H:"' V THE McHENRY PIJUNDEALE8 Wonder Lake News ' My Vmntvt* seM» si hoo) ho»«rd. Mrs. Monteleonff ! coiidiu tfd the Kdgewood School i of Dancing; at her home near the s<>hol, which is now the property [•of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thompson. V Write*' • " M-s Dorothv McBaehren, new Woodstock Monday evening at "s a trip to Europe writes from O'clock and ahv persons interest- i • • "ot f Constantinople «*. AS well as those who . have - • - ^ *»*»hi,t she » ha™* specifically been invited, are well ,» xvooderiul t.m* ^ sight-seeing; come to attend and become a.' She " phms „to visit a . cousin at Ankara iiexi week. Mrs. Mc- J EHch»en and . her father. Mason Warner of Chicago, flew to Rome (in May 15. They plan to "J return to the States' about July Bine Ballot Committee Several Wonder Lake residents hsve been asked to serve on the Blue Ballot committee of Mc- Henry county to insttuct the public about the 1954 blue ballot, which is on reapportionment. A committee meeting is to be 8ld in the city council room at part of the committee. tion for the . children can be given at more than one beach, County Chairman Richard Lappin was dubious that it could be managed. Any child over the age of 6 is eligible for encpllment in the program. ther and assist her in completing his father's affairs* Mr. Crosft was in the gas station business in Woodstock and Mrs. Cross is unable to conduct such a business. tienry lias less tbin live months of his enlistment in the Navy to serve and has already The annual election of officers j seen foreign service aboard the of the Wonder Lake branch of | US8 New Jersey. the American Red Cioss will be Heniy was taken from aboard Bed Crwis Election -7 -i;', ; - i < 3k? . K-X'S'i frhureday, June 17, 1951 extend a cordial welcome to our Sunday Bible School ana Sunday services. Nativity Acttvllles The Reverend Burton Soft! oed* r of the Nativity Lutheran Church at Wonder pteach on the topic /"Whatever You Sow" Sunday morning at the two 'services which are eOn- 'iftjeted at 8 a;m. and 10:15 a.m The Vacation Bible School at i ^ They f|ew from Chicago j pate in the annu&l picnic of Deep Nativity .starts Monday and ends ]a<5t tt.pe^n(i ancj Wju probably Sp? ings Woods 1 on July 4. Saturday. June 26. with an even- ,.0(Uin tJiis weekend. His mother. ' Skits are planned by these or- Ing program, the awa:ding of ^a!v Audino of Wonder ' ganizations, as well as numbers certificates, and the display of Visit in New York M:. and Mrs. Anthony Audino r of Indian Ridge are vacationing in New York and Washington. held Monday evening'. June 22, at 8:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. B.« R. Redman on Oak Road. fcvefyone .who is a member of the Red Cross is cordially invited to come and vote and hear thfc report of the chapter for last yeir. The* nominating committee, which will present a slate of officers, is composed of Ruth Woodwaird of Wonder Woods, chairman, Jane Ducey and Van Sells. Mrs. Redman 1s' presently the chairman for the Wonder Lake branch of the Red Cross. fourth of July Picnic The Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cubs and Brownies will particicl| ildren's handiwork. Classes are from 9 a.m. until 11:30 a.in. daily with a program under the direction of Kev. and Mrs. Peter Rasmussen, who leave soon alter the end of the progiam for Japan. Monday nijfht of next week, the Nativity Brotherhood will Center, is at the Audino home I by the Harrison school band caring for the Audino children. Have Minor Surgery Two Wonder Lake youngsters, Charles Phenoger. Jr., and Carol Watkins. were among the patients who had minor surgery at the Memorial hospital in Wood- Lcome tb the subdivision beach j and "park and partake of the | home-cooked food prepared in the kitdhens of the women of i the subdivision. There will be ' free balloons for the kiddies, hear a talk* by the Rev. Harold | recently. The Phenegers re- Wilke of Crystal Lake. He was .