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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Sep 1954, p. 2

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§ THE McHENRY PtJmtmiJSR • > " W:^, •' ' - ••; ... " lay, September 9, NEWLYWEDS ; W is fists cse cccccbsccccc Vi. S^nster Elecjfcn <# Officers ^Spt. 14; Annual election of otncera rt>i flit. Mary's Cottrt, Catholic Order Of Foresters, will be held in the school ball on Tuesday evening, 'fifept. 14, at 8:30 o'clock. Chuclt Weingart will be chairman of the refreshment committee,' assisted by Sen* Smith, Clarence Young, Orville Preund, Victor Miller and Harold Freund. In tfte interest of dairy promotion, tile men, all farnfiers, are plan- Mag to serve dairy products for lunch. dfctfe 1 At K&tde Home ^Circle 1 of the W.S.C.S. will meet at the hofxie of Mrs. Fred W. Heide at 196 Country Club $rive on 'Tuesday, Sept. 14, starting at 1 o'clock^ with a dessert luncheon. '•< ijveddle Thompson Observes Birthday Freddie Thompson celebrated? Ids eighth birthday anniversary on Saturday qf last week when he entertain^ twelve little friends at a pi$bic held at Veteran Acres, Crystal Lake. The youngsters enjoyed a weiner roast, alter which games were played and the youjig guest of honor was presented with a number of gifts. Public Card Party At St. Patrick's The ladies of St. Patrick's parish are making plans for a public card party, to be^ held . Wednesday, Sept. 2$f church hall, starting 8 c^clock,; There Lee Melsek, 11, returned to his home in Fort Meyers Beach, Fla., last Friday after spending the summer with his grandmotheV, Mrs. Pete Engeln. He made the return trip by air, his first plane "trip. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Rix spent last week with their niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Les Dohr, at Plum lake on Paradise Island, Saynor, Wis. The Misses Helen, Lucille and Joanne Knox spent last weak on a vacation trip through Wisconsiri. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holle of Oak Park visited her parents, the Martin Conways, last weekend. , Mr, and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens/ and on Saturday evening helped Miss Ann Fri^by celebrate her ^birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier of Marengo visited her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon,, one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin of Wilmette visited Mrs. Eleanor Foley over the holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Phalin of •Waukegan visited McHenry relatives on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yanda have returned" to McHenry after spending a few weeks with relatives in Minnesota. Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan and mother, Mrs. Clara Scholefield, have returned from their summer home in Wisconsin, where they spent the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. James Doran visited in Janesville, Wis., last weekend. will be a •#gfe|||br egfch tafcle' and special prizef|fj|f Miss Rita MtrtihT |Sr&$feirman Of the committee in Charge. f CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for floral offerings and other kindnesses extended to us at the time of our bereavement in the passing of our husband and father. EverytiMig was grteatly appreciated. z. 18 Mrs.J MerfcedeS Huska and family GRANDpM- OTHERS PERFORM The Grandmothers' club of the Round Ii^ke community is pJanT ning for-; arf* old'tim^ -va"udfeville program' to take place Sfept. 11 and 12 at 8 p.m. at the, Round Lake consolidated school.' Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. George Wirfs and son, Stephen, left on Tuesday of this week for 'St. Petersburg, Fla., where they will make their home. SUMMERS-DIEDRICH VOWS A reception was held in the American Legion home in McHenry last Saturday evening in . horpr of the former Miss, jpanne Summers of Round Lake" afntf ' Joseph Diedrich of Volo, who | exchanged vows in a nuptial ser- < vice performed earlier in" the day. Tin: PHILLIP SKIBAS Shown at the wedding dinner shortly after their marriage in Zion Evangelical Lutheran church at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon, Aug. 21, are the former Miss Donna Cundiff and her husband, Phillip Skiba. William Ackerson To Be Guest At Vets Meeting ' The Chicago auxiliary, No, 48, of the United Spanish War Veterans has scheduled a meeting the evening of Sept. 10 at 8 o'clock with Mrs. Anna V. Rean- ,da, president, in charge. . Among those expected to 'attend will be Mrs. Nonie Cox of Springfield, newly elected state president, and William, Ackerson of McHenry, new Department of Illinois commander. With the continued passing of member^ of the G.A.R., and their wives, the United Spanish War Veterans and its women"s auxiliaries are becortiing the ranking veterans' organizations in the United States in point of age. Mlany of their members are beyond the three score and ten years classification. qKeSNAPSWOTGUILD A child and her pet make ah ideal snapshot Combination. They GoTogether SAVORY FISH AND RICE CASSEROLE 1K powids frozen fish fillentse ts .% cup mincecl Onions 3 tablespoons butter M gamine % cuji uncooked riee 1% cups water t % teaepoci^ pepper % teasDoo^ Marjoram 2 tablespoons minced parsley 1% cups mi!j|r salt and%epper Thaw fish, and separate fillets. Cook onionf&in 2 tablespoons of the butter Intil soft. Add rice. water, salt, pepper, marjoram, and parsley. Bring to a rapid boil. Lower heat to simmer; cover. Cook about 14 minutes, without removing lid, until rice is tender. Spread in buttered 10 x 6 x 2-inch baking pan. Arrange fish fillets over rice. Scald n>ilk in the same pan in which rice was cooked. Pour over fish and rice. Dot with remaining butter and sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper. Bake in slow oven (325°) until milk is almost all absorbed and fish flakes easily. Yield: 6 servings. COOKS CORNER By Marie Schaettgen Cucumbers may be prepared in so many different ways it certainly seems worthwhile to grow your own. Then you can pick them at whatever size you desire. Here is a recipe calling for oijcumbers 3 to 5 inches long thai you might like to try. This recipe was sent to us by one of our Readers, Mrs. R. R. Ostergrerj ' McHenfy, \yho /^tfells ua' they are easily prepared and very good to eat. Cherry-Dill Sweet Pickles Cucumbers should be 3 to 5 inches long. Scrub them and arrange in stone crock in "'alternate layers with washed cherry tree leaves and dill. Cover with brine and let stand at room temperature ten days only. Brine -- 1 cup salt to each 5 quarts water. Weight down with plate and stone. After ten days, remove from brine and wash thoroughly, then dry each cucumber with a dish towel. Cut off ends and cut into chunks % to % inch thick. Pack into sterile jars, add 1 teaspoon mixed pickling spices. Cover with syrup and seal. Syrup -- 1 cup white vinegar to 3 cups granuated sugar and a few drops of green food coloring, cooked till slightly thickened, approximately 10 minutes. Pickles will be seady to eat in six to eight weeks. Very attractive appearance, too. TT WOULD be difficult to deny * that children and pets really' belong together. They're a perfect combination. And especially SST when it comes to picture taking. The picture of the little girl' and lovebird which illustrates today's column makes that very clear. Combining them often makes amateur snapshots possible that otherwise would require more elaborate equipment than most of us use. Birds are not the world's easiest subjects for photography. It would have been much harder to get a good picture of the lovebird by itself than to snap this. As in the case of a boy with his dog, the little girl and the bird compliment each other. Each adds something to the picture of the other. The presence of the pet in the picture gives the child something on which to center his or her attention. Consequently there's little in the way of camera consciousness and a good, natural expression will be the result. The child in the picjure also oftentimes serves as an "anchor" for the pet. Animals don't always understand the importance of staying within a prescribed area to