!0M PASSES ^ I5TH MILLION HTTOR MARK "-V Ait attendance milestone was £assod recently at Chicago's Museum of Science and industry with the arrival "of its twentyfifth million visitor. The Museum first opened in June, 1933, and from ait aftnual i attendance of some 300,000 it has now increased to more than two and a half million, with visitors coming from all over the world. Not only has it become a unique institution in its ex- 'hibit techniques and content but it has also become the best attended museum in .the country. And1 it is still growing, both in exhibits and number of visitors. While it took the Museum almost three, years to clock a million Visitors in the 1930's, it pow counts a million in». the space of four or five months. Attendance during; any of the pummer mpnths of Jyiu*, July or August will see as mad^r visitors Si during an entire year in the useum'9 early day*. Major lienox R. ix>hr, museum president, who lias been in charge 0f the ihuseum since 1940, points out that the average fct&y of these visitors has increased from a half-hour to monk than thjhee hours. During 1954, fcotal number of such visitor flours was over eight million. "We Judge our effectiveness Siore by visitor-hours than by umber of visitors," Lohr points j>ut, "because we have to hold iheir interest to keep them here." Bach exhibit is designed to meet ft variety of " interests ranging >m the-'casual to specific techical material. We try to hold te visitors' attention from molent to moment, constantly lurhim on \ to look at other {ftiags. There is something for everyone -- the school child and |3ie adult; men and women; Scientist, engineer, professional ^und layman. There is a constant appeal to the senses, the imagination, and the intellect In an exhibit's physical arrangement. Participation by the visitor -- yrhere he can use his muscles as well as his brainv^=-- is another important factor yisftor interest. It is interesting to note that two of the Museum's bestrknown exhibits represent the oldest and newest displays. jThe life-sized operating coal mine, typical of southern Illinois operation^, was opened in 1933 and has consistently operated at capacity, leveraging about 30 per cent of |he museum's attendance. The former German submarine U-505, to operating condition is stUl progressing. At the moment, Electro-Motive division engineers are working on ithe sub's diesel engines which will be run at idling speeds for the benefit of visitors in the' near future. The sub's inter-communicatiOn systems have already been restored by Illinois Bell engineers, as have been many of the Sub's intricate mechanisms' and operational equipment. The U-505 is being put in virtually the same condition as it was what first built in 1941 and will give visitors a thrilling experience of going through a real submarine. Lend Uncle Sam Tour Dollars Buy U.S. Savings Bonds BARE YEAST ROLLS &EFORE FREES RECOMMENDS For convenience and best result#, bake your yeast roils before freea!* ing them. Miss Virginia Charles, footjs research specialist at the University of Illinois, says research conducted in the home economics lab oratories has shown that frozen rolls will be of better quality if baked before they are froasen. Simply make your favorite rolls. Bake them at about 400® F. for 15 to 20 minutes and cool them on cake racks. Package the cooled rolls in aluminum foil or cellophane, seal the packages and freeze them at once. • Take the rolls out of the freezer about 20 minutes before serving time, and put them -- still packaged and frozen -- into the ovep. If th,ey have been wrapped in cellophane, heat them at 300° F. If wrapped in aluminum, foil, .use a temperdtUre of 400° F. Want Ads bring . result#, Place yours with the Plaindealer today.. DAN POWERS - Auctioneer The undersigned, having decii&d £b devote more time to the Grajin Business, will sell at Public AucUon on the farm known as the Shamrock Farm, located 9 mile East of Woodstock, 9 mile rtortjh of Crystal Lake, and 1^ miles West of McHenry on Rt. 120 then miles Southwest on SATURDAY. APRIL 2. 