' v ' •Jnne 24. 1954 CiSE .* % • * < -ri . t?.*- ':•*""'; --- r^v'v RINGWOOD By Mrs. George Ahepard 4 Mrs. George Shepard entertained her five hundred club on Wednesday. A 1 o'clock luncheon IFas served. Prizes were awarded iff Mrs- Lo"18 Hawley and Mrs. rete Sebastian. i Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy ' Y and son entertained at a family I reunion Sunday in honor of the , L former s father and mother, Mr. | apd Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, for : | Father's Day. Those attending1 ' were Mr) and Mrs. John Cristy a^id family of Greenwood, Ken- ( ifeth, Jr.,/ of Chicago and Mr. •ltd Mrs,' Gordon Possum and 1 A. W.' Smith entertained the - neighbors of John W. Smith at | dinner bi the church hall Wednesday fevening in appreciation of their1 helping him during the illi ;t «tss and death of his wife. The evening group of the W.S.C.S. j. [ «frve4 the dinner. Th^ W.S.C.S. will serve a smoi>gasbord supper in the ' church basement Thursday, June 24, serving to start at 5:30. The Methodist church will hold a farewell party for its pastor,, Rev. Sample, and his family in the church hall next Sunday evading. Funeral services were held at 2e Peter Justen funeral home McHenry last Wednesday afternoon for Pamela Jean Ackerman, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman. Burial was in Ringwood. Those from a distance to attend were Mrs. Clara Bruce of Mt. Vernon, 111., Mrs. Harry Waller and Mrs. Edna Whipple and family of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson of Woodstock were guests in the Clayton Bruce home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs.. William Pagni are enjoying a week's vacation at Silver Spar ranch at Greshan, Wis. *. * Mrs. Ag%es Jencks- spent Friday and Saturday with her daughter and family at Barrington. On Friday evening, she and her grandchildren went to Elgin and attended the Indian Pageant. Mrs. Oscar Berg was a visitor at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Agnes Jencks, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holly of McHenry, spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mrs. William Cruickshank spent Wednesday afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. Francis Costello, at Hartland. ginj. called on friends here Wednesday. jjp. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Wdpstock spent Sunday with heijfmother, Mrs. Viola Low. Mavid McCannon of Wheaton spdfat Sunday in the Ben Walkingion home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettise ana family oi Barrington and Wipe Sanborn of Spring Grove sp«#it Sunday with Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Sih of Fernwodd, Mr. and Mrs. Eldest Reinwall, Jr., of McHenry* and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawlejf were visitors at Powers Lake Sjpday. iMr, and Mrs. C.'. L. Harrison sient Sunday in the Wayne Donaljue home at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mueller d Mr. and Mrs. Alibert Reck of Des Plaines visited Dr. and rs. William Hepburn Sunday. Mr. and Mts. Lester Norton <nd family of Clinton, S.Car., rfpent Wednesday and Thursday in the William Cruickshank Mrs. Russell Ehlert and daugh. ters, Pat and Nancy, of Richmond spent Wednesday in the John Ehlert home. Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, Nancy, Mrs. John Ehlert and daughter, Mabel, and Miss Betty Feltes attended the Wedding of Arlerfe Kunz of Wiimot and Francis Lux of Antioch at th« Catholic church at Wiimot Thursday morning and the reception at Silver Lake in the evening. William Cruickshank is on a business trip to Breckenbridge, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison of Chicago spent Sunday in the John Skidmore home. They were Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Charles € "; i" i callers in the Fred Bowman and John Ehlert homes in the afternoon. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Mrs. Jack Lenard and family, Mrs. Louis Winn and Mrs. James Wegener spent Thursday in the Phelps Saunders home at Sycamore. Miss Sharon Block of Sheboygan, Wis., is spending the week with her grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn. Mrs. Hattie Schultz and daughter, Lee, and Mrs. Martha Bowman of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon fa the Fred Bowman home. Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore attended the Bauer-Andreas reception at McHenry anfl the Kunz-Lux reception at Silver Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore, Mrs. Jack Lenard and children of Lake Geneva Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter, Janet, of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener <>f McHenry, James Dickson of Belvidere and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr.., home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and son, Bobbie, attended the wedding of her father at McHenry last week. Mrs. Flora Harrison attended the wedding, of her granddaughter, Ann Fritfbie, at Greenwood Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. "Thomas Redmond of Kenosha spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. Wm.. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Butler visited Mrs. Ted Mikita at the Elmhurst hospital and Mr. and Mrs. Hitchens at Sycamore Sunday. Those from here who attended the Ackerman-Bauman wedding' at Harvard Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McHENRY PLAINDEALEH Pag* EWvtt wt^reT'Mrr' M 5" "l^roM I VACCINATING | t° >* recogntoa « "official v.c- I SIX FROM McHENRY Ackerman. Mr, and Mr.'. Harvey!OF CALVES IN SPITE |cin,te8 P'ovidlng the »eteft- AT ANNUAL STATE Ackerman and Mr. and Mrs. | OF FUND EXHAUSTING narlan S1™8 the owner a copy Allan Wagner. The wedding was 'of t:.e vaccination certificate, in the Harvard Lutheran church and the reception in the church parlors. Mrs. Howard Wagner was maid of honor and Mary Hogan was one of the bridesmaids. a Mary and Patricia Hogan left Monday morning for 4-H Camp Shaw«Wa-;*a-3ee. Mary Hogan will be a camp counselor this summer. John Hogan, Jr., with a group of F.F.A. boys from McHenry, went to Champaign Wednesday to do crop judging. Mr. and Mrs. .Henry Aissen and daughters, Anna Mae and Dorothy Kay, visited Mrs. Aissen's father at Hines hospital Sunday. ,, • ... Mrs. John Hogan and daughter, Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wagner were visitors at Harvard Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler, Mrs. J. C. Pearson and Mrs. Flora Harrison attended the wedding of Ann Frisbie and John Cottingham at Grenwood Saturday/ MtxTtsd Mrs. Henry Aissen were callM to Chicago Saturday by the death of'v her grandmother, Mrs. Dorothy <3rrosse. : Rev. and Mrs. Darrel Sample and family were fcupper gutets of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington Sunday. Jay Walkington is ?lsitlrlg his cousin, David Benoy, near Hebron. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet. Mrs. Henry Hin2e of Crystal Lake spent Friday mpralng in the Mrs. Lena Peet hom^ v. 11 ""r,y usy • F.F.A. CONVENTION State funds for brucellosis test-1 mails one to the county veteri- twentv_sixth anmlai nilsi, rCOTn c*tthr.u.t vrin'u,siMrian's ofnc<-and m*iia ,w° IS- 21 M"; . ^er"'ord?e, !?£"»? ^ « comes necessary that all live- , Industry, Springfield, 111. I sprtngfieid recently. fJTo take stock owners pay for all blood | ^ the accredited veterinarians part in this top F.F.A. event of testing and calfhood vaccinating I ^"OW. glad to do the year, the McHenry F.F.A. they wish done until funds are j yoU- J chapter sent as its delegates again available, which will ! 1,11 ls considered a serious j President Dick Wissell and Vice Mrs. Mildred Munshaw of El- DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL. TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 to 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:SO' P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 1 Wash My Best Cotton Dresses at Home?^^& / wey srw l/#e .. / S£A/D TtfBM TO w SAMrove VW CIEAA/SR OUR MCOTTON CLINIC" COTTON DRESSES LOOK LIKE NEW Don't let "home-washing" take^i| life out ofyour pretty cotton dresses! Let us clean them perfectly with QdCr new dry cfeaning secret exclusively for cottons. Back comes theifycrisp "like-new" body and texture. Colors and patterns restored^ Never a wilted look. All dirt removed. Spots out... even perspiration gone. And perfectly pressed1 every time. You'll be amazed at how our special service £or cotton dresses works miracles you couldi never do at home. Try it today! A If it's a job for BoiHtl Go* ITS A JOB FOR SHELLANE KRUSE' HARDWARE COMPANY Richmond, McHenry Goanty, HI. Ixxiff DtotMioe Phone If I mistake to miss vaccinating one; President Harry Diedrich. Other single calf as such a calf is wide j chapter officers attending the open to infection when exposed j convention were Ted Schaefer, because she has no resistance i Mark Zimmerman, John Hogan against brucellosis and, there- , and their adviser, W. E. Pictor. fore, could cause serious trouble! This was the first year that in the herd later. As you know, ; the convention was held at the legal age for vaccinating is j Springfield and it proved to be four to eight months of age. j an interesting location. The jun- However, many authorities be- ; jor buildings at the state fair- Iri^ i f P^y ,11 f » Vetenn* I,ieve ™«re resistance is confered i grounds provided housing and arian instead of the state paying | at six to eight months of age. j cafeteria" service for over 1,100 the veterinarian. He says, "While others believe that five to seven p.F.A. members Jan. l, 1955. According to Dr. H. 1$. Vanderveen, county veterinarian, it would be a mistake to discontinue vaccinating calves because the funds for this purpose are exhausted for a short temporary period of seven months during which time the owner will be vaccination may not confer complete immunity against a "hot" or a highly virulent infection, it has, in our opinion, demonstrated its value against lower degrees of infection and has done much toward reducing the incidence of brucellosis in cattle. For that reason we believe that vaccination of calves is the most important phase in the economical control and eradication of this costly disease. "Theretore, we urge all livestock owners to call their local veterinarians to vaccinate their calves as they reach the desirable months of age is best in well nourished calves. Some are of the opinion that calves from the smaller breeds should be vaccin- pilisbury Mills provided added ated a little younger because j attractions Arrangements for tours to the state capitol buildings, Lincoln Memorial, the Allis Chalmers plant, and the they mature earlier. However, it is perhaps best to vaccinate at six to seven months of age in most all cases. Most important. vaccinate them all." The McHenry F.F.A. members left at 4:30 a.m. on Wednemjky morning in order to be on hand for the opening ceremonies at 10 ojjfelock. During the next three days the convention schedule, plus tours, left very little spare time. The state parliamentary procedure contest, the state public speaking contest, state awards, State Farmer degrees, the F.F.A. band ana cnorus, tne F.F.A. Follies and the nomination and election of state and sectional officers were all highlights that made the convention interesting. On Friday, Governor Stratton addressed the convention. Although he received a fine, standing ovation, it is doubtful if the volume exceeded the welcome given to the state FJH.A. president when this pretty youag lady addressed the convention. Keep plenty of freSh air In your car when driving on long trips.. Driving skillfully in modern traffic la no "cinch." Be alert at all times. You'll get there about as fast if you stay in your lane anil drive with the traffic pattern. Trying to get ahead of the other fellow by "lane-weaving" only serves to slow down traffic. Take age. Such calves will continue ' it easy! Green St., McHenry, HI. Jliddckll ICE CBEAM STILL THE Finest^ ICE CREAM Made... Try It Today! ALL FLAVORS BUY IT AT ... BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 V, 1 FORMULA _ THE FAMILY Ptace of mind... convntience... dependable service... these are the benefits mother enjoys most with home-delivered milk. She knows fresh, locally-produced milk is best for food value. She knows her handy, transparent glmss milfe bottle is clean and sterile. She knows, too, automatic home delivery is the best way to keep fresh dairy foods always oo hand. Call us aboutfatting your milk delivered. It's a formula your whole family will find mighty easy to take. Mickey th# Milkman says: "THIS IS A SWELL MONTH ... TO HAVE YOUR MILK DELIVERED" FREUND S DAIRY. Inc. Route 31 Phone McHenry 19S %\i Mlkw North Of McHenry In value, this is the BIG ONE! the beautiful CHRYSLER WINDSOR eautx and LAUNDRY N. FRONT STREET PHONE - McHENRY 927 Around the corner north of the National Tea Store. Bonded Fur Storage De Luxe Come drive it!. .. it's styled like the richest, y«t costs hardly more than a fully equipped "low price" car. And it's available with today's most exciting drive features--fully-automatic PowerFlite no-clutch drive... Fujl-time Power Steering« Jtewpr Brakes! r AU THESE rEATUKS AT NO PCniA C0STI-. Only Cfcryslsr-kaJIt m gtvm you all Swt* I portant atfvmtacttl Resistor Spark Plugs Floating Power Enginf Mountings Rotary Oil Pump Exhaust Valve Seat Inserts Bonded Brake Linings Safeguard Hydraulic Brakes I ndependent Parking Brake Safety-Rim Wheels Anti-glare Dash Panel Top Two-turn Window Regulators Constant Power Electric Windshield Wipers Operating Cowl Ventilator Full-length Insulated Top Tk«s« f«atar«« ar* •«--0>s»l«i bat «X*« «Mt mi «NUr car* i •• " Oil Bath Air Chaser Directional Signals Foam Robber Csshios Frest ft Rear Dual Back-up Lights Glove Bo< Light Luggage Compulses Map Light Oil Hlter Parking Brake Signal Safety Padded Instrument Panel Steering Wheel Horn Nsf Usdercoating Chrome Wheel Cavers V'• * COLBY MOTOR SALES 12 S. Main Street Phone 1110 jCrytial Lake, 11L