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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Mar 1955, p. 2

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jfi-TH-j'III111 Iff H Ta gif f.1"*'•V'y ,^| Announce Recent ? i coffee served t>y Kathryin Worts Marriage In Tokyo and her committee. Announcement has been made of the marriage in Tokyo, Japan, o*n Feb. 4 of Miss Ruth Bouril, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bouril of South Elgin, formerly of McHenry, abd Chester How ard, son of Mrs. Frank Kempfer of McHenry. Mr. Howard expects to remain in Japan for at least two years, where he is employed by the government. Girt Scouts At Square Danoe , Sixteen members of Troop 5 of the Girl Scouts, under the leadership of Mrs. Maurice Clark and Mrs. George i^aus^. were guests at the list s^u4^wdance . held at Edgebrtook, ^Atftendaaice was a requirement tp earn one of their badges. In all, 125 young ,$jepple attended the dance. Ch&perones were Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Kiehl, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph' Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. L^ttry . Booster of the Community P.T.&.; Mila. Anthony Weylamd of St. Patrick's Mother's club; and Mr. aind Mrs. George Kauss of St. Mary's P.T.A. Mir. Cina represented the school. The next damce will be held April 2 instead of April 9. Postpone Johnsburg Community Club Meeting Due to the regular meeting date failing1 in Holy Week, the Johnsburg Community club ihas postponed its meeting until Monday, April 11, at 8:15 o'clock. Refreshments will be served after the meeting by the committee, including George DeBray, Arnold Engels, Stanley Freund, Joseph L. Freund, Ben Freund, Don Freund, Leo Freund and James Freund. , The annual Blaster danoe of the organization will take place the Saturday after Easter, April 16, at the Community clubhouse. All members and friends aire invited to attend. Fox Valley Camp fo Meet April 5 Fdx River Valley camp, No. 3251, R.N.A., will Hold «* next angular meeting Tuesday evening, April 5, at 8 o'clock at the Nook restaurant. Mrs. Frances Thome will serve as hostess and Sirs. JQa Hogan ad co-hostess. J^i^wiCaiBrp 7C6ser$jes Birthday , Rivemview Camp, R.N.A., celeits forty-fotirtto anniversaoit March 15 with a pot-luck Out-of-town guests and members present included Agnes <3Uly of Rockford, who organized tfie camp forty-four years ago; Varena Owens of Rockford^ Dorothy Nickels of Barrmgtan, GSadys' Ames, district deputy, fubd Marion McClure, both of <§irnee. Tables were decorated attractively with flowers and topper Efits, the latter symbolizing the stopper" campaign for membershif>. After the business meeting, cards were enjoyed! and cake and Surprise Shower For Carol Gampere Miss Carol Gampere was guest of thonor at a surprise shower held at the home of Mrs. Ben J. Kennebeck in Johnsburg one evening this past week. Co-hostesses were Alvina Schumacher, Mrs. Darlene Kennebeck, Mrs. Jeannette G&ylord and Mrs. Lorraine Holm. Guests attended the party from Johnsburg, Chicago, Fox Lake, Woodstock, Fox River Grove and McHemy. Miss Gampere, who was presented with many lovely gifts, was also honored at a shower in Chicago on March 25, at which 125 friends and relatives were present. Miss Gampere will become the bride "of Arthur Kennebeck on April 23. JOYCE SCHMIDTKE WED IN RICHMOND TO RICHARD BENESH Gr$oe Lutheran church, Richmond, was the setting for a pnetty spring' wedding on Saturday, March 26, at 2 o'clock. Exchanging- their wedding vows taefore the Rev. Harold Carlson were Joyce Schmidtke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Herman Schmidtke of Dorchester, Wis., and Richard Benesh, son of Mrs. Elsie Adams of Los Angeles, Calif., and A1 Benesh of Antigo, Wis. Baskets of spring flowers decana/ ted the church and reception parlors, where about seventyfive guests were received. The bride's dress was a full lengUh gown of embroidered white nylon with a fitted bodice, a brief bolero jacket with tiny collar and long sleeves which fell gracefully oven the 'hands. The skirt was gathered over several layers of nylon net and satin. She wore a sequin and pearl crown with a fingertip veil and carried a bouquet of pink tearoses and white