1955 starting at 11:00 sharp the following described property: 80 head of feeder pigs, average weight 75 to 125 lbs. Machinery: McD. model Super M tractor, 1953; M.M. model U tractor, 1952; M.M. 4 row tractor cultivator; McD. model 2-M mounted corjtl picker; Case model <A-6' comb'ine with motor, 1953; N. H. model 77 baler with hyd. attachment; Skyline field chopper with 40 hp. motor and hay and corn attachment. J. £>. ensilage blower No. 64 with 50' pipe; Funks Anhydrous Ammonia applicator with storage tank, 6000 lb. cap. new; Oliver grain drill 10' with fertilizer and grass seed attachment; Meyers elevator 40' with electric motor and hyd. hoist; J. D. No. 290 corn planter; M- M. Windrower 8'; N. I. tractor manure spreader; Oliver tractor manure spreader;. Case tractor manure spreader; J. D. power mower 7'; J. D. side delivery rake, 4 bar; McD. tractor plow, 3 bottom 16" on rubber; McD. tractor plow, 3 bottom 16" on rubber; McD. tractor disc, 10'; McD. tractor disc, 10'; McD. manure loader and grader blade; McD. hammer mill No. 10C; Baker feed mixer hi ton with 3 hp. electric motor; Coby rubber tirfe wagon and rack; 2 McD rubber tire wagons with flare boxes; Safe Way weed .sprayer; P.T.O. stalk cutter; 20' double corrogated roller; 3 self unloading wagon boxes; 2 nay racks; 2 two sec. drags; 2 electric 50|0 chiC size brooders; 100' drive belt; numerous shop tools; 1946 Ford 2 ton truck; Bolen garden tractor, with 3 hp. motor and 30" reel mower, snow plow, sickle bar, cultivator, plow, trailer cart and sulky. Many other items too numerous to mention. Feed: 4' Silage 16"silo; 15 tons mixed hay, baled. Household Goods: Dinette Set; writing desk; single bed; vanity; Oil burner heater and misc. items. TERMS: $25.00 and under cash, oyer that amount ^ down and balance in mohthly payments plus interest. Buy what you want, sign your Opened to - the public last Octo-'own note, no co-signers needed. Settlement must be made day of sale, jaer, has about the $ame, capacityfTHORJp SAJ^ES CORP. HQ r WQpDSTOCK^ILIi. jmd its attendance ha$ paralleled. LUNCH'WAGON -- NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS ihev coal mine. Each requires abou| twenty minutes to see. ' ALVIN BLUMHORST JBuying any one of these in 1955? KUCTBIC DIYH SlfCTKK WATit MATH EUCTIICIAN0S Alt COMPtTIONIB Our New Installation Plan will save 615,000 Northern Illinois important money- Npw it's easier to own th« appliances you've always wanted Are you one of our 615,000 Northern Illinois area customers who live in a 1, 2, or 3-family building with 120-volt (2-wire) Bervice? If you are, this new installation plan of ours can save you some mighty important money on the installation of any one of the appliances shown above ... and give you the modernized wiring you need today. This installation includes bringing a modern 240-volt (3-wire) line to the main fuse box inside your home plus the interior wiring to wherever you want the appliance located. Oiir New Installation Nan Available a) All Dealers' Our new installation plan not only helps you, but your dealer as well. AU your dealer has to do is call us once we do the rest. We arrange a convenient installation date with you . . . line up an electrical contractor ... see that the job's done right and, if you prefer easy payments on your share of the wiring we'll take care of that, too. Wh«t llii« mdwnliid wiring means to you MOW and in the futur* Besides saving you important mopey on installation, our new plan improves your entire home's electric service, too. Right away you'll notice a bigger, sharper TV picture, brighter lights, faster toast. In fact, every appliance you now own will work better. And with your new 240-volt capacity, your home's ready for other appliances you'll want in the future. So, if you've been wanting an electric dryer, range, viter heater, or air conditioner-- buy it now. You'll be getting a bigger bargain than ever before I What our New Appliance Installation Plan offers to customers who live in a 1,2, or 3-family building with 120-volt (2-wire) service: t --YOU CAN SAVE IMPORTANT AAONEY with Hi* Installation of .any of these appliances: electric dryer, rang*, water heater, air conditioner. 