**»Tw§ berg of the engagement of their daughter, Ethelmae, to Marvin Lilla of Wauconda, Wedding plans are indefinite. 4 - \ ~ Pink-Blue Shower i Honors Mr*. Fickeo Mrs. Herbert FIcken was guest temple OWn-rs J spirited members of the club. With Anniversary j proceeds will help pay for the In observance of the thirty-1 materials used. •ixth wedding anniversary of Mr. : Members of the O.E.S. •nd McHen . Raymond Ileal enjoyed din- ' bo ,at its best ner at Rhdigan's at Kenosha. 'Wis., last Saturday., . ! "Human K mot ions" o !.' v - -- *! Subject of T;ilk Party Honor* •' -'"'.The June meeting-4^'-^|iliyww<NI Vfrorothea Miller i unit. Home Bureau, held at the . . .' , * a.x. ^ „ ... uie mfcniiu i E^w,ll , w at We8twood schoo Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer. the serve tl^ guests and tHe ^nnons^fcKk. in the afternoon, tenry couple and Mr. and : w.U se^tc.it that the fort Witf Tl(1 pr0{fram wi|1 inc also Mrs. Jean Vogel, her sister and guests from Woodstock and May wood. Schmltt will be the bride of Robert Wagner. Home Bureau la , Annual Meeting McHenry County Home Bureau J of honor at a pink and bhle will hold its thirty-sixth annual j shower held at the Peter J meeting on July 9. according to Schaefer residence on Sunday, an announcement made this week [ June 6. Games pioviied diverby Mrs. James Higgins, county | sion for the guests, after which' president. | a tasty lunch was served. Mrs. The annual meeting 'will be j Ficken was presented with a t Westwood school. Wood- | number of beautiful gifts. The serving table was attracprogram will include the tively decorated with a centerbusiness session and special fea- piece of blue and white carnaiorts. METHODIST CHURCH GRANTED PREMIERE OF NEW COLOR FILM tures. Committees now working on preparation for the. event- include: Nominating committee . Mrs. Miss Dordfciea Therese Mlllefc U^-h>nd> en residence in Wonder j Raymond • . feattray. • Algonquin, hf\ CT ^ nHnaf O f 1 l^o g: aduated from St. DPna t•rm icnklr"as |I L^ke. was we-- 1l1l a_ ttend1e- d j. Ir.e ne !' S•. .r » mS/«iH' S«i rs S^ R Schmitt, Ga-tholic* school last Sunday Downey, home adviser, talked on : Woodstock L E -Din^leyl *"™ing. was honorefl at a party " Growing Up EmotionaHy," and ! Richmond/ and' Mrs.' Stanley •eld at the {home of her parents; I a§r$. C. S. Johnson gave a dern^ church, Huntley - the Charles J. Miners, later in • oiisiration on how to make may- Budget committee Mrs X • '. j onnaise dressing after, giving her' W. H McClelland/ Harvard? A buffer supper was served at, lesson on using left-over egg j ch^,man. Mrs Joe Schalz, ^thenng . i Woodstock, and Mrs. Ray Deneen, «f friends and relatives. Miss Downey's talk on human } Marengo Meet Offtecrs Of School P.T.A. emotions dealt with fear, anger, disgust, grief, joy, surprise, etc. | Through member participation, Election of officers was held j Mjgs Downey di;ected the dis_ nrr,^ e !f,3^ mee*'n£ Mar>. s : Hussions to possible reasons for P.T.A; They aie Mrs Jack Buck- | emotional immaturity and possie, president: Mrs. Bernard Mat- | jbl(? wavs bv u.hi(Ch emotionaJ a»en. vice-president; Mrs. Charles , mSUllitv * be gained A mt Brdasecretary; ancI Mrs Ray , of su£r?ested booka to read Wag Albright, treasurer. Mrs. Buckie gesled as follmvs; ..Strecker ia taking office for the second term and Mrs r Brda is the former vice-president. Retiring officers are Mrs. diaries Jurack. secretary: and * _ . • me r u iu Liivr »> iLfi, auu r«L James Thompson, treasurer. JeeVs Matire Mind .. Chairmen of the August style show include Mrs. Harold Frett, Mrs. Eugene Nye and Mrs. Ralph Varesp. During-the meeting, the new assistant pastor, Fr. Donald Sehuler. was introduced and he gave a shdrt talk. Piogram committee -- Mrs. Victor Rappaport, Crystal Lake, chaiinan, Mrs. James Burch, Marengo, and Mrs. Roy Jacobsen, .Richmond. Arrangements committee -- Mrs. Joe Rosulek, Woodstock, chairman, and Mrs. Chailes Martin, Woodstock. and Apple." "Understanding Ourselves." Fred McKinney's "The Psychology of Personal Adjustment." "Fosdick's "On Being Fit to Live With," and Over* Tommy. 7. Dan, 5, and Alice, 3* and Mrs. Ben H. Stilling !^r- an<* Mrs E- M Rofcrs 4 nr ! P«stakee Bay are the parents of for the wedding, George Johnsons .; . Wed Forty Y%s' " . Mr. and Mrs GSiorge Johnson celebrate^ theii fortieth wedding anniversafy last > Sunday. although the actualSlste was June 3. The gathering ^so honored Mrs. Joh|#on en her birthday anniversary A social afternoon and evening w#ye enjoyed, with a buffet supper served. The Johnsons *n«£ie presented with forty red roses in observance of the occasion. The couple^has three children, who were present with their families. They are Mr. and Mr®. Clyde HolloweU (Marjorie). c/L Elgin. Mfc. and Mrti. Ceorgfr Johnson and two children Skokie and Frank at home. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hollowell of May wood. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Eder of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Smith of Wheaton. Mr. and Mrs. Granger Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Smith, son, Gordon, and friend, all of Elgin; Mrs. Earl Geer of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mi*s. Harry Alexander of Hebron, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger of Mc- Henry. O.E.S. invites Public t» Turkey Dinner ^ A very special turkey dinner* Will be served at Acacia Hall, McHenry, on Saturday, June 12. through the courtesy of O.E.S. Chapter No. 547. Proceeds will be used to complete the interior of Acacia dining room. Adult dinners will be served beginning at 5:30 p.m. The Cannons, worthy matron and patron, have been planning the menu for this day and have come up with a very promising one. The dining room is being finished in wood panels and the w*>rk is done by community- <• <"}• <• -H • 'H1 •{• PLANT NOW! Sftron? Ar « wewkiM ynton { Geraniums SO* Vinca Vines 50« Petunias . . . $1.75 'flat, 3-doz.) Marigolds ... $1.50 'flat, 3-dea.) Zinnias .... $1.50 (flat, 3-doz.) Cabbage 40c Tomatoes Peppers "Vaughn's Grass Seed iPertilizers Spraying Materials, etc. All Supplies ELM STREW FLORIST Across From A*P ~|E|I PHONE 181 ^|P/ MellMiry, fU. mi'l H ! 181 K Nominate Officers For C ircle #, W.S.C.S. The June meeting of Circle 3, W.S.C.S., held at the Gruenfeld | Etlielmae Hagberg residence, was well attended, j Engaged To Marry Members voted to have a garden party in July. The 1 -nominating committee, composed of Mis. Duker, Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. Johnson, presented the following slate of officers: Mrs. J. J. Gruenfeld, president; Mrs. William Wissell, vice-president; Mrs. Leonard Mc- Cracken. secretary; and Mrs. Burton N. French, treasurer. Announce Troth Of Carol Stilling Mi announce the engagement their daughter, Carol Ann, Francis J. Voldan, son of Frank j a J. Voldan of Round Lake Pttfk. | ca*° No definite date has been set tioi Out-of-town guests were ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reuess and Mr. and Mrs. George Malone of Midlothian. Mrs. Charles Rogera niQi Mrs. Tony Mele of Chicago. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller are the parents of a daughter, born June 2 at -he Woodstock hospital. 8 _ Mr. and Mrs. Gerald LarkLn are the parents of a daughter, Sally, born at the Woodstock hospital May oO. They have two other children, both girls, Janet, 2, and Nancy, l. A girl was born at the Woodstock hospital May 31 to Mr. and Mrs. Volney Browril They have three other childreq The Community Methodist church of McHenry is one of 500 across the nation to be granted a premiere showing of the new color motion picture, "John Wesley," according to Rev. J. Elliott Corbett, the pastor. , „ - • .. Produceu by the radio and film commission of the Methodist church, the picture, was filme4 in England for the American church by the X Arthur Rank organization. The dramatic and influential life of the 18th century evangelist will be brought to the screen for the first time In this film which runs one hour and seventeen minutes. Wesley was founder of the evungelical movement which grew into a family of Methodist churches in the world, one 'of Which is America's largest Pro estant denomination. Historians also credit his movement with creating such a transformation in the life of late 18th century England that the country escaped nn experience of violence similar to the French Revolution. Leonard Sachs, outstanding English stage and television actor, portrays the famous "horseman of the Lord," as Wesley came to be known as he rode up and down England winning thousands of people to a new understanding of religion and a transformed life. Date of the premiere showing at the McHenry hign school will be Monday, June 2$. COMING EVENTS Thunday, Jan 10, 1954 July • 6 3 mill] ft T Ml 1.1 Annual Meeting -- ' •*-« aA-- W4W-H.flTi | iinw ^ogram, fcingwood u 1 v" 111 Unit- Home Bureau -- Wlllcin- Jnne 11 ' son Residence i ;30 p.m Christian Mothers <t ahdA]|t(|r i ' July 1 4 * ' ~ Society -- 7:45 pm June 12 ' Turkey Dinner -- • Acacia Hall -- Sponsored By O.E.S. -- Public Welcome June 15 Pot-luak, Women of the Moose -- Moose Hall -- 7 p.m. . Installation tjf Officers -- Moose Hall -- 8 p.m. s J a n e 1 6 1 V ' v ; W.C.O.F. Joint F»ienk Aurora Adult Girl Scout Association «*- Mil, B. J. Roggenbuck Home June 17^ W.S.C.S. Installation of Qfflcers and Pot-luck Luncheon ~.T 1 p.m. --- " HcHenry. Methodist Church Jnne 22 Grand Lecturer's Night -4 8 P.m. -- Acacia Hall -- Sponsored by O.E.S. June 2S St. Clara's Court, Juvenile Picnic July 4 St. daflafs Court Bake Sale O.E.S, Annual Public Dessert Card Party 1 p.m. -- Aoacift Hall ' 'f: Jfaly 28 : 1 • Circle 3. W.S.C^., Garden Party -- J. j Gruenfeld Residence -- 1:30 p.m. -- Fairpaks Subdivision CARD OP THANKS In this manner I would like to thank neighbors and friends for , floral offerings, cards ojt sympathy and the other kindr nesses extended in our bereavement. They were all greatly appreciated. ' 5 Lorraine Laukert CjMtD OF THANKS We would like" in this manner to thank kind friends and neighbors for spiritual bouquets, floral offerings, cards of sympathy and the many other remembrances at the time of our bereavement. We are most appreciative of thi thoughtfulness of everyone. *5 The Martin Cooney Faimiljr 1 a son, Thomas A. Rogers, born June 3 at Columbus hospital, Residence Changes Open Tues , Thurs. & Fri. Evenings 'Til 9 p.m. finishing touch of fashion.... your weekly ,MKs Sehmltt Guest At Rridnl Sho*ver Miss Betty Schmitt Wl# guest of honor at a surprise bridal shower held at the Glenn Burmeister home in Woodstock last Wednesday. A two-course lunch was served, after which Miss Schmitt was given a fish pole and asked to try h'nh- luck, jfrshing1 proVeti to be very good as she received many (beautiful and useful gifts for her futUTe home. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Giace Kaiser. Mrs. Lois Sehneideweind and Mrs. Margaret Burmeister. Present from McHenry were the bride's mother and sisters, Mrs. Anton J. Schmitt, Phyllis. Joyce and Mrs. Virginia Schmitt; The Louts Huff and Jadot , families are moving this week Announcement was made this j from 210 E. Elm street to Laweek by Mr. and Mrs. Win Hag- I Grange, Wis THE T0MIER SHOP 312 ELM STRUT McHCNRY, ILL. Fun In The Sun BATHING SUITS up to size 6X $1.65 8c up SHORTS MIDRIFFS up to Size d up to Size 6 59c 8c up ' 59c 8e up 1-PIECE SEERSUCKER PLAY SUITH * • ;'v . Coral, Nayy, Aqua?'. Sizes 3 to H 3,' . $3,75 BOYS' SUMMER SHORT PANTS Seersucker, Twill, Denim, Etc. Sizes Toddler 2 to Reg. 10 Priced From $1.95 Store Hours; Daily: 9 A.M. to 6 F.M. Fridays: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sundays: 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. doz. 4Qc 5Q« 7/1 >clltt Elatticized neckline for off-shoulder wearstunning Indian print--Whirl of. a full swing skirt. Colors: Brown, green, blue, grey.- $298 Sizes: Small, medium, large. RIVERSIDE Retail Factory Outlet WEST END OF OLD BRIDGE McHenry, 111. mamcUtes Italian and mode r n Haircutting and Hairstyling . . . Permanent Waving, Tinting, and Complete Beauty Service . . . WE CARRY ALL REVLON COSMETICS AND POLISHES. AIR CONDITIONED •4- ' ' -,<* %*. XOVEI4N*|^| Slawbtyiirify Studi 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, ]ft WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT BANKING0 WE mean deposits in a checking account. A checking depositor here may withdraw all or any part of hi? balance "on demand"--that is, without giving us notiqe in advance. ^ Your funds deposited in a checking account with us are properly safeguarded -- and immediately available. Why not open an account at our bank this wed^ McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL. DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER FENMMtAtr RESERVE SYSTEM INTE2RIBST. PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITED PHONE 1040 Phone 147 for a Rid& in c® THE DRIVING SHRILL OF A LIFETIME \s JUST AS NEAR YOUR PHONE! MONSTK ATION 88 f •« Hiimtf-Ofkt 4-Dott S»dan. A jBra*raf Milan Vafaan You're busy. And perhaps you can't find time to oome to our abowroam. But um can come to you--and we hill! All you have to <}o ia pick up your telephone. Give us a ring and we'll give you a ride--in t^ie car that's smashing Oldsmobilo'e all-time sales records. Ami when you take the wheel of this '54 "Rocket**, you'll soon discover the reasons for the records. There's a new view ; ; . a new . ride . . . and a new feel. But above all, there's new ACTION! For these new "Rockets" offer performance that outstrifi* even Oldsmobile's previous "Rocket** Knginr ears--and flint's pou-rr' Ming for Ytmr ride in a "Rocket". . ; today! "ROCKET* ENOl NK OLDSMOBILE Y O U R O L D S M O l l L I D I A L E R R. J. OVERTON Motor Sales 403 Front St. Ph. 6 f t P I C I A L C - § A M I Y - T I S T E D U S E D C A R S I 1