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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Mar 1955, p. 6

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McHenry Plaindealer < ' Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHehry Publishing Company, fee. NATIONAL EDITORIAL Iasvoc^TI^N jpilHl'll.lll.UW.ll.'.IIIM BURFBINDT, Gen'l Manager JDBLE FROEHLICH, Editor Plaindealer Want Ads .Jo ad counted less than 25 words, $1.00 minimum . insertion $1.00 (Count 5 words per line) 5c service Charge on all blind ids. Cash with order. ard of Thanks---$1.00 minimum, .'ant AdB closes prdliapgly at 10 a.m. Wednesday., CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 05c col. hch. -- 2 inch minimum. Classified Display must include a minimum of one 18 pt, head and one 18 pt. signature, or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per •jjch. CASH WITH ORDER on following classifications: /Wanted to Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities 1 im }* 1 # 3 SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry County Year $3.00 Months $1.76 Months $1.00 Outside McHenry County Year $3.50 Months $2.00 Months $1.25 19SS 195S V. \ BSSatHBTtlg/ Entered as second-class matter at the post office at McHenry, til., under the act of iftay 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE BUSINESS SERVICE I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks G. A. Douglas Lakeland Parte Subdivision Station Box 38 Phone McHenry 1480 46-tf New homes and remodeling; custom made kitchen cabinets and formica tops; garage and attic flats. Ttel. Fox Lake 7-1951. Wm. Weiher & Sons, General Construction Co, 41-tf JOHN STONE JOHNSBURG General Construction Work Garages - Homes - Remodeling Phone McHenry 1295-J 47-tf RING'S PLUMBING and HEATING 40B FRISBY, Jr. Quality Fixtures - Radiant Heating Gas and Electric Water Heaters Water Systems - Water Softeners Repairs - Free Estimates Phone McHenry 289-M 7-eow is REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ¥ ALL CARS • Accessories and Seat Covers 11 COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY | Route 130 - 1 Block Cast of ili* 3iver Bridge fOiMi W«ekD%ys 9 a.m. - 6 pan. i? SaillM aan. to 1 p.m. 21-tf EXPERT SEWING MACHINE and VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR For Sales and Service Call SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 221 Benton St., Woodstock, 294 52-tf WELLS DRILLED) OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS - We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bbcon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 367. 26-tf The Von Schrader Machine Method of Deterging and washing walls; carpenter and cement work; painting, brush or 'spray; tile, walls, floors, ceiling, siding, roofing. Complete building maintenance. P. O. Box 324, McHenry 752-W. *46-10 Odd Jobs done weekends and evenings. Tile work, ' electrical, plumbing, heating and carpentry. Phone 698-W-l. 47-tf TREE SPRAYING Frank W. Henltel Residence: Volo, 111. P. O. Round Lake, 111. Phone McHenry 543-J-1 47-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE -- New and Used straight sewing machines and automatic zig-zag. Portable and console conversions. Repairs and supplies for all makes. Also motor repair: New sewing machines for rent. To sew and Save, call: FREUNIXS Sales & Service Across from HuntervOle Subd. McHENRY 1590 SSeow ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS -- Clothing (good condition) for entire family. Formals. Open Tues., Thurs., Sat. 1 - 5 p.m., 6 9 p.m.; Wed., Fri., 1 - 5 p.m.; Svrn. 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Closed Mon. