Vs-'V^vV^^'f-Vi^"':" ••'. ^^'•^iv,?-rS'"'> ' ;/-'T""'- - \£ * />.^"S"'--'^.' ;\!r*V'^-'"*'\! t!!-^\,-.',*;1'l By Mucdta Fom my Lake P.T.A. Feb. 3 at 8 p.m. in tihe Lily Lake school house there will be a P.T.A. meeting. After the business meeting there will be a Valentine party. Every member is urged to bring a relative or friends with them to this meeting. Refreshments will be served. Come on out, folks, and be "Sweethearts" at this Valentine party. v Village News * The village clerk, Richard Hyatt, informed me that he will have office hours from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday and Thursday evenings at this home, in order to accommodate anyone desiring information on p&pera for the coming election. Birthday Party Oorky Foss and Roy Erickson celebrated their twelfth birthday with a combined birthday party last; Saturday afternoon. Guests who attended this party were Donald Kibbe, Edd> Steadmaji, Bobby FOss, Rozanne Brzezinski, Billy O'Brien, Joseph Cina - and two boys from McHenry whose names I do not have at the present time. Cake and ice cream wePe served before the children west to the roller rink in the afternoon. Lovely gifts were, received by both boys. On Sunday, Corky's planned family "birthday party had to be cancelled due to the sudden illness of We of his uncles in Chicago. But his uncle, Brother Eugene gohm, came from Milwaukee, Where he teaches school, and brought with him two other brothers; Brother Anthony Gerhardt and Brotiher Victor Nagie, andv they made up a small party forhim. I Mrthdbys Monday, Jan. 24, Art Levand celebrated his birthday. On Jan. 26, Linda Wrublewski will be six years old. Congratulations to both of you on this occasion of your birthdays. Pinochle Party l^ast Thursday, Dorothy Wrublewski entertained her pinochle club. A delicious lunch started the afternoon off. Prize winners for the day were Ann Brzezinski, Helen Para and Claire Forties. cess and ',jth& tyjjfe of social W|U again be held" at the next social night meeting, A short business meeting was , held before the social hour. Hostesses for the evening Were Clara Cammarata, Rita Erickson and M&Vcella Foss. Doughnuts and coiffee were served. Btrthdtey celebration Edgar Wade celebrated his birthday Saturday evening with the family at his home. Reminder Don't forget, folks, Feb. 12 is the whoopee p&rty at -Club Lilymoor sponsored by the LXA. association. I^iree-fourths of the net proceeds will be donated to the fire department. Tickets may be obtained from any of the officers or Mrs. Helen Buchwalter, who is in charge of ticket sales. In order to make this a success, all of your cooperation will be needed. The contribution to this column which appeared in last week's issue should have been * signed Mrs. Nettie Sarley, not Mrs. Walter Sarley. * Can Yoo Name Tftw Church? a8H £lm ormiizatkms) Weddings amongst the skyscraper*. flmtoer • yq^maN-JBUJtO P1**^ *^*0 ^H'l Classified Ads Bring Kesmjts Plloe yours trltli tlie fhindl>ln today! WILLIAM ILYUMG; JR. ; AUCTION 'J&ct Vogel: ft Wllliaai JiusM!, Auctioneers ; Due to my induction in the Army, i will sell at public auction oin my farm located three miles north of Johhsburg, three miles south of Spring Grove, and seven miles northeast of McHenry