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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Sep 1954, p. 7

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< t •0 ,* fts)t r <* ^rp »* r, r> r\ Thursday/September 23, 1954 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH ' nrg-TB^ar>yaar •- • g, auMjmaranCTjB^Travi^^ ' • ! • • . f 'v- . •• ,-rf®'.!•:>:• :;t.>?y • ; ':•'. ,,*.• - - • • • k & * £ • : & ' • , CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE t FOR SALE McHENftY - Golf Course Subd. New, 2 bedroom ranch type, cabinet kitchen, large living room, hot air heat, tile floors, a nice location • Price $11,500.00. PISTAKEE LAKE - 5 rooms, glazed in porch, gas heat, used as seasonal home. Price $12,600.00. PISTAKEF! LAKE - 4 bedroom home, garage, lots 66x400, nicely landscaped, near Johnsbure. Price $15,500.00. New 3 bedroom ranch type home, on Pistakee Lake, lot 60x260. Price $17,800.00. All above property's shown by appointment. JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS In Johnsbufg Tel McHenry 37 17-tf Ost Your Homes, Lois or Farms with AIRSPUN for quick sailing service Phone Mcflenry 430 11-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE --- A real buy. 2 bedroom, lajrge living1 room, kitchen, tiled bath, utility with Kelvinator refrig., Admiral electric stove,' Frigidaire auto, washer and dryer, Reem - water heater, , Universal automatic gas furnace, aluminum screens, storms and comb, storm doors, 2 car garage with water and gas in. Lot* 50x150. River rights. Price $13,500. 20 WANTED WANTED -- Homes for weaned healthy Maltese and Tiger striped kittens. Phone 571-W-2. 20 WANTED TO -BL)Y WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for iron, metais sod junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 33-tf WANTED TO BENT Phone 1126 FOR SALE -- 2 room cottage, furnished, including oil Heater, refrigerator and gas range. Located at McCullom Lake, 1 block from blacktop on Hickory Drive, $3,000. Call 563-J-l. *20 FOR SALE -- Store, suitable for any retail business, year round. Living quarters. Newly decorated. Call Wonder Lake '3221. l-tf FOUND -- Ladies' wrist watch. N o r t h w e s t e r n s t a t i o n . P h o n e i Andrew Kuby, McHenry 317, »2Q FOR SALB -- HOMHS~--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road 5 McHenry, IBPhone: McHenry 421-J 24-tf FOR SALE -- 2 bedrooms, living room, bath room, large kitchen, utility room, 1 car garage. Located in Hunterville Park on blacktop. Price $14,900. 99x132 lot, located NW. corner of new grade school. A new development makes this lot attractive. Price $1100. 20 FOR SALE -- 6 room home in Pitzen's subd. Gas heat. Must be seen to be appreciated. Fred A. i Reeves. Phone McHenry 1757-R. •19-3 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Work as baby sitter or housework. Phone 560-M-2. 18-3 Phone 1126 Gracious Living Low Taxes FOR SALE -- By Owner. (Moving Away). All modern home, located on the west edge of the town of Geneva, Wis. jCiautifully la^scapedy white-fgftced on wooded knplK "House and 10 acres. Includes frontage on Lake Como. Five minutes to depot. City conveniences with seclusion. Home fully carpeted, 100% wool, customed draperies, range, . refrigerator, all included. Automatic heat, 2% baths, 2 pressure wells, Chamberlin screens and storm windows. Spacious living room, large fireplace, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, dinette, basement, porch, patio, outdo<tfgrill. Stone wellhousy. All ne! furnishings may be purchased i] desired. A place to commute fro: or retire to live. Immediate possession. of home, aerBage and lake\ frontage^$26r0OO. Write Wm. E. Allan, 112 W. Washington St., Morrip, 111., for appointment. 20 FOR SALE -- All year 'round home jon Wonder Lake Drive. Priced 'right for quick sale. Call Wonder Lake 3393. H. Widen. 15-tf SITUATION WANTED -- Wanted to care for one or two children in my home. (5 day week). Call McHenry 426-M-X. 20 WANTED -- Part or full time work, either clerking, typing or bookkeeping. Call 119-M. *20 WANTED TO RENT -- 4 or 5 room, 2 bedroom house or apartment for family of 3. Phone 1012. •20 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- Red cocker, left hind foot missing. Answers to the name of "Palto". Reward. Call Wonder Lake 5151. 20 MISCELLANEOUS Stephanie Waynne, McHenry 492 will answer inquiries about Home Bureau, the Homemakers Club planned for McHenry and 4- H for youth up to college age. •19-3 Schoen's Inn (Formerly Alibi) 130 S. GREEN STREET Package Goods and Liquors Pizza, Sandwiches & Fish Fry Take Out Orders PHONE 336 ll-ti It Pays To Advertise 9 m $ta From the start, make your wedding an occasion of long-reme'mbered good taste and distinction. Invitations set the tone of formal perfection- Choose your own paper and styling from our complete selections. Consult us on any problems. "Quality • . • Worthy of the Occasion" McHENRY PLAINDEALER PHONE 170 u- • -- tq-}7¥^ KEEP TOUR TRUCKS ROLLING IN ALL WEATHER! mm® WITH NEW fire$tom SUPER 111 TRACTION TRUCK TIRES • TAKE H01D AND MOVE LOADS M MUD, SflOWV 01 ON WET, KT STREETS. • mm asu&di SMOOTH, quii I KvoeeuiKCE c?s ike bishy'aI • LIFETIME 6UAHAISTIE1 •Mfftt^ ^gKssg^sas^ssaesssjsass^eisasggsa^BsasBaBnn^wKwnw^MKui'jMittiiiiirwjiiuiwjtDijasgiiiuy^ijsssg i|| WE bATTf DICC FOR ALL HAVE DM I I LnlLO MAKES CARS and TRUCKS UP TO $5.00 TRADE-IN FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY McHENRY TIRE MART WALT FREUND and BOB THURLWELL, Props. 