Vw -t *••*» ' " t.f --*<y>**».~ • .. * **»•;• ti£ McHENRt PtAntlSEALfiR •S-it. ". r^.l •»' J *•._,£&.:• J>\:i ' .ijj. ft* THAT'S H FRET v irsi-..|: SNOWBOUND €j&«EIP Tue COMXOflEN PueiK!« New IHR.MCT - levsre winters bklv settucw wntlSvi^p SNOW ecacwiwAoecvroF xufce mam KETTIJ* ' TifP TO TMSl* Sieptfes/ mrmt-ntMhtvut us.sAriHi* W W.V >CU 55 mMnTWWMMTT/.' THAT M2AN0 >pent kiC »<*TM IN LESS TXAN (OVENfe TOT gVERV f 57. S? SPENT"NOW WILL U CHEESE STORY BUNNIN®, OUT O» l'pAu-9 I « 8'j'iti'iCfMrrrr AMNCN NAVAL CAPTAIN JOHN dOT LOAD6D' «MTM (WI)H.UNO ctgtP . ONTfcEfE WMV. HE fccoeco A piRetr HIT amp SENT-Tut BOS StfujRfc ifv.i ito OUT O* fcANfce/ IN\'ES1 IN U.S. sAMNGS BONDS V KE'TME BEST-OMRPED SECURITIES IN Twfc WCX?LC',J?EME«6£S.THIS -- EACH |{£ 0AVIN6S BOMP YOU BUY 15 BACKED 1005 Bv ItaMflppS AMWCWI.' vott OWE '"T» TO vOURSELP ANP nCVII? PAMILV TO »TAKT SAVHt* MOW/ , • _ By Marie Schaettgen I I Pan-American i April 11 and to 17 is one week (the year when the American ion auxiliary plans many and activities to salute «pir Central and Bouth American neighbors. , $ These programs are designed With a view toward improving ^ur understanding of our neighbors and cementing oar existing friendships. i'Th&aghout mte country there T^ill be speakers on the problerti of imterrAm«riean relations. Many (Oil the auxiliary's junior members Will dress dolls in a nation-wide contest conducted as part of the Pan-American study program. * Honde Nursing Training In the interest of Civil Defense 'tile American Legion and its efjipcimairy are irrgLrtg wejjien .to volunteer for home Parsing (training. This training is valuable hot oinly in the event of attack but slab in other disasters such as storms, floods, fires and other unexpected crises. However, should such emergency fail to anise, which, of course, is the deepest hope in our hearts, the training will assist you in caring for the minor emergencies in your own home. It will greatly increase your ability to care for your own sick ones. A woman, trained in home nursing is a valuable family and community asset. - • • LINCOLN PLAQUE A few days ago Gov. William G. Stratton found a bronze plaque of Abraham Lincoln-stored away in a closet in the governor's office in the State House; The 22x33-ineh tablet, bearing Lincoln's profile and a quotation of his views on labor and property, was cast by direction of Gov. Henry Horner and exhibited, at Chicago's 1933 Century of Progress Exposition. Subsequently it was shippecf back to 'Spttagfiekl. The plaque has been mounted on a wall at the entrance to the State Historical Library in the Centennial building. Lend Uncle Sam Your Dollars Shop at Home and SAVE! "Car Tunes" By Jusien "He keeps asking for a new set of Bpark plugs from JUSTEN'S STANDARD SERVICE!" Complete Car Service All makes & models. We 6!t$ Cash Discount RED STAMPS JUSTEN'S standard service Corner of 126 A Richmond Rd. Phone 1150 McHenry, III. new oil-rich permanents by HUTRI-TONIC Waves gentler in little as 10 minutes because , althost Vs is Oil Creme Base (patented) * YES, ALMOST % IS OIL CREME BASE (PATENTED). The,oil-rich creaminess helps protect your hair's natural texture add lustir while waving so gently. Curls are softer, more natural-looking from the moment first combed out. v * ONLY NUTR1-T0NJC GIVES DEEP-DOWN WAVING. Fantastic new Customizes developed by Nutri- Tonic, causes more thorough waving deep inside hairshaft, for firmer, more durable cur/j-than any other pin curl permanent. * WAVES IN L I T