carnation*. The matron of honor, Mrs. Jean 3utina§, sister of the groom, was attired in a lime green taffeta dress with a net over-skint and a matching headpiece. She carried daink red roses. The best man was Duane ;SehmidtRe, brother of the bride, ushers ;werg,_ Bjjtitoafl and Evan Vogel; - * ; The bride's mother wore a dress of avocado green, with black accessories and an orchid corsage. The groom's mother chose a dress of black and white, with black accessories and an orchid corsage. Organ music was played by Mrs. Koberstein of Spring Grove. For her going-away dress, Mrs. Benesh dhose a mauve dress with navy blue accessories. A white orchid completed the costume. The couple will reside in Chicago after returning from their trip. Out-of-town guests attended the wedding from Chicago, Lombard, Dorchester, Downers Grove and Los Angeles, Calif. PERSONALS • • f 'H1 'i'l1 •• 'I1 •!' 4' • Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz returned last week from the south, where they spent the winter. Mrs. Kitt Fish of Des Plaines spent the past week in the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. George Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hester are vacationing in Biloxi, Miss., for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Kathryn\Musiray of Barrington wasgr" visitor in the home of Mrs. Kathryn Freund Wednesday. Mrs. Otto Buenzli of Chicago spent the past week fin the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Miller. Mir. and Mrs. Guanar Walinder have returned from a ten-day visit in the home of .their daughter and family in Augusta, Ga. Mrs. Ben Freund, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs; M. 'L. Schoenhoeltz, and the tatter's daughter, Ruth Ann, visited Pvt. Loren Freund at Camp Gordon, near Augusta, Ga., the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman of Indianapolis, tntd., were weekend guests of his aunt, Mrs.. Annabel Aicher, who returned home with them for a two week visit. Mrs. R. I. Overton returned home last week from a several weeks' stay in Orlando, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier of Marengo visited her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Sunday. Mrs. Wilson Moore and' Mass M. Gleason called on Mrs. Geraldine Jarmel Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belzer and daughter, Chris, of Bloom* ingiton, were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and! Mrs. G. Walinder. . Misses Lena and Clara S toff el were Sunday guests- in the Curtis Westfall home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John May of Waukegan were McHenry visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago were weekend visitors in the home of Mrs. Mollie Givens. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughters, Monica and Diane, of Waukegan. Mrs. Magnus Nelson was a Chicago visitor Monday. Miss Naydne Lewis, - R.N., of Waukegan spent Friday night and Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred BiesnapfJ. Sunday visitors in the Bienapfl home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert B rugger and family of Kenosha, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund were Sunday visitors in the Elmer Kennebeck home in Wauconda. Miss Mary Jean Doherty was home from Chicago to spend the weekend with hi®? parents; "M*; and Mrs. Paul Doherty. ' Harold Mercer of Ubertyvflle was a Sunday: visitor in the Elmer Winkelman home. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gladstone have returned from a trip to the west. The Marion Messman family of Woodstock, Mr. Margaret Haf ner and John Jackson- of Grass Lake were among the: out of 'town folks who called on Mrs. Nick Adams Sunday to extend birthday congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen and Mrs. William Justen attended . . . . . . . ' THE M^E&N|^fiy^n(DEALES the wake ^of a \ totatftri Margaret /Freund, In Heights Sunday, Mr.