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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Mar 1955, p. 12

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THE'McHENRy FORTY TEARS AGO From Issue of Apiil. I» 1015 Handle Farm Implements-- Mathias Freund, the. Pearl street blacksmith, has decided to go into the implement business on a more extensive scale than ever this spring:. While he has always handled wagons and buggies, he expects to put in a stock of machinery and engines and go after the business as he has never done before. flu mi HM W W+M'IM MHIflUKl HI»<<•<<•» EWING EARLY HAPPENINGS IN McHENRY and VICINAGE Plainde&ler Files Furaish Memories of Yesteryears Compiled by A. H. Mosher let building arrived Tuesday of this week. Mr .and: Mrs. F. E. Covalt are preparing to move into their beautiful new home on Waukegan street. J. P. Weber and his workmen are now employed repairing the Jacob Justen building which was recently damaged by fire. The office hikers club of the Oliver typewriter factory walked to this village one day recently. They returned to Woodstock by train. Miss Anna Weber has re. entered <the employ ef J. D. Lodtz in the fetter's tailoring establishment. E. It. McOmber is the possessor of a handsome new Overland Six touring car purchased through the local agents, Overton & Cowen. The M. Engeln house in the north end' of town has been purchased by Martin Schroedesr, a Chicago undertaker. Mr. and Mrs. George • Bohr haye rented the Mrs. Emma Phillips Jiouse on Water street and will go to housekeeping therein immediately. J. R. Knox, proprietor of the Star garage, has engaged the services of George Kramer,' who will enter upon his new duties next week. Mr. and Mrs. Mike LaVeUe have moved from the N. J. Justen flat to the Theo. Schieesle flat on the West Side. Postmaster J. C. Holly has invested in a iFord touring car. Thus far we have not heart! of his climbing a tree or telephone pole. ' Boys Out E, JU Behlke-- M. A. Thelen, the Centerville hamessmaker, has bought out E. l>. Behlke, West Side corn-* petitor, and is now conducting business in the Schnorr building on the West Side. He has closed his old place next to Boone creek in the center part of town and believes that the move will be a'profitable one. Grand Prize Ball-- A grand prize ball will be held at! Knox's hall in this village Wednesday evening, April 14. Prizes will be given the best lady and gent waltz and tango dancers and also to the best lady arid gene jig dancers. Music will be furnished by Brandstetter'a celebrated orchestra of Grayslake. Floor committee: McHenry, John Engeln; West McHenry, Roy Bohlander; Woodstock, Art Sahs; Crystal Lake, Edwin Baur; Hebron, Harry Alexander; Wau- GOIK&., Alvin Kimball; Grayslake, Charles Schultz; Round Lake, Martin Thelen; Area, Rbbert Rouse, Jr.; Ivanhoe, Rudie Dorfler; Lake Zurich, E. D. Mavis; SlOcum's Lake, Page Smith; Volo, Earl Paddock; Richmond, George McClellan; Spring Grove, Howard ChristmsoBv Soldn JfKUs, Fred Smith; Fw&^Lake, »f* J. Tonyan; Ingleside, Lee Jjj&ejrwood; Rttiigwood, Stanley Edwards; Bairreville, ' Harry 'Mathews; Johzuburg, Peter F.- BTneaind. and EdTSonyan. --•*"" Ice House Destroyed-- The large ice house at Pistakee Lake, owned by the Nelson Morris Co., was recently destroyed by fire. The fire started some time during the night and burned all day. The loss is quite heavy, as the house was one of the largest in the lake region and was filled with ice. Stems of Local InteresW The first piano. for "Slim's" new music house in the Masque- \ Wrestling Exhibition-- A big wrestling exhibition has been arranged for and will take place at the Central opera house Friday evening, April 9. The main bout of the evening will be between "Scissor" Bill Worts and Whirlwind Geske, both McHenry boys. Worts claims thet lightweight championship of the Kast Side while Geske is tooted as the West Side champion. "Doc" Eddnger of Woodstock will neferee. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From Issue of March 27, 1880 Orders City to Pay Banks-- Judgments to the amount of nearly $15,000 against the city of McHenry were ordered paid by Judge Edward D. Shurtleff in the circuit court at Woodstock) Saturday. The judgments were in favor of the West McHenry State Bank for $7,500 and the Citizens State Bank for $7,525.94, which, including the interest, will total about $15,000. This is in payment of anticipation warrants taken by the banks during the fiscal year, including parts of 1926 and 1927, during the administration of Mayor Watties and the first part of Mayor Frett's term. The money was used to cover city indebtedness and has never been paid. Blizzard Hits Monday--- A blizzard from the northeast struck McHenry and its surrounding territory on Monday, the fourth official day of spring, with traffic practically blocked and the snow piling high in drifts along the streets and highways, after nearly forty-eight hours of its sustained fury in what was termed by many as the worst blizzard in fifty years. Increase In Taxes- Taxpayers in McHenry received -their tax statements