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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Apr 1954, p. 6

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Plaindealer business service FOR SALE -w*' • ^ :f .wpw*?'jv^p^ :u^\< ' . Ji < a H/IJ . * .' . ^ '• . • - ... -v. ,r - ...J.. •?.••• . .; . •> . .,;• • '„...•. V ._. '4.. ? ; . . ' - • r -••'•.•• •• ' ' '-%' * THE McHENRY PLAlNDEALEfl » V.'...I"*- .!t. . .-'J ' -Tkh.u.r.«.jU.y. , A*p_rnil 1i<5 . 1im9s!l . 14:4U; 'n ,t f* 'X '># *&* v2jJ^ * ft 4#:" RING 3,150 DQQR BELLS FOR $1.00 WITH A PLAlNDEALER WANT AD Published every Thursday at IfcHenry, 111., by the McHenry ^lbllshlng Company, Inc. I O N A L E D I T O R I A L a'SToc^ti^N BURFEINDT, Gen'l Manager JpELE FROEHL1CH, Editor VM ^ ••. . : --r^--. Plaindealer Want Ads p No ad counted less than ' 25 >words, $1.00 rtiriimum". * V . ' " >1 i n s e r t L r » n . . . . . $1 00 .1. .-(Court'5- writ*. ;•>. im'& .*•' 25c service .• barge ...»'f >! bftnd Ads. Cash with prdrn * ' ,': Card of Thanks- $1.00 Mminjuii, : Want Ads close promptly 'at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Painting, and Decorating1 Interior and Exterior paper Hanging - Free Estimates Call George Ross, W4-W-2 or 684-W-l. 49tf Candid Weudings from Home, Church and Reception ' . A K O L I N Iho.ographers Commercial, Publicity, Sports and Photostats .VhV»6-W-l 1 McHenry, 111. • 44-tf H. V> Jackson -poinarijr. Arid Cleaning ' •HVaterproofinp.. CauUtii^g '- ".'Chimney k'ep.iir, etc: * Phone McHeftry . 171-M After 6 pin. FOR SALE -- Roadmaster Buick, $500.00. Also power tools, jig saw, lathe, drill press, table saw, Jointer and motors, garden tractor, power mower and sprayer. Mrs. J. Schosonski, 2nd house on west side of highway 31, Just' outside city limits. 48' SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry County 1 Year $3.00 6 Months $1.75 3 Months $1.00 Outside McHenry Coonty 1 Year $3.50 6 Months $2.001 3 Months $1.25' I9M ' IUIWW \fi*m&[r*Ei7\r7 ( micHffltlr? .Entered as second-class matter at the post office, at McHenry, 111, under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE, REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 - 1 Block East _-L-*jj!^mder Lake 5672 of the River Bridpe C Optm Wivk Days !» a.m. - 6 p.M. Sundays: O^fMn. t» 1 pjn. , ' 12-tf FOR SALE 1 - - 8 tube car fadio for Dod&s, $15.00; 1 -- $35 ^lastir sun visOT. $10; 4, like new 5:00-16 tires a^2 tubes, $20. Phone 654-M-l. ^ v 49 FOR SALE -- 1941 Chevrolet School Bus for sale. Bids wm be accepted 'by Ifarrison School ]Board of Wonder Lake until April 27, 1954. 49 BUSINFSS SERVICE JOHNSON HOTOR8 New and Used -- Terms Motors and Boats R^r^riiing and Storage >'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104^4 8. Riverside Drive Pbona IfcHenry 1076 44-tf John Reinboldt ^ <MNERAL CONTRACTOR AH Types Of Carpenter Work Satisfactory Guarantee Call McHenry 137-R 32tf PITER A. FREUND (Formerly Eddie Hufrs) SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks, 9«pools. Phone McHenry 877-W JNgldence, Fox street. 16-tf GARAGE) DOORS WOOD SECTIONAli Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially tts>lgn<± KEN LEIBACS tales, Installatfon and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf trenching, Field Tiling, DryweHs, Septic Tanks , Footings & Foundations •feppps Landscaping A Trenching Cbliiylete Line of Nursery Stock Phone McHenry 771-R . 