526 Main Street Phone: 294 or 295-J McHenry, 111. LEGAL i*1 m* m ANNA TONYAN, 89. LAID TO REST IN LOCAL CEMETERY NOTICE All bids pertaining purchase of truck, received September 7, 1954, were rejected and new speciffCations drawn. New specifications may be received in the office of the City Clerk. Seated bids will be received At the next regular council meeting, Monday, October 4, 1954 at 8 p.m. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to waive any informality in any bid and to accept any considered advantage to the City. City of McHenry By. Earl R. Walsh, City Cleric PUBLIC AID ROLLS SHOWED INCREASE DURING JULY Public aid rolls for July increased by 1,524 persons, brtog1- ing the total numlber of recipients to 265,664, according to a report issued by Garrett W. Keaster, executive secretary, Illinois Public Aid Commission. This contra-seasonal increase halted the previous v4,192 person decline in May and the 1,407 person decline in June. The July total is 23,645 persons over the number receiving aid tri July & year ago. Expeditures, including medical payments, amounted to $11,466,- 884, an increase of $44,679 over June, and of $954,450 over July a year ago. Average cost per recipient was $43.37. The increase in numlbers of recipients occurred chiefly in the general assistance program which accepted an additional 1,873 persons, for a total July load of 76,451 persons. The numiber of recipients in Juiy, 1953, was 48,- 739, or 27,712 less than the number currently aided. Payments in McHenry county under the program were as follows: aid to dependent children 27, $582; blind assistance, 1, $16; disability assistance, 4, $319.10; general assistance, 147, $2,153.25;; 206, $11,080.25. Mrs. Anna Miller Tony an, 89, a native of the McHenry community, died last Friday evening, Sept. 17, in her home at Fox Lake, where she was a resident for the past forty-one years. She retained an interest in her home community; however, and was a fjpequent visitor here. The deceased was born April 18, 1865, west of McHenry. Surviving are a son, Lo seven grandchildren and great-grandchildren, /Her Kus band, Bernard, pre^Medx hgr in death. • The body rested at the George Justen & Son funeral home until Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, services were held from St. Bede's church at Fox Lake, with burial in St. Mary's cemetery, McHenry. HEALTH TALK Lioius, nine SUCCOTASH SILAGE It has been said that anything can be made into silage. Not infrequently a combination of crops iB used to make siiage. Henry KtVgler in the Platte Valley of Dawson county, Nebr., combines corn and fourth-cutting alfalfa, and has been able to obtain wonderful results from the mixture. In order to have these two crops ready at about the right time, he has to do a little figuring. With irrigation water he can do a pretty good job at tjeiftg ready. This year he has sold his third crop of alfalfa to the dehydrators and thus clipped it about two weeks before it would have been cut for hay. By so doing, he figures that the fourth crop will be ready at the time the cofn reaches tlie" proper stage for ensilage. Body Lice Pediculosis or lousiness is a ; condition ordinarily associated 1 with filth or uncleanliness. Not infrequently, however, through personal contact, the causative factor, lice, are found on the bodies of persons who live under the most hygienic conditions, the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical society points out in Health Talk. Of the many types of lice, only three attack human beings -- body," head1 and pubic lice. So far as known, head and pubic do not transmit disease, but body lice have been found to carry the germ causing typhus fever. Head lice settle in the hair. The female lays about five eggs a day during her lifetime of four to six Weeks. The eggs, called nits, are white and pear-shaped and take about seven days to hatch. Head lice are transferred from one psrson to another by combs, brushy and hats and caps. Sincg^Toead lice are commonly found in schooF children, wise parents will Estill very early in the young child the need to have and use his own personal effects such as combs and brushes. Body lice live in the clothing, so it ik only persons who neglect Save More By Shopping At Home ALL PHASE Plumbing DISHMASTER Push Button Dishwasher Completely Installed only $55.00 Phone W.L. 8651 CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER LAKE „ BUILDERS !]