T L E AS 10 M I N U T E S . Also gives fastest permanent, start to finish, because of exclusive deep-down waving--and patented Oil Creme base. Pin Corl Perraapent *4 eh Complete with Bob-pins •fwU and Neck Curlers I *#t*r Nitrl-TMle RtflKt far Hu wttk CmvotHmiI Carters NUTRI-TONIC PERMANENT with Oil Creme Base (patented) BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 108 % fireen.St. PHONE 40 McHenry, 111 Cdiicer Danger Signals Many people are alive today because they received prompt and adequate medical treatment when cancer was in its early stages. Miss Pauline Brimihall, health education specialist at the University of Illinois, says your health and that of your loved ones can best be protected by seeing your doctor regularly for check-ups even though you feel well. Cancer can strike anyone, so it'is up to you to safeguard your own life by learning the danger signals and consulting1 your doctor eiarly if you suspect cancer. There are seven danger signals that may mean cancel-. 1. Any sore that does not heal. 2. A lump or thickening in the breast or elsewhere. Unusual -oieeding or discharge. V4. Any change in a wart or mole. 5. Persistent indigestion or difficulty in swallowing. 6. Persistent hoarseness or cougfh. 7. Any change in normal bowel habits. There are three recognized treatments that have cured thousands of cancer patients: Xray ^radium and surgery. No cancer has ever cured itself or been cured by pills, salves or any other "home remedy." Cancer can be cured only by early medical ^treatment. Low Cosi Fuel Al Your Door Why use out-moded fuels with ail the extra work they cause? We will deliver convenient, thrifty, safe Bottled Gas direct to your door, wherever you live. ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE "McHenry County's Leading Hardware" Phone 284 601 Main St. McHenry, 111. PROFE^IOnRL DIRECTORV B TTNF B EXTERIOR DECORATING Free Estimates Fritzches Estates PHONE S60-R-2 SIGN DESIGN Chain-O-Lakes Region Point Of Sale Advertising; Specialists in SUk Screen Printing oh Any Surface in Any Quantity Quickly and Reliably. Complete Art. and Design Service . Day Glow Printing lift. It Ringwood, 111. Telephone: Wonder Lake 5101 DR. G. R. SWANSON -Dentist Office Honrs: Dally Except Thursday 9 to -12 -- 1:80 to 5:80 Mon* Wed. .and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 FRANK S. MAY BLACK DIRT Sand - Gravel - Driveways Excavating Route 5, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 6S0-S1-1 Sand LlmeStone VERN THELEN Excavating Gravel Blacs Dirt Dredging TeL McHenry 1886 Box 640, Rt. 1, McHenry, HL A. P. FRBUND A SONS Excavating Contractors Tracking, Hydraulio and Crane Service -- ROAD. BUILDING -- Tel. 204.M McHenry, DL EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When Yon Need Insnraooe of Any Kind PHONE 48 or OSS Green ft Elm McHenry^Ill. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS, Ornamental & Structural, .Steel Visit Otir Showrooms - 8 Miles Souht on RC Si PHONE 050 Thursday. Ap^U 14.195S dm thorhan telU another to &me see.. . coihe save at A&R here'$ why on scores of itemsj^Jnstead of on just afew& "Super-Right" Choice Qualify, Blade-Cut Beef Pckft'Rf ttdy, Sold Whole or Cut-Up HUNDREDS OF LOW, LOW PRIC lona Select Quality BARTLETT PEARS IN LIGHT SYRUP 29*oz. tin 29c A*P GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ft Canned Hams Super-Right" Quality RIB Ground Beef "XST Plate Boiling Beef Beef Slew, Bonelees PSl»fl!nO Cooked or Smohd • IwniwO "Supar-Right" Qualify, 4 to 8 lbs. Thick Sliced Bacon 5up F:nt R,, ! 