• „y{i- . Juiwr 5, 1951 WANTED TO RENT CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE Ffc>R SALE -- Cozy 4 room furnished bungulow with garage, fenced in lot, 1 block from river, 1 mile from town. For further information call McHenry 862. 4 „ FOR SALE -- 4 room house on Fox River, lot 100x250. Phone Mc- Hehry 476-J. .4_2 ~ SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Exper- 1 tented bookkeeper and general office work.* Write ewe of Plain - dealer, Box 461. 4 SITUATION WANTED Will Care for small child or baby in Thy home at McCuUom Lake. Phone 545-W-l. 4 SITUATION WANTED -- Would like 3 or 4 lawns to cut weekly. Have own power mower. Call 545-W-l after 5 p.m. 4 WANTED TO RENT - With option to buy, 3 bedroom home in or near McHenry or Crystal Lftke. Phone McHenry 132. 4 MISCELLANEOUS MISC. -- For nelp with domestic duties, an elderly woman may have a home and be compensated for same. Call 691-M-l. 4 SITUATION WANTED --: High school girl will baby sit days or evenings. Phone McHenry 1609. •4 WANTED WANTED -- One or two pieces of men's lightweight luggage. Call McHenry 833 after 6 p.m. *4 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for iron, metaja and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone McHenry M3-R-J. 33-tf y Injured pride sometimes startles a person into surprising ^ accomplishments. THE ALIBI GUS'S PLACE 130 So. Green S& Surprise Birthday Party for .George the Pizza 1 Saturday Nite, June tf WaUyat the Piaao 'v" Lunch FRIDAY NITE SPECIALS Deep Fried Perch, French Fries Lettuce and Tomato Sa'ad Vegetable, Roll and Batter 75c Shrimp Plate . . tlM Club Lilymoor Route 120 MOTHERS! Do you want a clean safe home for your children jphile you work «|c. By day or week. Reasonable p flees. Spacious playgrounds. All comforts. Nurse in charge. 596-J-2. 3-2 NOTICE -- After June 1, I will not be responsible for debts contracted in the name of Allen's Sweet Shop. Estelle M. Allen . *4 Teett-Agers Invited Square Dance McHenry High School - Girls Gym Given by M.Y.F. Sim. Nite, June 6 - 7:30 to 9:30 40c couples - 25c singles 4 Club Lilymoor Present Alyoe Joyce at the IViminond Organ Friday Nites and Sundays 4 'til 10 pjn, Saturday Nlte, Pete Hamil and His Orchestra NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the 19th day of June, 1954, an election will be held at the Ringwood Grade School, Ringwood, Illinois, School District No. 34, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the purpose of voting upon the following question: Shall the maximum tax rate for educational fund of Ringwood Grade School District No. 34, McHenry County, Illinois, be established at .703 on full, fair cash value instead of .493 the maximum rate otherwise applicable to the next taxeg to be extended? YES NO Fish Fry Every Friday Night ' Pizza, Friday and Saturday night "Alibi", Gtta's Place ISO S, Green St. 37tf Most of us are lucky if our heirs can pay , our debts and IEGALS f ' NOTICE i IN THE MATTER OF THE APi PLICATION OF EVERETT j HUNTER FOR VARIATION OF I ZONING CLASSIFICATION AND I AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That in compliance with the provision of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, relative to a change or variation of the zoning classification, a public hearing will be heard before the Board of Appeals in connection with the application of Everett Hunter that a variation of the zoning classification of the followihg des^, cribed real estate: Part of the North West quarter of the North West quarter of .Section 36, Township 45 North of Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the North East corner of said North West quarter of said North West quarter of said Section 36; thence South on the quarter line 696 feet to the line of the lots of Albert E t t e n ' s S u b d i v i s i o n ; t h e n c e Northwesterly along the rear line of said lots, 238 feet; thence North on a line parallel with • the quarter line 532 feet to the North line of said Section 36; thence Fast on the Section line 218 feet to the p'ace of beginning. be permitted to allow rezoning from Farming Classification to Business Distri ;t Classification. • C " Sf ' - ' r: « • THE WcHENIfr 'PtXINDEALEH Pago S«nrth The hearing will be held at 4:00! Fire Hoote in the^Townstttp of P.M. on the 6th day of July, A.D. I McHenry, County of McHenry 1P54, at the City Hall in the City | and State of Illinois, in said Fire of McHenry, Illinois, at which j Protection District, and that time and place ar.y person or per-1 final action on said ordinance sons desiring t to object to such application will be entitled to be heard. Dated this 21st day of