the last Of the week and to say that they are higher than they have been for many years is putting it mildly. In fact, one could almost hear the gasps of the astounded citizens as the envelopes were opened and contents noted. McHenry township's tax bill is $125,182 this year and the total valuation of the county as fixed by the board of review is placed at $53,360,536. The taxes include state, county, town, road and bridge, corporation, high school and grade school. Fire at Boat Factory- Fire of unknown, origin destroyed the construction shop of the Everett Hunter boat factory, east of the river, shortly after BUTCH'S SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR Regular oheck ops and maintenance by our experts means lower car costs fox you! We Do Complete Motor Overhauling 809. W. Ehn Street McHenry, 111. Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R 24 Hour Towing Service TO THE Si? ,4' ^ McHENRY TOWNSHIP Your Local Party wishes to extend its thanks to everyone for their past support.. . and we would greatly appreciate your continued support in the comming election, TUESDAY, APRIL 5TH. "We strongly urge you to support your Local Ticket!" LOCAL PARTY For Supervisor • MATH N. SCHMITT For Assistant Supervisor , (VOTE FOR TWO) • LEROY M. SMITH . • CARL J. HALLSTROM For Highway Commissioner • CHARLES J. (Chuck) MILLER . midnight Friday, causing mote then a $25,000 kMB. Thlrbisn boats, five of them under construction, and eight crafts to during all of ilris lifetime,/died storage, as well as all of tike, machines, tools and lumber were destroyed in the bijg blaze which could be seen for miles in ev'et# direction. *- Start Taking Census-- r On the morning of April 'fjji, about 100,000 enumerators Will start out on the task of taking the fifteenth decennial census of the United States. The census in McHenry will be taken By Carl J. Bickler ana Peter M. Justen. Thirty-two people ~ throughout McHenry county will assist In the work for the county. TEN YEARS AGO From Issue of March 22, IMS Four Deaths Reported-- , After ai^ illness of about two months, Mathias Freund of Solon Mills, 65, died at his home on March 20. -He had been engaged in farming during most of his life, but had recently retired. In January of this year, Mr. Freund and his wife celebrated, their forty-first wedding anniversary with Mr. and Mrs. Mike iFreund of this city. The couples' were married in a double wedding service in 1904. An illness of several years duration ended in death on Mar, 21 for Charles Almquist, who died at his home at Bald Knob, on Pistakee Lake, north of McHenry. A retired street cair conductor in Chicago, Mr. Almquist had 'been residing in this community for about twenty years. He was 72 years old. cm as for rf responsible carpet and furniture cleaning and, mothproofing in your home or in the plant. FREE ESTIMATES SERVICE MASTERS Of McHenry County Phone: WOODSTOCK 1565 _2 j-*.. • ® ^ . EXTERIOR DECORATING Free Estimates Fritzches Estates PHONE 560-R-2 Charles Bteadmaa* a Resident at 'Spring OwWe for tlfe past four, years and of the coi March 16 in St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. He had been ill only three days. He was 69 years of age. Thomas Walsh, 75 ye&ns of age, died ab his home in Harvard on March 18. He was born in Nurada township, south of iftc- Heniry, Dec. 21, 1869, and spent his early life here. Thought For The Week-- "My share of the work of the world may be. limited, but the fact that it lis work makes it. precious. Darwin could work only half an hour at a time; yet in many diligent half-hours he laid anew the foundations of philosophy. Green, the historian, tells us that the world is moved not only'by the mighty shoves of the heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker." -- Helen Keller. HIGHWAY TOLL The Illinois highway death toll mounted to 143 during February, a 20 per cent increase over the fatalities listed during the same month last year, according to the state division of highways. In (the first two months of this year 301 persons have been killed, six per cent over the 283 deaths reported for the comparable two-month period in 1954. LEGAL >>; V,. NOTICE STATE' -OF COUNTY OF McHENRY. SS, CIRCUIT COURT OF McHENRY COUNTY PAUL STRUCK, Plaintiff1 VS. MARTHA STRUCK, Defendant IN CHANCERY NO. 34168 The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed notice is hereby given to you, Martha Struck, that a suit has been filed in the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, by Paul Struck against you for divorce and for other relief; that summons duly issued against you as provided by law and which suit is still pending. Now, therefore, unless you, Martha Struck, file your answer to the complaint'ih said suit, or otherwise make ybuf appearance therein, in the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, held in the courthouse, in the City of Woodstock, Illinois,_ on or before the 3rd Monday of April, 1955, being the 18th day of April, 1955," default may be entered against you at any time after that day, and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint. LESTER EDXNGfSR, Clerk (Circuit Court Seal) R. A. Stueben Attorney for Plaintiff McHenry, Illinois (Pub. 17-24-31) CAMERA cxttraiawv^v: Governor William G. Stofrtton, himself a frequent camera tifier, has invited amateur photographers throughout Illinois tt9 compete in a contest featuring pictures taken in Illinois state parks.