46-tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home. Piano and Piano Accordion Clarinet and Saxophone EARL P. KOCH McHenry 1470-M 5-tf *S POOLS - SEPTIC TANKS Pumped and Cleaned PHONE 1480 H *o answer, call 1381-Il.t Q- A. DOUGLAS I*k«land Park, Rt. 120 McHeary WALL & FLOOR TILING •ur aniy business - not a sideline Prgmpt guaranteed work. Free Estiifiates. Coil Cary 8164 or Barrington 1276 2-tf i-'OR SALE -- 54 in. used counter top steel sink with stainless steel trim; also Lennox circulating fan and humidifier, 2 speeds with water pump. Call McHenry 693- R-i. ' • 7-,, ;. ' 49 FOR SAUB Wafer softener, isalt rock, granul, }-*.>!!• '. ' get. Vycital's, 132 Green St., Mc- I Henry 98. „ 49 | FOR SALE -- Boy Scout uniform, t j size 14, includes neckerchief, slide belt and - cap in A-l condition.. Also used 26" bicycle, reasonable. Call McHenry 650-W-l. 49 HELP RANTED Assemblers - Lasers - Solderers 7 Apply At The Admiral Corporation W7 Elm St. McHenry, IU. Apply Monday thru Friday, Between 8:30 *.m. and 4:30 p.m. ESTATE > liRVL ESTATE FQR SALE Expert Sewing Machine Repairs Free Estimates V All Work Guaranteed;,, Singer Sewing Machine CS>. ' 221 Benton St., Woodstock 294 35tf MACHINE TRENCHING A DIGGING Septic Systems -- Water Lines Dry Wells -- Seepage Beds WEL£<S DRILLED & DRIVEN GARRELTS & ROGERS Rt. 4 McHenry, I1L Phone 534-W-l or 539-R-l FOR SALE -- Strapless formula, aqua not with stole, size 10; lavender net with lace cape, size 12. Like new. Tennis racket, never used. Call 1154-R. 49 FOR SALE -- Upright piano, very good condition, $30.00. Call McHenry 1464. 49 FOR RENT McCullom Lake, 4 bedroom home oil heat, full basement, two" corner lots. For appointment call our Job isburg Office. JACOB FRITZ -. Realfc# Al. Phone McHenry 37 4§t! WANTED . i;-1- .. REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for your homes, summer bodies, farms, and l»usint*sst properties. We can sell y»ur property if ywr prtee . is right. v MISCELLANEOUS Fish Fry Every Friday Night Ptaca, Friday and Saturday night "Alibi", Ow'« Place ISO S. Green St. 87tf DRESSMAKING -- Will make or alter women's and children's clothing of all kinds; also hand beading and dress trimming. Tel. Wonder Lake 5421. <*49 TO BE GIVEN AWAY FOR RENT -- Newly decorate# roems, home nrivil^ges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street; Phone McHenry 1C0-R. 20-tf f Mike and LaVerne Perrin Sewer and Cement Contractors Dry Wells, Septic Tanks and Drainfields Installed Grade A Black Dirt All Work Guaranteed 8281 42 tJ FOR RENT -- 6 room summer 42tf jhome on Fox River. Call McHenry 1490-J. • 47-tf FOR RENT -- 3 room apartment, available about May 15. Gas heat. Refrigeration and hot water furnished. Call 360 or inquire at 202 ! Green St. 48tf FOR RENT -- Office space. M.iy J Office Building south of the high M & F Tree Service • school. New, well-lighted. Rpcvr> Topping and Removal *j' <>n 1 0 m sei'ves offices. Arnold N. Prompt Service [May, Richmond, Illinois. Phone Satisfaction Guaranteed , J'!81-Office, 43-r Wood For Sale Call McHenry 627-J-l or 596-R-2;V°f RENT 3 room heated . . . . 1 modern apartment, with stove, re- . frigerator, hot water heater Carter's Radio & TV. Service I T-hone McHenry 742. 48tf Phone McHenry 1385-W-l . : 1L i1l ymoor Sr. ubw . -- Oft,l,l s mad.e at111, O.R , .R Ei NT -- Modern 4 room t ^ . .11 tln,M Including, evening., Sun- i days * Holiday.. All worl gnar- he= J? J**0™?- * anteed. 44tf Sf"' i"/ m0°th Ca" M<!- Henry 11S5-J evenings or week- I^ow Cost Farm Buildings ends. 49 too, for ,2.550. Save t„da on Doane Designed low cost barns. For further information call or write Arnold May, Richmond, 111. Office 4381 - Res. 4744. 