Tit : ^ ly, Ifareniltor 18, 199# THE^ McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3^" Pag* Smaifta Wonder Lake News By Vanesse Sella Cubs Take Tour A group of 630. Cub Scouts from northern Illinois had an all-day train trip and a tour Saturday, embarking at Belvidere and continuing to Proviso where the North Western railroad's freight yards are located. Bach Cub was accompanied by one parent. Those from Wonder Lake Who made the trip included "Walter and Roger Hunt, who took Mrs. Helen Hunt with them; Mike Hogan and Jay Stendebach, wiho took Mrs! Ila Hogan along; Phil and Don CoursOn, who were accompanied by their dad, Harold Courson; Henry Enstrom, Jr., and dad;! Eitrl Betts, accompanied by his. sister, Carolyn Smith; Jfoe Lundborg and his mother, Mrs. Mildred Lundborg; Harold Armstrong and his father, Harold Armstrong, wiho arranged for the entire trip. The January theme of the Cub Scouts concerns railroads and the trip was planned to tie in with the theme. Legion JVews On Tuesday, Nov. 30, the Legion post will hpld a fatherand- son banquet for the members of the Johnsburg Junior Legion basebkll team. This is the group who brought the first place trophy to Wonder Lake. A joint post and auxiliary Christmas party will be held Dec. 10 at the Legion hall. There will be a pot-luck buffet, games and dancing. This is a closed party,, limited to the post and auxiliary. A „ Christmas party is also being planned for the children, the date to be announced later. The post at Wonder* Lake is now sponsoring t a Sea Scout troop. These boys are led by Legionnaire Roy Meiswinkel. Flags have yeen donated to each of Wonder Lake's Cub Scout dens by the Legion Post. Luther League A Wonder Lake Luther League was formed Sunday night at the Nativity Lutheran church and officers were elected. Ron Miller is president of the group; vicepresident is Roger Benson; secretary is Carole Bell; and Jimmie Bell is treasurer. Several members of the Luther League in Chicago were present to aid in the organization. Introduces Bride Jimmie LaGreca is introducing his bride to his friends. She is the former Barbara Hagan of California. Jimmie recently completed an enlistment in the Marines and he met Mrs. LaGreca while he was stationed on the west coast. Hospital Auxiliary News Three new members have joined the hospNal auxiliary recently. They are Mrs. Joyce Specht, Mrs. Ethel Faust and Mrs. Catherine Druml. The directors welcome them into our growing membership. The Wonder Center ' canasta group met Wednesday, Nov. 10, at the home of Mrs. Freda Hoefler, who served cake and ice cream for refreshments after the card playing. High score went to Kay Druml and second high was made by Gertrude Lange. Those in attendance were'Neva Fuhrer, June Kiddell, Judy Rasmussen, Jean Motulewic'z and Velma Sinclair. six dollars was turned in to the building fund for the hospital. Wonder Lake Garden Club Seventeen members and fifteen guests heard Mrs. John Tamfbone of Woodstock give a most interesting talk on the subject of color before the Wonder Lake Garden club. The meeting was held • Thursday, Nov. 11, at the home of Mrs. Leon Switzer, who with her co-hostesses Mrs. Ben Redman and Mrs. Ray Sullivan, served sandwiches, cookies, spic£d tea and coffee. The guests in attendance were Mis. John Strohm of Woodstock, and the following from Wonder Lake: Mrs. Esther Leckman, Mrs. Ronald Milbrandt, Mrs. R. H. Pinkel, Mrs. John Ducey, Mrs. Mae Kapick, Mrs. Raymond Watkins, Mrs. Carl Hallstrom, Mrs. Nancy Elberson, Mrs. Ethel Faust, Mis. A. H. Burr, Mrs. Earl Miller and Mrs. John Thompson and Mrs. Arthur Hoppe from McHenry. Gospel Church News The missionary conference, which closed last Sunday night, Nov., 14, was rich in spiritual blessings. Impressions from what we heard and saw in those meetings, through those consecrated missionaries, will not easily be forgotten. The attendance was good, especially so on the Sunday services. Next Sunday, Nov. 21, we meet for our Sunday , Bible School at 9:45 a.m., morning worship service at 11 o'clock with Harold Osberg, instructor and business manager at the Trinity Seminary and Bible college in Chicago, as guest speaker. Special music. The pastor will speak at the evening Gospel service, which is at 7:30. Our annual Thanksgiving .service will be held on Wednesday evening, Nov. 24, at 7:45. Hollywood Rtally Neids Thoso Toohnloal Advisers The butcher, the baker, th« Candlestick maker--and about everyone else--watch Hollywood closely to see that they are done right. Let a movie maker show M little as 50 ffet of film wherein a plumber, doctor, dentist or bricklayer uses the wrong tool and he wttl -get a stack of mall. That's why hardly a movie Is made these days without at least one technical adviser, and sometimes three or four. In "A Streetcar Named Desire." one icene Ijriafly shows a machine shop where some welding Is going on. That was the signal, then, for Warner Brothers to call in Arthur Johnson, a veteran welder. He went on the pay roll as technical adviser to be sure all scenes pertinent to his craft were correct. Plumber^ are the most sensitive craftsmen, according to studio executives, and next come doctors and dentists. That's why you seldom see jokes in pictures any more about plumbers forgetting their tools, over* charging, hooking gas lines to water '«r cold water t« hot Advertise In The Plaindealer MOMic evidence^ prove new improved Bendix Tumble-Action gets clothes 3 ways cleaner! 