have their picture taken. They've been Renown to take oft in a hurry for another corner just as their owner was ready to snap a picture. In picturing the child and his pet, try for a nice neutral background such as the one in the picture above. That makes bothv of your subjects stand out nicely. There is nothing to confuse the story your picture is telling or to take the viewer's attention away from the child and the pet. These two subjects go together so vtiry well that it would be highly worthwhile, and fun, besides, to work out a series of pictures, to tell a complete story of the child and pet --John Van Guilder fn ji I|I{I I| .||I ,|i •!< .j. .g.,| COMING EVENTS {• V f• -|"f1 if *• ] } T T't I "|r 1ifli |J| Septte&ber 10 ; Woman's club Meeting --• 8 p.m. -- Henry Widen Htfrne; -- Wonder Lake September 14 Loyal Order of Motifte Meeting -- Sfeptembgr Birthday Meeting -- 8 p.m. St. - Patrick's Mother's Club Monthly Meeting -- 2:45 p.m. -- Church Hall Blection of Officers, C.O.F., St. Mary's court, No. 594 -- 8:30 p.m. Lqyal Order GrJ Moose Meeting -- Birthday Party -- 8 p.m. Circle 1, W.S.p,S. Meeting -- Mrs; Freds W. Bfiide Home JKcHenry Chapter 0;Ej6.v Meeting -- Advance Night 8 p.m. -- Acacia Hall Card Party and Luncheon -- 12:30 p.m. -- St. Peter's Hall, Spring Grove September 16 W.S.C.S. -- First Meeting of Season Edwin Wittrock Residence -- 1 p.m. -- Dessert Luncheon , C.D. of A. Social Meeting W.S.C.S. Meeting -- Pot-Luck Lunch -- 1 pjn. -- Mrs. Harry Hans Home -- (Nursery in parsonage basement) September 21 Women of the Moose Meeting -- 8 p.m. CjOjF. Meeting -- Rev. Raymond P. Hillinger, Bishop of Rockford, Guest Speaker -- St. Mary's School Hall -- 6 p.m. -- All Men Invited September 2% " Public Card Party -- St. Patrick's Church -- 8 p.m. September 25 Rtngwbod W.S.C.S. Rummage Sale -- Memorial Hall, Richmond -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. October 6 St. Mary's First P.T.A. Meeting October 7 Public PSirty -- Sponsored by D. of A. CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this means of * thanking friends and relatives for cars, spiritual Jfouqu< jts, floral offerings, synrjpathy "caffds and other hindn tended in our bereavement. We would like tJ give special thanks to the priest)^ of St. Mary's foi their services. •18 The Cecil Rothermel Family SINGERS REHEARSE The McHenry Choral club will resume rehearsals for the fall season on Monday evening, Sept. n 13^. in' the high Sqhool music 4 rtt-^odin. to join }s invited ' to'^be present at that time. The deadline for membership is Oct. 1, Subscribe To The Plaindealer Today's work that is put off until tomorrow probably got the same treatment yesterday. Time To Wake-Up . . . ^The Natural Oils in Yqur Scalp Again! Let Us Recondition Your "SUN BURNED HAlR,"-jSo that it is Soft, Lusterous and Beautiful for' the Coming Fall Season . . . . . Call 147 and Make Your Appointment NOW! Open Tues., Thurs. & Fri. Evenings 'Til 9 p.m. AIR CONDITIONED YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS fiiwerbide. Stadia 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, OL Phone 147 • ^I New Classes Forming BER-JAN STUDIO of DANCT - "One of the foremost Lakes Area Dance Schools" • WEE FOLK A SPECIALTY 2% Years and up • BALLET - ACROBATIC - TAP BATON - TOE Graded Classes For All Ages Separate Classes For Boy's & Girl's • BALLROOM Classes for Adults & Teen-Agers Register: SATURDAY 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. AT •>4. STUDIO "K" ELM STREET -- McHENRY, ILLINOIS Or Phone Round Lake 6-1011 Monday thru Friday 8:80 to 6:80 ALWAYS DEAD TIRED? You may be dangerously taxing your entire system when you allow fatigue, nervousness, * poor appetite and sleepless nights td drag you down • BECAUSE YOUR BODY IS WTAMIN AND IRON STARVED.