fi ^md". .V>. r \ L ' 1 •, *- , McHENRY PLAWpBAIJm Thursday. April 7.1955 § Four Generations Together When Mrs. A. W. Bodenstab'of McHenry in Florida. recently, a reunion of the Tomsovec family took place and this four-generation photo was taken. It was also the forty-nintn wedding anniversary for . one couple, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Zacharias. - Pictured from left to right, seated, are Mr. Tomsovic, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Zacharias, formerly of Huemann's subdivision, and Mrs. Tomsovic. * Standing, left to right, William Sawyer, Jr., Mrs. Donald Zdenek and daughter, Candy, Mrs. Walter Pelech, Mrs. Bodenstab and Mr. and Mrs. William Sawyer. The Tomsovics formerly made their home at Wauconda. Qooki Goih&i by Marie Schaettgen Easter Lamb Many people like lamb for Easter instead of the traditional ham. Somehow lamb aeems to symbolize the beginning of the new season. If you can obtain some small new potatoes and green peas, it would make a fine dinner. One advantage in having a roast for Easter, is that the family. can go to church while the roast cooks. Leg of Lamb Do not have the fell removed from the leg as teds holds the meat together while cooking and keeps the juices in. Remove after it is done. Season the roast either before placing in oven or when almost done. If your family likes the flavor of garlic, we believe rubbing a piece of garlic over the meat helps the flavor. A little lemon juice rubbed in helps also. For a 5 or 6 lb. roast, place it skin down in open roasting pan. Roast at 325 degrees 30 to 40 minutes per pound. If not mtfch fat on roast, place a few slices of bacon on top. Baste roast while cooking. New potatoes may be boiled with jackets on any time before dinner, then peeled when ready to use. Melt butter in a email sauce pan. Roll each .potato a round in the butter and place in small baking dish. Salt and pepper. Let hea-t through, then turn on broiler for just a minute or two to give potatoes a nice golden brown. LAKEMOOR MAN GOOD SAMARITAN TO CHICAGO FAMILY The following human interest story was sent to the Plaindealer after it appeared in the Union Leader, official publication in Chicago of the Amalgamated Association of Street, Electric Railway and Motor Coach Employees of America. It concerns a Lakemoor resident, Claude McDermott. "Brother Ted Wojciak has renewed his faith in mankind. On a short motor trip recently he and his family were really on a spot. Their car completely broke down and they haidn't even supplied -themselves with enough money to return home on a train. Then came a good _ Samaritan in the person of Claude McDermott of Lakemoor, 111. He loaned a car for the trip home and for use until Ted returned to pick up his repaired car, All this to a stranger and without deposit. Are you still mad at the world? Tad isn't." Tom Thumb's real name was Charles Sherwood Stratton. Because there had been no mention, in the contract, of a cornerstone for the Texas State Capitol, Gus Wilke, the contractor, paid for it out of his own pocket. Home Improvements KARL SCHNAREL CARY, ILLINOIS Phone MErcury 9-7233 • Insulation t Storm Windows § Asbestos Siding f Fibre Glass Awnings 0 Ornamental Iron Works • Fencing • Landscaping Bk fl Now Elm Street Conoco Service * Gasoline * Tune-ups * Tire Service * Batteries & Accessories FULL LINE OF B. F. GOODRICH TIRES • Conoco & Shell Credit Cards Honored The Newest and Best at Your Service . Stop in and get your Touraide for your Summer Vacation Located on the corner of Pork & Elm Street PHONE McHENRY 396 McHenry* 111. • - .4^;" MARY A. HENNING DIED UNEXPECTEDLY ON TUESDAY EVENING Mrs. Mary A. Henning, 68, passed away unexpectedly at 10 p.m. Tuesday, April 5, at her home in Johnsburg. She had been a resident of Oeffling's subdivision for about twelve years and will be missed by her many friends in that community. She leaves to mourn her husband, Harry J. Henning, and two sons, Harry A. Henning of Johnsburg and Clyde Henning of Wantagh, New York. The body is resting at the George Justen and Son funeral home, where friends may call after 1 o'clock Thursday. Services will be held at 1:30 o'clock Friday at the funeral home, with burial in Ridgewood cemetery, Des Plaines. SALE PROCEEDS The Chicago area Chapter of tih.e Ninety Nines of 'the Aviatrix International