Thursday, August 5,1954 THE McHENRY PLAINDEAJ-ER Page Thirteta RING WOOD By Mrs. George Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Jx>hn Ehlert were I Mrs. Ben Walkington a,!i4 visitors at Bohners Lake Friday. J daughter, Virginia,. return*# Mr. and Mi's. John Skidmore and family* Mr. and Mrs. Tony ' home Wednesday evening from Bloomington and Armstrong, III Mr. and Mi fc; Pete Sebastian entertained their five hundred club Tuesday evening. Prizes weie awarded to Mrs. Louis Hawley and Kenneth Cristy, high, and tMr. and Mrs. George Shepard, low. The Home Circle will be entertained in the home of Mrs. William Cruickshank Thursday afternoon, Aug. 12. This will be capsule sister day. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington entertained their card club Saturday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. -Glen' Benoy and Louis Winn, high, and Mrs. Louis Winn and Haiold Stanek, low. The M.Y.F. met in the church hall Sunday evening. Kenneth Cristy, jr., of Chicago spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard visited relatives in Chicago Tuesday. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donahue and children of Huntley spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. c. L. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trostrude and son, Warren, of Chicago spent Monday in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and sons spent Sunday in the Laverne Harrison home at McHenry- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron spent Wednesday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Henry Schafer of McHenry called on Mrs. Flora Harrison Thursday afternoon; Mrs; Gunard ^Carlson and Mrs. Clara Godsen of Chicago jnd Mis. Ony Larson of Kenosha were dinner guests in the -Lbrdnf Hawley home Tuesday. In the afternoon, they all visited in th Ernest Reimvall, Jr., hom& at McHenry. Mr. and Mis.-Gordon Hafer of Fox River Grove called on his parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Hafer Monday. Mrs. Ben Walkington and daughter, Virginia, and Jo Ann Dewey visited relatives at Libertyville Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aokerman and Mr. and Mrs. Granville Carlson and daughter attended the Shook reunion at Starved Rock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. John Woodward and sons spent Sunday in the Ernest Reimvall, Jr., home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Riley of Harrington were callers in the William Hafer home Tuesday evening. Miss Virginia Jepson returned to her home in Chicago Saturday after her vacation with her mother, Mrs. Ben Walkington. Garry Harrison of Greenwood spent a few nights this past week with his giandparents, Mr.; and Mrs. Roy Harrison. Mr. and Mts. Rudolph Lietzan of Crystal Lake were callers In the William Hafer home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger, daughter, Mary, and son, George, of Hebron spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. artd Mrs. Glen Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jackson and- son of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Robeit Low of McHenry and Mr., and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in tire Mrs. Emily Beatty home. Mr. and Mis. Clifford Stock and son, Chuckie, of Woodstock, spent Saturday evening in the Weldon Andreas, home. Mrs. Chappie dnd children of Plymouth, Wis., spent a few days the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Betts. Mrs. Earl Thomas and children of Hinsdale spent Saturday in the Walter Low home. John Smith of Chicago Heights spent Saturday evening in the Weldon Andreas home. Mr. .and Mrs. Stanley Sebastian of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon in the home of his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian. Miss Marian Peet of! Elgin spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas took a tiip Sunday doWn the Blackhawk trail. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and family attended the Benoy reunion at Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Roy Harrison, daughter, Edith, and son, Loren, and grandsons, David, Donald and Garry Harrison, spent Friday in Elgin and Morton Grove. Mrs. Flora Harrison was a supper guest Thursday of her daughter, Mis. Ardin Frisbie, at Greenwood. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schultze and daughter, Ruth, of Milwaukee spent the weekend in the home of her father, Dr. Willictn Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs.. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore spent Wednesday and Thursday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. JMr. and Mrs. Webster Blackman and family and Mrs. William Hepburn spent Saturday afternoon at Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Willi^on Cruickshank were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Butland at Union Grove, Wis., Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart of Waukegan spent Saturday evening in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. 301 aei o. BRAND NEW SPINET PIANOS Full 88 Nole KeybvWd In Mahogany $469°° USED SPINETS PROM $37500 USED GRANDS FROM $34500 ALSO BIQ SAVINGS ON FLOOR SAMPLES SAVE UP TO $200°° " Large Selection To Choose From SIMONSON'S Established 1919 6 N. Grove Ave., Elgin, IU.I Open Mon. & Fri. Evenings 2 aoE=aonoc=e 'DIFFER^! ' <mm> < SlIP-RmitDANT FLOO $AFBTY WAX FORTIFIED WITH Anti-Slip LUDOX Colloidal Silica UNIQUE iHBBING ACTION New Du Pont Safety Was gives a unique snubbing action because it contains "Ludox." When your foot' hits the floor, tiny, hard v particles of "ludox" are pushed Into the larger wax globules causing the foot's forward motion to be absorbed quickly and safely. • WATER REPELLENT • SHINES WITHOUT RUBBING • GOOD FOR ALL FLOORS QT. $1.29 y2 GAL $2.49 GAL. $3.98 VYCITAL'S HARDWARE 132 SO. GREEN STREET PHOVE 98 SHEET METAL SHOP McHENR*-, ILL* Open All Day Wednesday Senkerik and family, Mrs. John Elhlert and daughter, Mabel, and Mrs. Fred Bowman and daugh-, hfere. ter, Nanoy, attended the wedding of Marion Stark of Twin Lakes and Robert Ehlert of Wilmot at the Lutheran church at Wilmot Saturday evening. They also a-, tended the reception at Fox river Winter Garden. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer and son, philip, and son-in--law, John Minton, attended the Harnishpfeger corporation employees picnic at Muskego Beach, Wis., Saturday. 'There were 5,000 employees and their families present. Mrs. Kathleen Neary, and Mrs. Losey of Griswold Lake called on Mr. and Mrs. William Hafer Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer and son, Philip, called on his brothers, Leo, Ralph and Victor Meyer, at WauConda . Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cald<*ell of Waukesha, Wis., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mr. and Mi s. William Pagni have rented their home to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Davis and family of Washington, D.C., and have moved to Hobart, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and daughter, Jean, have returned from a month's trip through the West. They also visited their daughter ^nd family in Califor- Theywere accompanied home by Jo Ann Dewey, who is visiting (ADVERTISEMENT) ^bdH &Oif4, * CLEAN OVERCOATS FOR WINTER SEASON >DIM HEADLIGHTS WHIN MEETING OR FOLLOWING VEHICLES .... end keep your car in saf0-drMnff condition of all times! - UAIK i Kuraris I McHenry county dairy farmers received $307,763.63 for milk de- | liverod to Bowman ^airy comj pany receiving stations during the month of June. IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE YOUR OVERCOAT CLEANED LAST SPRING AND STORED AWAY DURING THE SUMMER IN A DUST-PROOF WRAPPING, YOU OUGHT TO HAVE IT CLEANED NOW. First thing you know, there will be some cool weather and you'll start wearing it again. And then ybu'll feel like you shouldn't let it go to the cleaners because you might have to do without it. Weil, there's a lot of "human nature" in this kind of behavior. But the fact is that few of us buy a new overcoat oftener than once every few years, overcoats being garments which are made to last . . . and last. Bearing that fait in mind, remember that a garment whlcb is cleaned often will* outwear one that isn't, by a wide margin. Your freshly cleaned overcoat will therefore not only look better and feel better, it will wear better. Think of last year's grime still Ln the fabric, and all of last summer's dust added to that. And you'll get a good idea of how many "miles" or "hours" of reduced wear it's threatened with. And, if it's absolutely necessary that you have tfie overcoat back] the same day or in a few hours, ! we can arrange that too. We don't have "loaners" but you'll ask for! special service, we'll get it out as fast as human hands and (almost) | super-human machines caili do It. ] So gather up last winter's duds, and any other clothes that need cleaning or spotting, putt^ the bundle all together and BRING THKM TO RAINBOW CLEANERS, North Front Street around the corner north of National Tea. PHONE 921 for pickup service or save 10% cash & carry. „ \ % 20 . . . . o n ALL Summer Play Shoes! PETER GIES Shoe Store & Shoe Repair, Shop * 107 No. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. SLEEP COOL TONIGHT CALL PUBLIC SERVICE TODAY You can put a breeze in your window for less than a dime a day.. f air condition your bedroom for a little more than 30 cents a day. Call now for cool sleep tonight! AIR CONDITIONER NIGHT COOLING FAN Forces the hot, stuffy air out of your house or apartment in 'minutes. Brings in cool, fresh night Sleep conditions your bedroom. Filters out heat, humidity, dust* pollen. Circulates cool, cool air. Whisper quiet. New models for casement windows and regular windows. $427 Es 8 fitoflll (ttnaU ti&sn payment) Electric D! ER a weak Call for a home demonstration today You'll get ..the latest models, the best makes at your Public Service appliance store or at your favorite dealer's. *5#0 down 42 a wtek Keeps your basement dry and sweet-smelling. Removes as much as 30 quarts of water from the air a d a y . E n d 8 drippy pipes, sweating walls, mildewed furniture, rusty tools. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 1879 --LIGHT'S DIAMOND JUBILEE --1*54 Mrs. D. A. of McHenry, 111. says, "I take my dry cleaning to Rainbow because, they have the New Sanitone dry cleaning which make the clothes come back looking very clean and new! Read the Want Ads SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE APPOINT HENNESS GAS MANAGER FOR NORTHWEST AREA Northern Illinois Gas company has announced \he appointment of Charles F. Henness as division manager in charge of the company's operations in its northern division. Henness. who has been associated Vvith gas sales and managerial roles during most of his twenty- nine year career with the Public Service ' company,' has been division, gas superintendent for Public Service in this ai^ea for eight years. He now assumes charge of the gas company's operations in its northern division, which includes the north and northwest suburban communities in Cook, Lake and McHenry counties. His headquarters will be in Evanston. Northern Illinois Gas company took over the operation of the Public Sen-ice company's gas properties early this year. Henness said that the separation of gas and electric opera- Scheme A Problem? tions is proceeding in an orderly manner and it is hoped that it can be completed late this year or early In 1955. For the convenience of customers, it is planned that present Public Service Company salesrooms and service offices will continue to be available for the payment of bills and transaction of business, either gas or electric. Pending rearrangement of telephone facilities, he pointed out that customers should continue to uss the local Public Service company telephone number to reach the gas company. Popocatepetl is a volcanic mountain in Mexico. Let us color-key your rooms in a fresh, exciting way. You'll be delighted to see how your favorite furniture wili look even better when placed in a ..Hew, harmonious color scheme ... at reasonable cost. Introductory Consultations 'TREE" TONYAN'S HOME FURNISHINGS 208 E. Elm St. Phone 917 McHenry, DL Save Up to 50% Boy Direct from Factory FIBRE GLASS v* MADE OP CORRULUX PRODUCT OF LAbv-Oweit-Ford Glass St. SUPERIOR IN 9UAMTH • P*rm«n«!rt color bMvtv. • Parmlh oatoraj Hfld without gtav* Rr« mittant. • Warp free (hot or cold *U • Custom mida o frame itruchir». • Lasts a IHaiima. • Reduces window Protect Yoar Horn* Afolnt All Weather Coaditieas! ALL AWNIN0S Castea BaM «• Mm* Yoar liqalrimh FHA TOWS--UP to 3 TEAKS «• PAT NO MONET DOWH Pfcoae For Free Etfiaoft COrnelia 7-4303 CALL DAY OR NIGHT Americcn Fibre Glass Awning Co. 3932 North Eiston A>c. Local Representative 300 W. Elm Street Phone McHenry 230 IS MY CAR I £7 1 IS MY CAR ^ * I \S0J St9! Mfs. Housewife I V ^7 Met Husband ,-v.n^ „ _ if s t 1 ' 111 1 " ' "' " ' 11 PERI /t • -56-" [J *f I TAKE THE CHILDREN TO SCHOOL MAKE MY DELIVERIES DO MY SHOPPING PICK UP FREIGHT M TAKE PLEASURE TRIPS TAKE CAMPING TRIPS IT BELONGS TO BOTH OF US a A Willys DeLuxe Station Wagon is the one car that can be used for BOTH business and pleasure. Sturdily built, with allsteel body, it is low in price and economical to operate. Kaiser-Willys Sales Division, Willys Motors, Inc. Toledo 1, Ohio McHENRY GARAGE 600 Front St. KAISER - V|ILLYS SALES & SERVICE Phone 403 McHenry, I1L