45-tf WONDERVIEW -- New fully insulated & furnished 3 rooms and bath, 2 olosets, large porch, furnace heait, on large lot near beach. Price $6500. Small down payment. OaHl McHenry 705-M o^ 292-J. 43tf FOR SALE -- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Ileal Estate 405 Richmond Road . McHenry, IU. Pbone: McHenry 421-1 24-tl FOR SALE -- 0 room house with attached work shop. Ideally located on large lot, near Fox River Call 440-R. 46-tf FOR SALE -- Modern home overlooking Wonder Lake. Will sell on contract or terms. Call Wonder Lake 3398. 45-ti REAL ESTATE FOR 8AL 241 Acre Dairy Farm, 6 roo home, all farpi buildings, a nice location, north of Volo, East of U. S. 12. Price $250.00 per acre. Also 1)8 Acre Farm, adjoining Pistaker Lake subdivisions, all farm buildings. For appointmenty call OU* Johnsburg Office. JACOB FRITZ - Realtor J Phone McHenry 37 48t* FOR SALE -- McCullom Lake. 5 room white shingled, all yeaj 'round home, completely fenced in: automatic hot water heat. Bise- JACOB FRITZ -- Real Estate In Johnsburg M MeHenry 87 27-tf WANTED «r-- Piano player, must be willing to practice with smalt dance combination. Call 1383-R-2. 49 WANTED -- Electrical work, by hour or the job. Tel. McHenry 570-R-l. " * 49 WANTED TO BtlY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for iron, metats and junk •ars. Ed Marsh, phone McHenry 363-R-l. 38-tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- Permalent family desires to rent 2 or 3 bedroom home. Phone McHenry 693-M-2. 49 MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE STANLEY H. CORNTTE of Hebron Is seeking th4 RepaMican Nomination FOR TREAHUKER of McHenry Coonty. | ^ .NOTICE ^ t Young" Teen Cornel*^ " Btba, Slips, Panties- 812 Elm St. . t Phone 746 49 Sew-at-Home-Party Plan '.Ve furalsh the redi-cut materials, ment, screened porch. Unfinished TMg profits. Cnildren - Ladies Jackhammer Service Hourly rate for jackhammer, spade, tamper. Let us do the hard work. Fast efficient service. Arnold May, Builder, Richmond Office 4381 - Res. 4744 45-tf FOR RENT -- 3 room furnished apartment, 102 W. Waukegan Road. Phone 181. 49 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Will train girl interested in position as dental assistant. Reply care of Plain- PAINTING AND DECORATING dealer, Box 444. 48tf Quality and Service Call Stan Johnson IfcHenry 890J after 6 p.m. •-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS. ADtoING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf FOR SALE -- Efoats and motors. New and used inboards and outboards. Resort cedar row boats. Boat kits, trailers, marine supplies. Ed Wendt Boats and Motors on U. S. Highway 12. Phone 3231, Richmond, 111. 46-tf WANTED -- WOMEN SALES HELP. Work at beautiful Honey Bear Farm in unusual and interesting shops. We need full time and week end sales people. Call Mr. Gallagher, Genoa City 4444 for appointment. 48-3 FOR SALE -- Parakeets, all colors, $4.95 each. Reuter's General Store, Wonder Lake, 111. Phone Wonder Lake 4331. 48-2 FOR SALE -- Turo power mower, 21 inch, practically new. Call McHenry 537-J-l. Mrs. McCarthy, McCullom Lake. 49 FCR SALE -- Beef Pot Roast, 35c lb.; Rib Roast, 49c lb.; Eggs, 39c doz. Certified Food Store. 49 6-tf Anderson Tree Service 519 Waukegan Road McHenry, 111. Phone 724 FOR SALE -- 2 year, tame, small Shetland pony. Very reasonable. Call 682-M-2. 49 FOR SALE -- Detroit Jewel table 4 burner gas range, white 515.00. In good condition. Phone A Complete Service 87tf °Henry 605-M-l. 49 HELP WANTED -- Girt for stenographic work, shorthand required. 2 girl office. 5 day week. Skysweeper Inc., McHenry 1090. 49 HELP WANTED -- AH around kitchen woman or girl. Apply at Mosley's Cafe on Elm St. 49 HELP WANTED -- Apply in person at Pitzen's Nursery after 6 p.m. located on Rt. 120 and Wilson Road. Can Round Lake 6-1570. 