^ ™ * 'f *' ,«r"?s * •*„ ' WE MrftotoY l>LXmbfeALfeR *?£ MI V ,.-• •j||L.'i|| " <W fcttEJ IBUMiyi JiSttV lOf XWl •RINGWOOD By Mrs. George Shcpard ed t'he Passion Play ftt Zion Sunday afternoon. Daily vacation church school began June 7 and will continue through June 18. .School opens at ! 1:15. The classes are for those aged 3 thiougii grade school. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard I whlit they need. The polls will entertained their five hundred j be •'bp.cn fiom noon until 2 p.m, Club Tuesday evening. Prized, Mi! and Mrs. Harold Bell en- . ( WMe awarded to Mr. and • Mrs; i fert'tfined a grouj) of relatives at:| graduation of their im*oe Peter Sebastian, high, and Mr. ! t.ioir home Sunday honoring; Mrs. .Edith McCanno ! their daughter, Mary Jane, who Woodstock and son. Ljlc. o •nd daughter, Nancy, and Miss Betty Pel tea visited relatives at Wilmot Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of Chicago spent Sunday in the George Shepard home. Mr. and Mis. Robert Low of v Mrs Viola Low and Mrs. Les- j MeHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Walter lie Alien of Harvard visited rela- j Wilcox of Woodstock and Pamela SCIENCES ^and your PLAN CONSERVATION SCHOOL FOR 350 2?' STATE STUDENTS ' tives at Wayland.. Mich., past week and ' attended the the of and Mrs. Louis Hawley. low. Mrs. Pete Sebastian entertain-j graduated from St, Marys «d the women's five hundred ' school at MeHenry Friday evenchib at her home Wednesday. A ing. OHe o'clock dessert luncheon was • jua n d * M r s . R u s s e l l E h l e r t served. Prizes were awarded to Richmond spent Sunday after- Mr®. Louis Hawley and M;s. Les-^ noon in the John Ehlert home. Ur Carr. • s!Kis*i\ -ViQfinia Jepson of Chi- Mr. and Mrs. John Hogarv: en- j ca£,> spent Memorial weekend .tjMrtained at Mpon house' Friday \vH';i her parents. Mr Viand Mrs. evening for their daughter,.Mary.1 ^.n .Waikington, • Mr.» and Mrs. Who graduated from high school, j j^a^d McCannon • of Blooming-' IWBd their son, Jeriy. who. gradu-c, tori and .Da^id McCannon of ated from eighth grade - : Wheaton \yere guests on Mentor- " Mr. and. Mrs. Turner /enter- iaV'Da\\. i ttined at a supper in .the clnrrch - and" Mrs. Louis Hawley i atcrsl enk Mrfe. rsburg, Fla... called on Mrs. Poet Tuesday afternoon- C. L. Harrison and Mrs. Roy., Harrison and daughter. Edith, attended the graduation exercises at St. Mary's high school at Wood^tWk" Tuos.Jay evening. iff. •S. Harrison's niece. Miss Nancy Wurtzinge'r.. received the Legion awa:d foi' citizenship. Mrs. Agnes Jencks entertained Mrs. Tom Pettise,. Mrs. • Beitfah Pierce. M's. Leslie Nichols and Mrs. Louis Lamb of Baningion at lunch Wednesday. Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter. and Susie Low spent Sunday in the Beattv-Low home. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low were visitors at Starved Rock j parrot fever. The increasing nation- wide popularity of parakeets. DON'T KISS A PARROT! By Science Features People who get too close to their pet birds run the risk of getting psittacosis, commonly known as Sunday. MOOSE LODGE hall Friday evening honoring Monday"with their daugh- j Alico were visitors at. Woodstock their daitghtev. • Elaine, w'10 ; ter and husband, Miv and Mrs.