p. -hs.i i iZyrw^ ~^T Mrs. George Shepara ' : i s. :^ s* |j •.'_ > Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington iT ,«ntertained the "50" club at thei* home Tuesday evening. . Prizes were awarded to Mrs. B. T. Butler and George Shepard, • high and Mr, and Mrs. Pete Se- . bastlan, low. v :f\k- M^S. Alan Ainger of Hebron Was a dinner guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shcp- : «ard Wednesday. * 'Mrs. Eugene' Oxtoby spent Thursday in Chicago. Mrs. Clayton Bruce and children Spent Saturday in Elgin. . Edwin Benoy of Clarkston, Wash., spent Tuesday evening With, his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and family. Mr. fend Mrs. fe. T. Butler visited relatives at Elmhurst Sun- Hay^ Ml*, and Mr~. Ge~~s^,Sh?P.3rd( were supper guests in the Alan Aingter home at Hebron. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neilsen of Oak Park called on Mrs. Tillie VaillancQUrt, Monday. Mi1, and Mrs- John EKLerl and - daughter, Maibel, visited Mr. and h'"" Mrs. Lyle Ehlert and Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Pac&y at Wiknot Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Chicago spent Sunday in the John Skidmore home. Mrs. Georgia Thomas and son, Loren, of Woodstock, spent Wed- " nesday evening in the George Shepardi home. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lundgren of Elkhorn called on Mrs. Tillie Vaillancourt Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock, and Mt\ and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. and Mrs. Win. Heine of Chicago spent Friday^ in the George Shepard horrie. Mrs. John Ehlert and (daughter, Mabel, Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, Nancy, and Betty feltes spent Sunday afternoon in the Mrs. Flavia Ehlert home at Wilmot. Mr. andi Mrs. Delmer Shook and daughter of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Clayton Bruce home. Mrs. Lester Carr, Miss Mae Wiedrich and Mrs. Lill Conway visited Mrs. Grace McCannon at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen and family ||dsitedu friends at Woodstock Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and Mf. and .Mrs, Nelson . Cristy and family attended a dinner at Union Sunday. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Sunday with h$r daughter and family at Barrington Sunday. Mrs. Ardin Frisbee and Mrs. Frank Frisbee, Sr., of Greenwood spent . Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Flora Harrison. Mrs. Lill Conway of- Rockford spent a few days in the Dr. Wm. Hepburn home the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry . Aissen spent Saturday everting in the Reinart Schultz home at Dundee. Mrs. Schultz and Mrs. Aissen went to Elgin to the dedication of the new bible church. Kenneth Cristy, Jr., of Chicago spent Sunday ' afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ci'isty; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frey of Aurora . spent, Sunday- with* hev parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glattser. - Mrs. Floyd Howe and Miss Cora Walters of Crystal Lake were callers in the Louis Hawley home Sunday. i Mrs. Butterfield and children and her father of Harvard were visitors in the Roy Harrison home Sunday afternoon. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and family of Lake Geneva spent Sunday in' the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mrs. Bob Brennan and children visited her father at Mc- Henry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Oiling of Sun Valley Calif., spent a few days the past week in the Walter Glauser home. Mrs. Roy Harrison and daughter, Edith, and grandson, Donald Harrison, were visitors at Richmond Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter, Georgia Mary, of Sycamore spent the past week in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter, Marian, spent Sunday afternoon in the Raymond Harrison home- David and Donald Harrison are staying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. CruickshanJc visited in the Raymond Duer home at Kenosha, Wis., Sunday afternoon and evening. Mt. and Mrs. C.. L. Harrison visited relatives at Huntley and Elgin Sunday. Mrs. Elmer Schaefer and Mrs.,. Rose Panek were, callers in. Wait kegan Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Meyers and son, Philip, went with' Mrs. Wm. Hafer to visit Mrs. Hafer's son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hafer and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Riley at Fox River Grove Tuesday evening. Lora and Marian Wiedrich and Mrs. Wion Speaker, Jr., visited Honey Bear Farm Wednesday. Mrs. Clarence Wohlet visited friends at McHenry Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Hafer and Mrs. Fred Meyer were callers ' in Elgin THE Me^S^ Pr»wnr&T.El> : --• : '"M'rrTnni'lj, <^urch;News There will he a meeting' at thi Thursday, September 3& 19S4 Thursday and . visited Mrs, Hafer's aunt • at Fox Rivef fferove wjip has been ili. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pearson and family attended the horse races at Woodstock Sunday for the benefit of the hospital- Mr. and Mrs., Wm. Hafer called on Mr H&fer'a brothers, Joe and Lee Hafer artd visit^di Leo and Ralph Meyer homes at Wauconda Sunday afternoon: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer and son, Philip, Visited Mrs. Meyer's sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Hartmann at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frajtit Moravic attended a stork shower for Mrs. Robert Moravic at the home of Mrs. Ed Flanagin in Cicero Sunday. There were 35 present. Ringwood church Friday evening for the congregation of the Meth* odist church on what .to do about the new church. Sunday Oct. 3rd will be World Wide Communion Sunday. The Senior YoutM Fellowship group will meet at the John Hogan home. They will ali go for a hayride and a devotional meeting will follow. Jim and Lois Hunt will be hoist and hostess The K:ngwood official board will meet at the. school house Monday night, Oct. 4th. The women of the W.S.C.S. held a rummage sale in the Memorial Hall at Richmond Saturday. The Sc^l room teacher, y loww Heideman has ordered a new filrti nanied, "Bra2ll;" It is" very interesting to the third and fourth grades because they' are sttidying the different products of Brazil. The third grade has three more standardized tefetd to complete and the isecortd haa four more and the first grade has five. The upper room had an assignment to write, a pkge on Egypt and all of them received a passing grade. Mr. Andreas said we did a very good job of writing and Spelling. Wesley „ Bruce, school reporter •V;. • •ft* BUTOH'S " ,SAVE MONEY:/ ON YOUR CAW?" Regular check ups and mtUntenance by our experts means lower car costs for you! W® Do Complete Motor Overhauling 809 W. Elm Street McHenry, HL Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R Towing Service It Pays toAdteerfela The McHemy PIaladealsir , 'xut'sie, V Oiverside Dr. Mc Henry, III/ faicjAee/c fluency drug store SHOPPINB BAG With any purchase at our Drug Department during this Big ONE CENT SALE. Offer good while limited stocks last. KELLER, V/z-wm tube. 9 M BLACK or BROWN, 27-ineh GLYCERIN--Ipfant or Adult. / im • Necklaces • Earrings Bracelets BEAUTIFUL COSTUME JEWELRY STVRQY PLASTIC ... .