49 room upstairs, tile floors. $9,000 Call 569-M-l. 49 FOR SALE -- House, centrally located across from grade school, 4 bedrooms, double garage. L. J. Page, 200 W. Waukegan Road. Phone 299. 49 FOR SALE -- 5 room year round house, bath, oil heat, storm windows, furniture, outdoor TV antenna, garage, lot 60x120' on Fox River, Niesen subd., near Johnsburg. Reply care of Plaindealer, Box 445. 49-2 FOR SALE -- 12 acres of wooded property, 2 cottages, one year round cottage with knotty pine interior. Located on Glen Lake in Marinette County, Wis. Cottages furnished including 2 boats. Excellent trout stream. Only $7,500. Write Patrick Knapp, 1724 Washington Road, Kenosha, Wis. 49tf Clothes - Dresses - Jeans • 8kirt.s Blouses - Slacks - Shirts --- Redi-to-Sew For details write: Party Plan, Box 172, Barrington, 111. 49 Limited Time Only -- ^ Famous Brand Name - Ziz-Zag sewing machine. Offer professional course In drapery, tailoring and dressmaking. Purchaser of machine receives gorgeous material for a suit plus complete wardrobe of clothing. You may earn the down payment. Terms up to 18 mo. For dutails write: Wardrobe Plan, Box t72, Barrington, 111. 49 Special Easter Dinner Complete full course dinner served with your favorite drink, $2.25 Ben's 120 Club, Lakemoor. 49 TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- Separately, 1 female and 1 male, part collie, all black with white feet, about 1 year old, house broke! good disposition, nice dogs for children. To be a house dog. Curran's Boarding Kennels, Rt. 12, McHenry 632-M-2. 49 L E G A L S NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of HENRY WILLIAMS, Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, May 3rd, 1954, is the claim date in the estate of Henry Williams, deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. ANTON WILLIAMS & LOUISE WILLIAMS, Administrators with Will Annexed McCAULRY and WEIR, Attorneys 35% North Ayer StSWt Harvard, Illinois Phone: Harvard 45 • (Pub. April 1-8-15) Always the best entertainment. (Ruth Madison at the piano) and the finest food and drinks at lowest prices. Ben's 120 Club, Lakemoor. 49 WANTED -- 2 girls, bookkeepers, with proven ability to work with figures. Varied accounting duties. 5-day week. Paid vacation and holidays; attractive insurance plan. Box 447, care of McHenry Plaindealer. 49-2 EXTRA MONEY TO YOU -- Will sell or trade for inboard boat, peanut machines with or without route. Call anytime, McHenrv 541-W-2. 49 FOR SAUB -- By owner, year round home, Wonder Lake, 111. 3 bedrooms, den, IVi baths, living room, dining room, very large kitchen, garage and basement. 300 ft. to beach. Will make terms. Wonder Lake 5162. 49 i ___________________________ Iwheaton Antique & Hobby Show 16th Annual Show. Wheaton Methodist Church. Apri. 21-22-23, 11 a.m. to 10 ,p.m. Adm. 60c, 3 day pass $1.25 (no tax). Excellent meals at moderate prices. 49 WEN FOR Bros School District No. 36, Ringwood, McHenry County, Illinois, will receive sealed bids for a school building addition; consisting of eight classroom and allpurpose room addition to the existing Harrisoji Grade School located at Ringwood, McHenry bounty, Illinois, until 8 p.m. Daylight Saving Time of the 2Jth day "f April, 1954 at the office of the Boafd of Education, Harrison School Building, Ringwood, Mc Henry County,. Illinois, at which •time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Copies of documents, including plans and specifications, are on file at the office of the School Superintendent, or at the office of Ekstra»d, Schad A West, Architects, 1334 Grand Avenue, Waukegan, Illinois. Copies of the documents may be obtained by depositing $50.00 with Ekstrand, Schad A West, Architects, for