} jviday morning1.v • graduated from high school.4»nd • ..Reitiwall. Jr.. at McHen-[ Mr and Mrsv. C L Harrison their daughter. Joyce, wiio gr ^- ;;y . I spent Sunday ih the'Henry Mffruated from eighth grade of ... ^ amt Mrs. George Shepard i lowe home at Huntley.. Marys school. ' ; " , and Mr. and .Mrs. William Heine Mrs, Ffork Hairison, tMr*. The Misses Audrey and Da;- ^ jjorKja.. jn the Alan Ainger ] Stanley Thomas, daughter and lene Andieas, Mary Nye and P;<t ; h»>me at Hcbion | daughter-in-law of Bona Vista. Stilling entertained at a nux e,-, ^ s jQjin Hogan and j Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Ai din laneous shower for Dons Bauer Ma and Patricia. I Frisbie and daughter of Green- Ill the church hall ^un a\ a er- wprp g)g-jn visitors Thursday. [wood spent Friday in the Win. and Mrs. Carl Frey of j Harrison home at Round Lake. Mrs. Leland Berg and WOMEN Of THE MOOSE An initiation meeting was held Tuesday, June 1, at the Moose hall. Our new members ate Eve C. Kapche. Loretta Paluch, Adelfa Karls, Lucille Weber, Elsie K u l a s e k . A n n e t t e S c h m i t t , E v e - i lyn Konecny, Anna Dolarw and Vera Shales. Our election of officers followed and are senior regent, Elea-I lung infection is accompanied by nore Brusso; junior regent, Joan 1 headaches, sore throat, chills and Vrett; refcorder, Marge Fern- j fever when the disease strikes. Bestrom; treasurer. Louise Behnke' fore the introduct,on of antib.ot.es parrots and love-birds as pets is believed to be the main cause, for the rising rate of this relatively pbscure disease. In the first two months of this / . year 23 cases / were reported y by the U. S. ^ Public Health Service, about four times the average number / that occurred during the same period in 1945. The symptoms and treatment of parrot fever are almost the same as those of virus pneumonia. This ed that 100 elementary and grade school teachers from Illinois schools will Attend sessions at the school on Fox lake. "All nine sessions of the ^school," Palmer said, "are filled to capacity, so it will be useless for anyone to seek admission at this time." * First session of the school Mr. Aurora. and chaplain, Josie Lawson. Installation will be held June 15, with . a pot-luck preceding to mark the occasion. Co-workers Mary Swearingin and Mary Meyer, witCi chairman. Helen freshments were served. She received many nice gifts. She wi'l da ^tor Grace. James and Paul i past week with her daughter, be the bride of uane n rea<'| Q]ausei enjoyed a picnic dinner Mrs. Elmer Olsen, and family ™ V T o A TlnT the I Rodenkirch, made up, the corn- Mrs. .Emily Bea y *p | mlttee appointed for counting club met »t the j « Fox River park on Memorial 1,0".. of and Km Ernest ttelnwall. »t McHenrj huis ay r e Coonev Heights spent Were awarded to Miss Mae \\ led-, ^ ' rich, Mrs. Oscar Berg and Mrs Ltfiter Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meisiner ! , ,, of Janesville. Wis. are the par- Alice and Marian, spent. S«.nds> cuts of an 8 lb. son. born -Uie in the Earl Harrison home at Mr and Mrs ' Burlington, On the way home. Membrial Day with her patents, Mr. and Mis. Louis Hawley. Mrs. Lena Peet and daughters. ballots Visiting our ledge Was Carol om the Woodstock "lI' 1j ! lodge. Helen Heuser is reported Lrbertyville were f n^y dtnner i jn thp Wood8tock ho iul HftZel guests in the Ben Waikington, ^ V neai Richmond. I nnnlan ft-, Mr. and Mri. Lee Huson of | , „ . , home. „ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block fif Sheboygan. Wis., spent Saturday night and Sunday night with Dr. and Mrs^ William Hepburn. They, , w „ , Du,„„tlv,1, -j with Drj and Mrs Hepburn, atseventh of Ma>-. Mr. and Mk &nd MrsJ t(,nded 4he graduation exercises Ed Peet of MeHenry. formerly of i "*ey C«1UU... _ L., ^ -Mnnrtav Ringw'ood. are the great-grand-1 »' <!^™!'and parents. Mrs. Meisiner was for-1 m1;- :y. , meilv Miss Maxine Clay. | daughter and ^er-m-lax of i Joint installation of the ; Bona V'sta' ^ W.S.C.S. officers was held at the j her mother and other relativ s Methodist church Wednesday i week evening. Mrs. Chancey Harrison welcomed all to the meeting. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and Mrs. Gordon Fossum sang two selec- Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent the weekend with her daughter and family at Barrington. A group from the Ringwood tions. Mrs. Cristy gave a talk *nd Greenwood churdhes attendon the worldwide .W.S.C.S. meet- j ^ . i . I ing that she and Mrs. Clinton Martin attended at Milwaukee; last week. Mrs. Sample installed' the new officers in a candlelight | service. After the service, all j enjoyed coffee, tea and cookies) In the ehurch dining room and I a social evening followed. • There will be a special election at the Ringwood school June 19 for the purpose of in-, flBfairlhg' the tax rate for more' Money to run the school. They T mo: of NapeKyille college on Monday. Miss Jean Block was a member of the class. ' , Mr. and Mrs. Char leg^Ackerman of Poplar Grov^-^pent Sunday in the John Hogan home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Yardley of Woodstock spent Saturday evening in the Fred Bowman home. Mrs, Jofan Ehlert and daughter, Mabel, Mrs. Fred Bowman Bowman is feeling better and attended our election meeting. A mistake was made, our new mother is Lorraine Nellis instead of sister Rita. Let's give credit where credit is due. Gertrude Barbian thanked all who helped in the recent cancer drive and for Poppy Day. Refreshments were served following the meeting. one out of every five recorded parrot fever cases resulted in death. Treatment today usually consists of rest in bed with doses of antibiotics. Doctors at the Uni» versity of Texas Medical Branch reported that treatment with terramycin led to recovery of two psittacosis patients within three days. Sparrows, pigeons and ducks can also carry the disease, and the birds need not be infected themselves in order to spread the virus that causes the fever. People can catch the illness by close association with these feathered friends or by direct contact with them. A warning was issued recently by the Medical Society of New Jersey against kissing parrots or parakeets or allowing these pets to take food from one's lips. Some kisses, the medical society admitted, are undoubtedly worth running a risk to enjoy. Kissing birds, however, should be left to other birds. Bay U.S Savings Bonds today. asking twenty-one cents lore but thev will onlv tnk* BUTCH'S SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR Regular check ups and maintenance by our experts means lower ear costs for you! We Do Complete Motor Overhauling 809 W. Elm street MeHenry, m Phone 811 -- Residence 91-11 WIN! „ pnm 24 Hour ' Jtowing Service >)! Get ready NOW for another Scorching Summer AIR CONDITIONER Hhen a heat wave strikes, they're rare as diamonds. Get yours note, have it installed tomorrow, then sit back and enjoy 100" days! Amaxiagly easy ta buy as low as $221 a week N I G H T C O O L I N G FAN $4°° down, 60i a week Blows out hot air. draws in cool night air. Sleep refreshed erery night far only before makes D E H U M I D I F I In basement or playroom, eren a small dehumidi ®er wrings 30 quarts of water a day out of damp summer air. Prevents plaster rrumbline. Diftes dripping, odors. only**5°°dbwn per week , Ml ALL TMI UADING MANOS AT OUR NfARSST APPLIANCE STORK OR YOUR MAklR PUBLIC MSiWilA COMPANY Other organizations which art sponsoring students for 1954 include the Illinois Federation of Sportsmen's clubs, which helped Ordinate the sponsorship plan More than 350 Illinois high | several, years ago, the chapters school students have been en- i of the Illinois division of the rolled in' the annual conservation j Izaak Walton League of America,., , school conducted by the Depart- , Garden clubs of Illinois, 4-Hj The state Division of Hlghment of Conservation at Lake 1 clubs and a variety of other ser-j ways has opened bids in the fifth Villa, it was announced recently; vice organizations throughout | road letting this year under by Glen D. Palmer, director of I the state. • • r# | Governor William G. Stratton's the department, who also teport- j Course of study for both stu-! 