organization held its annual rummage sale in Chicago last Saturday. This moneymaking project netted the chapter $200 and with it the chapter carries on its activities for the Mrs. Eva Sedax, son, Richard, and Miss Nadyne Lewfr, of Waukegan, were dinner guests in the Fred Bienapfl home Wednesday evening. V.F.W. Auxiliary The last meeting of tfoe ViP.Wi auxiliary to 'Post 4600'was held Monday evening, March 28. Seventeen members were present. Connie Thomas reported on- a successful bake sale held at the clubhouse the .previous Friday evening and; wants to extend a" special thank you to all those girls who donated baked goods. - Our next meeting win be helfl next Monday evening, April li; We are planning a pot-luck din* ner to be held at 6 p.m. sharp, with the annual election of officers to follow the dinner. We would like a big turn-out for this meeting so mark your date books. The annual Downey hospital award dinner will be held April 27 this year. Lina Kiiday will receive her 100-hour award. Hospital Chairman Mary Wiedeman also plans to attend this event. Any member® who wish to go will ^e most welcome. : The color team received an invitation to install the newlyelected officers of the auxiliary to the Marengo Post, with Lina Kiiday to act as installing offK cer. The date set for 'this is April 23. These installations are open to the public, with visitors most cordially welcome. Don't forget our important next meeting. Bring a dish to pass and come early. The McHenry State Bank will be CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY April 8, 1955 from 12 to 3 p.m. . - L . (•••'I I' '>44 •i"M| >'Mi»|M»,l"l' PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Math B. Laures have returned to McHenry after"' spending several months in California and Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stoller and daughter have returned to their home on Fourtai street after spending the winter in Florida. Mrs. Mary Thies is spending a few months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Unti, while her husband, Lt. John Thies, is serving overseas. They have been making their home in Sparks, Nev., where he was stationed with- the Air Force. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Justen lw\ve returned firom a very enjoyable four-week, 7,000-mile trip to Mexico. They entered at Laredo, Texas, going down the east coast and returned by way of the west coast, entering the States at Nogales. Many places of interest were visited enroute, among them being Mexico City and Acapiilco. Mrs. Zena Bacon spent a few REPORT OF CONDITION OF ^ McHENRY STATE BANK of McHenry In the State of Illinois at the close of business on March 17, 1955. Published in response to Call of Orville E. Hodge, Auditor of Public ] Accounts. SAKRETE Ready-to-Use Plaster-Mix except bale «ind finish coat in one application. Apply with trowel for smooth finiat), with roller or brush for texture. Complete directions on the back of itery bag. Available in 2 sites-- Large size covers 20 «q. ft., V2 inch thick--Medium sixe covers 8 ra. ft.; Vi inch thick. At all leading hardware and building supplr dealer*. VYCITAL'S HARDWARE r £HONE 98 " W9 fiio. Green St. McHenry, 111. >##lf< days the poet wseek with her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Damm, in- Kenosha, Wis. Miss Ellen Walsh of South Bend, Ind., spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Loretta Walsh. Miss Ilene Bassett arrived home Friday from Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa, to spend the' Easter .vacation with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Lisle Bassebt. Mrs. Patricia McCannon and sons of San Diego, Calif., are visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin. , Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey and diaughter, Gerry, have returned from a three-week vacation in Fort Lauderdale. Fla. Mrs. A. J. Woll vT Washington, D.C., spent & few days the past week with McHenry relatives. The C. Casey family of Chicago spent the . weekend at their summer hoiqe on Country Club Drive. Mir. and tare. Paid Pateke motored 'to the airport in Chicago Thursday to meet their son, Cpl. Richard Patzke, who was returning home , from Korea. Sunday visitors in the , Walter Brooks home were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pidgeon and Mrs. Laura iFlynn land son, Eitgiene, of Chicago. The George n. a-onnson family of Skpkie &ftd Clyde Hollowell of Elgin wer^ visitors in the George H. Johnson home Saturday. The, laitter Johnsons left Sunday for a few weeks' visit In the A. K. Burns 'home in Hollywood, Jfta. - Mrs. . Nellie Bacon and Miss' Ann Frisby were Sunday guests in the Harold Bacon home in Crystal Lake, where the former's birthday was celebrated. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl r-A "' "• • \ , and Mm Dale Dixon and cMU# dren visited, to the home of and Mrs. Frank Crauae lit -Harrington Sunday. <• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger ifced in the Bruce Godar home to Naperville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rapp. and children of Rockford were.( visitors in the Joseph Benes home Saturday. Mr. and' Mrs. Donald Daltoxt and children of Oak Park were guests in .the Dale Dixon (home. Sunday evening. Ted Olhava of Chicago called on McHenry friends Saturday. .... Mrs. A,-:J. Grever, accompanied by.' her sister-in-law, Misa (Grever, of Harvard, spent a fevr days the past week in the home of the former's siater in Neenali* Wis. ' Lend Uncle Sam iTour Dollars Easter Toys For all ages See Our Complete Selection of Infant's Wear and Toys ... For MOM • DUSTERS • BLOUSES • HOSIERY ' • DRESSES For BOYS No-Iron Nylon • SPORT SHIRTS* • UNDERWEAR Fancy Print • T - SHIRTS Pistol Pete • FANCY BELTS Here's a Gift for the Whole Family to Enjoy . . . YOUNG PARAKEETS Week-end ONLY! 1 For D AD Sport • SHIRTS • PAJAMAS • SOCKS • BELTS For GIRLS • BLOUSES • SKIRTS • PAJAMAS "Little Stinker" •PANTIES Sizes 2*8 WATCH FOR OUR NEW WEEKLY SPECIALS FEATURE! McHenry Dept. Store 103 No. Riverside Drive1 Phone 459 McHenry, I1L A S S E T S 1. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection .. .$ 1,713,794.W| 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures 5. Corporate stocks 6. Loans and discounts (including $3018.73 overdrafts) 7. Banks premises owned $1.00, ftirniture and fixtures $1.00 • • • 3,567,944.75 492,091.76 318,000.00 6,000.00 4,279,805.62 2.001 12. TOTAL ASSETS $10,377,639.09 L I A B I L I T I E S 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $ 4,883,384.55 [ 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 4,233,838.04 15. Deposits of United States Government (Including postal savings) ^.22,083.3^ 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 418,312.32 18. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc) 178,627.31 16. TOTAL DEPOSITS $9,836,245.56 I 23. Other liabilities 76,344.65 124. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below) $ 9,912,590.21 __L_ _ ^ C A P I T A L A C C O U N T S 25. Capital $ 100,000.00 26. Surplus 100,000.00 27. Undivided profits 112,548.88 28. Reserves 152,500.00 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 465,048.88 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS .$10,377,639.09 ' " ' M M E M O R A N D A . I 31. Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and j for other purposes $ 641,500.60 S3, (a) Loans as shown above are after deductioii of reserves of 77,453.08 I, Robert L. Weber, Cashier, of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly represents tfre true state of the several matters herein con- j tained and set forth, to the best of my knowledge and belief. ROBERT L. WEBER I Ever feel a twinge of envy when you see a '55 Oldsmobife step out? Most folks do! But there's no reason to deny yourself the thrills and fun of a "Rocket" fide! You're invited to take the whe€l... to get the feel of the "Rocket" 202 Engine , to enjoy the distinction of that trend-setting ' "Go-Ahead" look! Perhaps you will want to drive the sensational new Holiday Sedan illustrated here . . . and well have one ready! Stop in ... you're sure to find the going's great in a "Rocket 8"! Correct--Attest: W. A. NYE, M.D. GERALD J. CAREY C. J. REIHANSPERGER1 Directors \" State of Illinois, County of McHenry, » ss: Sworn to and 'subscribed before me this 4th day of April, 19o5. | (SEAL) My commission expires March 3, 1959. VERNE E. HARRISON, I Notary Public' McHenry County •rockbv" •NOINB COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION! R. J. Overton Motor Sales 403 Front street pum 6 mmimmmm DON'T MISS OLDSMOBILE'S GALA •0»MINUTB APRIL "SPECTACULAR" • SAT., APRIL 9 • NBC-TV •--