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Consignment and Resale Shop. Phone C.L. 1346-R-l. , 45-eow CONCRETE BREAKING Hourly rates for concrete and frost breaking. Let us do the hard work. MAY CONSTRUCTION CO. r i Richmond - Phone 4381 or 4744 , 41-tf IF In Need Of COAL CALL McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS CO-dP Phong' BOATS & MOTORS |- JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terms Motors and Boats Service - Refinishing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104% S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44-tf BUSINESS SERVICE HAROLD i. FRBJUND Painter and Decorator 300 Grand Ave, McHenry Phone 926-R 45-tf Glass Jalousies -- In Redwood frames installed on porch or breezeway. Call 653-J-2. 46-3 Crystal Lake, II' - 43-tf When Troiblo Strikes You will bt glad that you bought and patd for quality in that iiv suraneo pottcy. Better see us! THE KENT CORP. KNSURANCfe & RfcAL ESTATE , FOR OVER 29 tKiliS Insure through this AgQngy and Feel Safe PHONE 8 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, HL FOR SALE FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. y. Kiltz, on Rt. 47, 1 block south of Rt. 14, Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf FOR SALE -- Used rugs fpr sale. Northern Illinois' largest selection of usad rugs taken in trad# as part of our service to our customers who have boi&ht the finest, those heavenly, all wool carpets by LEES. Tidy Floor Coverings, 604 Washington St., Woodstock. 39-tf FOR SALE -- Two grey broadloom rugs and pads, good condition; reasonable. Tel. McHer^y j. 1497. Vinyl - Rubber - Cork Aiphali Tile Floors Linoleum - Wall Tile fjees carpeting and rugs Carpet Laying FOR SALE -- fcVigidaire refrigv erator, good condition, $75; RCA TV. cabinet, double door, $75. Also 275 gal oil tank, $20. Phone 1368-J-2. 47 Tidy Floor Coverings Stretch Hosiery Phone Woodstock 888 20-tf PETER A. FRKUND SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks, cesspools. Phone McHenry 1819-J, residence. Fox street. 16-tf WINTERIZE NOW Wisco aluminum combination storm window8 and doors from the Richmond, Illinois plant. Install now, easy terms, first payment in October. Up to 36 months to pay. Fast delivery. May Construction, Richmond, 111. Phone 4381 or 4744. 43-tf New Size 9I/2 - 10 - 10>/2 - Slightly irregular. $1.00 per pair. Limit of 2 pair to each customer. McHenry Hosiery Mill Crystal Lak$ Blacktop Road PHONE 850 47 Easier Baskets Easter Eggs I Greeting Cards Stuffed Animsfc The Candy Box # On Green Street Store fcours: bally 10 a.'m. to 9 p.m. Phone 97 47 FOR SALE -- 120 bass Italian accordion. Practically new.' Phone 54-W-X. *47 FOR SALE -- Sealy Posturepedic mattress, fiill size, like new, was $80.00,. now $35;. 1 pair black shoe roller skates, size 5, $7.00; girl's full size Schwinn bicycle, $30.00, good condition. Phone 957.. 47 f • Hit Parade Records including the popular Ballad "Davey Crockett" 2 Hits on each Record :-- 89c 45 and 78 R.P.M. Ben Franklin Store ON GREEN STREET 47 HELP WANTED -- Young lady for full time work in local drug store. Write Box 17 caire of McHenry Plaindealer. 47 BARBER WANTED -- $75 to $80 per week guaranteed, plus commission. Joe's Barber Shop, 91 Williams St.,- Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 614. 47 HELP WANTED Housekeeper in pleasant home in MoHenry area. Take complete charge of house. Must like children. Write care of Plaindealer, Box 21. 47 FOR SALE -- Double bed, Sealy. mattress, like new; 3 lounge chairs, metal irohing board; Webster wire recorder. Phone 1031-R. ' . 47 FOR SALE -- Youth bed with spring and mattress; juvenile chifferobe; bridge lamp; torchaire lamp; mangle in perfect condition; 120 bass child's accordion. Tel. McHenry 1490-J. 47 FOR RENT Attention: Clubs & Organizations FOR RENT -- 30 Watt twin speaker, portable public address system; lflrrtm. sound projector, films available for all types of programs. Bryant, McHenry 698- M-2, after 7 p.m. 37-tf FOR RENT 'Furnished 2 room apartment, heated, modern, $16 •per, weak. - AliBo and 5 room houses, 3 room, furnished or untarnished Phone 1079. 