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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Oct 1954, p. 10

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Wonder Lake News ^ By Van esse Sella members of the McHenry township organization held a Tuesday night at the Of Van Sells. A study was of the ballots which will be* presented to the voters on 2. The next meeting will be held Nqv, 16 at the home of Fern Paetow and will be concerned with the problem of local law enforcement. Thanks Fire Department Mrs. Edward -Borchers, whose 'husband died at her wonder Center home suddenly 'a week ago, said that she is particularly grateful to the fire department for their immediate aid at the time her husband was stricken A general thank^you appears in this paper. Cub Scouts The McHenry Cub Scout? committeemen and den leaders were hosts at a round-table discussion for other Scouters on Oct. 14 in the new recreation room of the McHenry Methodist church. Those attending from Wonder Lake included Mr. and Mrs. Art Miller, Harold Armstrong, Mrs. F. O. Marion. Mrs. Dorothy Hampton, Mrs. Joseph Monteleone and Mrs. Lewis Belshaw. Ideas were exchanged on the : conducting, of pack meetings. i American Legion Auxiliary The American Legion auxiliary will meet tonight (Thursday) in the post home at 8 p.m. Before the business meeting, Lillian Belshaw and Van Sells will discuss the Blue Ballot which will be ' presented to the voters on Nov. 2. This part of the meeting is open to the public and voters are urged to attend and find out about this extra ballot and what it means to each resident of Illinois. The speakers will present chart and maps to clarify the proposed change in the constitution. I p.m. Prizes will be given for the best costumes. There will be movies and refreshments. -- ^ Miss Any Mail? The sheriff's office had, reports throughout the summer of mail being taken from the boxes and scattered about, but most of the depradation looked like the work of children. However, it now seems that something mbre than pranks may be involved. Back in June, during a heavy storm, the TV antenna on the home owned by Barbara and Bill Fiala was damaged and they reported the matter to the insurance company. When they . had waited a reasonable length of time for the promised check, they inquired and found the check had been cashed in Chicago and their names forged. A Chicago address was on the check. The matter is now in the hands Of postal authorities. However, those who may have waited over long for any kind of payment should check into the matter at once. Celebrate Anniversary Betty Druml Kamp and her husband, Bill Kamp, celebrated their sixth anniversary Saturday of last week. They are residents of Wonder Center ' and the parents of two children. Betty is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Druml of Deep Spring Woods. Nativity's Recital There will be a Reformation Day organ recital Sunday afternoon, Oct. 31, at 3 p.m. in the Nativity Lutheran church at Wonder Lake. Kay McAbee, staff organist of a leading organ company, will present a program of both sacred and classical music on the church's new organ. A free will offering will be received for the organ fund. The public is invited to attend. Hickory Falls 'Meeting There will be a meeting of the board of the Hickory Falls Unit No. 3 subdivision on Oct. 28 in the home of Leonard Haught. Meeting time is 8 o'clock. Benefit Party „ The American Legion benefit dance will he held this coming Saturday at the Woodstock Armory. Adn?><?«'on is free and dancing is from 9 until 1. "j\ The Legion Post will also hold a Hallowe'en party for the children of Wonder Lake. This will take place on Friday, Oct 29, in the Legion post home at 7:30 Watch for the GRAND OPENING VAN'S Wonder Food Store Hancock Drive Wonder i-ai™ Guests at [Meeting Several Wonder Lake residents were guests at the 'meeting of the Kiwanis Club of McHenry Township Monday evening at the Lakeview Inn. Among those introduced were James Widen, Stanley Wilson and Richard Ruzicka. At. the next meeting of the Kiwanis club, the Rev. Eugene Maxwell of Woodstock will discuss the Children's home. The Kiwanis club is already planning for the annual honor banquet for the township's football players. The banquet will be held. on Nov. 18. hospital at Woodstock met Tuesday night to discuss their collect tions .and pledges. Bill Tittle, president of the hospital association, said that of the 14,941 patients cared for at the hospital last year, 263 were registered from Wonder Lake and 523 from the Johnsburg- Ringwood area. (Since many Wonder Lake people give ^their address as "Ringwood," the village should really be combined With Wonder Lake.) Return to England Mrs. May Mo&eton and granddaughter, Valerie Ann Pitt, both of Staffordshire, England, who have been visiting at Wonder Lake for the past six months at the Stanley Wilson residence in Wonder Center, have returned to their homeland. Tbey flew to New York, where they spent three days seeing the sights with Edward Dtickfield, father of Mrs. Gertrude Neilsen of Wonder Lake, before sailing on the Queen