3-YOUR PRESENT APPLIANCES WORK BETTER once, you hdv# new, heavy-duty 240-volt wiring In your home. 3-YOU'RE All SET FOR THK FUTURE--you can add wiring for the electrical appliances you'll want in the years ahead quickly and cheaply. ^ Por full details, visit any appliance dealer or our stores now POblic^^R^^ COMPANY wanLaiar- > 1 - v»;' V^ * r, v „ ) NOW ON $ Popular Brands Colorado Grown m Firm. Rjpe Boneless--Ready to SerVe. Canned (j ' 9 to II Lbs. Tin 65 Wilson's Certified lb. $ 6-Lb.Tin 4 Agar or Swift's Praminm 31 Ty-Nw Brami ea. 31$309 Seedless Grapefruit Red Potatoes Wines«|i Apples New Yellow Onion Cuban Pineapple Large Cauliflower Fresh Carrols California PaualCllery ^ §-4 rlorida Meat . Florida 10lbs 59c 29* MfrJtipe Grown ^ PORK LOIN ROASTS 1st Cut Rib End LB. 35 1st Cut Loin End LB. 45 Center Cut Chops or Roast LB. 75 Snow White 12 Size California 6ropn Topped & Washed ' lb. cello Pork Butt Boast Fresh it. 39c Thick Sliced Bacon pil,k: 93* Fresh Spare Bibs Lean, Meaty it. 43* Skinless Franks ib. 43* Beef Chuck Boast Blade Cut Bone In it. 43c Perk Sausage BoHs "&• .b 29* Allgood Sliced Bai Hickory SOU Smoked ,b. 43° Fish Sticks SS it! 'X 35* Smoked Butts Boneless 1'/] to 3 lbs. ib. 65* Breaded Shrimp C'P F^<" l0^; 49" FROZEN FOOD VALUES Frozen Old South Sea Brook t-roexit Orange Juloe Strawberries B&W Tangerine Juioe Beef Pio Heat 'n' Eat, Wagon Brand 2^26* 2 49° 3 26* 2 8 9 « Dolt's Balanced Flavored Sliced Pineapple Del Mortte 49110 Parker Apple Pie GoWen Sunshine Call Caramel Pecan Rolls Sllewl WbHo Bread Potato CMps , r 39" ft- 36* 16-01. |Jq Whole Kernel GOLDEN CORN Del Moirto Purple Plums Del Monto Poaches s*"'" Del Monto Pears A&P Fruits for Salads Cranberry Sauce Real Lemon . Del Monto Prune Juice Del Monte 3 3^ SI I 33^ J|! 2^M^m QMc Hawaii Freshv 5 Choice Ffuiti Halves Fancy Sliced Ocean Spray Lemon Juice 22?0155c • jars ww 2 MV S9C 2 ','r 49e "t 45" 2 IT 35° quart #Aq bottle W 2bS 59c Del Monle Whole Beets Dol Monto Green Peas Golden Cream Com Del Monte Brand Michigan Cut A&P HAS THE JUICE VALUES StUct Quality loaf lb. 68* jElCHfO O'CLOCK C0ff«€ 70* MILD t MIUOW Eight O'Oiooli u, s fe. Se« till Red Circle ^,83* 1 ft. Bef S<-4> Bokar I %. Bef It. lb. bag Florida Untweetened Florida Unsweetened Grapefruit and Orange A&P Orange Juice A&P Orange Juice A&P Blond Juice •ltd Or.ng. 2 A&P Grapefruit Juice Unsweetened A&P Pineapple Jnico A&P Tomato Juice A&P Grape Juice Our Finest Quality Rich Flavored Pure, Unsweetened tr." 49° 23* IT 47° ^27* ^MRO tins 24-ox. OAfi bottle M Mushrooms lona Out Green Beans lona Green Poas Slitana Tuna Flakes King Oscar Sardines Chum Salmon Gake Mixes Light Meat Perfect Strike Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Dyncan Hines Jack Frost Brown Sugar P f All Purpo! JliiT Detergent Soot Tissue Or Gentle Softness 9 16-ot. * jars 29* 4 17-oz. fc tins 39° 4 17-oz. » tins 29* 2'tr46« 4 4-oz. m tins 35* |0» h 17-oz. » tins 23. 9 6-oz. m tins 39. 3%-ox. tin 29* 16-ol tin 39* 3 pkgs. $|M d2 ibs. 26* O Pkg- & deal 49c 5 rolls 53* EASTER CANDY VALUES CHOCOLATE Cream Eggs M. Si EASTER Basket Mix 29b WORTHMORE Jelly Eggs 2 lbi. 39c CHOQO^ATf M'shmallow Eggs »fr219* WARWICK Thin Mints u^.99e WARWICK Ghoc. Gov. Eggs ^ 29c Soap Granules Ivory Snow Ivory Soap Flakes Personal Size Ivory ill Detergent Tide Detergent D«z Detergent Spic 'n Span Cleanser OM Dutch Cleanser For Automatic Washers For Dishes or Washes Dux Does Everything pint bottie Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Chases CHrf 2 : 63e Paas Egg Dyes 2 ';;::. 63° Chick Chick Egg Color 4 23e Wesson Oil ^33 3Z 35c Spanish Rice 75c Cheer Detergent h Ur" fiCc L ^ 03 2£4r 2 ean» 23° All prices effective through April 2nd lerge pkg. 39' It* 63" 2f29* 2'p">9">. 0w pkg. quart bottle |l5%-oz.| tins FORtMOSt rooD inAiict... sinci mo llM