two sets of documents. The full amount of the document deposit will be refunded to each actual bidder who returns the plans and documents in good condition within ten (10) days after the opening of bids. the Board of Education, School District No. 36, reserves the right to reject any or all .bids and to waive all irregularities in bidding. A. certified check or bank draft payable to the School District No. 36 or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and a surety company, in an amount equal to ten per cent of the bid shall be submitted with each bid. No bid may be withdrawn, after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids, for at least thirty (30) day*. BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 36 RINGWOOD, MeHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS FRANK CHENEY, Secretary WANTED WANTED -- To do all round farm work in the vicinity of McHenry. Call 570-R-l. 49 Shop In McHenry and Save Colored Easter Chicks at the Fanners Mill. 49 DRILLED OR DRIVEN SALE ~ 9*12 American WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, re- ?riental ^ Perfect condition; , _ 6-pc. wicker furniture; 40-in. round gold leaf frame mirror; HELP WANTED -- Female. Inspection and assembly. Modern cleaning plant, experience preferred, but will train capable person. Apply in person Rainbow Cleaners, N. Front St. 49 HELP WANTED -- Mother of large family needs help on Thursday or Friday with general house work. M. Hansen, Wonder Lake 5162. 49 REAL ESTATE gair and install pumps. Bill Ba eon. 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 28-tf ft.1 fK-tv* Hug Cleaning Repair, Carpet Layg. All other services. Bi-weekly pickup and delivery, Tuesdays and JPridays. 3 day service available. llCember National Institute of Rug Owners. Tidy Rag Oeanwk floor Covering* w Washington at. . - ; • j^hone Woodstock 162 . . . -- i l i U I U l , child s 8Wln6. $4; child's stroller, , ' t,a^e 4-8eated garden swlnfe, $5; 5 beautiful gold leaf cornices, 38-ln. wide. 31 Orchard Beach. Tel. McHenry 704. *49 FOR SALE -- 9 ft. Governor Fly Rod, never*used, red and ivory ^outdoor metal glider, like new. phone 799-J. 4^ FOR SALE -- Property in McHenry, Wonder Lake, Island Lake and surrounding territory. Homes Cottages, Businesses and other types of real estate. FOR SALE O. E. Ironer, praetically new, cabinet style, reason- 2l« S. Green at 49tf able. Call Wonder Lake 3081. 49 iMRenty 3PBOKB list wtf Thanks to ail the voters for the wonderful support I received jn McHenry County. * - • A. ft. McConnett HELP US GET SETTLED I The McHenry Bible Church needs at least lf not more than 2 acres of land, at once. If you are ih the vicinity of McHenry, and have a good offer, please write to Donald G. Liberty, Rt. 4, Box 556, McHenry, 111. or phone McHenry 509-J-l. WILL YOtT HELPT ~ »--4 SPRING SELLING Made Easy Thru Want-Ads PHONE 170 ' FARMNRN Question Jritrlcu FiwtoMw F«r A*IM| Raid WHAT ABOUT CALF SCOURS? Q: Is there mete, than one type of calf scours? A: Yes, there Is an Infection type, and a non-infectious type. Q: What cans CM infectious seours? A: Infectious scours, often called white scours, is caused by germs that are common to many term lots and buildings. Q: Ho«w fast does ealf scours develepf A: A calf which seems to be well In the morning may, be dead before night. First, the calf Is listless and has no appetite. The next symptom is scour,- ing. After that, the animal may collapse within a few hours. Qt Is this primarily a problem of young calves? A: Yes. chiefly animals less than one month old. The older calves may scour, too, but the chances of survival are somewhat better. Q: What