H i \ 2 , f " ! • . " - f ^ * * } ' ; * 1 5 , " * $ * I . , % / - ' V * * * ; - ^ V ! " V " ' * " « * * , -- ^ • ' * , , ^ f J m ^ f * V ^ ' T ' ^ • " ' * > ' " " * * u ' * . t -, * ] • \•*> t ,. * »• */\t? rr ,•, McHENRY PLAINDEALER ~~~ L , >*• • , r," ••::•! * ' - . « :f- '• ;vt V. ••/••••&" Khayft Wed f-Flve Yours Harry J. and Afargaret Sliiiy fasideotii of Johnnburg;," recent!? rolob rated their twpnty-fiftl Wedding -anniversary. The anni •Verpary mass wns read by Rev IWilliam», C.S.V., at St. catheniv Of Sienna Catholic church, Oal f*ark. Twenty members of the Shu; family and c1ok£ fiiends attendr: frn afternoon dinner at a promin «nt Chicago restaurant in hono't. ipf the happy couple ce'lebiatin; their anniversary. Harry Shay is employed as j Salesman with the Case Moody Baking company in Chicago, has been associated with the or fcanization for thi:ty years;' The Shays . have two children tfohn, 24, and Maureen. 2t. Botl fu-e employed with the W. A Alexander Insurance company it downtown Ch&aga. John i« an' active member o the johnsbuigr rescue squad. H» Is also a member of the Coas Guard auxiliary, Flotilla No. 22 g»4, which is recognized as th» ("hain-O-Lakes FWtllla. trouble Birthday Celebration July II Mr. and Mrs Alfons" Adam and daughters of McHenry at tended a double birthday celebia lion at the Bill Walsh resident at Fox Lake on Sunday, July 11 honoring the birthday anniver paries of Bill Walsh and his son Billy, /which 'All cm the sam< •day. A picnic lunch was served t« •bout thirty guests, after whicl • four generation picture wa.; taken, including ,3illy, who wai I year old. Relatives attending were Mrs Wallace Hewett. g:eat-grandmo ther, of Ocean Beach, Calif.. Mr and Mrs. R." J. Walsh and daugh ter, Pamela, of Fox Lake, Mr and Mrs, Henry Magenta an< Steven of Fox Lake, Mrs. Ros* Magenta of Chicago, Mrs. Heler Lemm and Harry of Long Lake Bob Walsh of Chicago and Mr and Mrs. .Kenneth Murray oi Jtundebein. Vllwrt Adams Infant , , . hristened Cheryl Ann * 'i~ • The little daughter o£ Mr. and Hs. Albert Adams waft ehrlat^nd Cheryl Ann trt a baptismal erviop on July 4 at St. Mary's hui'cn. with Rev. Schuler offiiating. Sponsors were Mr. and [rs. Edward Adams, aunt and •tide of the babv. A buffet luncheon was sefvtd iter at their home to the graji^- a rents. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Pish f Woodstock and Mr. .and Mrs. •"Yank Adams of Ringwood, and o the sponsors.. f>k4nrte Birthday Of Alan J. Phalin rH fourth birthday attnivf© pary* <* Alan John Ptoaltn, asp Of Mr and Mrs. John L. Phaltr 4>f Mcpenry, was celebiated bj A group of relatives in tb< Woodstock city park Sunday. A picnic dinner and supper wer* fnjoyeA, Present were Mr. and Mrs Thomas Phalin of McHenry: ftCrs. Loren McCannon and sona, fUepheri and Timothy, of San l>iego, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Ken- Both Kerns and daughter, Pamela, Mr. and Mrs. James Lathair and Mr. and Mrs. OrviUe Kern. And daughter, Janis, of Wood stock. . \nnounre Bngagerakit )f Frances Biesehke Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, hke announce the engagement if their daughter, Frances, to :obert H Seholz, son of the sennr Henry Scholzes of Shalimar subdivision. Summer lesidentS or eighteen yea i s, the Scholz amily now lives here permanntly. Anss EReschke Is an employee •f the McHenry State Bank. Her iance is in service at Fort Leo)itd Wood. Mo. • ifcturr Luncheon CH*fc r«\i " Mans For New Season The Lecture Luncheon club i« tow making plans for the 1954- 5 season. Tentative plans are o meet at the McHenry Country lub and the Fiesta restaurant at 'rystal Lake. Members are urged to jiay heir dues by the end of July. Vnyone interested in joining is sked to please contact Mrs. rbhn R. Varcse. frost Infant ftwpttaed Sunday 'infant son of Mr. and Mrs Eugene Frost was christened ^Thoaiak Eugene by Rt. Rev Sfsgr. C. S. Nix at St. Mary's <|hureh last Sunday. Sponson Ver#N JJrs. Gladys Schmitt and Victor. Bas«i, Jr. . " At 5 o'clock, dinner vac served at the Froat home to the grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R Qchmitt. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyr flchmitt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bassi, Jr., and fami- H',, Harold Schmitt and Betttr Bumell. m larrj- fhrfsmita* Ved Forty Years Mr. and Mrs. Harry ft OiriB- •nan of Main street celebrated heir fortieth wedding anniverary with a family gathering at heir home last Sunday. The acual anniversary date, however, 'id not occur until July 13. The following children and heir families were present, Mrs. Marc Angelo of Chicago, Robert if McHenry and Bill of Wonder uake. ^BIRTHS T^ V* TVTTTTT> *tt •t tV--rklXTJ^ r'.TJtJTLTLTAAT A. daughter, Theresa A«9> was iorn last week at the Woodstock lospital to Mr. and Mi's. Calvin Babcock of Washington street, rhey have two other children, dindy and Jean. A son was born July 14 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kennebeck. Mr. and Mrs. William Guffey if Richmond are the parents of t son, brun at th»> Woodstock lospital July 13. The Guffeys lave one other child, a daughter, ?atty, 7 yefci* old. Hie paternal jrandmother is Mrs. Irene Guf- >y of McHenry. Mr. and Mi-s. Marshall E. Leonard of Bay View Lane, Pis- 'Akee Bay, are the parents of a ••on, born July 10 at St. Therese 'lospital. Waukegan. The infant, who weighed1 6 lbs. 4 oz. at birth, ias been named Marshall" Ellsworth, jr. PERSONALS • I TT f VT|t T^t ?1'TW 'r'I'T• T*. TagVra- Ta. ar. T.a.V • >t Howaid Cairns of McHeniy, Accompanied by William Blasius 6f Geneva and Paul Bates of Oregon, 111. left Sunday on a fifteen- day trip into the New England states.. Mrs... George P. Kauss and three children of Chicago spent last week visiting in the LeRoy Welter home. J* Paul Yanda, A. P. Fieund and Hfcrold Owen returned Monday from a few days' trip yito Wisconsin and northern Mftmesota. They visited lelatives of Mr. Yanda in CloQuet. Minn; Mia. Marj.aret Sullivan returned to the Norbert Yegge home Saturday evening after spending a week with her sons, George and John, in Woodstock. Mrs. Alvin Miller and children and Mrs. Irene Guffey returned recently from a vacation trip to Humboldt, Iowa. Friday visitors in the home of Mrs. Ir^ne Guffey were "Mr. antl Mrs. Raymond Riley and Mr. and Mrs. Don Riley and children of Fond du Lac, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vycital recently attended the United Square Dance Institute held at Pine point Lodge, Elkhart Lake. Wis. Mis. William Staines and her son, Mervin. and his wife and baby have been vacationing in Kentucky. •. Mrs. Peter M. .Tusten is pending the summer in Evergreen, Colo. Mr. Justen returned home this past week after some time spent there. Mr .and M"». F. N. MOzzy and daughter, Jeanne, are enjoying a trip through the West. In California they* will visit another daughter, Mrs. Susan Neal, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Woods of Woodstock and Mis. Eleanor Twomley and son, Bruce, of El gin visited in the A. H. Mosher home on Sunday afternoon. JULY BRIDE MRS. TIIOS. R. KENT in a ceremony performed in tlw chapel at Fairchild Air Fo^e