1. Whiter and brighter! 2. Cleaner of surface and imbedded soils! 3. More consistently dean, item after item, wash after wash! For the f^sttime--conclusive tests of leading automatic washers have been made by a leading independent research laboratory* authorized by the Atomic Energy Commission to use radioactive materials for jdenriff research. Among all tfce'leadftig , washers tested, on all three counts, the Bendix Puomatfc ranked FIRST! 'Nuclear Instrument mm/ Cbtmicml Corporation •/ Cbicmt* New Low Price ON 1955 MODELS Bendix Electric DRYERS only $15388 WORLD'S FIRST AND ONLY WASHER-DRYER ALUIN.ONI Washes more thoroughly with new Bendix Hi-Lift, t)eep-Surge Tumble-Action, then dries COMPLETELY at Safe heatsall in one continuous automatic operation! E-Z TERMS AVAILABLE LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 516 Maid St. MdMnnMBi PftfONE 882 McHenry, HI. MiiiatfiaiMia Multiple-Tone Colors Accent '55 Dodge Lancer Hardtop A-V', " V = .*• ;rf *•,< -1 •. Three-tone paint combinations are' introduced for the first time in the automotive industry to accent the new flair styling of the 1955 Dodge Lancer hardtop. Providing exciting new exterior color combinations, multiple-tone paints are available on Dodge Lancers in all three series--the luxurious Custom Royal, the richly appointed Royal and the classic Coronet. Lower, wider and longer by 16 inches, the Custom Royal Lancer hardtop shown here is super-powered by a Super Red Ram V-8 engine developing 193 horsepower. - . .. „• . * Authority on Termites Catalogs 1,932 Species A complete catalog and revision of the termites world has been issued by the Smithsonian institution. It lists a grand total of 1,932 species of these wood-eating insets, known chiefly to the general public as pests but to students of insect behavior as among the most remarkable examples of social evolution. The work is by Dr. Thomas E. Snyder of the department at agriculture's bureau of entomology and plant quarrantine. Dr. Snyder is among the world's foremost authorities on termites. He not only has made extensive collections but has studied the habits and control of the insects through most of th« western hemisphere. The catalog gives the "whit* ants"--a bad misnomer--a new family tree, and several hitherto unknown and living and fossil genera and species are listed. The wood eaters are most closely related to the cockroaches and thua can trace their lineage to the earliest known insects that swirmed in the ancient forests at least 25,000,- 000 years ago. The termite order itself is at least 30,000,000 years old and has undergone extensive evolution, although some of the most primitive forftis still are in existence. Superficially the termites resemble ants--their most .devastating enemies. They seem to have followed parallel lines of evolution, tOth In body ldrm and in their r«4 naarkabl# social organization. FOR INDUSTRY McHENRY PLAINDEALER 102 N. Green ^Street PHONE 170 1 ROBERT HAY | "THE LOW | OVERHEAD WAY' General Contractor [ New Construction i and Remodeling | LET US j FIGURE FOR YOU ! Phone 622-W-2 j ROUTE 4 j TMcHENRY, ILLINOIS Business and Service Directory of WONDER LAKE CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 If WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY « Free Estimates & Delivery Phone W. L. 3231 Virgil's AUTO REPAIR "AUTOMOBILE WRECK REBUILDING" Frame - Alignment - Painting At Wonder Lake 1 Mile North of Route 120 on Wonder Lake Blacktop Road Phone W.L. SS81 - Nite Phone 4191 If you have news items of interest to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, ple&se contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2933. Street's Hickory Falls Phillips "66" Service Station • Washing t Greasing • Tires • Batteries One -block So. of Ringwood Road on Blacktop «. Worth*end of Wonder Lake . . . Phone Wonder Lake 8651 SANITARY SERVICE Pumping and Cleaning • Complete Septic Systems Installed L. PERRIN Phone Wonder Lake 5672 or 3013 • • WIPINTS , ' Standard Service, Washing Greasing Wonder Center Phone W. L. 8241 DEAN'S GROCERY & MARKET WONDER LAKE, ILL. Is Now Accepting Classified Advertising For The McHenry Plaindealer All AdsFor Thursdays Paper Must Be Placed By 5 p.m. on Tuesday Attend Your Church wiiiiiiiiiiiiouiinmuiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiti SPRING GROVE By Mrs. Charles Freund iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiHiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiniii Mrs. Charles May entertained members of her club at her hopie on Thursday afternoon. Games of five-hundred were played and prizes went to Mrs. Frank Tinney, Mrs. Mark Pierce, Mrs. Peter May, Mrs. George Huff, Mrs. William Britz and Mrs. John Smith. A delicious lunch was served after cards. The Christian Mothers and Blessed Virgin sodality held its regular meeting at §t. Peter's parish hall on Thursday night. A Christmas party was planned for Dec. 9. There will be a gift exchange and pot-luck supper. After the meeting, cards and bunco were played and prizes went to Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Wm. Britz, Mrs. James Hines, Mrs. Eugene Hergott and Miss Clarice May. Refreshments were served. Mi\ and Mrs. Kenneth Fianzen visited friends and relatives here on Thursday while en route from Toirey, Utah, to Tampa, Fla. Mrs. Clyde Parfrey has returned home from Madison, Wis., where she was visiting her son, Edward, and family. The Edward Parfreys' new baby girl has been named Wendy Brook. Mrs. Lloyd Spitzbart is a patient at St. Therese hospital/ Waukegan. Approximately fifty people were present at a gathering held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harbison in New Munster in honor of the eightieth birthday of her father, Chester Stevens. Cards furnished the entertainment and a lovely lunch was served. Guests were present from Silver Lake, Lake Villa, Richmond and those from here who attended were Mr. and Mrs. William Shotliff, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kobeistine, Mrs. Alice Wagner, Mrs. Mary Harms and Miss Lillian Sanborn. Sunday dinner guests in the William Shotliff home were Mrs. Alice Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Braggo, Leslie Stevens and Donald Cannon of Broadview, HI. Quite a few from here enjoyed the minstrel show presented by the glee club at Richmond-Burton high school Friday night. The senior class play, "George Washington slept Here," is being presented on Saturday night, Nov. 20, in the high school auditorium. Parishioners from St. Peter's attended services for Forty Hours Devotion in large numbers this weekend. A Carmelite Father conducted the Forty Hours. Solemn closing was held on Tuesday night in a very impressive ceremony. Advtrtiumtni From where I sit... Joe Marsh Granny Drives But Won't "Shift" Saw Grandma Taylor parking her 1924 Franklin out front the other day. Neat as a pin, radiator and hub caps gleaming--the whole car is as shiny as the day she bought it 30 years ago. Then I stopped and looked again--for there, hanging on the spare tire was a sign: "This car NOT for sale." Asked Granny what was going on. "Joe," she says, "it's this craze for old cars. Everybody wants to buy my Franklin.But it has served for years and it's not for sale at any price." From where I sit, it's strictly the new cars for me--but Grandma Taylor, and others, are certainly welcome to their "old faithfuls." It's simply a question of preference. Same with a choice of beverages. For instance, I like a temperate glass of beer with supper. You may prefer coffee. Fine! The important thing is that we respect each other's choice--and "ride along smoothly" together. Copyright, 1954, UnittiStates Brewers Foundation APPRECIATION SALE * VAN KANEGAN'S WONDER FOOD SHOP WONDER LAKES ROYAL BLUE STORE Phone Wonder Lake 4012 This is Van's way of saying Libby's Thanks to the many customers who came to our Money- Pumpkin Saving Grand Opening Sale. Z 10* Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce Carnation Milk 2 c™ 25* c.r 10* Domino Vet's Brown Sugar Dog Food *£ 10* CM Crown Brand Place Your Bacon By Oscar Mayer 'rib' 33* Orders Now For Your THANKSGIVING FOWL -- ALSO -- Complete Assortment of Holiday 'Beverages to Top Off ¥our THANKSGIVING FESTIVITIES. •• IlllMli Hi®# .... -life; " New Dodge Custom Royal V-8 4-Ooor Sedan with 183-hp. Super Red Ram V-8 Engine--Extra-Powend to l?3-hp. at New'55 DODGE at your dealer's now! For months the word has been getting around: "Dodge has done it! Wait and see!*' Now the new '55 Dodge is here . . . and the promise is fulfilled. You'll know it from your very first glimpse of its sleek-silliuuclte longer, lower, Aud Tar mo* v beauts "than anyone . "»••-•- Here is a car that captures the flair of the future in the bold forward thrust of its hood, in the sweep of its rear deck and twin-jet .taillights. Here is a car that introduces the new outlook in motor ear styling, with £ swept-back New Horizon windshield that surrounds you in a glass cockpit. Here is the car of a hundred surprises, whose taut and eager beauty is matched by exciting new developments that put the future at your fingertips. Dodge has done it! See the new '55 Dodge today. Dodge flashes ahead in'55! Datff* Oaalars pnsaat: Danny Thomas in "Main Room tw Ofektj," ABC-IV 8«rt Parts ID "Break Tfea Bank." ABC-TV • Roy Rofais. NBC taAs C ' 14 A. S. Blake Motors, Inc. 301 E. Pearl Si. PHONE 156 McHenry, HL