2 lbl. 93* $2«9 III. lb. I.si Thru lb 6th Rib ,D- •b. 39c ib. 15c ib. 59c it 33* Fish SHckl Large Shrimp Cap'n John's Fancy Froitn Fancy Agar or Q Swift's W "SUPER-RIGHt" SAUSAGE VALUES! PORK SAUSAGE SMOKIES SKINLESS FRANKS BOLOGNA.^ large or small LIVER SAUSAGE Ib. roll 29c 12-oz. pkg. 43c Ib. 43c Ib. 45c Ib. 45c I OUTFINEST QUALITY 46-oz. tins 39° in Syrup LEMON JUICE Reconitituted Ocaan Spray Our Finest Quality A&P Royal Anne Cherries A&P Grapefruii Sections A&P Pineapple Chunks lona Apricots Halves u"p"l,d ReaLemon Cranberry Sauce Bole Sliced Pinoapplo A&P Pineapple «luiee A&P Fancy Sliced Beels Golden Cream Corn ""i"" A&P Sauerkraut Green At(iatagus Mlchi'" Hiblets Mexicorn lona Green Peas lona Cut Green Beans Quality Campbell's Soup ,.;v^i. Swift's Babies' Meal Strained Beechnut Junior Foods 29" ^ i&-oz. 20i°„'- 29e J'^29» quart AQc bottle ^ w 2 f,r 38c 3 =?-,$|oo ^ 27* 2 23c 2 'rZ 23c •» 23c Florida, Sweet JUICE Florida, 80 Size 5 35' Fresh, 9 Site CUBAN PINEAPPLES Each Winesap Apples Delicious 2 ib, 29c California Carries T Washed" ^ 2lbb.V'k 19c Calif. Cauliflower ST2V S™' each Cut With Peppers Swest and Tender |I4'/J-oi. • tins 45' Rose Bushes New Yellow Onions California Broccoli Texas Grown 29c Florida Green Beans ea 79c Oalifornia Pascal Celery 3 it,. 29° California Asparagus 25c Fancy Cecoanjils 24 Size bunch 40-50 Size * * stalls 25* ib. 25c 2 fw 25° •it 2 'L0.1- 31° 2't 25® |QC 2'°itr25c 23,tr39c 2 27' RHTLEY MARMRIKE COLORED, IN QUARTERS -- FROZEN FOOB VALUES Tangerine Juice >vw Pineapple Chunks L£* 2'%r29° Strawberries "s Peaches Libby's Cut Corn Seabrook Fresh Sweet 3 25c 2 'X 49c 2'^r29c Sweet and 4 10-oz. OOq Tender ™ pkgs. PURE PRESERVES ANN PAGE STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY 21" 59 3 Mb. ctns. Betty Crocki#, Pillsbury, Swansdown, Dromedary Panc^lteiand Waffle Mi* Cake Mixes luni Jemima Nabisco Graham Crackers Sawyer Salline Crackers Wheaties Cereal 3 2 X. 35* rt 29° lb 23c ORANGE CHIFFON SAKE JANE PARKER FINE TEXTURED REG. PRICE 5$c Large C^ke 45 Breakfast of Champions pk«. I2-oi. pig. 21* Sliced Potato Bread Cinnamon Rolls 16-oz. loaf 1% 25c Ann Page TemafoSoup Sullana Salad Dressing Our Own Tea Bags Sultana Stuffed Olives Longhorn Cheese Blue Cheese Wi. Mel-OBil Sharp Ched-O-Bit Cheese Food Pineapple Cottage Cheese Swiss Cheese Wis. Drink It Hot or Cold Rich Full Flavor Mellow and Aq<d Cheese Slices 48 count Sliced or Chunk quart 53« Jge ib. 45* ib. 59« 1:; 27* 39* 27* i,55* THIS WEEK BIS TISSUE BUYI Northern Tissue 3 25 DIGS OUT DIRT Lava Hand Soap 2""23c HARDWATER SOAP Kirk's Castilo 3 rr 29e CUTS SREASE INSTANTLY Kitchen Klenzer 3 25c Golden Whole Kernel Gertar's Fine Quality--Strained .. Nabisco Fredi, FlivOrful Thin, Crisp Cockers Peter Pan Corn Wesson Salad Oil 33° Baby Foods Graham Crashers Sawyer Saltiiies Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ravioli Lux Liquid Detergent 20 Mule Team Borax American Family Detergent Ideal Dog pood 2 r 23c quart bottle QV 34y4-oz. A Ac iar% /to 29° 23 25G 39c 10-OZ. IAc Pk9- |9 2Urq * CCc pkgs. HQ 7 k ^ 100-ft. roll Ib. Pk«. lb. QQC pkg. 16-ox. tin 12-oz. tin Pk9*. of 12 Modess 2 Butterfinger Bars Baby Ruth Bars A&P Tomato Juice Corned Beef Hash Broadcast Redi-Meat n /• Zrfsty Flavor Broadcast Brand ^ Ready to Serve 25' .11*. 9Se of six < 4r35e 24::43c tin 3 2 - $|oo tins J FOREMOST FOO|> KtAll» . . . SINCE 1859 AtUNTIC A'fACIFIC TEA COMPANY itill prices effective through April 16ih