base, Spokane, Wash., Saturday July. 10,. Miss Betty Aronson became the bride of Airman First Class Thomas j$i Kent. A reception followed at- the Airmen's club. • Mrs. Kent is the daughter of Mrs. Louise Aronson of Spokane and Mr. Kent is the son of Mrs. Julia Kent of Maple avenue in McHenry. AMONG THE SICK Lewis Baker nas been a patient in the Woodstock hospital. Friends here will be sorry to learn that Frank Spurling of Crystal Lake has been confined to the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Max Kolin of McCullom Lake has been a patient at the Woodstock hospital. Tommy Byrnes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Byrnes of McCullom Lake, has returned home from the Woodstodk hospital, where he underwent an appendectomy. He is recovering nicely at home. / S. M. EttingeT of McCullom Lake hac returned to his hoflM at the Sovereign hotel, 6200 N. Kenmore avenue, Chicago, after a ten-day stay in Weiss Memorial hospital. DIVORCE GRANTED Nancyr S£lls was awarded a divorce from Ronald Sells thi^ past week in circuit court b^ Judge William M. Carroll. * VOITURE 578 ^ ^ ELECTS OFFICERS FOR COMING YEA# • . A At the July promenade of Voiture 578, McHenry county 40 et 8, which was held at the Woodstock Legion Home, officer* for the coming year were elected. Robert Wilbrandt of Cryatal Lake was elected to the office of Chef De Gare, Hugh J. Saynor of McHenry was elected to the office of Chef De Ti ain, Robert Duf£ of Harvard was elected correspondent, Carl Peterson of Crystal Lake, commissaire intendent, Stan Sevcik of Woodstock, conducteur, Clarence Hammond of Fox River Grove, garde la porte, and Frank Brockrogge of Crystal Lake was elected amotinier. - The • installation of officers Is expected to take place some time in September. It was also announced that there will be 4 harvest festival an8 square danc£ in the near future so that funds can be raised for the nurse procm ement program of the voiture. To da^e, three McHenry count} students have been given schol *rships anvj at the las^ grome ade it was voted to j:ive l*"' scholarships this year, which make a total of eight nurses in training for Voiture 578. 4-H NEWS Happy Clover Club Jfhe third meeting qf tkje Happy* Clover 4-H club was held July 5 at 7:30 in the home of Mary and Patti Hogan. The meeting: was brought to order by the president, Charlotte Smith. All members led in the 4-H pledge. C&arlotie Smith gave frift on "Tooth Decay" and Annette Smith one on "Med Planning." Merita Thomson gave a demonstration on how to make homemade ice cream* - r • %-• Our next meeting will be held July 15 at the home of Mary and Patti Hogan. Karen Schmeteer, reporter Sunshine CIAs The Ringwood Sunshine Girls 4-H club had its last meeting Before judging at Woodstock on July 8 at 8 p.m. The meeting was opened with the 4-H pledge. Local achievement was discussed and the date decided on wad Tuesday, July 20. After the business meeting Was closed, the girls modeled their garments with all accessories and they were. criticized and judged t0( see if any additions or corrections shoufc} be made. The girts then enjoyed refreshments served by P*t ; Hogan, Barbara Miller, Mary Jsae Bell and Lois Hunt. < '•••'* Carol Gnaat,, reporter •l i t ' i M . H , | 1 1 kfSl** v.!*' *8*!/ * ica«_. r ; . r . . ; I * < i % Thursday, July 15, July U K. otK Instalta^tioB - C. HaU r July 17 Square Dance at McHenry Moose Lodge -- Public Invited July 17 - IS Chicken Dinner and Carnival -- St. ,J?