Elizabeth. Valerie enjoyed going" to Harrison school, where she made many friends who made her feel at home. The seevnth grade class had a surprise party for her last week arid she will always remember it. Got Troubles ? Mr. and, Mrs. Fred Zandier were coping this week with a series of mishaps. Seems that Monday of this week Toby Zandier, 4, fell down the stairs andsuffered a concussion. At the same time, Baby Zandier, who is 1, drank some kerosene. And, also at the same time, the oil stove werjt out and the hot water heater broke down. Sandier, who is principal^ the Riley school near Mare**ro>' soon lost his . all- of triumph over having wort tlfe Marengo area flag football championship --f also on the same day. " vH. •» ' Harrison School P.T.A. At the October meeting of the Harrison school P.T.A., the assembly was privileged to hear an interesting talk on the Blue Balldt issue by Mrs. Fred Sells, editof McHenry county news for Station WKRS. Mrs. Roy Swanson, past president, reported on her day at the District No. 26, P.T.A., council meeting at Round Lake on Sept. 30. Many thanks to the, seventh grade room mothers who served refreshments at the Octobermeeting: Mrs. C. Johnson, Mrs. G. Wrede, Mrs. D. Anderson and Mrs. R. Spuehr. The P.T.A. extends Its sympathy to, Thomas Foiles, eighth grade teacher, whose father passed away last week. Activities are planned for the upper grades each month. Mr. and Mrs. R. Roti arranged a hayride party last month and are planning a football dance for this month. Gospel Church News We witnessed an interesting and a significant sight on Sunday evening, Oct. 10, here at the Gospel church when the mortgage paper went up in flames. In spite of a driving rain a good crowd turned out to rejoice with us in the fact that because of God's goodness and kind cooperation of Christian people, here and there, our property is now free of indebtedness. However, we are now facing a greater challenge, that Hospital Meeting The men wh§ are calling on Wonder Lake residents for the building fund of the Memorial 3. DANCE Sat., Oct. 23rd at the Woodstock Armory FREE ADMISSION Music by "THE NITE OWLS" Sponsored by: LEGION POST 1169 Wonder Lake, 111. WITH REMINGTON "EXPRESS" SHOTGUN SHOIS RgmintHm Get 'em at . . . YYCITAL'S Hardware Sheet Metal Shop 132 Green St. McHenry, Til. Phone 98 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS WONDER Directory LAKE ALL PHASE Plumbing DISHMASTER Push Button Dishwasher Completely Installed only $55.00 Phone W. L. 8651 CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY "Whenycra your doctor's prescriptions across our pharmacy counter you can be sure they will be followed to the letter, compounded by skilled hands from pure, fresk drugs... professional products of highest quality,made by such trusted firms as E. R% Squibb & Sons. A mineral on you can'take'with • complete confidence is Squibb Mineral Oil ... a gentle laxative, odorless, tasteless, crystal clear .. . un- [surpaased quality has made it the World's largest selling brand. Your prescriptions are our specialty BOLGER'S Free Estimates & Dcliv«>ry Phono W. L. 3231 Street's Hickory Falls Phillips "66" Service Station f Washing t Greasing 0 Tires 0 Batteries One block So. of Ring^vood Road on Blacktop - North-end of Wonder Lake . . . Phone Wonder Lake 8661 SANITARY SERVICE Pumping and Cleaning • Complete Septic I Systems Installed' L. PERRIN Phone Wonder Lake ( 5672 or 3013 of providing a much needed building for our •SuBday Bible School. Next Sunday, Ocfc. 24, our services are as usual: Sunday Bible School at 10 a.m„ morning worship service at 11 o'clock, when the pastor will speak on the subject "The Way Out," and the evening service at 7:30. The Missionary Guild sponsors a missionary service on Tuesday evening, Oct. 26, with Miss Joyce Coke of Sudan interior mission. Special music and refreshments. This meeting is at 7:30. DIRKSEN SPEAKS The Antioch - Lake Villa Republican Men's club, represented by its president, Richard Seyfarth and State Representative- Elfcct W. J. Murphy, joined with Jack Williams, chairman of the Lake county central committee, in announcing that they have beeq successful in securing the Honw'able Everett Dirk°sen as their main speaker for a countywide rally to be sponsored by the Lake county central committee with the Antioch - Lake Villa Republican cluib acting as hosts on Sunday evening, Oct. 31, at 8 p.m. in the Antioch grade school auditorium 103 S. Green St. PHONE 40 McHenry, 111, Virgil's AUTO REPAIR "AUTOMOBILE WRECK REBUILDING" Frame - Alignment - Painting At Wonder Lake 1 Mile North of Route 120 on Wonder Lake Blacktop Road Phone W.L. 3881 - Nlte Phone 4191 IARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST .WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINtyEALER WANT ADS j FOR | Building Materials I Sears Roebuck & Co. | Floor Tile -- Wall Tile j | Gutters -- Roofing -- Siding 1 Garage Doors 1» Comb. Windows -- Doors Kitchen Cabinets (Formica Tops) | For Free Estimate I Call or Write j FRANK GANS | 300 Riverside Drive | Phone 1878-W McHenry, 111. PROCLAIM OCT. 2*3* AS BLUE BALLOT WEEK IN