ean an owner do if aa outbreak of scours starts? A: A veterinarian should be called promptly. The calf should be isolated, and the stables disinfected to safeguard other calves. Q: What ubout treatment? A: It is a waste of money tc give drugs unless the basic cause is first determined. The veterinarian may recommend'serums, sulfa drugs, or penicillin depending on the diagnosis. Q: What preventive measures can be taken? A: Feed cow balanced ration* to help her produpe a strong healthy calf. See that the calf It born in clean, well-ventilated quar ters on clean bedding and obtains colostrum milk. On Infected farms have serum administered soon af t*r birth. Be* sure tha> young calves are fed propgrlf,. but. not overfed. NOTE--Due to space limitations, general questions cannot be handled by this column. . STRICTLY FRESH TN Huntington, W. Va., a man who chose to live i*i a chicken coop rather than in a house with his mother-in-law was found "nearly dead" by health authorities. Probably because he wa/ doubly henpecked. * * • The masterful robbery of the Stone of Scone will long be * gam in the annals of crime. * * • A man in Grand Rapids, Mich.| broke his thumb tacking a 1951 calendar on the wall. When th« hammer hit his finger, h# must have thought it was "leap" yean • • • It has been suggested that blank records be installed in juke boxes for folks who want to buy silence. At last there's a use for the testimony of criminals appearing be« fore the Senate Crime Investigating Committee. • • • A service station operator ir. Birmingham, Ala., got so excited over a football game he absentmindedly scattered $2000 along a street. Bet that set many a man in motion. Own A Home Of Your Own Payments Less Than Rest 'i ' • ' I Low Down Payments SHELL HOMES For &450 4 BOOM COMPLETED HOME ONLY $6,850 _ AIRSPUN BUILDERS €*n McHenry 430 After 5 pjn. or Sat. & SS un. There is NO Argument! Clothes are Cleaner, Brighter, Fresher whet I they're done by us! SAVE -- SAFELY Cash & Carry Cleaning McHenry Cleaner* 10S Elm Street McHenry MtONE 104-M We Give and Redeem Gold Bond Stamps Crusted Ice Cream Balls Means Glamour Dessert Shape any flavor ice cream int# balls. Roll immediately in slight}#- crushed Sugar Frosted Flaket'- mixed with chopped nutmeats and" JftWPS? £9£,°nut. Place in freezer to harden. Serve fcith fudge, but. temeotcn, or other appropriate sauce. Pretty super with fresh sweetened berries or peaches. Because this dessert may be pre-' pared ahead of serving time--and' because it is so simple to make, if «ts the bill for both family meals and large parties. Use ice crearrt scoop to make the balls. One quart' of ice cream will make 8 medium size batis. ?J IH'tH D y;.^l! - - Authorized .Schwinn DeatacQ MARK'S Sporting Goods - Marine Supplies McHenry, 111 212 S. Green St. Phone 1000 AIXX)A ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS INSTALLED --• $55 NOT INSTALLED -- $39.00 KITCHEN CABINETS INSTALLED COMPLETE UIRCH, NATURAL FINISH, CHOICE OF HARDWARE AND DESIGN. FORMICA TOP. BUILT TO PIT. COST NO MORE THAlf STOCK. . CtniriUy Located For Quick Service FRED I SVOBODA & SONS SEACO SALES And SERVICE Repairing -- Rewinding -- Rebuilding • Electric Motors -- All Models Automotive, Generators, Starters, Armature* HAT or NIGHT Bex H* - rtfrtite in OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS 5 SECTION - 2 PANELS WIDK }WITH ORNAMENTS AND GLAq* ED. INSTALLED -- $11500 PELLA FOLDING DOORS AND CASEMENT WINDOWS. ANDERSON & CURTIS AWN- [NG AND PICTURE WINDOWS. DOORS, TRIM, PLYWOOD, ETC. CRYSTAL LAKE MILL CO. Ugtnray 14 Ctay 1948 Crystal Lake 1626 i^., "mt

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