«£0r's Church, Spring Grove . •i., . July Luncheon at Khgvood Church Hall •-- Noon July 28-24 Rummage Sale -- Wolf's Bait Shop, Near V.F.W. Clubhouse -- Sponsored by Boy Scouts Mother's Club -- 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. July 23, 24, 25 St. John's Parish Carnival -- Johnsburg Memorial Park July 28 Circle 8, W.8.C.S., Garden Party --• J, J. Gruenfeld Residence.-- 1:30 p.rn^ Fairoaks Subdivision M r # ' . Annual Card Pprty *-», ,st. Patrick's Parish Lawn -- X^easert Bridge -- 1:30 p.m. August 10 Annual Boy Scout Fund Drive August 25 Fall Style Revue and Dessert Luncheon -- VJF.W. -- 1:30 fcm. -- Sfk>nsQred by Bt. Mary's If.T.A. Gertrude Hyatt Saturday Bride? J At a very lovely nuptial mass read at 10 o'clock on Saturday morning, July 10, in St. Patrick's Catholic church. McHenry, Miss Gertrude Hyatt of Lakemoor became the bride of Mr. Vernon Freund of McHenry. The radiant bride approached the altar in a gown of white ]a£$, with which she wore a fingertip veil. Her bridal bouquet was fashioned of carnations. Acting as matron of honor Was Mrs. Mary Buss Burns, a close friend. Bridesmaid was Miss Marilyn Venable and junior bridesmaid was Kathleen Hyatt. Mrs. Burns was attired in a strapless gown of green net over taffeta, with jacket. She wore a braided velvet halo of matching color and carried a bouquet of astefs. Miss Yen able was attired in a pink dress of the same style and Miss Hyatt wore white Dotted Storiss. They, too, had aster bouquets and velvet headpieces. Richard Hyatt, brother of the bride, and Gerald Fieund, brother of the grofim, w4re hi* Attendants., < Following the service, dinAer was served at the Vogue restaurant to fifty-three guests. The newlyweds hava left on H trip north and' upon their retain will reside in one of the Pries apartments. The new Mrs. 'Freund attended the local high school and is employed at the Oaks. The bridegroom is an empbyee of the Tad Piteen Plastering company. . Summer Schedule of Services ..... at V Zlon Lulheran Church 408 John Street, MoHenry -- SUNDAYS -- 8 AJML, .... .... Sirvloe 9 A.M. • •• . tooday School 10:15 8ervioe -- All Welcome -- . Pastor C. A. LOBITZ Phone 859 A fresco Is a fainting on xrerfily spread plaster,, before it dries. Open Tile*:. Thura. St Fti' Evening* Til 9 pan. with ' "NAIL BUILDER manicure Permanent Waving, Xiatii^r it complete beauty service. WE CARRY ALL RBYLON 4 ©OSMETICS AND POLISHES CARD OF THANKS I want to take this opportunity to thank the many friends who 'sent me cards, flowers and gifts, offered prayers in my behalf a^ extended other kindnesses during the time I was confined to tKe hospital. They were all appreciated so much.. 10 MRS. HELEN HEUSER THANK YOU! I would like to extend my rib- •ere thanks to the many people who helped in any way with the Marine Day queen contest. Words annot express my sincere gratefulness to everyone. | Mary kaiuis, ^ 10 .Contest Director VANTA BABIES MOTHER! J12 elm strsbt * Vanta has Shirts, Nig&tmchsnry, ill gowns, Kimonos and even Diapers that snap close to speed up dressing. We'll hold your layette for three months. Pick out your layette NOW then pick it up anytime within three months. A small down payment holds it for you. YOUH'iovBLINESS IS OUR BUBINCS|| 1M N. Riverside Drive McHenry, HL Pbooe 149 HNFtUAN Hmbfc a bone-dry basement tfothl Dg is as good as STADRI for stopping water and beautifying masonry. STADRI is the inorganic mineral coating for all ma6onry, that stays white when wet. is not subject to weather-wear, organic deterioration, disintegration, rubbing off or flaking and is stone-like in resitting erosion. Newcomer* to the masOnrr waterproofing field say "new", "never before" aud