47 FOR SALE -- 1x3x4 ft. picket fencing in 14 ft. sections. All new. Reasonable. Phone 405-W-X. 47 FOR SALE -- Coldspot refrigerator, 7.5 cu. ft. Call 611-J-l. 47 FOR RENT -- Furnished apartment, living room, bed room, kit chen, utility, bath, shower, hot water heat, sun deck, own enclosed entrance. Phone 181. 47-tf i?QR RENT -- Modern 3. room duplex apartment. Circulating oil heat, Refrigerator and electric range, $60 per mo. Phone S13-J-2 47 FOR RENT -- 4 room housfe, Completely furnished, modern, 8 blocks from shopping district. Phone 438. 47 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Girls for light factory work in progressive manufacturing concern, in Johnsburg. Pleasant working conditions, paid Holidays ..aJftd vacations®. Skyaweeper, Inc., JftcHeqj-y 1090. 47-2 HELP WANTED -- Woman to do housework, i day a • week. Prefer Friday or Thursday. Hansen, Wonder Lake 5162. 47 HELP WANTED -- Beauty operator. Opportunity to earn percentage of work. Phone McHenry 438. 47 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- Store, suitable for any retail business, year round. Living quarters. Newly decorated. Call Wonder Lake 3221. 1-tf FOR SALE Water Front Lot On Fox River - $3200 2 bedroom ranch type home on Fox River, gas heat, fireplace, carpeted. 2 car insulated garage with shower and toilet. Seawall and pier. $28,500. Vacant lot*) bordering the beautiful McHenry Country Club. Herbert F. Jttarrjison Co. Real Estate - Insurance CALL kortBNRY 1910 47 HELP WANTED -- Part time, experienced waitress at Mi Place Restaurant. Phone 377. 46-tf ' $1,000 DOWN BUY'S A 3 ^bedroom, all year round home in Wonder Lake near highway, lake rights, price $7,000. ALSO 2 bedroom home living, dinette, kitchen and bath, on black top rfl. For appointment call at our office in Johnsburg, phone McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS 5, McHenry, Dl. 47-tf dave ave DRY CLEANING MCHENRY CLEANERS 108 Elm St. Phone 104-M McHenry, U. We Give and Redeem Gold Bond Stamps REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- 4 y% room year old house, attached garage, aluminum storms, screens, deep well, corner paved roads, $8,000. Wonder Lake 2893. *47 FOR SALE -- 3 BEDROOM year 'round home on Fox River, excellent condition throughout; automatic heat, 1 car garage; 50 ft. river frontage; lot 225 ft. deep, $18,300. Mr. Gallagher, 1855 Baird and Warner - 1955, 504 East Main St., Barrington. Tel. Barrington 1855. 4? FOR SALE -- 7 room house a&d additional lot in McHenry; 2 car garage and automatic gas heat Phone I05-M. *47 FOR SALE -- 1 lot 60'xl25\ neVr subdivision, McHenry County, 3 blks. from Lake. Reasonable. Chi cago owner. Phone MUTberry 5-3167. 47-3 FOR SALE -- House in McHenry, includes 6 rooms and bath. Call 831-W. 47 FOR, SALE -- Three bedroom home, garage and porch attached; gas heat; natural fireplace; lot 75*175 ft.; near church and schools. Call McHenry 1143-J. 47 FOR SALE -- McCullom Lake home; 1 bedroom down, 1 attic bfeaifeOfn, kitchen, llvfii^ rbomi 12x24; sun porch, bathroom, tool house, oil heat. Price $8,400/ Will sell on contract. h Septic Tank Service Cesspools, Dry Wells Tiling and Flooded Basements Ed Marsh and Stan Coss Phones: Woodstock 1610-M-2 Wonder-Lake 3983 McHenry 691-W-2 47-4 Driveways, Inc. Grayslake, 111. Asphalt Drives (Residential & Industrial) Black Dirt - Fill Gravel Grading & Roto Tilling Write: H. R. BONE Rt. 2, Box 378C, Ingleside, 111., or call Fox Lake 7-6675. GRayslake 3-0119. 44-4 FOR SALE Excellent milk route. Reliable person can purchase on contract. Includes 1953 GMC truck and equipment. Phone Crystal Lake 1366-R-l. »47 FOR SALE -- Red Clover seed, $27 per bushel. Elmer Justeri. Phone Wonder Lake 3838. v «47 FOR SALE -- Thor Gladiroh Mangle, Sunbeam electric iron; new custom .Schick electric razor; baby buggy, car seat, tot's training chair. Tel. McHenry 893-R. 47 Centrally Located For Quick Service FRED J. SVOBODA & SONS j SEACO SALES And SERVICE Repairing -- Rewinding -- Rebuilding ~... Electric Motors -- All Models Automotive, Generators, Starters, Armatures DAY or NIGHT Box 416 «• Lilymoor Subd. McHenry, 1 PHONE 188 >MB< I GARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH Sales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf s -ym WALL & FLOOR TILING Our only business - not a sideline, Prompt guaranteed work. Free Estimates. Call Cary 6164 or Barrington 1276 2-tf Candid Weddings from Home, •-- Church and Reception » KOLIN Photographers Baby Pictures, Taken < in Your Home ,.1$5all W F6r Appointment McHenry, tlL For Garbage Disposal Service Call Jim Jorgensen Kimball 6-1432 Address: Ingleside P. O. Long Lake, 111. 