< 1 For an Impressive Entrance Visit Our Show Rooms Structural Steel & Ornamental FREE ESTIMATES Iron SCHROEDER IRON WORKS PHONE McHENHV 950 8 Miles So. of McHenry on Route 31 1c Buys 1 Extra f < PO-DO SHAVE CftEAM 45e leather 2 lubes 46c at your PIIBUC STORE LIGHT'S DIAPOND JUBILEE Sell-a-bration Big values in our rccord-flmflwbing "Sell-abration" of Light's Diamond Jubilee t Here are" two of our toj»-quality nationally advertised appliance bargains . . . and there are scores morel Refrigerators, freezers, ranges, washers, dryers and many other appliances at your Public Service Store . . • most for only $5 or $10 dbwn. 37c Bruchless 2 tubes 38e. 1e Buy? 100 Morel Walgreen 49* ASPIRIN O S EAc SKjPr Get TWO! Walgireen's Chlorophyll 43® FOR Efooficwia m OF ONE PIUS # 'iou buy one item at its 'REGtfLfiR EVERYDAY SELLIllg PRICE, tj^naddi a penny to get SPECIAL! BISMADINE POWDER price pes. 59® HELL MOUTH WASI .2 for 60°. HAH0 CREAM] 9-0»z. Jars MINTS OR FRUITDROPS "iuxuiry" Brand 2:6® DeLuxe ELECTRIC « s Westinghouse Modal FG-30 RANGE See "What's Cooking"_ with this unique oven door! 30 inches wide, yet the oven's roomy enough to hold a huge turkey! It's fast, too--broils 6 big steaks in just ten minutes. Automatic timer, thermostat makes tooting e&sy, accurate. Just $10 down! \ asaally --«% I $24856 " NOW You pay $10 down, $2.36 a week $22396 Holds 455 lis. of food 5 fast-freezing surfaces tilt I fill" FREEZER Last time we offered this bargain we were twamped (seems folks like the way a freezer saves a family of 4 up to $200 a year on food costs). Fortunately, Kelvinator let us have •ome more at the special price. Come in quick now and get one. Only S>10 dowil! f reduced \ • 150; •sualb $449.95 NOW Yov pay $10 down, $3.19 a week $29995 1879 • LIGHT'S DIAMOND JUBILEE • 1954 This year the nation celebrates the 75th anniversary of Thomas A. Edison's incandescent light. Our ability to do things better, faster and more economically by electricity today stems from Edison's work in 1879. PUBLIC COMPANY' We.. 200V, 2 FOR 80'J 55c ABO BURN OINTMENT , 116-oz. tube 2:56° $1.19 TANNETTE POWDER Antireptic, 12-oz. 2i1» 49c Walgreen RUBBING ALCOHOL 16-oz. bottle 2:50c 89c SIL-MIN-OL EMULSION 16-oz. bottle ® r fkffeC Save $3.9? « • 1 Buy Two! Regular *3.98 AYTINAL VITAMINS & MINERALS Bottle, of TOO 2 far 352 • 10 Vitamins « 11 Minerals G!G ANT!C SAVINGS Save $6.78 When You Buy S. Regular >6.79 Olafsea GERIATRIC CAPSULES , Bottle of 100 Feel Pit After m 1SS V Regular $2.79 0)afien JR. AYTINAL Vitamins & Minerals Bottle ososo of 100. Contains Vitamin &12. 73a CHESr-Bi Cimphp-Lyplai. 4*02- jas • , 39c 6LYCERIN & R0SEWATER. 4-oz. bottle 39c MILK nf.M Wilgrean. Pint bolue «• r 35c CHILDREN ? XASTORIA n g 3-ounco bottle R W,0 45c PEROXIDE OSilfiC OF HYDROGEN. PtAt ...... ZgHD 49c SHAVE LOTION QgCftC P0-D0. 5-oz.bottle WW Get 1 for ic! 89c Formula 20 Cream Shampoo 2 4-oz. jars *1.49 Site : 2 h a Rmgular $2.39 Bmytol VITAMIN B CARSUtES Bottle of 200. 4* 4 . Add a Penny--Get Two! tconj One Is 1cl 29e Walgreen" .CHILDREN'S ASPIRIN Bottle of 50 ° i 30c 89c SACCHARIN TABLETS 1000, Vvgr. 79c ORLIS ANTISEPTIC PINT bottle 2s74® 69c WALGREEN MINERAL OIL 16-oz. botfle 49c 0CTINE EYE DROPS • J&qz. bottle CAc VITAMIN.C TABLETS r> $1«39| Bottle of 100 ••••••••«••* 4S THIAMIN CHLORIDE TABLETS. 0% Reg. $2.98, 50-mg., 100's . VITAMIN A CAPSULES 0% Reg. $1.98, 25.000 Units. 100'* COD LIVER OIL a Reg. $1.39,16-oz. bottle . . 4a 122 Just a Second Spray Sets Curls to Stay! Buy 2... SAVE 99? Glide Cetenate POWDER OROINTMENT 211--j lc AToro Buys You 2 SPORTSMAN1 S1 PIPES Your Choice 2 il^. "VI TIDV STICK 89° JMEFRIN DEODORANT APC TABLETS Regularly 79c Bottle of £4 2 <•' 90° ,r0piT«(juiwr« 0»I| l|L 9&c 2 ^ 80 w Di LINIMENT ,4*oz. bottle 2 <« 80c Regular 10 Pkg. Qualitone Envelopes 2 f»r 11° "iMm'J.IO?1 FORMULA 20 .""WW II aid * 99 -- 6°t- 5-punce push- 2 for 7flc buHpn container. If. f^|aD.2?40c e e ? * 8 2 s ' 8 0 C youSAVE97e Push-button Cctnto intr