make claims that STA-DRI has exceeded for years with hundreds of thousands of satisfied users to prove it. Only bTA-DRI dares to advertise and support tlife claim that IT Wll.l. HOLD A WALL OF WATER NINE 1-EKT HIGH WITHOUT LLAKAGE. Containing a , l t' mildew inhibitor, ^ I A-DRI csnifs in white and a variety of colors at no extra cost. Don't be satisfied with 'second-raters'* or take somethat's "just as good". Demand the package that says "Best by Teit: mand STA-DRI. WHAT A wmms SANiTONi DRY CLEANING MAKES! ALL mJISGONE! AA-33 Discover the Perfect Service Vat terns YoarLontyBlankfts THIS WEEK ONLY to introduce the most spectacular vacuum cleaner of all tinnJ S*:uational y«ars-ah*ad 1954 •I EXTRA COST! $ lO OC STORAOC TV UNCH J 5Q iKOOLTlO-t-ADO$YLL Y 27.45 Yours FREE Clciira all over f from 1 petition CiMraniKd 6iM MtuwWtpwg 20X iulgllvt CUp-«n T*«l« • Fr*« of Spots • KIHtn Soft and Huffy Why; put up with old-fash* ioned half-way dry clean- I ing? Here's the amazing, modern service that's nm~ tion*liy advertised. It's the magic dry cleaning that gets out even etn- | bedded gtitaod grime »r * •* .m * w •• ' flrHofOfimt 4 Fitih A* Ad Outdoor* simply disappear! Oddtf vaqish! Your blankets will bt beautiful, soft, fluffy, like new again ... completely sanitary with SanitoAe Dry Cleaning, not call today? *vi" ummer Oolfy roll* itocntf from room lo room on •Mritel rvbber wfcooU >ALL that's modern in 0.\E cleaner! • plus exciting new colors--rich red and xilver (ray! o plua NO DL'ST BA(i TO KMPTY (of eoarsc!) • and tkls amazinf o(I< r »a\ev you $40 lo SAO! Hurry! Save $40 to $:>n ALEXANDER LUMBER GO 4M7 WAIN ST, PHONE 1424 MVUFNRY, ELL. lit rftoiMifrartM art «vr ifsr* Kt ONCf tit PH0M 882 FOR 10-DAY HONK TRUU! & RAY Electric . ^ PHONE 882 STREET M„|f|rypy The Store That Services Everything It Sells" ' ' £ Cleaning SPECIAL FREE PLASTIC STORAGE BAG WITH EVESV BLANKEt Cltantd At The Low Summer Prict of only i> ^ & ti A r iBLOd N. Front Street and LAimDRY Afound the Conner N4rat of National Tea Store Pbom McHmtry 9# bonded Fur Storage YOU A ANT TO KNOW ABOUT BANK 'NO > * • •jpfil'L WHEN we pay any check written oft a, checking account here, we punch holes in it to show that payment has been made. Checks thus cancelled are valid receipts, which we return to the depositor with our periodic statements of his account. Open a checking account with us^*luseH 1 it to pay all your bills*-and be certain of I getting a receipt for every bill that you pay. • McHENRY STATE BANK MEMfiOpal FED8IUJL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER FEDERAL ^RESERVE SYSTEM UNnCTtEsnp pAid on, savings l®posited PHONE 1040 yr ffti| i»ifi A ••5:^ WATIR HIATIRI Thi* is living! At usual, I'm ihe last one in-- ohd I like scads of hot water for bathing ... I've got tb« tub fillefl up to. • • well, take my word for it, it's brimful of refreshing hot water! But to get down to cases, nothing heats water faster than the speedy GAS flame. after my household chores -•-wdshirtg, cleaning, etc. --are done, there's still plenty of hot, really hot water for bathing or a round of family showers. And, because GAS is so fast, we didn't need a bulky, oversized tank either I Economy? You bet! A few pennies a day give us gallon after gallon of instant hot water ... and we saved, too, on the lowcost installation. If elf e want to enfey speedy hot water, economy and convenience ... buy an automatic 0AS Weter Heater now -- from your dealer, plumber or our store. OAS <Jo»» it BETTER...for LESS DOWN y Monthly tnynl^ Mrtfptic GAS water better v as low as *106.95 /• % .