-and Ifts. BSSfcard Fmund !of Chicfi^d vfere McHeniy visitor* Sunday. Among: the McHenry folk* who attended the canbert giv^ by the University of Notre t glee club at St. SHWard'ih school to Elgin- Sunday were Mr. aind Mrs. A. P. daughter, Margery; Stephai; If• Freund, daughter, Bertill^, /ii&B. Arthur Tonyan and daughters, Mrs. Volney Brown, Mrs. Win. Herman, Mrs. Elmer Smith and Irving Freund, Joan Nell, 'Arthur Nelson, Mrs. Lillian Bolger, daughter, Mary Ann, Rita Bolger arid Carol Aran Engh, all' of McHfeitry; and Mi*, and Mft&. Del phin Fre^rnd, Wauconda. "Donald Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Freund, and- John of Mrs. Lillian Bolg^eidr,' are ineihbers of the club. I Mr. and Mm. Stephen1 N. Schmitt returned home Sunday from St. Petersburg, Fla-„ where they spent the winter. Mrs. Hugh MutrpUy spent the weekend with her husband in Washington, D.C. She the trip by plane. John Bolger and Dan Miller of Notre Dame, Ind., were weekend guests in the home of Mrs. Lillian Bolger. Miss , Kathryn Kontendick of Woodstock was a Sunday- guest. Allan Leihsohn, a sophomore at Thomas Jefferson school in St. Louis, Mo., arrived home, last Saturday to spend the spring vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Leibsohn. The G. Harry Smiths of 45 Orchard Beach have returned to McHenry after spending the past five months in their. Hollandale, Fla., home, Mr. and Mrs. Hajrold Mullins and two children of Darlington, Wis., spent the weekend at the Virgil Prine home. , • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen aixd Mir. and Mrs. A. P. BYeuhd attended Cinerama in Chicago last week. . r v Mrs. A. P. Fneund and daughters, Mrs. Elmer Smith daughter, Debbie, and' William Herrmann and da ters, Peggy and Patty, visited^ in the home of Mr. and $fr$. < Joe E. Petitclair in Waukegan -last Tuesday. » LUNCHEON HONORS JOHNSBURG PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS A liriost' successful Itmcheon was given',, by tbe Johnsburg P.T.A. in ihoinioir of -the teachers of the Johnsburg public school on Wednesday, M&rch 23. Seventy motiiers and teachers were served a most attractive array of food, most of it donated by the mothers. Each tibach££ received a lovely pink and white carnation corsage. , Present" wefte' mothers of Edgebrook school studieuts now attending 'the Johnsburg school, regular Johnsburg school mothers and the Edgebrook and Johnsburg school teachers. Guests of honor were Mrs. Schaefem, kindergarten teacher; Mrs. Gibbs, first grade; Mrs. Ferwerda, second; Mrs. Cooley, third; Mrs. Jurack, fourth; Miss Clark, fifth; Mrs. Meade, act; Miss Carey, physical education; Miss Rtisso,/ speech; and Mrs. Rulien, nurse! Members of the luncheon com-, mittee were .Mirs. Wilbert T. Peterson and Mrs. Nicholas T. Heinz, co-chaifmen; Mrs. Jack Roggenbuck, Mfns. Emil F. Zerwas, Mrs. Clarence Stalhl, Mrs. Irving Ldshamer, Mrs. George Bossier and Mrs. Robert Herkes. lay. 1955 senio: •PI OMfjldSTY AT CLOT AFT»WJL» Ncit even* old ; vvifitc^* will disco uragte the planning and ainticipatiim: nliembera of the senior class Have for their annual post prom party -fco be* held thiiB s^ittng. Clid» AI^Qlo will be held at.. .the McHency Country Club following the junior prom 6n May 14. . The event, is planned by the seniors aand su|i'^vised by the local Kiwaatis club. in cooperation .with ,tihe Veterans of Foreign Waais. It is open only to those juntarts and seniors who will attend 'the junior prom' and' will fea/ture a delicious' dinnen and outstanding professional entertainment. Between entertainment , acts, organ musfc will be ptnovideh for dancing and relaxation. To climax a wonderful evening, an early breakfast will b£ served by ithe wwman's auxiliary of the V.F.W. Chaltiman for .the party is Greg Nowak, president of the senior class. Co-chairmen and adviscsrs are Joseph Monteleone and Muzz Hansen of the Kiwaais dub and E. Murphy and R. Morrtoon of the V.F.W. Fred Svobodas Eh joy Weekend Visit With Son Troop 5 On March 21 Troop 5 held its meeting in St. Mary's basement. They elected new officers. They are president, Joan Ambrose; vice-president, Sharon' 'Carlson;, secretary, Suzanne Kauss; treasurer, Gretchen Sayler; patrol leader l, Oamille Warnes; assistant leader, Martha Thennes; patrol leader H, Sandra Stetson; assistant leader, Carol Ann Goffo. , We talked about going to camp. Last week we had a combination' of parties, a birthday party for. Anita Barger, June Glos and Gretchen Sayler. We had our folk dance party to finish our folk dance badge and we all brought a guest. It also was a St. Patrick's