^ A«! V i#* V', J'£-•#'* K , "fr i **. ,<:--^|^'^v?" ;' "* •', '.'•'V-""- <fv -,: '. V A>' Mchenry 'S.¥ tiiiiih nsburg News •f lb*. Betty H*ttermwin «•. /^'•; v Nw RfsMratii \V> would like to take this ohanoe u> welcome some new icsidonta to J oh nsburg. Mr. and Mr*. WHbrrt Peterson have purchased their new home from CJeorjjo Hiller. The Petersons and ' 8prmU Vacation Here •?••* Miss Violet Crowley and Mi s j^ffnes Crowley and daughter, •tary, spent over a week he.e. They spent their time in Miss Crowley's home in Sunnvside •each. Fertiiooming Carnival St. John's church is sponsoring its annual carnival on^the weekend of July 23. 24 and 25 on the Memorial Park grounds. Fish fi'y #ill be served on Friday evening' and a toast beef dinner sewed family style Sunday afternoon. Some of the women of the parish are taking time to make &* door to door canvass for either i&od ,or cash donations, so please be as\ generous as possible. The < three big days are July 23, 24' and 25 ---'don't forget to attend. Vacationing in Ea«»t llette: mann and daughters, Mr.' their children have moved here itiul Mis. Jini Hettermann and | from Brook field. daughters. Mrs. BSTxHetterroattn J * and children. Mis. Helen Hetter-i >- _m mann. Mrs. Rudv Fischer and! H®lWr I»to New Home s(L.n and Mrs. Orajjl Wakitsvh j Mr. and Mis. Ray Kreuger and and children. (daughter moved into their newly completed home in Jak-An& • Carol Ann Is spending a month's vacation with her parities. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence^ l)ufltlini. Stilling, from St. CoU&ta's adtooi | * in Jefferson. Wis. Heights. They moved from an apartment in the Joe Frett VKitN From Old* Mr. and Mrs. William May en tertainod a large group of relatives lroi-.i Ohio last weekend Thjose present we:e Mr. and Mrs Rav Bugner. Mr and Mrs. Florian Lafontaine. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bugner and children and .Mr. and Mrs. John Bugner. On Sunday afternoon more relatives f;oni this \icinitv joined them oft the May lawn for dinner Among the Sunday guests were Mr. and iss Dorothy Hill<» js spend- | Mrs. G'rald Freund and, son. Mr. 11 Wiwonali VMfon Mr. and Mrs Ciarence Stilling entertained visitors from Port Washington. Wis., as their house guests last weekend. M:s. Helen Hettermann and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hettermann and daughters were Sunday evening callers in Wisconsin. They visited William Krift and the Leonard Lois family. AID PROGRAM Forty children with speech and 9TA8T NOW ON NEXT SEASON'S STMtWBEBBY CMf t As soon ua you pi«k the last strawberry of the season, your patch starts work on next year's crop, And it needa some helR. J. C. McDaaiel, University of Illinois College of Agriculture fruit specialist, recommends tear* lug out the oldest plants apj$ then loosening up the soil HO that new plants can got started; You can use a regular mower to cut off the high crowns at the old plants and most of ths lfiaves. A spring-tooth harrow or similar tool will also tear out some of the old plants. In addi* tion, the harrow \fall break up the crust for the new ru&nera to set easily. McDaniel also recommends u4» ing summer fertilizer. Apply 10* 10-10 at the rate of 200 or men# pounds per acre. And if the weather is dry, soaking th^ soil will help. The revised edition of \ Circular hearing handicaps from all parts I 4.'>3. Strawberry Culture in Illp of the state are at the Univer- nois. has a three-page section on infe some of her .r;mm*:- vaca- i and Mrs. Arnold Michels and j sity of Illinois this summer for "Renewing the Patch." and spotfc^ v, with relatives in Massachu- j family. Mr and Mrs. Alvin j the tenth annual program of aid cial cultural dixectiOM tpt. setts Miss filler has been there ! Fmind and family. Mr. and Mrs. • an<i training. Their ages are | bearing varieties. | a week. I Steve F eund, Mr. and Mr*, j from* 9 to 18. The program is | -- f I Richard Dehn and family. Mrs. I sponsored by the University's | Only the Idle Rich and th«i Vtsife Relative# Here I Joe Simon and son and Mrs. | Division of S^j vices for Crippled j Idle Poor can afford adequat Cpl BAl Dehn. hoiv on fur-1 Lena Pitzen. »Children and its ^immer session, leisure i» this work-a-day worfi lough from Fort Lewis. \Jfaslv.. and his sister, Joan, were visitors here over the Fourth of July Weekend. They visited their Mother and sister, the Richard Dehn and the Jim Hettermann families. Joan stajfied over the holiday weekend while Qg^. J^ill l-eturned to Chicago. Happy Birthday | Birthday wishes are extended this week to Carol Ann Stilling, j wfcp was 13 on July 7; to Joy j Ann Hettermann. who was 3 on July 13; to Ricky Wakitsch, t«iho was 4 on July 12; and Mrs. l$chard Dehn, who -will be 24 on JNily 