f " • :V ' • ' ' ' , ' 1 . , • - : Thurwbr, Jtm© 3, 1SS4 v * .5^ • THE McHENRY PtADTOEALHt Pag* Nine THRIFTY FOLKS PLOCK to A&P (me C ustomers' Corner i, Groduatu! Thousands of fine young AmertetM ax€ graduating front high schools and colleges this month ... and we are proud •I them all. "> * Here at A*P, we're particularly proud to welcome many of them into the ranks of onr loyal employees . . . just at w» were proud to welcome graduates of prior generations during the 94 jeara that AaP has been part of tke American scene. We constantly strive to make AatP a better place to work •.. a better place to thop. If you have any suggestions as to how wt can make /our shopping easier, or if you are interested in an AaP career, please tell your friendly A*P Manager. CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. A&P Food Stores 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N.Y. Cheese Food Ched-O-Bit Quick Melting 2 Lb. Loaf to Sharp Cheddar Cottage Cheese Wise. Choose Cream Rich 2 lb. kk On. 59* 4P hhnacn Climw box. OCc Vllvvwv vllvvw Swiss,Pimento Pkg. Sm%3 Swiss Cheese Center Cuts Lb. 59 Jane Parker Dutch Apple Pie Regular Retaf 49^ 8-Inch Size Pound Cake Breakfast Rolls Jane Parker Gold or Marble 39* Each 29° Regularly 35c Jane Parker Pkg. O |T( Cinnamon of 12 Regularly 29c Sandwich Cookieso.^^ 19' ±L 24 Oz. Pkg. *U DETERGENT 39« "C *249 Facial Tissue Angel Soft Pert Paper Napkins fiabo Cleanser Duz Detergent Oxydol Detergent Joy Detergent liquid Amer. Family tS* Kitchen Klenzer Argo Gloss Starch Unit Starch Niagara Starch 400 Ct Box For Laundry 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 For Your Laundry 19' 10* 25' 73' 63' 63' 25' 19' 29' ^2Q( Pta few *• 19 80 in Pkg. Tins Giant Pkg. tge. Pkgs. 6 Oz. Bris. Bars ran 16 Oz. Pkgs. HfegsfatdCant StaBoh "C IS' Trust woman with a gift for thrift to take advantage of A*P's lower food pricesl Ivory day, more and more of those value-wise housewives are saving more and more money by doing ell their marketing at AtP. They say few stores in town offer fine foods at such low prices. Come seel x CHECK-COMPARE QUALITY AND PRICE--THEM SAVE AT A*P 'Super-Right1' Blade Cut B(^e^ ^ Chuck Roast 2; 37« "Super-Right" Choice Quality Swiss or Round Steak Chuck Roast * 47c Sirloin Steak MyA» UMT* • Sliced Bacon r%- 75 S . Pork Butt Roast ^ Ground Beef Ground ^ 39c Fresh Fryers FuRyDrMMd Boneless Beef "Super-Right" *65® Jumbo Smelt ££ Beef Short Ribs *29c Jumbo Shrimp iZL Whole or by the Piece--Florida Red Ripe y J V 65« *75f *45' 45c 19* u 69c BEE1 5« u Lb U. S. No. 1 Grade--White California !H|. fife- New Potatoes 10 it 69 Plump, Sweet Bing Cherries Cantaloupe FROZEN FOODS Jumbo 27 Size Ik Each 49* 29 Green, Crisp Red, Ripe Southern Growit Cllt COIH *£Ur ) Your Choice Green Peas H2 Z $1" Cut Spinach J 21 10 Pkgs. Pkgs. 35« Lemonade Concentrated 2'£29' Orange Juice Old South O 6 Oz OC| Concentrated £ Tins mm JBag « New Cabbage Tomatoes Cucumbers Crisp Radishes w Green Peppers Pascal Celery 14 Oz. On. Southern Grown Crisp, Fresh 24 Size 5C 23* Bach 5 2---19c *5° 19* nAm&Pr iF Maniic\yy Qwuwauliitiiy y-- Uwniwswweoevtiveiniwedv Grapefruit Juice 2" 3* nr 33' Dole, Libby, Del Monte Pineapple Juice Refreshing, Rich Flavor Golden Corn A"FWKy Fancy Peas Green Beans Tomato Juice College Inn Creem Styie A&PSmall Reliable lona Thrift Quality Tomato Juice Cocktail 2 2 5 ' 2"? 35° 2 33c 3«oz OCc Tins imiJ 2i"43c Sliced Beets *&2r ^ 10c Tomatoes Quality--Red, Ripe 2~~'27t B&M Baked Beans 25c Cucumber Slices £* V0' 19c Polish £29' Style Borden's Farm Style ICE CREAM or Chocolate 49* Sugar Cones £$ Waffle Cuplets 10 Q Box Nabisco Brand 23c Root Beer 2 *» IT Sail Detergent E: VS Gal. Btls PIUS »TL Dt POSIT All Purpose TftnilSlllf fo1" Ice Croam--Smuckof'i , 6 Oz. 1 tHWWHiS Choc.,Pineapple, Butterscotch Tin 15c StroMteu't flat food Broadcast Hash IT CORNED^ WOfc BEEF Tin • i ••' -< Broadcast Redi Meat Dinty Moore Boned Chicken 12 Oz. Tki Beef Stew 24 Oz. Ti» 45' 39- 27* Whole Chicken 4 £ Is Banquet Brand Campbell's or Heinz Mushroom Soup 2^31 DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE or Dole-- SLICED--Full, Rich Flavor 3 $1<M> 30 Oz. Tins lona Brand 2tOz. Tin Sliced or Halved 2f Oz. In Syrup Fruit Cocktail 3 Apricot Halves lona Peaches Del Monte Purple Plums Grapefruit Royal Aim CHORUS Sultan# Brand SECTIONS A&P Fancy 2 2 Tin 17 Oz. Tint 30 Oz. Tins 16 Oz. Tins tjw 25* 25' si" . - 4. 45c 29* STUFFED OLIVES Sultana Small 10ft Oz. Jar 49* Instant Pudding «* 51 Ann Page Pure Ground 2Qz. Tin Black Pepper Salad Dressing Creamy Smooth Jar Pork & Beans 19 Sultana Qt. Sultana Brand WOz. Tin 10' DE CISCO DRESSING Milani Brqnd 8 Oz. Jar 31 Flavor-Kist Saltines Duncan Hines For Salads Ma Brown Pickles Del-Rich ^*^*2 M&C Spaghetti Prepared Cherry Pie Mix *£3 Mazola Salad Oil Mazola Oil Z 3V Karo Corn Syrup BOz. Jar 16 Oz. Jar Ik Ctns. 15% Oz. Tin 22 Oz. Tin Gal. Tin Qt Tin 2? 35' 39° 59* 10' 33' sou 16 Oz Bkie 24 Oz. Label U im > • 19 •r - AMUICA'S KMMOST POOO KfTAMJt... SIMCS 1«S* %m UtAI ATLANTIC 4 fA ill prices effective thrm&gfe