1954 highway construction pro- Students for each session will gather at the school at 4 p.m. (CJD.T.) each Sunday, and the session will be closed formally at noon the following Saturday. ROAD LETTING dents and teachers will be basic- I gram. The fifth letting embraced ^ ally the same as last year, but , highway projects in 34 Illinois with changes in the emphasis on j counties at a total cost of $7,- various phases of the work. Fac- : 821,913. The latest letting in- » ulty for the school will be pro- j creased to approximate!^ $43,- vided from personnel in the ' 000,000 the amount of neW work various divisions of the depart-! on which proposals have been; ment, with assistance from the' received ^since the first of the office of Superintendent of Pub- year. . ; ; * lie Instruction and the Illinois i ------v r r - ' ;' with James Helfrich of Ham-1 a ural History Survey, mond, 111.,, in charge, will begin ! on Juno 13. There will be eight j consecutive sessions prior to the Illinois State Fair, and the nint will open immediately after the fair closes. This will be the largest school j program ever attempted by the i department. .Palmer explained. J Capacity of the school is fifty | students or teachers per week, and all seven student sessions are filled to capacity as are the two teacher' sessions. There Is a $15 tuition fee for high school students, the fee being paid in advance by sponsoring organizations throughout the state. Helfrich said that 100 of the students this year are being sponsored by^ the chapters of the Illinois Federation of' Women's clubs, whose conservation activities have been headed ffcr two years by Mrs. Thomaa Baird of Kankakee. Read The Want Ads! 1 FRED J. SMITH X A * SALES SERVICE Coitiplete Motor Overhauling Welding JOHNSBURG. ILL. . McHENRY 200-J mwoii/noMwm CROSLEY . m. 17-WCH WALNUT HNISHCO N*w outside--takes up m to Mi lass space New inside -- powerful Super-Vertical Circuit Front is all screen--^oiftrols ar# on side Light enough to c«riy-r)ake it anywhere Choice of walnut-, mahogany- or bio# finished cabinet V • • ' fiolgiid on "Your Hit Parad* f-Ao \bu can see it. UTTER] op a CROSLEY "SUPER $ LEE & RAY ELECTRIC PHONE 882 ^ H6 MAIN ST. McHENRY, 1L|» Store Hours: Daily ||A.M. to 6 P.M. • Fridays 8 A.M. to 9 P.M . Sundays 9 A.M. to 1§ Norm Closed Wednesday Afternoons \ vw v ri 'A TIR FAMOUS FIRESTONE DELUXE CHAMPIONS Used As Original Equipment On America'* Finest Cars BUY 1st TIRE AT REG. NO TRADE-IN PRICE OF $20.60 i v ; I GET 2nd TIRE FOR.. niBKT 6.00-16 Plus Tax and ytwr present tires If they are' recappable All Sizes Black and White Sidewalls SAL£-PRtC£D! BLACK SIDEWALLS WHITE SIDEWALLS size MO. NO TRADI-IN PRICE 1»» TIRI ** OfT 2Adl ' TIRI FOR size RI6. NO TRADE-IN PRICE fit TIRE OCT 2*4 TIRE FOR 6.00-16 20.60 10.30* 6.00-16 25.25 12.63* 6.70-15 22.60 11.30* 6.70-15 27.70 13.85* 6.40-15 21.55 10.78* 6.40-15 26.40 13.20* 7.10-15 25.05 12.53* 7.10-15 30.70 15.35* 6.50r16 25.40 12.70* 6.50-16 31.10 15.55* 7.60-15 27.40 13.70* 7.60-15 33.55 16.78* 8.00-15 30.10 15.05* 8.00-15 36.85 18.43* 8.20-15 31.40 15.70* 8.20-15 38.45 19.23* *Plul Tax and your pr«»«nt tirti if lh*y ar* r.cappabl* WE HAVE • *l»lwt Tatt FOR ALL MAKES BATTERIES CARS and TRUCKS Up To $5.00 Trade For Your Old Battery* McHENRY TIRE MART 4/VALT FREUND and BOB THURLWELL, Props. $26 Main Street Phone: 294 or 295-J MeHenry, !H. i;*