47-tf H. V. JACKSON Tuck Pointing, Acid Cleaning Waterproofing, Caulking Ohimney Repair, etc. Phone McHenry 1328 47tf Jak-Ana Heights in Johnsburg We build to Order, 2 and"t cdroom ranch type homes. Face brick on all four sides, gas . with or without basements, on a 100x200 ft. lot. A Nice local ion, near church arid schools, $13,000 and up. . For Information Call At Oar Office In Johmtarg JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS Phone M' tfenry 37 5tarrina * Whether you um packaged mixes... or your Own favorite recipes... you'll bake it better in these WEAR • EVER Aluminum Baking Pans i.1 MIXING BOWL Handy 3 and 6 qt. ibteS^ PEEP PIE PAN AvailaM*. in iH'i 7"; 8", 9« pnd )0n IUICE SAVER PIE PAN Coftv«ni«n» 816" and 10" «)z** •ANGEL CAKE PAN £ W dial*. LAYEB CAKE PAN 8" and 9" lists QOO ICY SHOT 14". 15Vi" and, 17" i&M SQUARE CAKE PAN 8* X 8W alto GRIDDLE 12" dlam. Aluminum spread* heat, fait and evenly, fhtatves your balt*r a thane* ' to rise gently, so thai your cakes, mufflm, roBs, plfi and biscuits bake higher and tighter. Crusts come out a beautiful golden brown, too. COME AND GET THEM AT THE WEAR*EVER ALUMINUM BAKING CARNIVAL THERE'S A SIZE AND TYPE OF PAN FOR Y«UR EVERY BAKING NEED. See our fine selection of "Extra Special" Easier Gifts . . • VYCITAL'S HARDWARE PHONE $8 182 SO. GREEN STREET atcHENOT, ELL. 210 South «Green St. Phone 1126 47 FOR SALE -- 3 year old large ranch home near town, 8 bedrooms, fireplace, carpeting, breiezeway, attached 2 car garage. By owner. Phone 829. 46-2 SUBURBAN LIVING WITH CITY CONVENIENCE ifc BEAUTIFUL • All Lots 80 Ft. Wide • City Water • City Sewers • Blacktop Roads . . WE PLAN. BUILD and FINANCE , F.H.A. - V.A. < LOANS 10% Down, Easy Monthly Payf orients. 210 South Green Street PHONE 1126 43-$ iMnnflniWinnnn-- The Farmers Trading Post HOGS WANTfBD -- Ail elapses and weight for highest net refurn. Monday through Friday S ajm. to 1 p.m. Marengo X>aily Hog Market, phone Marengo 202. 50-tf McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS CO-OP ASSN. Ful-O-Pep Super Gleans Pelleis Extra Vitamin Boost For Your Layers. Sprinkle On Top Of Regular Mash. 2 to 4 Lbs. Per Day Per 100 Birds. ' PilONE McHENRY 7*9 S2S Waukegan Road Blumhorst Trucking and Grain Service. Corn shelling, grain buying. Livestock. Local and long distance hauling. McHenry R.R. 4. Phone 777-W. 10-tf GEO. P. FRE0NP Authorized Dealer for SALES A SERVICE PHONE McHENRY 420 501 Crystal Lake Road WANTSCD -- Down ahd crippled cattle at 'better cash prices. Orville Krohn, Woodstock. Phone lOfl-R-l, collect. •15-tf R. M. FLEMING SON PLUS NEW IDEA --• PAPUC DEALER TRACTORS SALES & SERVICE A Complete Farm Implesntat Service. | PHONE McHENRY SS 022 Waukegan Road Dead Animal Removal u WHEELING RENDERING * WORKS Be Legal, Keep a Clear Conscience Prompt Service, Day or Night Sundays and Holidays No help needed to load. Operating under State Inspection Made by Dept. Of Agricultna Highest cash prices paid. Phone Wheeling 3, collect 45-tf McHENHY EQUIPMENT CO. & SAL*,s dl SKKVICE "Vi GUS FREUND : • raONE McHENRY 1*5 SOi W. Elm St. (Basement) ATTENTION FARMERS Need a tool shed, loafing barn, hog or poultry house ? You, - .can have a 12 sow portable hog house for $850.00. Save today on Doaiie Designed low cost buildings. For further information call or "write Arnold May, Richmond, IU&gs. Office 4381 - Res. 4744.

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