on Saturday, Feb. 5> 1955 starting at 12:00 sharp : 24 Head of Livestock 17 Holstein cows, 5 Which will be fresh by day of sale, 4 springers spd the balance milking good; 1 IJolstein bull, 18 months old; 3 Holstein heifers, 18 months old; $ Holstein heifers, 13 months old; Ail the cattle are caJfhood vaccinated. MACHINERY 1 McD. power corn binder on rubber with bundle loader; 1 Case tractor manure spreader, FEED 1200 bales of alfalfa and clover hay; 625 bales of straw; 600 bu. of Oats; 450 bu. of ear corn; 15 feet Of silage in 12 ft. silo. MILK HOUSte EQUIPMENT t Surge milking machines; 8 milk cans; electric hot water heater; pails and strainers. POULTRY " J00 Austra White laying hens. Not Responsible for Accidents Terms: All sums of $25 or under cash. Over that amount one fourth down and the balance in six monthly installments at 6 per cent interest, arrangements for credit to be made with the clerk before purchase is made* McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerking Vogel A Russel - Auctioneers William a. yung. jr.. Owner (Pub. Jan. 27, Feb. 3) /. i *' SHOPPERS "SmMMC Had* Cut Tender Juicy Savings Invested in Crystal T«to Savings and Loan earn 2 /2 % plus Vt% extra. 88-ti General News Mrs. Koehne has returned home after visiting in Cairo, ^11., for the past week. Mr. and Mrfi. Harry Brady and Mrs. and Mrs. Claude F. McDerxnott will attend a Kiwanls dinner Saturday evening at the BraeLock Country club. Last Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foss enjoyed the company of a few out-oftown guests. They were Mr. and Mrs. Fred DeGrasse of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Erickson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yahnke and' Mr, a*d Mrs. Vincent Marturano of Chicago. iZ. 4 Ladles League News' "Last Wednesday evening there was the monthly social meeting of the Ladies League in. the Community House. A five cent social was held with great sue- Central Garage • . •. - > • • TKED H. SMira SALES SEBVICE Complete Motor Overhauling Welding JOHNSBURG, ILL. McHENBY 200-J OFFICIAL PUBLICATION STATEMENT OF CONDITION MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION Mdrehgo, Illinois DECEMBER 31, 1954 ASSETS First Mortgage Loans $4/756,035.50 Investments and Securities 140,740.00 Cash on hand and in Banks 378,251.44 Office Building and Equipment, Less Depreciation 53,937.95 Deferred Charges 143.31 Total Resources $5,329,108.20 Total Liabilities $5,329,108.20 LIABILITIES Savings Accounts $4,419,186.72 Advances from Federal Home loan Bank Loans in Process Specific Reserves General Reserves $194,533.78 Undivided Profits 140,014.53 515,745.00 54,852.09 4,776.08 334,548.31 WRIT or <5/ TOUt SAVINGS ur TO * MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 103 North $Ute Street ^Telephone 09 « A t f NGOTl IMNOIS M3OOO"PO,OO&OOOOQ&PgO'Pe>B&exf>CH3OOOOOtaoooo-aoooooofj>DOO'0'C lone Halves In Syrup 29-oi. fin Leon Mtaty "Suptr-RIgM Fresh Pork Butts Choice Quality lb. A&P Apple Saucfli Fruit GoeMait A&P Coffee Finast . Quality" Sultana Fina Quality-^-Fiva Fruits Vacuum •" Pack 2 25* 310-ox. tliu Fox Do Luxe Froioo Ib. tin Wisconsin Fancy 99c it. 46* Cut-op Fryers Rciady to Cook Young, Tender Chickens lb. 39 45 MalrCMBf--Amartean, Swiss or Phnanto Mild Brick Cheese Cheese Slices Kraft's Velveeta 2 ,t. 79c Fancy Cheddar M.diiim Sharp lb. 48 Large Grade "A" Eggs $"""Y' Loughorn Cheese brook X 27° d" 43c in ctn Fancy Wisconsin lb. 49* Shop Atf for Canned Tomato Ynlu«»| SnMked Butts Sliced Bacoi Fresh Spare Ribs Tem Turkeys Hen Turkeys Stewing Chickens Pork Sausage Bonalois 11/2-3 lbs. Allgood Brand "Supar-RJght" Choice Qualify 18 Lbs.