( . SUPPLY \ Free Estimates A Delivery Phone W.L. 3231 Virgil's AUTO *6 REPAIR "AUTOMOBILE WRECK ItEB'UflLlMNG" Frame - Alignment - Pain/ting At Wonder Lake 1 Mile North of Route 120 on Wonder Lake Blacktop Road Phone WX. 3S81 - Nlte Phone 4191 DEAN'S GROCERY & MARKET WONDER LAKE, ILL. Is Now Accepting Classified Advertising For The McHenry Plaindeale* All Ads For Thursdays Paper Must Be Placed By 5 p.m. on Tuesday T. P. MATHEWS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE of All Kinds WONDER LAKE 3061 Street's Hickory Falls Phillips "66" Service Station • Washing • Greasing # Tires • Batteries One block So. of Ringwood Road on Blacktop - North-end of Wonder Lake . . . Phone Wonder Lake 8651 -- , SANITARY SERVICE Pumping and Cleaning • Complete Septic Systems Installed L. PERRIN Phone Wonder lake 5672 or 3013 WIDEN'S Standard S@?vica Washing Greasing Wonder Center Phone W. L. 8241 If you have news items of interest to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2933. cleanliness of body and clothing that can harbor them. Pubic or "crab" lice cling to the hair of the lower region of the body, but they have also beeh found in the hair in the armpit's and on the chests of hairy men. While the three parasites differ somewhat in shape, their one common characteristic is feeding oh the blood they suck from their victim. The procedure provokes a stinging sensation and itchiness. When the victim scratches the point of the wound, he is apt to break the skin over a wider area, often producing infection. Various skin conditions, such as boils or eczema, may develop, while the lice continue their activity beneath the crusts and scales. Overcrowding and uncleanliness are the two principal reasons why lice spread. The \ former makes it easier for personal contact, while, uncleanliness Jcreates a haven for the parasites/ Personal cleanliness is most important in preventing lousiness. Frequent bathing and shampoos with soap and water are necessary as are frequent laundering and cleaning of wearing apparel with particular attention given to the i seams. One should avoiu using combs, brushes and headgear belonging to others and be wary of resting the head on the backs of seats in public places. While some simple remedies are available to rid the body of lice, selection an<£ , application should be done on the advice of a physician. Sortie are of inflamable content and if used carelessly could end disastrously. Otter agents can produce a severe dermatitis in susceptible persons. Skin disorders caused by the scratching must -be treated only after the delousing has been complete ~ RYYIE PASTURE Fall seeded rye constitutes a favorite spring pasture. Livestock men have found that it possesses a very great carrying capacity. It usually is available before any of the permanent grass mixtures. An Illinois farmer reports that he grazed 17 milk cows on a 9-acre patch. Following that, he used what was left to fill a silo; then fed the rye silage during midsummer when his pastures played out during the drouth period. Business and Service Directory o! WONDER LAKE Who Said Taxis Are A Luxury? Add the cost of cleaning this man\i rain-soaked clothes and you'll agree door-to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help in a hundred different ways. When you need one. CALL 723 McHENRY CAB v JluAcJbi Still the "Finest" Ice Cream made . . . Try it Today! All flavors. Buy it ai . . . BOLGER'S DRUG STORE S. GREEN ST. PHONE M McHENRY, ILL. at yovr tUBUC STORE 2nd BIG WEEK LIGHT'S DIAMOND JUBILEE Sell-a-bration . iff Look at all these "bSg-renge" Restores! SALE! Our blfl "SelH^brotion" of Light's Birthday moves into its second WMk! Here are just 2 of the many big values offered at your Pidklie Service Stove (you'll alto find cpocle! prices on nationally advertised automatic washers, dryers, freezers, and many other appliances). Come in toon--see how enjoyable it can be to save --at these wonderful Jubilee "Seri-a-bration" prices! KING-SIZE Monarch ELECTBIC RANGE Such a low price! And this Monarch has all the DeLuze features y ou expect only on highpricsd nknees. Yet you pay only $5.00 down, plus $1.60 a week! Come see this and Other outstanding range values soon! down e Bit W oven • Automatic • 6-qt. deip-v.t!! © "Chottce! Savo?1"' braifar • 3 hioh-jpoed surface • 3 big storage drawers $160 r Come on in, we've scores more bargaini aM tferooQh our t to res to celebrate lighfs Diamond Jubilee. Wonderfully low prices on electric washers and dryers, ranges, refrigerators, and freezers attd many oilier appliances. These new low prices, plus our easy terms, let you own almost any appliance in our stores for $5 or $10 down, plus a few dollars a week (ort'd we do mean few). So harry in, oftd iave, save, SAVEI Your local dealer it olio ofitrtig electric appliance batgaMs! 1879 • LIGHT'S DIAMOND JUBILEE • 1954 H This year the nation celebrates the 75th anniversary of Thomas A. Edison's incandescent light. Our ability to do things better, faster aod more economically by electricity today stems from Edison's work in 1879. Beautiful China tamps $20«L *1295 (T*6 for >25) Tbesa exquisite lamps are turned on the potter's wheel from finest English ciaye--then decorated Kith M"reUmt oi, china ... perfectly right for living hand expensive gold stamping and sd painted. They're aa stnnnins the loveliest piece of imparted room, dining room, bedroom, guest room, or hall. They're $12.95 each •nd a matched pair costs only $25. C<>m« see them soon. Low down payment--easy monthly terms. PUBLIC COMPANY

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