits will be Mabel and Myrtle with their "duckling" broods. UNEMPLOYMENT PAY The number of Illinois workers who received unemployment compensation payments last year was more than 40,000 less than the total recorded in 1952, according to Roy F. Cummins, director of the state Department of Labor. Last year 242,422 workers received benefits as compared to 283,315 in 1952, Cummins said. Total unemployment compensation benefits paid in 1953 amounted to $51,318,764, while in 1952 the total was $57,627,987. The Illinois unemployment compensation system now embraces some 3,500,00p workers and 65,- 000 employers; Shop in McHenry and Save tz •T || Special Introductory Offer 10% off on " I Wisco i Aluminum Combination Shop at Horn# and fAVE! amazing new i for enorness finger-ti» ; j se^ig 1 MEEDS NO HmeWHITS! f ' CUSTOM SUIIT IN iTmV & WINDOWS & DOORS * , - . Assembled At Toolcraits New Plant Richmond* Illinois ' i • -; .. -i - PefrtreiY 10 Days. Installed By l^ery Trained Mechanics AUTHORIZED DEALER May Construcfion TOM BOWER. Salesman'- • RICHMOND 4381 or 2531 ' f ' M ABC tr Air. puglf rig ug • wok** bvttMtllolM • MKlC •a button* • blind stitching • daraiag • q«ihing • *Mbrwdtrin0 • Awring • btfdiri • ferword and »•*•(*• U««| m ; FREUND'S jewing Machine Sales & Service Phone 664-J-2 McHenry, QL * Across from Hunterville Subd. NYE DRUG STORE IfouJsie. 'elcosw. 12S N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. OH SALE JWtftSDAY, FRIDAY t SATjjiWj tZjetuy DRUG STORE ZINC OXIDE Ointment 17 1-OUNCE TUBE. . ^ • • A l«m ScfcctiM of EASTER BASKETS Just full of candy and |0V9 that will>j>lea3* (Limit 1) BaiU yovself this sturdy, versatile, >MRory. ill. AwoWHyt • A ***•$ ^ « proM%b«« !< iftied*M Mk IK-BILD workbench HereS the ideal, inespemive w«y to f*. that needed workbench - . . PMf*t fet home workihop, garage, work detk, photo or hobby bench. Rugged, high teatile rail steel npportt in tstluiitt "i" design lor wobble-free rigidity, wfeh holes located in the leg* fot fattening to wall or floor if desired. Standards fi Wished in ^tractive forest green, and all boll*, nuts M>4 screws are plated. Make to any lengtk te suivyour andapwee! ... the backboard can be varied for use as a tool hanger, furnished romplele, .wiih afi iamher pre* H3.58 (Pjic* btmd- o* 4 /eel Unph tcitK 8 imch baekbomrj. Price*, vary with size.) mmm Main Street McHenry, Iu. mm one 1424 OLIVE TABLETS Br. EDWARD* 60* SIZE (Limit 1) . . k'.: PALM0LIVE S0AP4&25c nmm she C*WE» Paper Napkins 9190° ChdttM Bm tt (Limit 2) » ^ V Sk*VL**kt Um Liraiae 1Mb Tots Wiff Lov* r/iete ..« GAY EASTER WASHABLE TOYS Choice of Bunaiag ^ Rabbit, Sitting Babbit * X Rooihiz or Duck. •• Well mode and washable. • < y_jj AUttrinf! Ibcendiari -- « *btle lasUnf Ifagtanoe--rebesh ingly youth Wdwutr. EASTER CAlOS 101 for young Artists CUtrilf iMk Aid CrayiM ^ 25' Ponway irond *S!inSY8 51/w Xr. 98c Ifnobbf Plpki* Mollywootf BILtfOll Rtd or Qnoit. 4m IBAIN tOATS 9SO m*d. . ..O 1-es. OH of [Wintergreen] (Synthetic) 19e 50c Sis* PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA 10-MAK S.S.S TONIC Increasesnappetite. iS_ ^oybrooKi teef, Ironl Wine Tonic] 16-ouncobottle. fOc WASH CLOTHS 3-23e (Limit 6) ••I f« GROVE'S BROMO QUmiNE 39' 5oSV i VITAMINS YOUR HFAL 1 ' FiWOut How Htstthy You fit// BER0H-12 WitA 3mgs. of smiiinf csmuuit S-12! «Bp-pt*tt i»«« . HUeVlMu t Ao MlioTn Ml» k-uiM (tefc. m4 tteud . ptv VM«- mimC, B C<o*pW« tocwi • oil in on* copsuUiotf/ e oi 50 . 100 Capfules. .3.49 .5 M VI-PENTA PfRUI 413 Multiple vitomina 25«aps . . I" FOL'SECIFANJNG NEEDS 'V^rtercraft" nlcTific TOASTER Chrwm, Q29 ItUtH/ . (Witt Styh HAIR BRUSH Non-Slip Grip VELVA-TEX CLOVE BtfY Novtr QQC ckmmyf. vO Genuine latex. Rtfuimr 69< Vtl. CHAMOIS POLISHER ,5*'8 K7e in tint . . O f Cleaning aid. CHEESE CLOTH t-yaide X S6-inches .... GLASS WAX "Gold Seal", 16-ox. c«A . . , 23 65' * \

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