STAT& Governor William G. Strattoij has proclaimed Oct. 24*31 as Blue Ballot Week lri Illinois. •" In the proclamation, he called for public understanding of the Blue Ballot which will be submitted to Illinois voters at the Nov. 2 general election. Mayors all over the state are also expected to proclaim Blue Ballot Week as part of the vigorous efforts of supporters of the Reapportionment Amend ment, which appears in the first column of the Blue Ballot, to build public understanding of the proposal to remap the state's legislative districts for the first time since 1901. . * The other two amendments have attracted little, although considered worthy of support. One would permit * the state treasurer to serve four yeai;s instead of two years. The other would eliminate the present requirement that the Illinois-Michigan canal may be sold with the specific approval of a majority of the voters at a general election. The reapportionment is con- SideJfed; "the ihoSt ^ impoi-tiirit isfljuef oil the Blue Bfcilot-hy civic ahdi political leaders because, it ^ involved a "fundamental principal of American government, the right to fair and equal representation ih the Legislature. Governor Str^tton ana former Governor Adlai BJ. Stevenson have both called for support of the reapportionment amendment, calling it "one of the great Opportunities of our lifetime to improve Illinois Government." Botlri political parties, which have endorsed the amendment, and the seventy-eight business, lalbor, farm, professional civic organizations that are also supporting it are expected to 'participate in Blue Ballot Week activities. ffiturgday, Qclofcer 21,1954, MOOSE LODGE HALLOWE'EN PARTY A Hallowe'en costume party being planned for seventh and eighth graders and freshmen on Saturday, Oct. 30, at the Edgebrook school bfetween the hours of 7:30 and 10 o'clock. Parents ate asked to please pick up children promptly at 10 o'clock. The first Postal Savings Bank in America was opened in 1911. Grand Opening Saturday, Oct. 23rd 5c - 10c - $1.00 and up WONDER CENTER - HANCOCK DRIVE WONDER LAKE, ILL. Special Saturday Only! 2-pr. Nylon Hose 69c Reg. $1.25 Value Souvenirs For Ladies' and Children Ghosts and goblins will fill the, air ah evening early at the Moose hall this year. The bewitching hours Will start on Fri-' day evening, Oct. 29, with a Hallowe'en party for the children, of Moose members. Party favors, as well as refreshments, will be given to each junior masquerader.' On Saturday night the adult masqueraders will take over. A, gala evening is planned. Costume prizes will be awarded. A spaghetti plate featuring real Italian^ sausage will be served. Don't forget to save the night,* of Nov. 6 for the feather party" at the hall. By popular demand, another' hay-rack party has been scheduled for Nov. 13, weather permit-, ting, to compensate for the disappointment caused when the last one had to be cancelled because of inclement weather. 'Car Tunes" By Jusien i "Aw, he wants me to take his little dump truck over to JlfSTEN'S for a tank full of gas!" We "WAX-WASH" cats . . . Auto-Magically! From top to bottom with Oholdun's "Auto- Magic Car Wash." GUARANTEED not to harm the wax on your car! JUSTEN'S STANDARD SERVICE Corner of 120 & Richmond Rd. Phone 375 McHenry, HL What next, Mr. Edison? WIDEN'S Standard Service Washing o Greasing Wonder Center Phone W. L. 8241 . DEAN'S~~ GROCERY & MARKET WONDER LAKE, ILL. Is Now Accepting Classified Advertising For The McHenry Plaindealer All Ads For Thursdays Paper Must Be Placed By 5 p.m. on-Tuesday DRUG STORE If you have news items of interest to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Vain Sells, at Wonder Lake 2933. mm \ In celebrating Light's Diamond Jubilee, we honor Thomas A. Edison, whose first practical light bulb was successfully tested October 21,1879. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY SEE LIGHTS DIAMOND JUBILEE TV SHOW--OCT. 24--8 TO 10 P.M.--ALL CHANNELS If you were alive today, we think you'd be proud of the electrical industry and what it's done for America. The industry you started back in 1879 with a single light bulb has made life better, richer, and more productive for all of us. Work-saving electrical appliances do the cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, and drying in our homes. Electrical machines make , - * jobs easier, faster, and safer for everyone who works in a factory, in an office, or on a farm. Electricity lights our way. entertains us .. . cools us ... warms us...does all these things for only a few pennies a day. If you were alive today, you'd see new ideas in electricity promising an even better way of life for our. future. You'd see new things coming •.. new and better appliances •.. new methods of ^ communication... new indu^iri^l idearf .,, new farm equipment... and perhaps other ideas so new we haven't even guessed at them yet. 25 years from now, some of these ideas will have taken their place in our lives beside your light bulb. Which one Will be most important to mankind? Which one will be first? What next, Mr. Edison?

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