* $p Ovan-Raady Ovor It) Lbs. Pan-Raady 3-4 Lbs. "Supar-Righif" Pura S3* P£39* ib. 39* CANNED HAMS Wlb'w N«Wa,t. LB. ^ lb. 39c Cap'n John Fish Slicks ib. 53* Haddock Fillets ib. 35* Breaded Shrimp 29* Fancy Shrimp lO-oi. 2go pkg.1 lb. roll Froxan Bulk Cap'n John Madium Siia Ib. 23* 'X' 49* Ib. 49* Select Quolity TOMATOES lone Brand Whole 2::'^ 25' Firm Ripe Stewed Tomatoes A&P Fancy Tomatoes Sultana Tomatoes Hum's Tomato Sa Dal Mont* . iBrand Our FSnast '%? 23c 2 4 5 * 2T 25« 3 26* Florida Valencia Largt 80'Sixa 2 *" 5 29 It's 9*1 Monto Week at A&P Del Monte Peas Temple Oranges Havel Orangn .«£»*. J..S1 Pink or Whita brdpOf Villi Saadlass--80 Sixa Yellow Onions- Anjou lean. for Oregon Grown 3 b'.b, 19* 2 *. 29* Orange Grape Juice Strawberries ASP Raisins Pop Com OM'Soutfi Frown Concanfrata^ Waleh'* Ffoian Saabrook Froxan, Slicad, Sugarad Saadlass Fancy Ragiilo Brand Whita or Yallo* 441 |H tin 2 ^ 39* 2 X: 49* 215-ox. »k9' 2b .b, 29* Tender, Sweet 17-oi. tins Del Monte Corn wlr*-- Golden Cream Corn Del Monte Spinach Del Monte Whole Beets Del Monte Plums Chunk Pineapple Dei Monte Prun® Juice Dal Mont* Taridar Laaval fifth-" Wholo Dal Mont* R^y,orf|il,r A&P Brand Flnost Quality 37c Tomato Juice Fancy Quality---Long Shred A«P Sauerkraut 2 '&T 29* Ann Page Preserves Strawbarry 2 |.b; 59* Cherry Pie 29* Peach Preserves 2 29* 2 'to 29* 2 45* 3 "s- 28* 216-OX. tins 2%r 55* Sparkls Pudding 30-oz. tins quart bottt* Nabisco Saltines 2j« : dexo Siorlening Pur* or Pinaappla Ann Pa9a Attn Pa9* Das«*rts 7 Flavors Pramium Crackars Pura--All / Vagatabla 1-lb. i" pkg. 5* Breakfast (tolls 't, 25* Blueberry Fie 3 75* Sunshine Cake Jan* Ptrkar 8-inch Sixa •ach 39* .• Jana ll Parkar aach 29* Jana Parkar Cinnamon pkg. of 12 25* Jana Parkar O-Sneh S^a •ach 49* Jana Parkar Goldan aaeh 39* SUPER SOFT Northern Tissue J life rolls FACIAL SIZE 3 ::r.: 28' BATH SIZE LHebuoy S< largo cakes 5e COMPLEXION SIZE Ivory Soap 3madium cakas STURDY GALVANrZEO HI Quart Palls 49* aach For Your Daintiast Things For Dishas or Washas Handy Liquid Whit* Facial Tissu* Lux Flakes Draft Deterg Joy Detergent Angel Soft Trend Detergent American Family Duz Detergent Tide Detergent Spie & Span Cleanser Rinsa Soap Piwder Washday Halpar Dat*rt*nt An Pur pot* For Whiter Washas 2 2 2 2 2 larg* pk9s. i*k*Shor*. Honay Addad S3* Prune Juice 63' Del Rich Msrgarine 63c Fluffo Shortening 19® Crisco SNortening 39* Gerber's Baby Foods 93c Chocolate Chip Cookies giant 4Q(> ^ 10 Planters Peanuts 21"9* £Oc Pkgu Oif quart bottlo larg a pkgs. 6-ox. btls. box *1400 larga cakas larga pkgs. Colorad. Quartarad Pur* Vagatabla For Ftaky Pia Crusts Strainad Schulti* lurch Cocktail Vae. Pack 29* t '-|b* CEi ctns. 3ib. AQe tin 3»>. tin HH 3s,r28c • p»9 OQc of 36 t-oz. 39e tin POOD tCTAll,!*...smc« 1S3* 14-az. pkg. giant pbg. 25' 6If THI OHAT ATLANTIC * PACIFIC prices eJJective through January 29th