* •thm iimploni ma* han otter ennit« t« dM M taeiWul dhoMtn. When you lack strong, red bloodwhenyotir system is vitamin-starved you must feel listless -- nervous irritable. This is because wealc blood is circulating through your system, taxing your heart - putting a burden on every vein --capillary and artery in your body! Start building rich red blood' lost with Bcxel Spccis! Formula today! Each high-potency BEXEL Special Formula capsule gives you 5 times the daily minimum requirements of iron; more than the daily minimum that doctors will tell you are essential Tor proper nutrition; plus Vitamin B12 and trace minerals. These wonderfully strengthening capsules are recommended for mothers-tobe, When a sufficiency of iron and Vit4tnifi>,is vitplly important to their ^health. Also especially important if ycrt», are over 40. Tfcke 2 capsules daily for doubly potency., At all diug stilt s. ' F«el Better.« Look Seffer • • • jpork Better ... OR YOUR requirements of all the B-vitamin^ MONET BACK I tewy for fit M0M r«/ire in Aftf-potenty bexel Special Formula Cdpsufes A McKesson Product BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. Green Street PHONE 40 McHenry, 111. Low Cost Fuel At Your Door Why use out-moded fuels with all the extra work they cause? We will deliver convenient, thTjtttjy, s$£e. Batted Gaa direct to .jfoiir ^ door, wherever, yoii (':• live. ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE "MCHenry County's Leading Hardware" Phone 284 601 Mafh St. McHenry, in. •MV Public Ihvifed To Flower Show Next Saturday and Sunday, Sept. li and 12, will \find the Bull Valley Garden club presenting its annual flower show. This year the sheftv is called; "Country Capers -- 1954." It will be held in the Woodstock Country Club" on Saturday from 2 to 9 p.m. and on Sunday from noon to' 0 p:m. There will be exhibits to attract everyone. Sixteen tables will toe set -- the -• hunters' breakfast, the wives' luncheon, cocktails ^for Everyone and dinner after the shootirig. These will be exhibited by the McHenry Garden club; the Woodstock Garden club;- the Men's Garden club of Woodstck, the Kishwaukee Garden club, the four garden clubs of Crystal Lake rind the Bull Valley Garden club. Of special Interest will be an exhibit tiy theodore Metsch of Woodstock. i*his display shows plants "that wUl attract and feed our wild game. Mr. Metsch showed his work at the recent flower show presented iby the Men's Garden club of Woodstock, It was one of the outstanding exhibits in the«show and the Bull Valley Garden club wishes to repeat it. . The public is invited and urged •to exhibit; All entries must be ready for at 10 a.ia. on Saturday, sept, 11. All arrangements must be the work of the exhibitor. All entries in horticulture classes must be grown by exhibitor and should be labeled as to variety if possible. House plants must be in the possession of owner at least three months* Classified Ads Bring Results YOUNG JEEN CORNER 312 Elm Street McHenry, 111. " X - We now have a wide selection of SWEATERS, BLOUSES and, SKIRTS in Corduroy, Denim, Felt and Wool for the Pre-Teen Girls . . . Also CORDUROY JUMPERS and Gay COTTON ^RESSES. : Come in Early while the Assortment is Complete. 3F B A N K F A C T S O F O R YO wlmw w/miu/mfluBM fear This is the first 61 a series ol^special advertisements, to appear in this newspaper. The series is designed to give you interesting and useful facts-about the principles and practices of sound banking .. . kbout the range and nature of our bank's services, and the many important advantages they offer you in managing your finances. We are publishing these " advertisements because we believe that the better acquainted you become with our bank and its business, the better we wilLJbe able tQ serve you. You areWrSially invited to read series -- and to come in for information. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ^ Member Federal Reserve System Interest Paid On Savings Deposited PHONE 1040 fordk the car that gives you NEXT YEAR'S FEATURES fORDh&fr pM&t You git a GREAT DEAL] when you get a And don't forge# ^ mmm FOltDS RKTUKN MORE OF THEIR ORIGINAL VALUE WHEN RESOLD THAN ANY OTHER LOW-PRICED CAR! BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 Main St. Phone McHenry 1 McHenry, 111. tf You're Interested in an «£77>USED Our -- Be Sore* to See' Your Ford Dealer

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