May, A.D. 1954. McHfcNRY COUNTY ZONING HOAifeD OF APPEALS By: FRANK NAGEL, Henry L. Cowlin, Attorney at Law, Crystal Lake, 111. (Pub. June 3-10, 1954) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING . Notice is hereby given that a tentative budget and appropriaonjfcnance for the Wonder Bten if you lived under the ocean... Lake Fire Protection District, i, the County of McHenry and/fn Sfate of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1954,\an will be taken by the Board of Trustees of said Wonder Lake Fire Protection District, at a meeting thereof to be held at 8:15 o'clock P. M. Central Daylight Saving Time, on the 24th day of June A. D. 1954, at said Wonder Lake Fire House in said Its Chairman F^e Protection District. By order of the Board of Trustees of said District. Dated this 1st day of June, A. D. 1954. WONDER LAKE FIR# PROTECTION DISTRICT by JOHN G* FEYERER. Secretary. JOSEPH X. WAYNNS •JtttoHiey for District.;, 4 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF FTRST NATending April 30, 1955, will b<?U?n i TONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, file and conveniently availab^Kto AS TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST 11/ rpublic", inspection at the office a Victor Milbrandt at his home i Wonder Lake, in the Township , of McHenry, in the Count^* of McHenry and State of Illinois, in said Fire Protection District, from and after the 10th day of June, 1954. Notice is furthergiven hereby that a public hearing on said budget and appropriation ordinance will be held at 7:30 o'clock P. M. Central Daylight Saving Time on the 24th d?y of June, A. D. 1954, at WonUer Lake NUMBER 162 FOR AMENDENT OR VARIATION OF THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by the Board of Appeals of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a request for a variation of the Zoning Ordinance as it applies to the following described property: Lots 17 and 18, Block 1 of 1st Addition to Plstakee Highlands, Unit No. 2, in McHenry C&unty, • Illinois. * Said proposed change is to permit the operation of business corner under a Business B-l classification. Said hearing will be held in the City Hall at McHenry, Illinois at the hour of 4:00 P.M. on the 6th day of July, 1954. All persons interested may attend. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By FRANK NAGEL, Its Chairman Petitioner's Attorney VERNON J. KNOX ' 4 • Crystal Lake, Illinois Phone 1500 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hejsebv given that a tentative budpet and appropriation ordinance for road and bridge purposes of McHenry Township in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning Sept. 6, 1953, and ending Sept. 5, 1954, has been on file and conveniently available to pub- He inspection at McHenry Post OTfice from and after 9 o'clock A.M., 30th day of May, 1954. Notice is further given hereby that a public hearing on said budget and appropriation ordinance will be held at 8 o'clock P.M., 25th day of June, 1354, at Supervisor's Office in this Township. and that final action on this ordinance will be taken by the [Highway Commissioner at a m°eti Ing to be held at Supervisor's Office at 9 o'clock P.M., 25th day of June, 1954. CHARLES J. MILLER, Highway Commissioner : H. W. ANDERSON, . Clerk NOTICE ' Notice is hereby given, in sc. cordance with the statute, that, on July 5th, 1954, or on the first day of court thereafter; SUSAN MARIE SCHMITT will present her petition to the Circuit Court of McHenry County. Illinois, praying that the said Court give her leave to adopt the name SUSAN MARIS K2SLLEY. Evelyn L. Keiley . Guardian ; (Pub. May 20-27 June 3) It Pays to Advertise lfour LUMITE Satan ScroeniM coutdiit stain rust or corrode ONLY 18c Kq. Ft. All width* *K«0iit«r»d Trade-mark VYCITAL'S Hardware Sheet Metal Shop 182 S. Groen St. McHenry PHONE 98 MAXIMUM YIELDS Under the .493 maximum now in effect, the maximum yield is approximately $9000.00. Under the proposed .703 maximum, a maximum yield of $12,500.00 would be possible. The polls will be opened at 12 o'clock noon and closed at two o'clock p.m. of the same day. By order of the School Directors of said District. . Dated this 3rd day of June, 1954. JOHN HOOAjf, President PAUL WALKINGTON, Clerk Farmers B. M. FLEMING & SON NEW IDEA -- PAP EC DlxALEB TRACTORS SALES ft SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Service. BFLONE MCHENRY SS Waukegan Road Dead Animal Removal WHEELING RENDERING WORKS Be Legal, Keep a Clear Conscience Prompt Service, Day or Night Sundays and Holidays No help needed to load. Operating under State Inspection Made by Dept. of Agriculture. Highest Cash Prices Paid. Phone Wheeling 3, collect 45-tf GEO. P. FREOND Authorized Dealer for McHENWT EOUIPMEJ^ CO, 8ALB8 6 SERVICE GUS FREUND •ONE McHENRY 188 *fc W. Elm St. (Basement) HOGS WANTED -- All classes and weight for highest net re turn. Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Marengo Daily Hog Market, phone Marengo 262 50 tf McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS CO-OP ASSN. Dough Boy Ful-O-Pep LOTTO Poultry & Dairy Feeds PHONE McHENRY 729 528 Wankegan Road SALES ft SERVICE Farm Implements and Tmehns Universal Milkers New HoDknd Ffcnn WTsihlwnj PHONE McHENRY 430 Ml Crystal Lake Roa^ For top prices on Down or Crippled cattle, call L. B. Products, Marengo 907, collect. 2-tf FOR SALE -- Baled straw and corn fodder. Hickory Creek Farm, Phone 548-J-2. 49-tf WANTED -- Down and crippltd cattle at better cash prices. Orville Krohn. Woodstock. Phene 1651-R-t, collect. *15-tf McHENRY MILLS, Inc. Poultry, Hog & Cattle Feeds PHONE McHENRY 918 606 Crystal Lake Road ^<1111111 t tiiiiiiiMiii i i iiiiri iiiii iii i iiiii iiiiiitit i i u imi i i iEtii iti iiiiiiiiiiffliimaiiiU'iiiiHiM'i i i't iii i i i i iti in i n .* | Greatly Reduced Prices | f for Wisco Aluminum Combination WINDOWS & DOORS Assembled Ai Toolcrafts New Plant Richmond, Illinois Delivery 10 Days, Installed By Factory Trained Mechanics AUTHORIZED DEALER May Construction TOM BOWER, Salesman RICHMOND 4381 or 2081 M'm|»niiitiTt'rrw'Bni;i'rTii!tjntit;iiiniiiinti,ti;niiiim!iii'ri;iii:ii;i'iin iiiw;iiiii'tiiiii!iiiiiiiii,iiiii:i;inii!i!iiiiriti;iii!imrrpY 1 WE GUARD YOUR FURS AS IF THEY BELONGED TO US! Eapwl ckoning, glaiiaf, Mtdtm Morago vault*. Fully insured Bof.d»d pick-up Mrvieo. A eatux and LAUNDRY N. Front Street PHONE McHENRY 927 Around the corner north of the National Tea Store BONDED FUR STORAGE Save Up to 50% Bay Direct from Factory FIBRE GLASS AWNINGS MADE OF CORRULUX PtODUCT OF Ubkv-Ow*es«Ferd Glass Ce, SUPERIOR IN 9UAUTTI • Permanent color «ad boavty. • Permth natural light without flaro. • Fire resittant. • Warp free (hot or cold weather). • Cm torn made oa eitruded aluminaM frame structure. • La»ti a lifetime. • Reduces window tlssatag. Protect Tear HOM Aidwt All Woothor CeadHieas! AU AWNINGS CntM MH *o Moot Year iMrirtonh FHA TERMS--UP to 3 YEARS to PAT NO MONET DOWN Phone for Pre* Ectimaf* COrnelio 7-4303 CALL DAT OK MICMT. . A m c r i c a " G!o A w n i n q C c. 3 9 3 2 N o r t H F ' s t o n A > c Local Representative 300 \V. Elm Street Phone McHenry 230 LITTLE FARMER By KERN PEDERSON Uncle Tod Bolton says that if his wife don't quit naggin' him he's goin' out and hunt a lob. X Some fellers who leap matrimony are kept on Jump ever after r i Si OFT' MAIN STREET rrr By JOE DENNETT OH. THANK WORM! BOV,TEACH/ IFVOU HAD FOUND ONLY HALF A WORM, I'D SURE WORRV/ youf u? 'r'> -1 ' I •) By TOM OKA GRANDPA'S BOY Bv BRAD ANDERSON \ POMY Y<?U WANT OZ CARROT? •hot PAW^ H' CRB AM/ V \ YOUR CEREAL? if yea cghjlp <?NUi TALK, WHAT VWW VOU LIKE / I (0 It's hard for some folks with no purpose in life to give a reason for livin'. • • o To git his wife to shut up. Tubby Tyler starts cleanin' his old shot gun. • 00 Zol Klinger says there's a time to work and also there's the time and a half. * * « •, ./• llJ-llj. !. US -- Zed Peters got a new suit last week so he went to church Sunday mornin'. 1 Nothin' kin make .. than teen agers on the teW» - 9 phone . . .or mabe it does. . There's no worse feelin' than to kill your engine in down town traffic. o o • It's funny but it's in the rush hour that traffic moves the slowest. • o o Some fellers walk like tMy' owned the streets, others drive like they owned the car. --REV. CHARLEY GRANT F-l-44/ C10SSW01D ACROSS 1. Queer 4. Water around cas ties 9. Secret agent 12. Contend 13. Frequently 14. Bind 15. Performod 17. Foes 19. Rented 21. Caudal appendage 22. Bay 24. Punch bread 27. Pit 29. Beget SI. Compaaa point 82. Printing meaauna SS. Horse 34. Fish egn 36. Near 36. Fundamental 37. A bond 38. Pertaining to teat 40. Warm ' 42. Social insects 44. Of a ray 47. Native of Russia 60. Torment 51. Suffix, agent 52. Happening 54. Golf mound 55. Turkish ruler 56. Full of reeds 57. Auricle DOWN 1. Egg shaped 2. Cuba 3. Minor parte 4. Idea] 6. Preposition • Consumed 7. Cauvas shelter 8. Moved stealthily 9. Steps over fence 10. Pastry ft 11, Affirmative word 1C Slav-* U Heed 20. Amvuota owed 13. Handle 95. Soon is. Act f7. Make hot IB. Upon SO. Lamprey catcher SS. More saitty 34. Give forth radiance 36. ProhiMta 37. Stay 39. Mean 41. Small pie 4<i. Rescue 46. Bewildered 46. Evil glance 47. Chest " 48. Hire 49. Born 83. N. emtral state (abbr.) 15 '.ft' ' • * f Solution