^ The competition will open April l and close Aug. 1. Top prize is a week's free vacation at any state park for'the entrant and his or her immediate family. Other- awards will toe announced later. Contest details may be obtained at most camera %' y jtodian* or by writing Of Department Repojrts, rRo<«S^;| 406, Stateiiouse, SpdngJ0d& MINE OUTPUT. ' | • The Shipping mines of UlinoUb produced 4,443,691 tons of cbsS during February, 258,868 tons above the January output, according to the monthly report of the state Department of Mined and Minerals. Shaft mine& acf;' counted for 2,633,637 tons of the" P Februairy production, and stri^7 supply stores, from park cus- mines turned out 1,810,054 toni£ 4' GAS PUMP THOUGHTS By: Ed. Guettier if Sometimes you hear people complataiiig^ about making payments on items ' that theyj| have bought on the Easy-Payment Plan. I've;? often ed wondered why they call it 'easy'. y. It has finally dawned on me that, what is meant: It is an| easy way to find how hard it is to pay. ^ So at GUETTLER'S CITIES SERVICE we are Strongly recommending our new type 'easy-payment' plan . . . "100%? down ... no worry about future payments." Phone 031 SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO COMMITTORS 9 rw SIGN DESIGN Chain-O-Lakes Region Point Of Sale Advertising Specialists to Silk Screen Printing on Any Surface in Any Quantity Quickly and Reliably. Complete Art and Design Service Day Glow Printing Rt. 1, Rlngwood, 111. Telephone: Wonder Lake 5101 DR. G. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Horns: Dally Except Thursday. 9 to 12 -- 1:80 to S:80 Mon* Wed. and FrL Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 FRANK 8. MAY BLACK DIRT - Gravel - Driveways Excavating Route 5, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 580-M-l Sand Limestone VERN THELEN Excavating Gravel Black Dirt Dredging Tel. McHenry 18S6 Box 640, Rt. 1, McH|nry, m. A. P. FREUND A SONS Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING -- Tel. 20UI McHenry, I1L EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need insurance of Any Kind PHONE 48 or 958 Green ft Elm McHenry, m. SGHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental A:' Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles Souht on Rt. 81 PHONE 050 DR. J. W. BAKER Dentist 110 8. Green Street Professional Building PHONE 1044 Hours -- Dally 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:80 MOIL, Wed. ft Fri. Evenings By Appointment Spring GAS Range NEW, LbW INSTALLED PRICE©I LLOWANC RANGE 1 <<5 -•SfM' Don't Mas These Special Spring Sole Savings! Set these and other new\, 1955 GAS RANGE BARGAINS NOW at our nearest store or at your dealer's. CSOWH You'll love its tuilt-in, heavy east-aluminum griddle... it's quickly interchangeable with an extra bold top and grate, to Sive you a 5th 1burner whenever you need it! (Efotra bowl ami grate come with range at no extra coat.) addition to these great savings... only Modern GAS cooking offers you so many other advantages, tool For instance, you don't have to be an "engineer" to cook with a new, automatic GAS range! Only GAS gives you INSTANT on/off heat... yon won't have to learn new cooking habits! Only on today's / work-saving GAS ranges are the automatic features bo simple and efficient that you * "can't go wrong" I Enhance your reputation as a fine cook. ! J Choose a new GAS range! 86* *197*5 INSTALLED and your eld range Ulil'i Designed to add beauty to your kitchen, this "divided-top" range euJw installed flush to the back wall, and flush to ca!bineta at both ends. Exclusive Super Alltrol"Center Simmer" ' '*X'Ray" oven door. H7595INSTALLED and your old range With OAS# Hitn'i no expensive Installation necessary... because remember ... with OAS# your present service connections are MORE than adequate! r top burners and New, ultra-modern concealed lighting Alumina tea the top panel of this tortious large-sise range. You'll enjoy the two giant and two regular site self-lighting top burners ... as well as (he "keep-warm" settings on all four of them. 4v *19795installed and your old range h od> • o>q LZ IB dbjkGLf \ A "swing-out" broiler and glass wlndpw fa f£« oven door are two featbrep all cooks appreciate in this real, mmoonneeyy--ssaavviinngg mmoodd eelll! 86' $|§JfS INSTALLED and your old range The marvelous "Governess"--a tntw thermostatically controlled surface burner leta fM •elect the precise temperature for top-of-theiking, just as you do for oven cookinp! V stove coo 1 ng! Does away with the need for special Deep Fat Fryers, Controlled Heat Pan Fryers and Automatic Griddlesl *«' S2573S INSTALLED and your old range NORTH CRN I L L I N O I S G&& l) C O M PA NY

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