«<«• In Shore Hills subdivision bom without arms and is conCarol is the daughter of Dr. and sidered one of the nation's leading authorities on aiding physically handicapped people. He has served as a chaplain at a Veterans' hospital and on the faculty Mrs. Raymond Watkins of Lookout Point. • - • -+- Water Safety Program The Red Cross water safety his ship 'by the: emergency call from home. The ship was en route to Europe at the time. Secure License to Wed Miss Mary Ann Martin, daughter of the Wllhclm Marlins of Indian Ridge, and Ronald Milbrandt. son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Milbrandt of Wonder -Center, have secured a license to marry. Miss Martin was graduated from McHenry high school this yeat. OoHpel Church News This is the week of our daily vacation Bible school, which started on Monday morning, June 14. However, children are invited to enroll even in the last two days, Thursday and Friday, and also to get in on the closing exercises and program on Sunday evening, June 20. TTiis will be the grand climax of this course, when practically the entire school will have a part in the program, which starts at 7 o'clock. Parents, friends and neighbors are heartily invited. In the morning of the same day, there will be Sunday Bible SMALL PEROENTAQE ELECTS MAJORITY OF STATE LEGISLATORS A mere 26 per cent of the state's population is allowed to elect a majority of Illinois legislators, as a result of the present breakdown of the state into legislative districts. The Illinois State Chamber of Commerce, in a printed study of the state's reapportionment protutss a mockery of representative government in Illinois." Some of the more glaring exarhples of present iniquities, according to the State Chamber's study, include: 1. The 7th district (embracing most of suburban Cook county) had a 1950 population of over 700,000. But the 17th district (a very small area just west of Chicago's loop) had less than 40,4)00 residents. This means a vote in the former is worth only one- sixteenth as much as the vote in the latter. (Theoretically -- with the 1950 population of 8,712,176 divided blems. pointed out this and other j into the state's present fifty-one salient examples of unequal rep- I districts -- each district should resentation which prevail both in j have a rktio representation of Cook county and downstate. 170,827. > Waldo B. Ames, State Cham-j 2. The 25th district (a large ber president, said that findings area in the northwest corner of of the study are being distribut- j Chicago) had a population of state districts (combined population of 1,465,480) elect the same number of senators and representatives as the seven smallest (combined population Of qW 561,547). 5. In 1850, population «f the state's tweny-six smallest districts was 2,299,047 -- or about one-fourth of the entire population. Yet this small percentage was able to elect more than half the legislators. 6. Comparing the* average downstate district with Chicago's five smallest districts shows the downstate voter has only onethird the representation of a voter in Chicago's 17th, and less than half the voice of a voter in Chicago's 1st, 15th, 27th an* 29th districts. Many other examples of glaring inequities- are pointed out is the study, which was made bf the State Chamber's legislative department. It contends that the redisricting plan which goes before the voters in the November general election. FreOtaM* Mik feuying large quantities at dairy feed pays only when milk pricel are extra good. And a good fee< production program Is beneficial only when It la based on feeding cow» prope* amounts according te weight, milk production, and physk esl condition. ed to the organization's li,910 numbers and others who are interested5* in obtaining an equitable plan for representative gov more than 570,000, but the 15th district (another minute division on Chicago's near-west side) had a population of a little more ernment in Springfield. He said j than 45,000. This means a vote the State Chamber is offering i in the smaller is worth 12 time# unqualified endorsement to the "blue ballot" reapportionment amendment which will be submitted to voters on Nov. 2 this year. "Although the Illinois constitution requires that the state be redistricted every ten years, the task actually has not been undertaken in more thaV fifty more than a vote in the larger. 3. The largest district outside Cook county is the 41st (DuPage and Will counties) which has a population of 288,000. The smallest is the 51st (Hamilton, Johnson, Massac, Pope and Saline counties) with a population of only 73,000. Results of this ratio is that one vote in the latter itt SAVE MONEY ON Home Carpentry music and free entertainment all j gehool as usual at 10 o'clock. At afternoon, Seeks Shtite Uttty Henry Cross, Jr., whose father died June 5 of a heart attack, is seeking shore duty at Great Lakes Naval training station so that he can remain near his niothe- 11 o'clock worship service, the • pastor plans to speak on the subject. "What is a Christian?" To the people who are coming into this area for the summer season and those who plan to make Wonder Lake a. permanent place of residence, we ' wish to of the