16. Cong: a tula t ions to all. Speaking of bfrthdays. Miss Carol Ann Stilling entertained a tqrge gfoup of friends and relatives at her homfc in observance Of her thirteenth birthday last "Tuesday. After supper was serv- «1 to all those present, Carol Ann opened her many lovely tffts Those present were* Mr. and Mis. John HerdMch and children. ||r. and Mrs Jack Keenan and Children. Mr. and Mrs. . Jerry S H A LIM A arden Par FOOD - REFRESHMENTS - GAMfS on MYER'S LAWN from 7 'tft ? ? Saturday, 'July 17th W. syr>- I 1 / K • . ' HISTORIC MEDICAL HIGHLIGHTS--No. 7 HOW MUCH IS A GRAIN? The perfection of scientific means fop measurement of weights, strength and dosage has played a tremendously important part in making medical treatment effective. Modern pharmacy scales, measures, graduates are scientifically accurate in controlling physical handling of drugs. They prevent errors that might nullify the desired effect of the medicine. The strength of chemicals and drugs is established by the manufacturer, carefully watched and guarded in the store. Even th.£ temperature is controlled for drugs affected by, it. TKese modern means of insuring purity, quality and accuracy ~fn compounding \*>ur prescriptions are in daily use here. The know-how- is supplied by experienced pharmacist#, Mparts in tnelr ilf&Iti, NYE DRUG STORE WALGREEN AGENCY 1-49 X. RI\ ERSIDE DRI\ E PHONE. 38- - vjfep*. f fir." 7% "Cv v * T j f. * <r *." P:\ ' . * .. - " A hiA 1 andmnui Work-Savers... Economical A&P Exclusives| Quick-fix foods that arc-ideal for a summer meal are economical too, when they're AfcP ecclusives. For Jane Parker baked goods, Eight O'Clock, Red Circle and Bokar coffees, Ann Page Foods and the many otjier fine products made by or for A&P alone are so high in quality that they're sold with a money-back guarantee of complete satisfaction... so low in price that they always cost less thyn brands of similar quality. Come see... come save at AfcP! Chetf-O-Bit Quick Malting Atnencdn Pimento Sunnybrook Red Salmon 65c Cheese Slices S»rp ^rMriCM^ l^g 2T 4* 45 Sultana Tuna Flakes 2 45c Swiss Cheese Kraft's: Fancy Sliced Beets *£10° Sunnybrook Eggs G^A ,„o„ A A P Fqncy Unsweetened i • v' .«); „ j Grapefruit juice 2 39* \ * lona Brand--Thrift Quality ^ Cut Green Beans 104 A&P Fancy Fancy Quality 2 1^6 Oz. 29" Tins V 29° Grapefruit Sections A&P Grape Juice Sultana Purple Plums 21^ 47 New Pack Tomatoes ** 2 23 Golden Cora 2 27* Sultana Beans with Pork 2,6 T°r 21 Fancy Sphacf'.'^r ^ 10c Diced Carrots %».w ^ 10* Get in oh these ANN PAGE FINE FOOD VALUES1 ann pagi Sparkle i•••*) PRIV(S fine fbocfc WsecfoijBe I} I f? Guatant*»dby "A. * I Good HouitkMptn; J - \P :t% colorful, flavorful light desserts that are just right for mid-summel meals. Delectable with fresh fruits and berries. Stock up at this attraOf tive low price! * ' ^ I Ami Pa««-for Summer Salads Elbow Macaroni Egg Noodles rtfr 1 Lb. Pkg. 1Lb. Pkg. 19® 25c Ann Page-Mix«d 90z JQ( Sdld(l MllStdl'(ichopp«dPkkl«s&Mustard Jar Damson Plum PreservesC32;». $1°° Mustard Relish ^ 9 If115c Ann Page Garden Relish Sandwich Spread Salad Dressing Peanut Butter Kidney Beans "wtr 2 moz. 23< Ann Pago Ann Page Craamy Smooth Craamy Smooth pr Chunky 8 Oz. Jar w 2! 47' ®Oz. Jar 16 Oz. Tin 33c 21* Get in on these JANE PARKER BAKERY VALUES! JANE PARKER LARGE NOW ONLY Angel Food Cake 49 It's just heavenly. . . that light as a kiss, fluff of goodness that it our famous 13 egg recipe angel food. Heavenly too, the effect on the family. Regularly 5St " Potato Chips 59c ^ Blackberry Pie ^ 39' ^ Coffee Cake «^ 29' Sandwich Creme Cookies^ n49' Raisin Cookies JWM Parker Pkg. 25' Jana Parkar For SandwicliM ' or Hot Dogs Jan* Parkar Nutritious Pkgs. of 12 to Oz. |Q| Loaf 10 Dinner Rods 2 3« 25* Sliced White Bread Sliced Rolls Oatmeal Bread Gold Loaf Cake Pkg. of 8 Jana Parkar Charry Iced 19c 19* ^33c 16 Oz Loaf AMERICA'S FAV0RITE...F0R FINER, FRESHER FLAVOR! you as much fine, fresh flavor! And no coffee, regardless of price, can possibly give you more good cups per pound! Enjoy superb Custom Ground A*P Coffee today! ' MILD AND MILLOW ' Eight O'clock Like a mild, full-flavored blend? Then su> perb Eight O'Clock is the coffee for you! In-the-bean AfcP Coffee is Custom Ground before your eyes just right for your coffeemaker ... to give you all the flavor you pay for. No fact^ ry-packed coffee can potsibly give YOUR CHOICE! RICH AND PULL-KODICO $00D Hor OR ICED! AMIRICA'S FOREMOST FOOD RETAIIER ... SINCE IBS* §uper Markets IHf GRIAT ATLANtiC « PACMC TEA COMPANY f»M»s Mfortivo lhrawfli My l*lk f Red Circle Prefer • "happy-medium" blend? Then delicious Red Circle is your best buy! r viooaout AND WINIY Bokar Want a strong blend? Then magnificgatf 'Bokar is the coffee you'll enjoy most! '