party. Suzanne Kauss, scribe Qoohi Gtvutek Classified Ads bring results. Place yours with the Plaindealer Mir. aisd Mrs. (Fred Svoboda spent Sunday and Monday with their son?, Fred, in Danville, where he is acting Manager of the Montgomery Waixl store. Wlhile thefrq, they attended a tractor show which featured a parade, Squsure dancing and the appearance of TV celebrities. On Monday, Mrs. Svoboda had the pleasure of attending a garden club meeting and nat ure study discussion with her hostess, Mrs. Calderon, and Mrs. Don Wilson', wife of the mayor of Danville, ait the Braemer home. They later enjoyed , luncheon at a hotel in Danville. RADIO PERFORMANCE The high school brass quartet, flute trio and violin quartet, under the direction of Paul R. Yanda, made .an appearance over WKRS, Waukegan, on Wednesday of this week. Their selections were performed artistically and were greatly appreciated by McHenry listeners. by Marie Schaettgen F6r ESaster, instead of the 3 usual ham, you might try:> v Southern Fried Chicken 2 young chickens 2 eggs Salt, pepper and flour 1 4b»^CsiS0Q, <*r other cooking Clean and cut up into serving pieces two ypumg chicfcen*| Plunge into cold water., Drain but do not dry with > towel Sprinkle with salt and pepper, Coat thickly with flour, leaving as much flour <*n as possible. Use a large skillet or two skii|| lets. Have fat hot. Fry chick? in fat until tender and wi •browned. Reduce heat after has started to brown so it will I = not burn skin. l a Serve with white sauce made IS of half milk and half ©ream.]V May be served without sauce, I® with French fried potatoes. ^iniiiniiiiitiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiig Just one look .. . i Attend Jameson Riles lit Terra Haute, Ind. „Mi«. Aomie Jameson of. Team Haute, Ind., sister of Mrs. John Thompson of McHenry, diied earlier this month after a loftg illness. l^Cira. Jameson was ft frequent /viator here, having assisted her sister when Mrs. Thompson owned the Thompson Bar-&Q. Attending last rites in Terra Haute were Mrs. Thompson arid daughter, Mrs. .Henry Reese, and Mr. and Mrs. William Thiompsoiii and daughter, Rosemary, of Woodstock. - GAUD OF THANKS Many thanks to friehds and neighbors fc*r cards and flowers Wihile I was in Memorial hospital. *47 Mrs. Eric Peterson CARD OF THANKS I would iHte. to take this opportunity to thank all those who sent me flowers and cards, visited me and extended other kindnesses during' the time I was confined to Memorial hospital. Everything was appreciated so very much. 47 Mrs. Violet Weiss Messrs. and Mesdames John Freund, George Thompson, Leonard Freund and Wilfred Freund were Sunday night visitors in the Leo Freund home at Barriington. Miss ravin Jean Buss, Eugene Hughes and Ronald Ford, who is on furlough from Camp Chaffee, Ark., attended the gym, show at Alverno college at Milwaukee, Wis:, Sunday. Adele Schmitt, a Wis., Sunday. Adiele Schmitt and Dorothy Hiller, students at the college, took part in the program. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund, who reside north of McHenry, and Mrs. Margaret Foley and children, Debby and Billy, of Richmond have returned home from a three-week trip through Florida. .,,Mr. and Mrs. V. Iff. C.\ Yegge and Mir. and Mirs. Harvey Frank and - daughter, Mary Beth, of DWWitt, Iowa, spent the weekend in the Norbert Yegge home. Supt. of Schools. Richard Tazewell reports that $1,643,09 has been received and sent out to 'schools in the county for special federal milk reimbursement. % HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST ... HJKOBBEBS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS It Pays to Advertise 10 PRIVATE LESSONS with the NEW LYON-HEALY HAMMOND ORGAN RENTAL PLAN FOR ONLY $ 495 per week You Get 9 A new, famous Hammond ' spinet organ in ydur home. 9~ 10 private lessons. # Lesson material. # After 3 months, ISO of rental apply on purchase if you wish. AVAILABLE ONLY AT Your Authorized LYON-HEALY DEALER For Information Write or Phone Miss Alyce Joyce 808 W. Etar Street McHenry, UL PHONE McHENRY 812 at our many, many Hair = Styles will give you the one s that will top off your new § % Easter wardrobe to the peak of g perfection St«ip in, j>nd con- || suit one of our ^Hairstylist^ --I'M No extra &£&ge . . . s . . . R^neknber- - 1 Phone 147 For Your faster Appointment Now = YOUR LOVELINESS BS OUR BUSINESS j HuM*bide, SlcurtJjjtmg, Stadia | - ADBffJNE PEDERSEN, Prop. 1 _ 126 N. Riverside Drive MdHenry, UL Phone 14|1 SiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiHiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiKr CHRONIC SUFFERERS EASED BY SURIN'S FAST PENETRATING ACTION:.. •SUftiN Is a fast, •rifecfhr» treatment tor pain relief-- nof a cure. IN MINUTES! VAST, DIRECT PAIN ttUlfl >utiN woriis wtthout stomach •eta which can be by intomaf doring, because yoa simply smooth it ob where yoa ache. It •ttrts to act the second yoa spply H...brhnin» pais nllef hi sotm baa odghud contrOwitiou la the fleld of itBning psia of ar> thritk and rtmmntism. Dont take wr word for ft! But yoa can take the word of doctor* in a great dink where SURIN was tested lor months on long-standing thenntaHf amamB hem 3 why misin brings blessed relief in minutes: You simply smooth it on at the point of pain, h>here you need relief most. Immediately, SURIN's unique ingredient, acetyl beta methyl choline penetrates fast and deep to step up the power of the pain-relief drug • - - and doctors found it effective ia- 3 out of 4 cases! They further report that with an increased period of effective relief at the point of pain, patieoU often experience greater freedom' of joint movement. A Ntw cbeaki ointment i Don't expect SURIN to look or act like other "rub-on -- rub-in" salves or liniments. It is not harsh or blistering. SURIN gives the skin a pleasant, mild, cooling sensation to overcome the local heat caused by congestion. SURIN is pure white -- pleasant to use -- goes on smoothly, washes off quickly and is harmless to clothing! MJBSD RIUKF OR COSTS YOU NOTHING! s it to> yourself to try SURIN today. Use as directed and get " * hi'arinstes, or drnggist will refund money -- no qpes- "nuT •AMPlBltry SUMNst w npntt. fist a fm trial packap at |Nr dnvxisL If In kass't (rt it, ssad piteart t» McXtma & Rabbin, lac., P.O. Bwt 548, Bridppart. ten. BOLGER'S d. PHONE 40 ug store McHenry, UL Easter is for Easter's going long • hair this year ... as the little furs steal into the Spring symphony, providing pleasant accompaniment to Easter costumes. Stop in and see our little fur group. Otto Heinz Furs PHONE 1843 105 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, ill. Xke Gift Port ca 00m will serve DINNER EVERY FRIDAY EVENING from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Beginning Friday, April 1st RESERVATIONS PLEASE Phone McHenry 1300 Luncheon Served Everyday from 11 a.mi to 3 p.m. B A R K F O R Y O U For Men Only! Tke Gift Pofrif; Tea Room serves BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCHEON "We can't cook ail the food in the world -- So, we just serve the best!" 112 E. Elm Street, in McHenry TEA and DESSERTS Served from 3 to 5 p.m. Everyday ALL OF THE GIFT PORT FOOD DELICACIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR YOU TO TAKE HOME . . . FOR ORDERS and INFORMATION Phone McHenry 1300 Tke Gift Port _ Tea Rdofirx 112 E. Elm Street McHenry, ID. Open a checking account with us; Then deposit allyoiir earnings and pay by check. Tne checkbook ih your pocket, purse, or desk sjiells safety. For paying bills, your checks are as good aicafe- butthey can-] not be cashed until tfi^ war your sijgna-? 1 ttire. Indeed, from die staffld^oint of: safety, checks ate better than cash: if a check you write shojuld be lost or stolen you can issue a "stop payment" order - a notice to us in writing describing the check and instructing us to refuse to pay it. For safety's sake, start your account at our bank -- and make full use of it. MiHEMRY Interest Paid On Savings Deposited Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 lntro<mctory WW Ivw Bsa WKLIbB ziMur bwivsl to* «Sssas«- to ^ ...01 CO"* Of#!*** »19» TMnai AMAZIN0 RU6 MOZZLX WITH FLOATING BRU AH that's modern la ONE cImuiu . aad yoa Mv«$^to«S» 1 • Sup#rpowM-80Xmof»«uctlon with mw 650 watt full HHP motor \ » Dramatic b«aUly--«xcJUftg colort • Low prlc* tavat you $20 to $30 \ a**0"* Cm "Hv»" d*moMtratioa at ouratfe* at oac». Lee & Bay Electric Phone 882 S16 W. Main Street McHenry, BL

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