Menniijger school of psy- program will start the week of cology at Topeka. Kas. Visit in Wonder Lake ]Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monteleone. residents of the area for almost ten years prior to moving to Orlando, Fla., two years ago. We visiting friends in . Wonder Irfike. Mr. and Mrs. Monteleone. and their son. Bill, are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Cormier of Indian Ridge. Their daughter. Sandi Jo. is a house guest at the home of >a friend, Sandi Sells. Monteleone will be remembered as a long-time ircemhfcr and former president pf th£ Harrison June 28 at Wonder Lake. While it is hoped that instruc- Suznmer Schedule oi Services at Zion Lulheran Church JOB John Street, McHenry -- SUNDAYS -- 8 A.M Service » A.M Sunday School 10:15 A.M. Service -- All Welcome •-- pastor c. A. LOB1TZ Phone 858 Business and Service Directory W0NDEIT LAKE PHASE Plumbing D1SHMASTER Push Button Dishv.a Completely Installed only $55.00 Phone W.L. 8651 New Horizons in Building r--* Cristy and Stendebach GENERAL CONTRACTORS Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER LAKE BUTLDKBA SUPPLY Free Estimates & Delivery Phone W.L. 3231 Virgil's AUTO REPAIR "AUTOMOBILE WRECK REBUILDING" Frame - Alignment - Painting At .Wonder Lake I Mile North of Route 120 on Wonder Lake Blacktop Road. Phone WJL SSSI - Kite Phone 4191 T. P. MATHEWS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE of All Kinds WOXDfclt LAKE 3061 Street's Hickory Falls Phillips "66" Serviee Station I Washing # Greasing • Tires f Batteries One block So. of Ringweod Road on Blacktop - North-end of Wonder Lake ... Phone Wonder Lake Mill SANITARY SERVICE Pumping inl Cleaning # Complete Septic Systems Installed L. PERRIN Phone Wonder Lake 5672 or 3013 Central Garage FRED J. SMITH , .,,v SALUS SEltViC£ Complete Motor Overhauling Welding JOftftSSUHG. ILL. McHENRY 2M-1 i r THISXOULKMt years," Ames declared. "The j worth about four in the former. State Chamber feels this consti-1 4. The seven largest down- J Greatly Reduced Prices lor SCO inum WINDOWS & DOORS Assembled At Toolcrafls New Plant Richmond, Illinois Delivery 10 Days, Installed By Factory Trained Mechanics AUTHORIZED DEALER May Construction TOM BOWER. SaleimaA RICHMOND 4381 or 2531 BEAT THE SPRING RUSH ORDER NOW! H. GERTZ General Contractor Route 2 -- McHenry, 111. PHONE 1497 REPAIRS REMODIMNG We Can Arrange FINANCING ' F. H. A, No Money Down -- S Years To Pay SI II ( y mjlHBING ( ) BATH ( ) ATTIC or BASEMENT FLAT ( ) HOUSE - SEMI-FINISHED ( > HOUSE -- COMPLETE ( ) tiAftAC&S Name Addresi .... City ("or FREE Estimate Phone or Mail Coupon < ) CARPENTRY ( ) DORMER ( ) KITCHEN ( ) SIDING ( ) PORCH ( ) ADBXTlfeN ZIP!--the chores have been done .. from the Monday wash to the scrubbing and cleaning --ond ndw you're zipping through the dishesthanks to PIPING HOT water I (What's more, there'll still be plenty of HOT water on tap wheh you're finished!) Automatic GAS water heaters have qukk> recovery ... you get more HOT water in a hurry ' to replace what you've used--ond With a practical size unit, tool And,' v GAS is cheap! Just a few pennies a day bring you abundant HOT water. And keep this in mind: an automatic GAS water heater is so easy to install! Enjoy unlimited, low cost " • HOT water with a modern GAS water hetittr. -IF YOU OWNED* A MODERN GAS W I D E N ' S Standard Service Washing Greasing Wonder Center Phone W. L. 8J41 WATER HEATER! If you have A6ws iteftis of interest to your ^ghbors in Wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, At Wonder Lake 2933 EASY MONTHLY TERMS Remember: GAS does it bHtm . . . f o r LESS! f , Sit your Dealer-Plumbar, er NORTHERN ILLINOIS ©AS COMPANY A HISTORIC MEDICAL HIGHLlG&fS--#fo. 4 300 YEAR OLD UFESAVER Modern medicine looks back io 1628 lor the discovery of lifesaving quinine. The place was Peru and the means of discovery was the application of an Indian remedy lo the Countess of Cinchon, wife of the Spanish Viceroy. The Countess had malaria, and was treated with a potion refined from the bark of the Quinaquina tree. She recovered, returned to S>pain and thus acquainted Europe and the world with the medicinal properties of this tree's bark. The tree is now known as the Cinchon -- recalling the Countess and her service to mankind. Modern pharmacy works hand-in-hand with modern medicine . . . your doctor prescribes, and we follow his orders to the letter in filling prescriptions. Professional accuracy is. at watchword here. ' f . « NYE DRUG STORE WALGREEN AGENCY N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE PHONE W